For better, For worse | Louis...

By darlinglikeyou

2K 591 788

She never thought that she would see him again. She thought she could put what she did behind her and move on... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen

Chapter eight

95 26 18
By darlinglikeyou

"Do you have something that you need to tell me?" He questions.

My heart drops into my stomach and I just know that it is all over. I struggle to speak but then finally manage, "Trevor, I.."

He held his hand up, stopping me mid-sentence.

"I.. I can't believe this." The words leave his mouth and I didn't think my heart could sink any further. I was so so wrong.

I'm frozen there in that moment. I don't know what to do, what to say. My heart is beating so hard in my chest that it is making it hard for me to breathe. He's still just looking at me to say something. Anything.

"Baby, are you?" I shake my head trying to clear it. He asked me something but I didn't hear it. I look at him, the tears pricking at my eyes. That's when I see it on his hand, the little black and white picture from yesterday.

"Angela, are you pregnant?" His voice is rushed and frantic now, waiting for my response.

The breath that I hadn't even realized that I had been holding in is finally released and relief washes over my entire existence. "Wh..what?" I walk towards him, trying to act calmer than my heart will let me feel. The adrenaline still pumping strong through my veins.

"I found this. It was in my notebook that I left on the table.. I..Are you pregnant?" He stares down at the little picture and then back at me.

"No.. no no. I'm not pregnant." I place a hand over my own belly instinctively, wishing that was the only thing happening to me. That would be much easier than, 'Hey Trevor, I fucked a random guy in Miami and I'm having dinner with him tomorrow.' I push the thought from my mind, knowing I would never say that. Especially in that way.

"I'm so confused. It says A. Hart up here in the little text area. You're A. Hart." He gives me a puzzled look and points to the name on the picture.

"I am A. Hart, but you're forgetting that my sister is also A. Hart remember? Her first name is Amy." I smile at him and take the picture from his hands. "You're gonna be an uncle."

A moment passes and he finally brings his palm up to his forehead, laughing softly.

"I cannot believe.. phewww. I had thirty-six strokes within those three minutes. Not that I wouldn't love to have a baby with you, I just would need two more jobs."

I laugh and place my hands onto either side of his face, leaning up to kiss him.

"Well lucky for you, I'm on the pill. No babies for us anytime soon. At least not until after we pull off this wedding."

He kisses me back and wraps his arms around my back, his hands rested on my lower back. I pull my head back and note the smell of something burning in the air. Almost just as soon the smoke detectors ringing loudly around us.

"THE FOOD!" I take off towards the kitchen and open the oven causing more smoke to billow out everywhere. I pull the blackened bread out and sit it onto the counter before turning off the burner that is heating the overcooked pasta.

The sound of the alarms finally stops and Trevor opens the doors to let some of the smoke out before returning to check on me in the kitchen.

"So.. pizza?" He smiles and holds up his cellphone. I just sigh and nod giving him the go ahead.


The lights that hung over head shined a dim yellow light that lit up the deep blue patio furniture, the plants sat in the middle of the coffee table drooped over the edges of their home, sort of like my heart now that the scare from earlier had passed.

Trevor sat adjacent to me, making his world famous pizza sandwich.

"You're going to choke one of these days," I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"This is literally the only way to eat a pizza, Angela. Why are you always trying to stifle my creativity?"

I just stared at him with a bored, straight-faced expression. "When have I ever stifled anything you've ever wanted to do?"

I watched as he made a big show of pulling out his phone. "How nice of you to ask, I have a list."

I laughed at him and adjusted myself on the sofa. "Go on," I moved my hand in a manner, begging him to continue on.

"Well, for one, you wouldn't let me paint my car with flames to give the illusion of going really fast, and just five minutes before the pizza got here you shunned my idea on taking Nikki's baby and training it to be the ultimate spy," He laid his sandwich on his lap and leaned back in the chair he sat in.

I'm really marrying a five-year-old. The lights above twinkled in his hazel eyes, making them shine even brighter than usual. He was truly a work of art.

Even with pizza sauce running down his chin.

I laughed softly leaning forward to wipe it with a napkin before speaking. "So you really thought I was pregnant, huh?"

"I did. I completely forgot that Nikki's first name is Amy. So when I saw A. Hart and I thought back to last night when you wanted to tell me a secret, my brain nearly exploded." He finishes his pizza and sits the box onto the porch beside of us.

"That's the secret I was going to tell you. That she was pregnant." I smile and lean back, stretching my legs to rest in his lap.

He grabs my feet and rubs his thumbs in circles on the soles of them lightly. After wearing heels all day, this is a very welcome act.

"So, I didn't even know she was dating anyone. Who's the sorry sucker that knocked her up?" He joked.

I playfully kicked at him before answering.
"She actually only slept with him once. We met him on my bachelorette trip. I guess she was super drunk and they didn't use protection." The pit in my stomach creeps up again as the thought of my own lack of protection crosses my mind.

"Wow. I know I give her a hard time and stuff but you know I love your sister and I hope that this works out for her. What does this guy think about it?" He moves from rubbing my feet to gently tracing his fingers over my legs.

"He doesn't know yet. I actually was going to tell you that I won't be home for dinner tomorrow," I pause briefly to look at him, "I'm going with her to meet him for dinner tomorrow when she tells him."

"Oh wow, shit. I can come with you guys. You know, emotional support and all that." He looks at me to respond but my heart has stopped.

"Um, I think we will be okay. I don't want him to think we're like ganging up on him or something." I stutter out an excuse and he just laughs.

"Thank god. I don't think I could handle that awkward confrontation. I was just trying to be nice for your sake. I mean, I'd love to see the look on this guys face when he realizes that he's stuck with Nikki for the rest of his life but my awkwardness is just too much." He grins at me and winks.

"You? Awkward? Yea, I'm sure that's it. It's totally not that you want to stay home and order pizza again and then play Xbox all night." I scoff and roll my eyes playfully.

Trevor stands from the chair he's sitting in, letting as I feet fall back to the ground as I talk, before walking over to the edge of the pool where our little pup lays sleepily.

"No, maybe I just wanted some one on one time with our daughter. Did you ever think of that?" He bends down petting the dog lightly on the head before a panicked tone comes out again.

"Babe, I think something is wrong with Bella." He crouches next to the unmoving dog and I jump up from my seat and rush over to where they are.

"What!? What is it? What's wrong with her?" My voice is frantic now, filled with worry for my little baby.

Just as I reach where they are sitting I see Bella jump up and start to lick Trevor's hands. He smiles at me and I put my hand over my chest, trying to calm my breathing.

"Trevor! What the hell? You scared me half to death! I can't.." I don't even get to finish screaming at him before he scoops me into his arms and throws me away from him and into the pool.

The water filled my nostrils and my mouth, causing a slight burn when I was finally able to reemerge from beneath the crystal-blue water.

I splashed my arms frantically, trying to keep myself afloat, finally smacking my hands on the concrete surrounding the pool; I have never been more thankful for a solid object before in my life.

I looked up, the water running down my face, causing my clothes and my hair to cling to me uncomfortably. My fiancé was doubled over, smacking his knee as he laughed hysterically.

"What the fuck, Trevor," I yelled out, "you know I can't swim!"

His hazel eyes locked with mine and he spoke with a flat voice and a straight face. "I know, I was trying to get that life insurance policy," he began laughing again, wiping his eyes.

"We aren't married yet, you idiot!" I hissed, trying to climb out of the water.

"Curses!" He exclaimed, walking over and giving me his hand. "Forget this happened, okay? It was a prank, ha...wait," he stopped pulling me up to look at me, his face serious. "You lied to me,"

I felt my heart stop again, the crushing weight I was able to put out of my mind for the moment had returned. "What do you mean?" I managed to squeak.

"You told me you couldn't swim and you did just fine getting back up here!"

I rolled my eyes and heaved a sigh of relief, silently wishing I would have drowned a moment ago; I cannot go on like this for the rest of my life.

"Trevor, you idiot," I laughed a somewhat forced laugh before pushing him backwards and into the water.

He came back out of the water with a mission to grab me and pull me back in with him but I moved quickly, laughing as I ran back into the safety of our home before turning to look back making sure that he wasn't chasing me.

When I peaked around the corner of the door I was met with the site of his chiseled body, fully unclothed now. Water droplets fell from his hair, running down his chest. He rubbed the water from his face and looked up to where I stood, gawking.

"Like what you see?" A smirk played across his lips, taunting me.

I walked forward pulling my wet cotton t-shirt over my head and tossing it onto the ground beside of me. "I don't know. Can't really see much from here." I shrugged casually.

His eyes widened as my upper half came into view under the lights, completely exposed. "Y..Yea, it's kind of hard to see from this distance. Maybe you should come get back into the pool and let me get a better look at you?"

I walked forward once more, pulling the cotton sleep shorts down my hips, letting them rest on the ground where I stood moments ago.

I stopped just in front of my now clearly aroused partner and placed my hands onto his chest leaning up to kiss his jaw seductively.

"You want a better loo-"

My question is halted as Trevor pushes me backwards sending me under the water once more. I quickly swim my way back to the surface, splashing and coughing up water.

"TREVOR WHAT THE HELL?!" I wipe the water from my eyes and look up just as I see my childish fiancé grabbing the remainder of my clothes from the ground and sprinting for the back door.

I climb out of the pool as fast as I can but he gets the door shut as soon as I reach it, leaving me locked out of the house, wet and naked on the back porch.

"Trevor Nathaniel, so help me god." I pound at the door and try to pull it open with no luck.

He smiles at me evilly and sits down in armchair, spinning it to face the door.

"Sorry baby, you gotta earn your way into the house."

"Trevor, I am not going to earn anything. Let me in the house right now." I shout through the glass door, smacking my hands against it as I do.

He throws his head back with laughter and gestures around causally, "That's no way to talk to the man with the power to let you in, now is it?"

Fine. If he wants to play games, we will play games. I grab the nearest chair from the deck and place it directly in front of his before sitting down.

"I have all night." I state cooly.

"Is that right?" He shoots back, eyebrow cocked.

"Yep." The p at the end of the word pops and I give him a smug smile.

"Alright then." He smiles and sits back in the chair getting comfortable.

We sit like this for maybe two minutes just staring at one another before I decide to escalate this little game a little.

I lift both of my legs up into the chair and rest them over the arms, exposing myself to him completely.

He shifts in his chair slightly, noting the change in my position.

"I'm so bored." I mumble, looking around nonchalantly.

He nods his head in agreement and taps lightly on his right thigh.

I take my right hand and start to rub the inner part of my left thigh before moving to the right directly over my sex.

"Angela, Wh-what are you doing?" Trevor sits forward in his chair now, undoubtedly to get a better look at what I'm doing.

"Having fun." I wink at him and continue to rub my fingers in a little circle.

I let my mouth fall open slightly and my eyes shut for just a second, a quiet moan escaping my lips. I open my eyes and look back to my fiancé who has now stood from the chair and walked to the door, watching me with a careful eye.

"You can come in the house now." He opens the door as he talks and I continue my little taunt.

"Nah I think I'm good." I bite my lip, leaning my head back as my fingers increase their speed.

He walks over to me placing his hands onto either side of my hips and lifts me from my chair and over his shoulder causing me to shriek out with surprise.

"What are you doing!?"

"I told you that you could come inside." He smacks my ass as carries me to our bedroom.

My laughs echo off of the walls and I hold onto him as he crosses our bedroom floor before tossing me playfully onto the bed and jumping on top of me.

Angela-1 Trevor-0.


Authors note: Thank you guys all so much for over 400 reads. It's insane to me that so many people are liking the story. This chapter was sort of a character building chapter for Trevor and Angela and sort of a glimpse into their relationship and what it's like. I hope that everyone liked it and are feeling a bit more connected to the characters. Next chapter will be up tomorrow and it will be finally reuniting with Niall and Louis! I hope you guys are ready. Love you babies! <3

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