Twisted Bound


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"He's just a friend." I whispered my heart beating wildly in my chest,"You call yourself my fiancé when you w... More

Cast and author's note.
Chapter-1 How it begins
Chapter-2 leaving everything behind
Chapter-3 Decision made
Chapter-4 welcome to his world
Chapter-5 The three musketeers
Chapter-6 First day in highschool
Chapter-8 One rule broken already
Chapter-9 First kiss
Chapter-10 There's no us
Chapter-11 Eyes on me
Chapter-12 Stephen
Chapter-13 A birthday gone wrong
Chapter-14 Brothers
Chapter-15 Dinner with his gang
Chapter-16 Drunken words
Chapter-17 Bruised and bloodied
Chapter-18 The fear
Chapter-19 Madrid
Chapter-20 Engagement party
Chapter-21 A soft side
Chapter-22 Zayn
chapter-23 Mariella
Chapter-24 The meeting
Chapter-25 Stalker
Chapter-26 Hate
Chapter-27 The bitter reality
Chapter-28 Adamos
Chapter-29 Moving on
Chapter-30 He's back
Chapter-31 Angelo's Truth
Chapter-32 Future
Chapter-33 Leading on
Chapter-34 She's back
Chapter-35 Burn
Chapter-36 The reason
Chapter-37 Confessions
Chapter-38 Break
Chapter-39 pain
Chapter- 40 awake
Chapter- 41 Love
Chapter-42 Fiancé
Chapter-43 Epilogue

Chapter-7 He hates me

11.2K 303 93

~You pushed her away when she didn't want to be away from you that's what broke her heart ~

I give out a tired groan crashing on the couch. "So how was your first day at school princess?"

Xander appears with a bag of Doritos and a huge bottle of milk in his hand. "Cazzone! It looks like you're sipping cum!"

Comes Elizus voice I give out a roar of laughter and clutch my stomach ,Xander pukes all the milk in front of him and curses nonchalantly.

"Now it looks like you just cummed." I say in a duh -tone elizus gives out a chuckle ,while Xander only growls in annoyance.

"Vaffanculo!" Xander snaps passing us one of his deadliest glares then storms outside.

Me and Elizus give each other a look before busting in a fits of laughter,"Serves this dick right for what stunt he pulled out in the morning."

He mumbles before fixing his gaze upon me, "Princess how was your day?"

"Don't call me princess!" I scowl rolling my eyes, "That's childish."

"Oh come on! Princess." He sticks his tongue out.


"As to school it went fine." I stress out the word fine, Elizus narrows his eyes curiously before jumping on the couch sitting next to me.

"What's wrong?"

"It's not that people weren't nice or anything they were really friendly -"

Elizus mutters something under his breath so low but I still catch it,"To you only."

I dismiss the confusion building inside by what he said but I still carry on.

Will ask him later.

"Elizus erm my friend Elisa told me something today -" I start awkwardly he ushers me to continue.

"Is it true when you graduate from high school boys sort off claim you ?"

His eyes slightly widens by the sudden question but he regains his expression back to normal.

"Yes it's true in mafia world we claim girls as our own but only one your not allowed to have mistresses and whores whatever you call that shit and young girls and boys studying in highschool can have fun but are not allowed to get emotionally attached" He explains in a rough voice.

"You mean you can't have girlfriends or boyfriends,not get emotionally attached- wait-"

"That's bullshit !that makes no sense how come I never heard off this before?" I quip while huffing.

Elizus gives out a heavy sigh. "It's hard to explain our world is really different from outside." He states blankly.

I play with my fingers which are currently settled on my lap."So have you chosen - the girl of your dreams?" I blurt out stupidly.

His experience turns cold as his fist clenches."Yeah I have," He smirks blankly making me narrow my eyes at him His lips curls upwards noticing my confused expression."She's not mature yet."

I give out a gasp knowing where he's going with this conversation."Oh my God!How old is she!?"

He chuckles nervously, "I saw her there in the park eating a bar of chocolate crying hysterically and oh lily the moment I saw her crying I was a goner I wanted to kill whoever caused her pain I went to her but obviously she flinched away from me she was soo scared so innocent so pure the moment our eyes connected I knew she was mine-fúck! She had to be mine." I mentally aww listening to Elizus rambling about,'his mysterious little girl'

I'm pretty sure in the future they'll be so cute. "Oo someone's whipped," I tease slightly he rolls his eyes dramatically. "Don't tell this to anyone no one knows not even Xander. "

He gives out a warning making me chuckle,"Of course you have my word. "

"And to reply your question she's fifteen."

"Oh wow, wait what!?" I give out a shrill."That's pretty young." I agree

He sighs, "I know but I'll wait."

"Elizus what happens when you break the rules and get emotionally involved?"

A dark look forms in his eyes and he smirks but it's not your typical smirk the smirk screams so much more.

Danger first thing flashes in my mind.

"You die."


"Lily come on!" Eli whines she's been continuously babbling about a party that's been thrown by some popular 'gangster ' named Ashton.

"I - I don't know Eli I don't think Adam will would appreciate me going to a random party, " that was a total no no who am I even kidding here ?Adam won't let me go he hates parties especially when I'm the one going there.

"Lily your new you're already famous and have fans shockingly Ashton would be lucky knowing that the boss's fiancé is coming to his party I suggest you come to the party young lady." She snorts making leo chuckle.

"Lily this young lady right here is absolutely right." Sarcasm laces every word he says He mouths 'don't listen to her' which leads him a slap on his chiseled chest. "Shut up." she snaps her nose flaring.

Woah looks like someone can't take the joke.

"Gee calm down Eli he's just kidding." I punch her on the arm playfully trying to lighten her mood.

"Whatever you're coming." Her voice held no place for argument.

He can't always stop us who is he our dad? my subconscious pipes in making me sigh .

We'll sneak out he won't even find out.

Not a bad idea after all your not that dumb thank God.

I'm your mind duh I'm useful don't call me dumb! bîtch my subconscious mutters.

"Guys if someone breaks the rules of this whole claiming thing ,who even kills them?" They both stare at me with their eyes wide.

"What?" I give them a look

"You don't know!?" Elisa yells seeking unwanted attention I shush her down she replies sheepishly with a sorry.

"Lily you seriously don't know anything about your own fiancé do you,he is the only one who kills them."

I swallowed something in my throat as my throat tightens by the sudden information.

Why would my adam kill anyone?

"Not only that ,there were a few cases in which people got caught getting emotionally attached ,don't trust anyone don't share anything they might betray you and stab you in the back." leo explains sharply Elisa nods agreeing with him.

"Those who were caught boss Domenica -they " Her eyes slightly Wells up remembering the horrible memory leo bits his lips, rubbing Elisa's back soothingly to calm her down.

"They killed them so brutally in front of the whole school the whole school watched it with horror I seriously hate mafia I don't want to stay in this school, look what they turned us into I could sometimes hear the sound of trigger pulled it horrifies me."

My heart Wells up in sadness feeling sorry for the kids and their families,
"That's why i warned you not to get involved with anyone."

"But seems like you were already engaged", Eli smiles sadly as John chuckles."and to the king of here." she whispers.

"So you coming to the party today?" Eli asks hope filling her eyes.

"Eli I don't think I can I mean I don't think Adam would appreciate me going to a random party especially of a guy's," I definitely don't want Adam accusing me of something which I haven't done.

"Come on Leah! it'll be fun plus you stole a lot of unwanted attention too as I told you before." She quips her face lips curling into a grin making me chuckle.

"Alright I'll ask him," I pass them both a small smile before running into the class.

"Lily Brian," I look up to see a group of five guys or must I say jocks and a girl smirking at me

Eli passes me an evil grin her expression telling me to go forward and talk "That would be me." I raise my eyebrows questioningly my face blank telling them if they mess with me they're gone.

I see a tall guy step forward."Isn't it funny we always wanted to meet the boss's great fiance," He states smirking cockily the guys give out a chuckle while the girl looks unbothered.

"Lacy." The brunette guy hisses elbowing her in the ribs she snaps out of her thoughts giving out a huh before her mouth in a 'o'.

She stares at me passing me a smile.

"It's good to see you here I hope we get along." she blankly retorts.

"Okay suck it up loosers what do you want?" Eli snaps in a cold voice before lighting a cigarette and taking a puff.

"Why am I not surprised,"We hear the Blondie whisper,"I could say the same for you Johnson." Eli winks ,he just rolls his eyes.

We hear someone clear their throat, "let's get to business." the same brunette guys says.

"I'm pretty sure you guys have already heard about the famous party taking place today it's gonna be flop."

"And we -" He glances at his squad before his eyes snap back to me. "Would like to invite you guys over."

"That's great we'll come for sure." Eli quips happily,"Even if you didn't invite me I would've crashed it anyways. " She shrugs.

"Of course Eli,"The Johnson guy mumbles. "you're a party freak."

Eli just smirks,"Everyone knows me too well."

"Alright boys let's head back coach's gonna be pissed. " The brunette exclaims.

"I hope to see you guys there." He stares me not before passing me a smirk before flashing away.

"Okay bullshit he's totally into you he wants to fúck you for sure." Eli blankly states making me chuckle.

"I'm only Adam's." I tell her.

"We all know that lily." Leo pipes in.


My nostrils fill in the smell of drugs and weed making me feel nervous as I take in the surroundings I see Stephen smoking weed without a shirt lost in thoughts his icy eyes meet mine making me bite my lip he just stares at me glaring holes at me making me uncomfortable as his mouth stays in a thin line.

"I-uh have you seen Adam?" I ask looking around for Adam but frown when I don't see him around.

"Why don't you go and find your almighty fiancé yourself?" He mocks me in a rough voice giving me a signal that he doesn't want to talk to me.

Okay then.

I just nod ,not knowing what to say to make this conversation more awkward. I hurriedly walk out from the living room away from Stephen. I head to Adam's office hoping to see him there in his office I knock on the door before stepping in,

I sigh in relief when I see him working furiously on his laptop looking angry as ever.

"H-hi," I beam happily taking slow steps towards him he stops working,his jaw clenches.

"So I was wondering-"

"What do you want?" He hisses in a quiet voice making me freeze.

"I just want to talk." I bite my upper lip, he gaze snaps towards mine making my breath halt his deep blue eyes connects with mine he stops speaking for a second but abruptly stood up.

He stood up so fast from his chair that I didn't even get the time to breath properly, "Talk?" He questions.

His chest stood strong in front of my head making shivers run down my spine at such intensity he grips my elbow harshly pulling me towards him ,"wh-" his hands were strong and firm as if they were made of steel.

"Quiet." He snaps in a cold voice.

"You wanna talk? Talk about what how your day went? Well lily I'm not interested not at all did I ever ask?" He taunts smirking coldly.

"I- was just being nice." hurt seeps into my heart, "Then don't be nice. "

"I don't want your ' kindness' ,I don't want anything from you!" He shouts his eyes Turing dark making me tremble.

"I hate you ,you disgust me I don't know how or whatever you did to make Damien think you would be suitable for me." He tugs me more close to his chest his breath fanning on my face.

"Don't you know I would destroy you." He whispers for once I thought he was showing me his weakness.

"I was happy that day when I was leaving thinking you would never come in front of me again I wouldn't ever have to see your face." He spats jolting me away making me stumble a bit.

My heart break into million pieces as each word droves harder in my heart
Making it bleed.

Why does it hurt so much?

"Never once in my life I thought you were going to be my fiancé despite that I never thought I would come across your face again." only the voice of the footsteps fading and thud of the door reached my ears as I stare in the space with tears brimming the corner of my eyes.

It was settled then, screw him.

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