The Cinderella Punk

By crazymeltzar

56.5K 1.4K 212

Meet Elle. She's nothing but a plain nerdy girl with over sized spectacles. Yeah, hard to believe. On top of... More

The Cinderella Punk [Edited]
Escaping the Monsters (edited)
A Fight to Remember (edited)
An Early Morning Surprise [part 1] (Edited)
An Early Morning Surprise [part 2] (Edited)
The people who care about you (Edited)
Why did he do that? [EDITED]
Come back to me [Edited]
The day just couldn't get any better [Edited]
Pain [Edited]
Nightmare [Edited]
Bloody broken glass [Edited]
Demon Mask [Edited]
Blue eyes, green eyes [Edited]
Scents [Edited]
Slip of the tongue [Edited]
Deadly Dance of the Demon [Edited]
Kidnapped [Edited]
Do you trust me? [Edited]
Do your trust me? [Part 2] [Edited]
The Map [Edited]
The Library [Part 1] [Edited]
The Library [Part 2][Edited]
The Garden Room [Edited]
Danger in the maze [Edited]
Confessions [Edited]
Revealed [Edited]
Getting to know you [part 1] [Edited]
Getting to know you [part 2][Edited]
The Battle [Edited]
the Battle [part 2][Edited]
Mourning [Edited]
Friendship [Edited]
Miracle Part 1 [Edited]
Miracle Part 2 [Edited]
Relief and Pain Part 1 [Edited]
Relief and Pain Part 2 [Edited]
House not Home Part 1 [Edited]
House not home Part 2 [Edited]
Happily Never After [Edited]
Leave [Edited]
Heatwave Part 1 [Edited]
Heatwave Part 2 [Edited]
Epilogue [Edited]

Changed [Havoc's story] [Edited]

1.3K 41 12
By crazymeltzar

Hey guys! :) so this is in Havoc's POV :D hehe hope you guys enjoyed it i diefintely enjoyed myself writn this! :D So VOTE! COMMENT! VOTE! Love ya'll




I watched as her eyes burned into mine. The dark chocolate of her eyes melting into a softer hazel shade, the effect mesmerizing against the light of the moon. Her petite hands that cupped my face was soft against the roughness of my skin. Yet, the familiar weight against my jaw brought me such contentment.

"Would you?" her voice was like the tinkling of bells, so pure and enchanting. "Do you trust me?"

I smiled under my mask. What kind of question was that? It was a fact, something that I knew without question.

"Yes, I trust you."

When I uttered those words, I couldn't help but notice how right it felt to say that. To hold her in my arms and look into her beautiful chocolate eyes that never failed to make me weak. I was drowning in them and I never wanted to get out.

The effect she had on me was like no other. When I held her, this woman, in my arms, my heart would never cease to beat faster. My palms would get sweaty and I would become a tongue-tied fool. Me, the silver tongue "prince" that was the object of affection for many girls. Even with all the power I had in me, she could make me kneel with one look from her beautiful, perfect eyes.


I had never sought after the power. It was something I was born with. But it had never manifested itself in any profound way, other than the occasional birds or small animals that would follow me around. I lived a perfectly normal, average student life, free of the drama, free of the unneeded attention.

But then, all of that changed when I entered middle school.

Maybe the power ripened, or maybe it was just waiting for the right time to show itself. But whatever happened to me on the night of my 13th birthday, changed me. I woke up, drenched in sweat, the vividness of the nightmare imprinted into my mind.

I was chained to the floor of a dirty cellar. Nothing but thin scraps of clothing to cover myself. Pain was all I felt. It encapsulated me, it filled every nook and cranny of my thoughts. There was so much pain, to the point where I though that death had sunk its claws into me.

But I was mistaken. It was not death rather and entity that had lodged itself into my soul, and assimilated with it. When I woke up, all I could feel was that my body was lighter than before, but my soul, it felt different, changed in a way that I couldn't comprehend. 

Until the moment I started interacting with people.

People started gravitating to me. They started wanting my attention. And soon I found them to be heeding my every command. I was frightened yet fascinated by the power that I had. It was wonderful, it was painful and it was a darkness that threatened to eclipse my world.

It wasn't long before I learned to control the monstrous power within me. But though I dulled the effects of the darkness, people were still affected by it. To the point where the popularity, the 'friends', it all felt fake, like the world was merely a play, an act that I had to continuously put on. No longer was I the average boy with an average life. I was now in the in-crowd. For a while, it felt good. That I couldn't deny. When you get a taste of that fame, that popularity, it was addicting. A drug in your veins. So easy could you lose yourself to it.

But my miracle appeared.

It was the night after the first high school football game. That night, I turned down the invitation to the party in celebration of our win. I just felt like had to be alone for awhile. The urge was so strong that I couldn't ignore it. So I made an excuse and escaped into the night.

That night, the air was crisp and cold. I remember taking a deep breath. I felt so free, right there in the night. Like so many other times, I began running, letting my muscles lose as I zipped pass trees, houses and buildings. I was comfortable in the night, like I was part of it.

As I was running along my usual route, something caught my eye. A petite woman clad in skin tight jeans was hauling a large sack behind her. Curious, I decided to take a closer look. The urge was too strong to resist so I edged closer to her.

The petite woman was huffing as she struggled to drag the sack behind her. Her hair was disheveled and her face red with exertion. Not thinking twice, I jogged up to her.

"Hey there miss! Need any help?"

"Oh yes, yes please," she huffed, her cheeks rosy with the effort she put in to haul the load.

"Could you help me carry this into my truck over there?" She asked breathlessly, pointing to a red Chevy park just a few feet away.

I nodded and reached down to lift the sack up to my shoulders with ease. The woman's eyes widened in surprise for a moment, before a big smile spread across her face. I hauled the load into the back of her truck, all too aware of her piercing gaze at the back of my head.

"Thank you," the lady said a cheerful smile on her face.

"No problem."

As I was about to turn to continue on with my jogging, I was stopped short when I felt fingers wrap around my wrist. I turned to look at the woman, arching an eyebrow at her. She smiled at me, dimples appearing in her cheeks.

"Why don't I buy you a drink for helping me? It's cold out tonight. Let's get some hot chocolate, shall we?" She asked as she pulled me to her truck without waiting for my answer.

I didn't know how a woman half my sized managed it, but soon I was strapped and ready to go in the passenger seat of her truck. I was still staring at the women in mute shock as she started the engine truck.

She flashed me a smile and pulled out of the drive way. I was stunned. Never had I met anyone who could resist the power that I so unconsciously projected. It was as if she was immune to it. 

"Hey I'm a married woman you know," she said laughingly, when she caught me staring unabashedly.

Embarassed, I quickly turned my gaze away. But my fascination with her grew. Though I spoke sparsely, it did not perturb her as she continued to chat at me merrily, totally unaware of the black aura swirling around me. We drove out of town and got ourselves each a giant cup of hot chocolate coupled with chocolate donuts with ice frosting.

This petite woman with curls and a youthful face was nothing like her age of fifty four. In fact she looked to be half her age and even acted as one. She was constantly smiling, her aura a welcoming one. Soon I found myself loosing up, and enjoying my time with in her company.

"So what were you doing running in the streets alone at night?"

The question was so casually asked that I almost overlooked the shrewed glint in her eyes. I took a moment, and sipped on my chocolate drink. I glanced at her from over the rim of my mug, scanning her aura - that was free of malicious intent.

"Running helps me take my mind of some things," I replied after a while, leaning back against the seat and looking out the window as a light sheen of rain started outside the cafe.

"You look like you are missing some light in your life."

I started at the comment and glanced at her from the corner of my eyes. The woman who had introduced herself as Samantha was resting her head on her hand, as she leaned forward to face me, a small, gentle smile on her face.

"Light huh? That's an odd way to put it."

"Well, life's a test. The darkness may seem to overshadow the light, but the light is still there," she said softly.

I turned to look at her questioningly. She chuckled at me and raised her left hand, showing a a simple yet beautiful gold band that sat on her ring finger.

"Things happen and we make choices that sometimes may end up bad but in some ways are good. We just haven't seen it yet. Trust me. I'm not such a great decision maker myself but after all this time, I can't help but feel lucky." 

Her face soften as she gazed at her wedding ring.

"I've landed myself a good fortune you know? I have a wonderful husband who loves me for who I am and I have a pretty great job, one that I enjoy. And it's all thanks to the decisions I made," she said, a small smile on her face.

I stared at her face that reflected contentment and I didn't have to read her aura to know how happy she was. It made me wonder what she did to make herself that happy with her life.

"What's your job?" I asked, resting my head on my hand.

I watched curiously as Samantha chewed on her lip, her eyes skirting away from mine.

"What's wrong Samantha? Did I say something wrong?"

"No, no," Samantha said distractedly. She was silent for a moment as she looked at me, as if weighing something in her mind. 


Suddenly she broke out into a brilliant smile that had me raising my brows in surprise. "It's decided, I'm going to show you what I do for a living."

"What? Really?" 

She chuckled at my expression and tugged at my hand.

"I'm only doing this cause I have this feeling in me... I don't know how to tell it to you but... I sense that you are meant for something great..." She whispered to me, her voice trailing at the end.

I stayed silent. I didn't know what to say.

She flashed me a reassuring smile and dragged me back to her truck. We drove in silence  back to town and wll the while I resisted the urge to interogate her of our destination.

New buildings passed and soon, we were on a street  lined by old, dilapitated houses.  I glanced at Samantha, her face set in concentration as she began to turn onto a deserted looking road. I turned to her.

"You're not a secretly a serial killer looking to kidnap and kill me right?" I asked, half-teasingly.

Samantha laughed heartily at me.

"I think you would know if I was going to kill you," she said, stiffling the rest of her laughter.

It did occur to me that there was something special about Samantha.  No doubt she had sensed my aura, it was only that she was not affected by it. And that fact itself made me cautious of her.

Suddenly she stopped and parked her truck in an abandoned looking garage. Turning off the engine, she unsnapped her safety belt and made a move to exit the truck.

"We go by foot from here." 

I looked at her warily and she laughed.

"No need to be suspicious, I'm just taking you through the long way. I'll show you the short cut later," she said with a wink.

Deciding to give her my trust for a little while longer, I follower her as she took me through the convoluted alleys. Though pitch black, she made her way confidently through the twist and turns, never once stopping to think of her next move. We walked for a while in silence and I was about to ask her where we were going until we came face to face with a great iron door. My eyes widened as I took in the massive door. Samantha stepped forward to the iron door and knocked it three times. The pigeon hole slipped open and light spilled into the darkness of the alley.


"Susan, it's me," Samantha said and instantly, the big iron door swung open.

My eyes widened slightly as a large, beady-eyed woman, filled the doorway.

"Who's this?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at me.

I simply jerked my thumb at Samantha who laughed and patted the women on the shoulder, informing her at the same time that I was with her and pulled me quickly into a warm room. Light filled my vision, blinding me momentarily, howls piercing my ears. When my vision cleared, my eyes widened in surprised as I took in the scene before me.

Bodies were crowded together around what seemed to be a gigantic fighting ring illuminated by high powered beams hanging from the ceiling.  Hands were pumped into the air as the deafening cacophony of screams, cheering, whooping and hollering added to the heated atmosphere. 

The room seemed to be electrified as I watched a familiar figure walked confidently onto the ring, standing in the middle, his figure large and imposing with his wild hair sticking in all directions.

I could barely comprehend what I was seeing. The man who delivered an uppercut effortlessly to the face of his opponent was a legend. The man who had retired from professional fighting 5 years ago. 

"Bloody hell," I whispered, awed as I watched my childhood fighter battle it out in the ring. "That's Tombstone..."

I watched as he lifted a man off his feet and threw him right out of the ring. I couldn't contain my excitement and whooped along with the others as we watched Tombstone roar his victory, pumping his fist to the air. 

Laughter from my side had me turning to face a smiling Samantha. 

"This is my job," she said. "I'm a professional mixed-marital arts fighter."

"That's insane," I breathed out shell-shocked.

I could not believe this petite woman who was older than my mother, was a professional fighter, much less a mixed-martial artist. Samantha laughed as she took in my incredulous look and slapped me on the shoulder. 

"Don't judge a book by its cover, boy," she smirked.

Just then I heard the sound of the bell ding. I turned to watch as a little man stepped on stage, a mike in his hand. He took in a big breath and let out a loud whoop that had the crowed cheering along with him. He turned in a huge circle, a mega-watt smile on his face.

"Alright folks, prepare to get fired up cause you aint seen nothing yet!   Ladies and gentlemen, introducing to you the fire that burns anything and everything in its path. She's fast, she's strong and you better think twice about going up against her. Give a loud shout out to the one, the only, CINDER PUNK!"

That was when everything changed. The moment that my world turned over. It was like the ground under me shifted and I was thrown into a parallel universe. My eyes were glued to the ring as I watched a girl, so graceful with her long brown hair flowing behind her like a cape walk to the center of the ring, her movements graceful and elegant. 

Her face was clad with a white mask with ivory lines streaking across it. It was done so artfully that I couldn't seem to take my eyes off it. She was lean, with soft curves, looking like a delicate princess out of a fairytale. She was dressed in brown leather pants that hugger her curve lovingly, paired with a black, long sleeved pullover. 

She should have looked out of place, an angel amonst mortals, but there she stood confidently right under the spotlight with the crowd chanting her name.

I watched with a lump in my throat as she threw her head back, her neck arching gracefully, her arms spread wide. Her eyes were closed and she stood with her feet apart. Her long hair cascaded down her back, reflecting the light like the rippling surface of a lake. I was barely aware that the little man had announced her competitor. All I saw was her. The beautiful archangel standing right before me.

I watched in amazement as she took out her opponent in less than three minutes. She moved like a she was dancing a deadly, graceful dance, her movements smooth and efficient. I could see that she had captured the attention of the whole crowd, wrapping them up in her spell. She moved across the ring, every step, every move mesmerizing, bewitching.

Cheers rose as she deliver a hard punch to her opponent's face. The huge man swayed before falling down flat on his face with a thunderous thud. Silence filled the room for a heart beat before the sharp ding of the bell fractured the silence. A thunderous roar of applause went up as the angel in front of me was proclaimed the winner.

"Woah," I breath, running a hand through my hair.

I heard a chuckle beside me and turned to see Samantha who was clinging to the arms of a burly looking man. He appeared intimidating at a glance but the way that he lovingly held his wife gave him away. He reached out a hand to me, a kind smile on his face.

"Hey. I'm Gary, Samantha's husband. Awesome fight, huh?"

I looked back to the ring and was disappointed to find that my archangel was gone.

"Yeah, it was," I mumbled under my breath, my eyes searching the crowd for her.

When I couldn't find her, I suppressed the disappointment that rose sharply. Sighing, I turned back to find Gary and Samantha watching me with a knowing look in their eyes. I cleared my throat and looked away uncomfortably. 

Samantha walked up to me, a gentle smile of her face and placed a hand on my arm. "You're welcomed here anytime." 

It was an invitation I couldn't resist, not if it allowed me another chance to see my angel.

And that was how my luck started. Not only was I able to live as my true self, to find meaning in my dull life but I was able to meet the most incredible girl in the world. She was my angel, my light in the darkness...


"Then close your eyes," her sweet voice whispered to me.

I did as she asked and held my breath. What was she doing? 

Then suddenly, she took my hand. My heart nearly stopped when the tips of my finger touched her soft skin. My breath caught in my throat when I felt her long lashes, her elegantly craved nose. My breathing became ragged as she trailed my fingers lower over her face. I couldn't believe I was touching her face, the face that I so desired to see without a mask but I couldn't; not with my eyes closed. And when I touched her soft lips, I almost gave into the urge but tampered it down swiftly. I knew she would turn away the moment I opened my eyes.

"Angel," I groaned. She was killing me.

My heart thundered in my chest, an inferno building up in my body as her soft, velvet lips pressed softly against the palm of my hand. Her touch branded me all the way to my soul. She then lead my hand into tracing the perfect contour of her face.

For a moment, my heart leapt when I felt the thin line of the scar on her face. I clenched my jaw, willing the murderous intent, having no doubt that if I were to ever meet the wretch that hurt my Angel, I would tear her to pieces.

My Angel then curved my hand so I was cupping her soft face and in that moment, everything fell away as I felt her lean slightly into my touch. Her face felt so fragile and soft in my palms that I was afraid I would hurt her if I held her too hard. Oh how I longed to see the face of my archangel. The desire was so strong within me. I wanted, no needed to see her.

"Do you trust me Havoc?" Her voice was in my ear. The voice that I yearned to hear so much that I even took it to my dreams. The voice that tied me to her.

"Absolutely," I answered without hesitation. There was no need to do so.

Just then I felt the cold wind hit my face as my mask was lifted over my face. Right then, I didn't care if she saw who I was. In fact, I wanted that. But I knew my Angel. Just as expected, she didn't remove my mask completely.

"I never felt this way for anyone before," she whispered to me and I felt my heart skip a beat. "I felt so cold for so long. But you put this heat back into me."

My heart was beating a tattoo into my chest. My Angel... 

"Thank you Havoc, for bringing me back to life."

And what happened next was like nothing in my wildest dream. The feeling that crashed into me robbed me of my breath, my thoughts. When her lips touched mine, it was like a brand that burned into my body, straight into my soul. It was like wildfire racing thought the forest, consuming everything in its path. I struggled to keep my eyes close. I so badly wanted to see the face of the woman I was kissing. The woman who haunted my dreams. The woman who managed to wind herself so tightly in my heart that it was impossible to get her out.

"Keep your eyes closed," she told me.

And when she pressed those soft lips of hers to mine again, I gave into the burning desire within me and deepened the kiss, holding her tighter to me. I kissed her soundly, pouring my heart into the kiss. I wanted her to feel what I was feeling. I wanted to make her mine so badly; the feeling consumed me day and night. And that moment, when I could feel our souls joining together, I was sure that this girl was made for me. The feeling was weird but I welcomed it. It was like we were welded together, heart and soul. I knew without a doubt that I lost my heart and soul to this woman.

She filled all the dark corners of my being, the light through the darkness. And never would I regret giving up my soul to my Angel.


I hope you enjoyed it! :) VOTE! COMMENT! VOTE! :) :P

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