By ppppoppoo

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°nct dream mystery/crime au° [ COMPLETE ] Book 1 of irregularseries " solving the school's mystery case... More



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By ppppoppoo

Chapter 5: Weird


Class just finished and we're going to get food since it was already our break. Haechan was with me since he stopped by to pick me and jaemin up. He knew that jaemin would leave me and go to the cafeteria. So he decided to dropped by.

" im really looking forward to today's food.. Its four cheese pizza" haechan said.

" this university does serve good food" i said as i smiled at haechan.

" yeah also when you buy a pizza you'll get a free milkshake of your choice" haechan added as i drool at the great combo.

As we reached the cafeteria we saw the guys waving their hands at us like five year old children.

We went towards them and they smiled at us.

" what's up Areum!" Renjun said as i smiled at him. I sat next to him and Haechan as i saw Jaemin walked tiwards Jeno and sat beside him.

" after going to the headquarters we're going to the main headquarters where the Junior and Senior members are" Mark said.

" they are extremely excited to see you since you're a girl" mark added.

" yah i want to get pizza tell hyung to order pizza" jeno said as he shook mark.

" stop shaking me jeno!!" mark shouted making the other students looked at us.

" i don't know who are my friends anymore" renjun sigh as we all laughed at him.

" just try to betray us renjun, you'll see" jaemin said.

We talked about nonsense things and make joke about one another. I felt that I've been friends with them for a long time  ago. They are all fun to be with especially Haechan he has been nice to be all this time.

" we really need to go now our break is almost over" Jeno said as we all agreed.

We packed our stuff and head to the building. We passed by the creepy stoned place again, mark started to talk.

" I've always wonder what was in there.." he said

" yeah and why the hell didn't take it down now this place is getting creepier than it has" Renjun said.

We continued to walked until we reached the building. Renjun amd Mark went to the sophomore building while me, haechan, jeno and jaemin went to the freshman building.

Renjun was supposed to be with us but he's way to intelligent that's why he skipped one grade and moved on to the next that's why he's with Mark. The real sophomore.

Jeno and Haechan went to their rooms while me and Jaemin are still walking to ours. It was a little far from them.

" have you opened the app?" jaemin asked

" not yet" i replied

" i think we have to still keep searching for codes to know what was inside of that app"

This is the longest conversation i have with him. He is cold towards me but he gets warm when he's near with the guys.

As we reached our room we went to our desk and sat down. I took a nao because i felt sleepy I'll just wake up when the professor is here.

__ -:- __

" I'll just going to get some air"

I walked out of the headquarters and breath the fresh air of the outside.

The guys are busy doing something so i decided to take a break.

I walked around the building since I'm still unfamiliar with the  area. I'm at the ground floor and just casually walking but then i spotted two girls having a conversation on the side of the science building which is in front of me.

I decided to lool at the sky since today's weather was so nice. While i was looking up i saw someone on the fourth floor holding a bucket and was ready to pour it out of the building.

I looked down as i saw him aiming at the two girls chatting.

I runned towards them and pulled their arms before he pour the bucket. I was just in time the liquid fell on the ground not on the girls.

" thank you.." the girl said as they bowed down to me.

" it's fine just be careful next time" i said then they walked away.

I went towards the wet area because it has a foul smell to it. Chemically.

I looked up and no one is at the window. I looked at the liquid on the ground and the grass started to turn brown. Then i heard someone called my name.

" Areum!!" he yelled.

I looked behind and it was Jisung running towards me. He stopped his tracks as he saw the ground.

" what happened?" he asked.

" someone tried to pour this to the two girls. It is a chemical substance and i can't touch it. Do you perhaps have something like a stick so we can bring this to the headquarters?" i asked Jisung.

He gave me a popsicle stick. I put the stick on the ground and carefully hold it. I can't touch the liquid.

As i got a few jisung gave me a plastic bag and we put it there.

" good thing you were there to save them" jisung said as he flashes me a smile.

" let's go back now jisung" i said as we wenr back to the headquarters.

As we got back jisung told mark about what happened and i gave renjun the bag.

" what's this?" renjun asked.

" chemical substance don't touch it with your bare hands." i said

" and where did you get it? " he asked.

" someone tried to pour that stuff on the two girls. I pulled them away before they got that liquid into them" i explained.

" great you saved a life!" he said as he smiled at me.

" thanks anyway can you searched this up so we can know what the hell it is. That thing just turned grass brown" i said as renjun got his gloves took the bag with him.

" come one let's go examine this.." he said as he gave me a pair of gloves.

Renjun went up stairs and i followed him. As we got up the door next to it was open revealing jaemin and jeno writing something. I head to where renjun was heading as he put his key into the scanner.

As the door opened he push it and the lights went on. It was a mini laboratory. It has alot of glass tubes with substances in it.

The cabinets are filled with chemicals and metals.

" put on a lab coat and glasses we'll let's examine this.."

While renjun was finding the components of the chemical i was using the microscope to see it more closely.

It was fun to examine these kind of things but when you find out the truth you can be surprised, confused or shocked.

" areum.. We need to get this thing out!" renjun said as he placed it inside the bag again and grabbed the one from my microscope carefully trying not to touch it.

" its Thioacetone. One of the deadliest chemicals out there" he said as my eyes widen.

He disposed the substance into the bin. We went to the wash station as we washed out hands. God i think I'll have a heart attack after this.

" who would bring a chemical like that in here that is prohibited to the university because it can kill you even with the tiniest drop of it" he said.

" when why does the guy filled a whole bucket with it when this chemical is just going to kill a person with one drop" i said.

" well it was mixed with water when i found it.. Maybe he made that so no one can suspect him" renjun said.

We finished washing up so me and renjun closed the laboratory and head down. We passed by the room where jaemin and jeno are working and i saw them sleeping While the computer is on.

I went down the stairs and renjun and mark were talking.

" jisung told me about it and the heck that was crazy" mark said.

" everyone here is crazy hyung" renjun said.

I sat down on the couch.

" let's just end the day for today. We are still going to the main headquarters" mark said as renjun went up.

" don't worry Areum your safe.." mark said as i faintly smile.

I was kinda got scared when renjun said that the chemical was dangerous and now i felt that he is angry at me for bringing such chemical to the headquarters but the good thing is that i saved the two girls.

" hyung where chenle and haechan??"

We all looked at each other. Fuck.

__ -:- __

We searched for chenle and haechan everywhere. On the club building at the High school building and the freshman building and even at the cafeteria but still Chenle and Haechan is no where to be found.

" did you guys tried calling them? " i asked them and they nodded.

" he didn't picked up his phone" jeno said.

We are starting to worry that they got kidnapped because jisung said the last time he saw chenle he was with mark but mark said he was with haechan.

" i went with chenle at the headquarters don't you guys remember?" jisung said.

" oh i remember that but i didn't notice him getting out" jeno said as jaemin nodded.

" i saw him with mark too" jaemin said

" really?? I thought me and haechan saw the only one there" mark said.

" is haechan is with you mark then where did he go?" i asked him.

" he said he's just going to get something but then he didn't came back" mark said.

I think haechan and chenle are with each other but what happened to chenle?

" ohh i remember chenle came towards mark and looked at what he was doing but mark didn't noticed him and i don't know where went" renjun spoke up.

" i was doing something and the door was open so i saw it happen" then renjun scratches the back of his head.

" ok if we are haachan and chenle were would we be?" jeno said.

As we stood there thinking of where would be chenle and haechan are we head a voice coming to our way. We turned around to face them and saw chenle and haechan talking to each other.

" Haechan!! " mark yelled at he went to haechan hugging the boy.

" yah hyung what are you doing?" haechan asked.

" i thought you were kidnapped" mark said.

We went towards them and chenle gave us the weird look.

" why are y'all here?" chenle asked as haechan pushed mark away.

" we were worried that something bad had happened to you two" renjun said as haechan and chenle chuckled.

" we just went to the faculty since me and chenle have to pass our homework that we forgot about" haechan said.

" then why aren't you answering our calls? " jeno asked

" i left my phone at the headquarters" haechan said.

" battery died" chenle said.

We were relieved to see them in one piece but that shit made me worried about them. This school is so huge that people can get lost anytime.

We went back to the headquarters and grabbed our stuff. It's already time to go to the main headquarters but mark said that something came up with and they had ro change it to another time.

" let's go to the cafe near by its been a while since we hangout there" haechan said.

" yeah this school is stressing me out and i need a break" renjun said as he massage his temples.

" you want to come areum?" mark asked me.

I don't know if i wanted to come with them since my mother wouldn't let me come when my friends in canada hangout.

" im not sure mark.." i said.

" come on Areum don't be a pooper" jeno said.

" yah you're no fun too you know" chenle said to jeno as he glared at chenle making chenle looked away from him.

" i guess I'll go" i said as the pushed me our of the room and we started to walk out of the gates.

We went to a minimalist cafe. Haechan said this is where they always go hang out.

" do you want something Areum?" haechan asked me.

" yeah I'll just have a strawberry Frappuccino" i said. They each ordered a drink and mark paid all of it.

" yah why did you paid for my drink?" i asked him.

" i want to treat my members today" mark said as he smiled at me.

" this day has finally come omg" renjun said as he covered his mouth while saying it.

" that's because we have a new member renjun. Mark has been acting nice since areum came" jeno said teasing mark.

" oh really.. I saw you smiling all day today since you've got to see Areum early in the morning" mark spat back as jeno glared at mark. There's a light pinkish color to their cheeks.

" oh yeah i saw jeno fixing his hair earlier" renjun said teasing jeno.

" says the one who keep blushing the whole time he's with her" jeno said and put his tongue out at renjun.

" oh look our drinks are here" i said making them looked at me.

I took mine while they rushed to the counter to get theirs. We sat at the couch and talked.

" Areum is the guy earlier is your butler or something?" mark asked

" i guess so?? I never really wanted to have one actually" i said.

" then you must be crazy rich noo- aW!" mark hit jisung's head.

" well.. Yeah but hankook is an elite school right?" i asked them.

" yeah it is an elite school but some students got there because of their intelligence" renjun said.

" some of us here are well off and some just got in because of a scholarship " Renjun added.

" really?" i said

God i felt bad. They are hard working guys. Ugh i felt so guilty towards them.

" Renjun, Haechan and I are the only ones who are been a scholar two years ago. Since that was the time we all have hard days. " mark spoke up. Clearly they don't want to talk about it but it seems that they only said it because i was here.

I also wanted to tell them about my life but also i don't want them to know it.

" im really sorry.. " i said in guilt.

" don't worry we're fine now" renjun said as he forced a smile.

" anyways how about you Areum? You seemed like you wanted to tell us something" jeno said.

" oh.. Umm it's nothing" i said

" great because i saw this ad on my sns account that they are selling holographic starter kits that renjun wanted" haechan spoke up as renjun quickly looked at haechan.

" wah really how much is it?" renjun asked.

" hundred thousand dollars" haechan said as renjun soul has quickly left out of his body as he heard the price.

" chill dude you'll get one someday" jaemin said as he patted renjun's back.

" yeah in my dreams.." renjun said as mark laughed.

" i saw someone selling them for a thousand dollars but i ain't buying it seems sketchy" mark said.

" yah who would fall for that" jisung said.

" obviously renjun hyung" chenle said as he laughed.

I swear to God his laugh is contagious.

__ -:- __

I was in my room listening to music when suddenly an ad popped up my screen it was an ad for a holographic kit that renjun wanted.

I have two of those but i didn't told them that i have one. I might sound arrogant.

I wanted to give one to renjun since haechan said renjun wanted one of those. It was on my laboratory and i wanted to give him that tomorrow and leave it on his desk tomorrow morning.

So i went out of my room and went to my laboratory. I opened it using my key and the door unlocked.

I twist the knob and the light went on. It was still the same lab since i left it. It was a little dusty but I'll just clean it when i came back. I went finding the kit which was placed somewhere in this room amd it was behind in one of the cabinets.

I grabbed it and it a bit dusty on top. I blew the dust away but it caught up in my nose. Bad idea.

I went outside and locked the door and got up to my room.

I placed it iniside of a paper bag and put it beside my bag since i might forgot to bring it tomorrow.

This will be my thank you gift for informing me about the chemical and everything.

__ -:- __


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