NateWantsToBattle Oneshots [R...

By Antiseptictrash

6.6K 145 124

Here's a collection of NateWantsToBattle smuts and fluffs for your enjoyment. REQUESTS ARE OPEN! ~Updated eve... More

Chubby Bunny Challenge (Nate x MatPat- Fluff)
Murder On The Dance Floor (Nate x Natemare- Fluff Part 1)
Snob (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff Part 1)
A Deal With The Devil (Phantom x MandoPony- Fluff)
Murder On The Dance Floor (Nate x Natemare- Fluff Part 2)
Saved By My Idol (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff Part 1)
I Got A Golden Ticket! (Nate- Fluff Part 1)
Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea (Phantom x MandoPony- Smut)
Snob (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff Part 2)
I Got A Golden Ticket! (Nate- Fluff Part 2)
I Got A Golden Ticket! (Nate- Fluff Part 3)
I Got A Golden Ticket! (Nate- Fluff Part 4)
Sneaking Around (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff)
1) Whistling (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff)
2) Drowning (Natemare x Female Reader- Fluff)
3) Necklace (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff)
4) Blizzard (Phantom- Fluff)
Confidence Boost (Phantom x Nebula- Fluff Part 1)
17) Accident (Nate x Female Reader- Smut)

Saved By My Idol (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff Part 2)

243 10 0
By Antiseptictrash

A/N: Here is part 2. Hope you enjoy! :)

In mere seconds Natemare stood there in all his menacing glory. (Y/N) gulped softly as she looked up at Mare from the pocket of his shirt. He looked quite terrifying and certainly not a being to be messed with. Mare looked at Dark and smirked widely.

Dark seemed to pale slightly at the sight of Natemare. He tried not to show his nervousness.

"Hey Darky... Long time, no see." Mare said, just staring at Dark with his deep chocolate eyes, which looked like soulless voids.

Dark clasped his hands behind his back. "Indeed."

"Look, let's cut to the chase. Change (Y/N) back now and nothing bad has to happen to you. Simple." Mare shrugged and tilted his head.

The other demon just laughed heartily. "You think I have to listen to you? I'm one of the most powerful demons in existence. You can't stop me with your petty excuse for a threat."

Natemare was unamused, his face showing just how pissed off he really was. "I'm being serious... You're not the only one with powers. I can do a number of things to you and you can't stop me because we're different demons... Our powers work differently and you know that, don't you Darky?"

Dark shook his head. "I have no idea what you're talking about..."

"Yes, you do. I can see it in your eyes... You're afraid of what I'm capable of. You forget that torture is my pastime... Something I get a kick out of. I could hurt you nice and slowly so you feel so much agony, or I could snap you in half like a twig." Natemare said.

(Y/N) bit her lip and sunk into the pocket slightly, wondering if she was really safe with this giant version of Nate's ego. She looked at Dark and then to Natemare, quite scared of what might transpire between them.

"And I could do the very same to you." Dark countered, trying to prove to himself and Mare that he wasn't frightened, although every bit of what Mare had said was true.

"Could you really?" Mare chuckled. "Tell me, why did you shrink (Y/N)?" He asked.

Dark smirked. "What's it to you?"

"Well, nothing much, I'm just curious."

"Didn't anyone ever tell you that curiosity killed the cat?"

"They did, but in case you hadn't noticed, I don't listen to other people much." Mare shrugged. "So, humour me a bit... Why?"

"Because I could."

"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should."

"When did you become so moralistic? Come on, you're the most sadistic asshole around here... You must understand this. I wanted (Y/N) as a sort of... Trophy, if you will. Something to commemorate the effort I put into creating the world's first shrink ray." Dark said. "I will get recognised by the scientific community and then the world will have to accept me..."

"That's what this was for? Acceptance?! God, you really are fucked up... Regardless of that, change her back. You can't go around ruining other people's lives just because you want to feel accepted."

"I can and I have."

Natemare smirked. "Fine then... You've ruined (Y/N)'s life, so I'm gonna ruin yours." He said and took (Y/N) out of his pocket. "Pardon me ma'am whilst I deal with this thing..." He placed her on a nearby table top.

(Y/N) stood back from the edge, not liking the height of the table and watched helplessly. She nibbled her lip anxiously. "Be careful..." She whispered as he stepped away from the table.

Natemare smirked widely and suddenly teleported. In a massive blur things were grabbed and placed in the centre of the room. Before anyone could blink Dark was tied firmly to a chair, some strange chains around his middle to stop him escaping.

Dark struggled immediately. "What the hell is this?!"

"They're called nihil effugium chains." Natemare said.

Dark had a look of confusion on his face. "Excuse me?"

"Latin for no escape chains. They're chains that will bind the subject to a given point until I decide to free them. That means no teleportation Darky." Mare said in a high pitched, patronising voice.

The other demon's face fell. He was beginning to get quite afraid now. He had no control over what happened from here on.

(Y/N) watched with a small smirk on her face. She was feeling quite pleased that Dark was getting his comeuppance for what he did to her.

Natemare walked over and circled Dark slowly, tapping his chin. "Now... What should I do to you?" He stopped and looked at Dark, grinning. "Perhaps I should fill you with air until you explode like an overfilled balloon...?" He started to approach Dark. "Or maybe I should increase the atmospheric pressure around your head until your eyes pop out and your skull caves in...?"

Dark's heart was beginning to pick up speed as he listened to the torture options. He was very pale as he shook his head. Natemare still continued to walk to him, which only made Dark press himself into the chair.

"Or I could shrink you just like you did to (Y/N) and feed you to bears...? Or I could put you on a rack and stretch you until you're pulled apart limb from limb...? Or-" Natemare carried on and was going to list more things, but Dark cut him off.

"No! No, please... Don't do any of that to me..." Dark begged, his eyes full of fear.

"It's not for me to decide... I think (Y/N) should decide since she's the one you harmed." Mare turned to (Y/N) and tilted his head. "My dear, what do you like the sound of?"

Dark's head immediately turned to (Y/N) and he watched her.

(Y/N) thought for a moment. "Hm... I quite like the idea of him exploding... It would be interesting to see something like that." She said with a large smirk.

Dark's eyes widened. He shook his head quickly. "No!"

"Well, there ya have it. The lady has spoken. Any last words before you blow up?"

Dark looked at (Y/N) and then Mare, his eyes stinging as tears started to gather and fall down his cheeks. "Please... Please don't do this to me... I'll do anything!"

"Tell me how to fix (Y/N)!" Natemare growled.

Dark nodded. "Fine! Fine! Over there there's a machine and next to it is the antidote... Give her that." He said quickly.

Natemare narrowed his eyes and went and grabbed a small vial of blue liquid, which he took over and gave to (Y/N).

(Y/N) hesitantly took the vial, which was quite big, but she was just about able to hold it. She looked at Mare, who nodded, encouraging her to drink it.

(Y/N) took a deep breath before she drank the liquid in the vial.

It took a few moments before a blue glow consumed her body. It got brighter and Natemare and Dark both had to squint against the brightness of it, so it wouldn't hurt their eyes. (Y/N) soon started to grow and before long she was her regular height, sitting on the edge of the table, looking around in disbelief.

Natemare blinked and smiled a little at this. He then turned his attention back to Dark. "Now... I might let you go, if you promise to leave immediately."

Dark nodded quickly, wanting to get away from Mare as fast as possible. "I do!" Mare snapped his fingers and the chains vanished. Dark didn't say another word before he too vanished seconds later.

Mare chuckled and shook his head at that. "The things words can do..." He then looked round at (Y/N). "I'd better go and let Nate have control again..."

"Wait!" (Y/N) said quickly.

"Hm?" Mare looked at her.

(Y/N) got off the table and went over to Mare. She was hesitant still and nervous, but she smiled a bit and leaned up, kissing his cheek gently. "Thank you..." She said quietly.

Natemare blushed a bit and gave her a crooked smile. "Ah, you're uh, you're welcome (Y/N). I'll seeya round, I guess..." He said.

(Y/N) nodded and bit her lip as the tear marks disappeared and Nate stood there in front of her.

He opened his eyes and jumped slightly.

(Y/N) frowned. "What?"

"Nothing... It's just weird to see you full size." Nate said. "Are you okay?" He asked her.

(Y/N) nodded. "I am now... Thank you as well... If it weren't for you and your quick thinking I might still be tiny." She said.

Nate smiled softly. "Don't mention it. I couldn't exactly leave you like that."

"Still." She said. "I'm very grateful to you." She looked at him and he looked back at her.

Their eyes connected and then they glanced at one another's lips.

Before they knew it, they engaged in a sweet and tender kiss...

A/N: What did you think of that? I'm not sure if it was good or bad. I'm kinda on the fence about how it turned out. Please give me some feedback on what you thought of it. I enjoyed writing it though.

Also, keep sending me requests. I really would love some more.

Thanks guys.

~Yazooloo ;) <3

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