Good Girl Bad Girl (Reece Mas...

By MendingMyLoveSong

49.8K 650 187

What could this world possibly have in store for Alexis Bennett, just another normal girl out of all the ordi... More

1. Meeting The First Time
2. Run Away
3. Where Are We Going?
4. What To Do?
6. Click, Click
7. Obsession
8. Liv And Brad
9. How Do They Know?!
10. Abused
11. Voices
12. Going Home
13. Silent Secrets
Author's Note
Author's Note Again
14. Loosing It
15. Back At It
16. It's Comlicated
17. Just The Beginning
18. Gone And Lost *UNEDITED*
Quick Authors Note *PLEASE READ*
19. Lost And Found *UN EDITED*
20. The Deadly Truth
21. My Heart Aches *UN-EDITED*
Last Authors Note & Many Thanks :)
The Lonely Rose Up Now!

5. Shut Up And Kiss Me

2K 30 0
By MendingMyLoveSong

Alexis P.O.V.

Me, Reece, Liv and Georgina were watching the movie. Phillipa had fallen asleep half way through the movie, and then Reece cradled her in his arms and carried her of to bed. Reece's parents were asleep aswell. Soon after Liv announced that she was going of to bed. Reece and I were the only ones awake, together. I had picked Pirates Of The Caribbean as the movie. It was one of my favourite movies ever! And of course I knew it was Reece's as well. I know lots of things about him. That's a lil rocker for you. I had falen asleep in Reece's arms before the movie had finished. I felt a hand lightly taped my shoulder, then a soft male voice saying 'wake up babe'. I groaned and tightened my grip on Reece and berried my head deeper into Reece's chest. He chuckled and murmured something to himself that I couldn't quite work out what he had said. He eventually got me up. We starred deeply into each others eyes. A moment of silence had past. Reece was the one who broke the silence.

"Your eyes are so beautiful". I can't believe he said that!

"Thanks". I couldn't think of anything else to say.

"Do you believe in love at first site?"

"Yes and no. It's happened to my best friend so I geuss so, just not me. Why do you ask? "

"I don't know, just a question".



"Why do you keep looking at me like that?"

"Oh, sorry. It's just your smile, i-its just so cute, it makes me happy". 

Reece pulls a big grin on his face and looks down to his hands. I don't know how but, but it feels like I have offended him in some way. "Sorry, it's just it's true, its cute and does make me happy-". I was talking really fast as I had suddenly regretted saying anything in the first place."- oh god now I feel stupid I'm so sorry I should just shut my big ass of a mouth! It's just all true! And- '. I was cut of

"Shut up and kiss me!"


I was cut of by Reece's lips on mine. A warm sensation running up and down my spine. His tounge scanning my bottom lip, as if asking for permission to enter my mouth. His tounge exploring every inch of my mouth as I did the same with his. A groan escaped from the back of throat which make Reece pull away and laugh. So I joined in.

Hope you guys like it. Sorry its short and spelling. And if some things don't make sense, its cause I'm using my phone and it's hard for me to write a story using my phone with bad spell check and stuff. So thanks for readding, comment and vote! Thanks

Byeeeeeee xoxo :)

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