Unlucky Love

By thoughtsbyblake

30.5K 311 71

*** this story is actually really embarrassing and I wrote this in my one direction fan phase but it's too se... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 15: Last Chapter

1.4K 29 10
By thoughtsbyblake

"Room 325" the nice lady at the counter of the hospital told us.

"Thank you" Harry nodded and we ran as fast as our feet could carry us to the elavator.


We raced out the elevator door and down the hall. "322...323...324...aha! 325!" I mumbled as I pushed through the big wooden door.

Niall was asleep on the chair next to her bed. He looked as exhausted as ever. As for Meg, she was asleep also. She was in the thin, sky blue hospital gown. Sheets covered her weak body, and her arm was wrapped up and put in a sling.

"Hey are they awake?" Harry said a bit too loudly walking through the squeaky door. I looked over at the two, and Niall yawned and stretched his arms.

"H-hey guys" he stuttered. I could obviously tell he wanted to sleep a lot more. "Is she awake?"

"Nah" I sighed. "What did the doctors say?"

"Well, she lost a lot of precious blood, precious blood cells, and injured some very important thingys in her arm" he yawned even wider. He was obviously exhausted, he could barely speak!

I walked over and crouched by Eleanor's bed. A tear ran down my already puffy cheeks.

"So I see you're Megan's friends" some man said, who seemed to be the doctor, said after shutting the door behind him. I nodded my head. "Well, you were smart to call when you did. She could've lost too much blood."

This is all my fault, I thought. I'm the reason that Megan's in the hospital. We're all traumatized, and it's all my fault. It's always my fault.

I heard a groan coming from the hospital bed and I immediately jerked my head towards it. Megan's eyes fluttered open. "W-where am I?" she sat up and looked around the room rubbing her eyes.

"Meg, you're in the hospital" I told her. I could tell she was in shock.

"Was it Olly?"

"Yes." I looked at my feet.

"How's Kate?" My head snapped up. I jogged out the door and stopped by a quiet room. I pulled out my phone and quickly dialed the number.

"Kate?" I yelled into the phone as soon as she answered.

"Eleanor? How's mom? How's Meg? Did you get Josh? I'm so so so sorry!" Kate's voice cracked into the phone.

"Kate...how do you know all of this?"

"Well...it was on the news. You're famous, El! This story is so big...but they found Mom and Dad?"

We were on the news?! "Well, yes, everyone's okay. Meg's in the hospital. I'm with her right now. She got shot in the arm and-"

"What?! Oh I'm so sorry!" I could tell she was crying. Her voice was hoarse and weak.

"No, no." I sighed. "Everythings fine, Kate. We will hopefully be home soon. How's everything with you and Vanessa?"

"Well, besides the fact that she left me four months ago, pretty well."

"WHAT?! Tell me more, Kate" I practically screamed into my iPhone.

"Well, she found a boyfriend about four months ago, and..." she was getting choked up. "She just stopped talking to me. She never answers my calls, texts, anything."

"I'm sorry, Kate. You deserve someone better than her. Well, on that note I have to go. Text you if anything happens." I said right before hanging up. I tip-toed back to room 325 trying not to disturb any of the other patients.

"H-hey El" Meg groaned from the bed.

"Hey Meg. How's everything?" I asked stupidly. Of course everything is horrible. She got shot in the arm for goodness sakes!

"What do you think?" she chuckled.

"So where is every one?" I asked, looking around the empty room. It was very dull. The walls were white, the ceiling was white, the bed and sheets were white, the floor was white with little blue specks here and there but that was about the most colorful thing in there.

"Cafeteria. Jeez, Niall can't go 30 minutes without having to snack on something!" she complained.

I chuckled. "Well, neither can you."

"Speaking of which, WHERE IS MY FOOOOOOOD?!" Meg screamed at the top of her lungs. Boy, was she stubborn.

"I'll get it" I sighed and walked out the door to find a nurse.

**Megan's POV**

Being in this hospital was horrible. My arm hurt worse than anything I had ever experienced in my entire life. Of course they gave me numbing antabiotics, but not often enough. I've tried to request more but they ignored me every time. "The doctor says that you already have more than you're supposed to" they always say. Yeah, right.

I couldn't help but think about Niall sometimes. Okay, I'll admit it. I think about him a lot. I really, really like him. I mean, what isn't there to like about him? He's charming, sweet, funny, I could go on for hours listing things that I loved about him.

"Hey Megan" I heard the Irish accent and immediately snapped out of my thoughts as if he could hear them.

"Hey Niall. You know, you can call me Meg" I sighed. I hated being on the friends level with people. Especially Niall.

"I know I can." he smiled sweetly at me and sat down. "Here, the doctor said you could eat this" he said handing me a brown paper bag. I grabbed it with my only available arm and struggled to open it.

"Um, Ni, I kinda need your help..." I said. I felt really weak, considering I couldn't even open a stupid paper bag. All Niall did was laugh at me. "Oh you think that's funny, huh?" a small grin creeped onto my beaten up face.

"Oh yes" he chuckled as he snatched the bag from me. He pulled out a cup filled with a brown liquid. It looked like a chocolate milkshake.

"Mmmm!" I licked my lips as Niall handed me the delicious drink. I held the cup up to my mouth as I let the liquid pour in. "EEEEEEWWWWWWW!!!!!" I screeched spitting the mysterious brown liquid all over Niall. "What is this?!" I exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you" he began with an evil smirk on his face.


"It's a cheeseburger!" I immediately started gagging.

"Wha- why?" I screeched.

"Well, something something something you can't eat solid foods something something something they have to blend all your food for the next week." That same evil smirk was still on his face. I buried my face in my pillow and braced myself for the next week.

**A Week Later**

**Eleanor's POV**

They finally released Megan from the hospital and we all headed back to the lads' flat to hang out. I guess it was some sort of celebration. There was all sorts of sweets, all Meg's favorites.

I crept down the hall towards the bathroom and I heard voices the other room. They seemed to be Megan and Niall's.

"So...Megan...I- I really like you." I heard Niall's voice crack as he said 'like'.

"Hey, it's okay Ni. I really like you too." I could tell Megan was smiling. She didn't like Niall, she loved him.

"I was wondering. Would you like to catch a movie or something? You know, with me?" Niall mumbled.

"I'd love too" afterwards was silence. I quicklly jogged to the living room where all the boys were telling jokes and cracking up. I walked over to the counter to get a cake pop and Louis followed.

"Hey El. I'm so sorry for everything that has happened to you the past few weeks. I just wanted to let you know that I am always here for you." Louis was definitelly being serious.

"Thanks Lou. I know I can always count on you" I smiled up at him.

"I love you Eleanor."

"I love you Louis."


A/N hooray, yeah, Unlucky Love is finished. I decided I wasn't going to do a sequel, just do another story. I'm not even gonna do an epilouge. Or epilogue. Whatever, I don't have Microsoft Office Word on this computer so it doesn't tell me if I spell it wrong. *le sighs* I hope you guys liked this story. Please, please, please vote! I will love you forever. And fan you guys so that you will know when I post my next story! Thank you so much. I love you all and I just wanted to say...thank you for reading. Even if you don't ship Elounor. I hope I don't loose any readers <3 goodbye all my lovelies.

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