A Star for Baby (boyxboy)

By dylore

8.8K 542 324

Oliver doesn't know what hit him when he sees Baby Parker singing his heart out in a bar one fateful Saturday... More

Corona Borealis

Ursa Major

333 18 11
By dylore

wow life really be stressful sometimes huh


Oliver tripped on his way back to the table, nearly smashing his face into his sandwich. Though he caught himself at the last minute, Francesca's sharp eyes still called him out.

"That was almost epic Oliver," she said. "You couldn't have fallen and given us a show?"

"Despite my clumsiness, I'm actually not a circus Fran."

Emmett piped up from over at their table. "With the amount of bones you've broken you could be a spectacle. The remarkable I-Can't-Believe-He's-Still-Walking Oliver."

"Oh shut it," Oliver said as he slid into his seat.

They occupied one of the only booths in Aleppo's, a dingy restaurant on campus that served barely passable lunch food. Both Emmett and Francesca agreed that Oliver had to fill them in on what had happened the night before, and so he'd met up with the couple at the cafe during the small slot where none of them had class.

"Okay Oliver," Francesca said once they were all settled and eating their food. "Tell us everything."

Oliver felt his cheeks heat up, but bit his lip to keep from showing it. He wasn't a kid anymore, and this crush was totally and completely normal. Low key, even. Yeah.

"Well we went out to Taco Bell after his set--"

"Taco Bell? Who are you?" Francesca immediately butted in.

"It was the only thing open!" Oliver said indignantly. "Besides, Baby doesn't care."

"You do realize he's probably been romanced before, though, right?" Emmett asked. "I mean, he's one of the most popular kids on campus. He probably has guys falling all over him."

Oliver's eyes narrowed. "I thought you said you didn't know him?"

"I didn't," Emmett shrugged. "I've never seen him in person and I missed your whole conversation, remember? I didn't know you were talking to The Baby Parker until Francesca filled me in."

"The Baby Parker," Oliver scoffed, trying to play off his queasiness. "Well I'd never heard of him. And I don't know, it seems like Baby doesn't want to be the center of attention. He just... kind of is."

Oliver didn't know how to explain it. Because Baby was radiant without trying to be, laughed without caring who heard, sang like he was dumping buckets of his very soul into the music. That's not something you can explain to your friends, especially not over lunch at Aleppo's.

"So? What happened?" Fran prompted.

Oliver shrugged. "We just talked. And then I drove him home."

"You didn't even kiss?" Francesca gasped. "Jesus Oliver, this boy has you whipped something fierce."

"That's what I said," Emmett chimed in.

Oliver twisted his hands in his lap, looking down at his napkin. "Well, yeah," he nearly whispered. "I really like him guys."

Francesca cooed, and Emmett smiled from across the table.

"Aw Oliver," Fran said. "I realized you were serious, but not that serious. Do you think he's the one?"

"What does that even mean?" Oliver asked. "I met him a week ago, I'm not thinking about marriage."

"Well you're twenty one. Some people are thinking about marriage," Emmett pointed out.

"Yeah, like there's this girl in my Shakespeare history class that got married last week," Francesca said. "It's absolutely crazy to think about."

"Does she have long blonde hair?" Emmett asked.


"Oh, I think I know her. Lauren, right? She married a guy from Kappa Phi."

"My god, all you frat boys really are connected," Fran said.

Oliver's phone suddenly buzzed in his pocket. He discretely took it out, knowing his friends were too caught up in conversation to notice. The notification on his lock screen nearly made him choke.

You have (1) unread message

Oliver opened it up, already feeling the excitement in his fingers.

baby ^-^: opinion. toads are better than frogs. thoughts?

Oliver couldn't keep the grin off his face. He held his phone under the table, hurriedly texting back.

me: definitely. i love getting my hand pissed on, it's a toad's greatest virtue

The typing bubble immediately appeared, letting Oliver know Baby was sitting on his phone waiting for a response. Oliver's smile widened at the image. Damn, Francesca and Emmett were right. He really was whipped.

baby ^-^: ok NOT their greatest virtue, idiot. a toad's greatest virtue is its ability to kinda squish in your hand and turn into a lil blob when you hold him

Oh, Oliver's heart. This boy was adorable.

me: i see your point. what are your thoughts on frogs then?

baby ^-^: slimy and long. inferior to toads only because they seem conceited

me: conceited frogs. i can't say i've ever seen a frog that looks conceited

baby ^-^: come //on//. you can't convince me that every business major doesn't look like a frog

Oliver nearly laughed out loud at that one. He quickly glanced at Francesca and Emmett to make sure they were still engrossed in conversation. He didn't want to be rude by texting and not paying any attention to his friends, but Baby was right there...

me: ok you're right. on one condition. you accept that every science major looks like a stoned cow

baby ^-^: how DARE you they obviously all look like stoned monkeys

Oliver snorted, unable to hold it back this time. The conversation at the table immediately halted.

"Oh, look who lover boy's texting," Rocket oohed.

"How is he doing?"

"Fine," Oliver rolled his eyes defensively.

For some reason, he didn't really want to share Baby. It felt wrong to talk about him so much, like telling Emmett and Fran about how he felt would make it less real.

"You know Oliver," Francesca suddenly took on a serious tone. "Do you really think this is going to go somewhere?"

Oliver bit his lip uncomfortably. Did he want it to go somewhere? Hell yes he did. Which was kind of scary. Because Oliver couldn't remember the last time he was in a relationship that lasted more than a month. He was notoriously un-serious in all of his hookups, but Baby didn't feel like all the rest. Baby felt real. Baby felt like more.

"I think it could," is what Oliver told her.

Her eyebrows furrowed. "What are you going to tell your parents?"

Oliver's chest seized up at that. He couldn't tell his parents. Not now not ever.

"Nothing, because they're never going to find out," Oliver said. "I'd rather kick the bucket than have them find out I'm gay. They'd disown me."

"Oh come on, that's dramatic," Emmett said. "They'd be pissed but they still love you."

Oliver turned to blink at his best friend. "Emmett, you have no idea how religious that household is. Coming out to them would be on par with lighting the Bible on fire. They think it's morally wrong, disgusting, you name it."

"Scary," Francesca whispered. "I didn't think there were a lot of people like that anymore."

"Well my parents are among them," Oliver muttered.

His phone chimed under the table.

baby ^-^: earth to oliver, come in oliver

me: this is major tom to ground control

baby ^-^: ok that's the coolest thing you've said to me you're definitely on the list

me: the list?

baby ^-^: for me to know and you to never find out

me: wow i hope it's not a list of people you want to murder

me: who else is on there

baby ^-^: the pillsbury doughboy, the man who invented instant ramen, grace, red, bob ross, and now you

me: wow. i am honored to be among such prestigious company

"So, what do you guys have to do this week?" Francesca asked, pulling Oliver back to real world conversation.

"I have an essay due for Research Methods," Emmett griped.

"Yuck communications," Fran made a face. "What about you Oliver?"

"We're taking all the same classes Francesca. We have the same major."

"Not all the same classes. You're in News Writing and Reporting," she pointed out.

Oliver groaned. "Oh no, I forgot about that. We're supposed to review something, like write a review. It's due in two days I completely blew it off."

Francesca hissed in sympathy.

"What are you going to write about?" Emmett asked. "Like a restaurant?"

"Probably," Oliver sighed. "Which is boring but what the hell."

"Hey, you could always review a song or something," Francesca suggested.

"Like what? New pop music? I have no idea what is cool to listen to," Oliver lamented. "And it's not like I can review Bowie now can I?"

Francesca humphed. "Well then review live music. Like go to a concert or something."

"Oh!" Emmett snapped his fingers from across the table. "The school orchestra is doing a show tomorrow night! You could totally review that."

"How do you know about the orchestra?"

Emmett looked affronted. "I'm a communications major and in a frat you guys. You think I don't have connections?"

Both Francesca and Oliver had to laugh.

"Fine. I'll never doubt your connections again."

"Thank you."

A warm feeling had started bubbling in Oliver's chest. Something that told him life was good, things were okay, and he didn't have to worry about anything in the world. Then Oliver's phone buzzed, and he looked down at the new message.

baby ^-^: you should be honored. the pillsbury doughboy is a difficult legend to live up to, but i know you'll try your best

Yeah. Things were going to be just fine.

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