For better, For worse | Louis...

By darlinglikeyou

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She never thought that she would see him again. She thought she could put what she did behind her and move on... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen

Chapter seven

99 35 28
By darlinglikeyou

Chapter seven:

I wasn't really sure why I even asked for Louis when I had called Harry's phone earlier. After I had spent five minutes explaining myself to Harry that it was Angela calling, not Kendall, and answering thirty questions on if she was alright, it was just the first thing that came out of my mouth.

When I heard him speak I almost hung up the phone. I almost hung it up, threw it in the pool and pretended the whole thing was some freak accident and was going to promise Kendall a new phone. But, then I thought of my terrified baby sister waiting in the house and how everything that I was doing was for her and her unborn child.

I still contemplated throwing the phone.

There was just something about him and his voice that compelled me to follow through with the conversation. His voice sent a calming sensation through me, taking me back to that night in Miami when he was so sweet about finding my sister with me. I realize now how insane I probably sounded at the time but he was so patient with me. Assuring me the whole time that he would be the same way for any of his siblings. He was also the eldest and felt a need to protect them at all costs.

For the six minutes that the phone call lasted, the guilt that weighed heavy in my stomach for nearly three months felt lighter, almost non-existent and was replaced with a flutter like sensation.

Butterflies. He gave me butterflies.

I sighed heavily to myself as I stood in front of my bathroom mirror, grabbing my toothbrush from its place and wetting it. I stood silently as I brushed my teeth, the aforementioned pit having retaken its place deep within me. Stupid stupid stupid.

My self-demeaning thoughts were  interrupted by arms wrapping around my waist from behind as my fiancé entered the bathroom, resting his head onto my shoulder and kissing the side of my neck.

"Hello there, beautiful." He greeted me sweetly and I nuzzled my head into his before he grabbed his own brush and placed a dollop of toothpaste onto it. "On a scale of 1-10 how drunk are you right now?" He smiles at me, the foam from the toothpaste coating his mouth.

"Probably like a point five." I spit and wet my toothbrush again before continuing, "We didn't really drink too late, so the effects of the alcohol are long gone." I smile at the messy way he brushes his teeth letting the foam spill out all around his mouth.

"What?" He asks, causing the mess around his mouth to worsen and me to giggle a little.

"I bet the third graders you teach are neater about brushing their teeth than you are." I playfully poke him in the stomach and he spits into the sink before turning to look at me with narrowed eyes.

"Oh yea? You think I'm messy? It would be a shame if.." he doesn't finish speaking before he grabs me up and starts wiping his face all over mine causing the minty paste to transfer from his face to mine. I squeal and try to fight my way out of his grip but his strong arms tighten around me and hold me in place as he kisses all over my face.

"Trevor! Let me go! Noooo!" I laugh and scream out, pushing at his chest until he's laughing maniacally. Eventually I give up and just laugh kissing him back, both of our faces covered in the goopy mess.

He lets me go and rinses his toothbrush off placing it back into its holder. "Jesus, Angela. You're so messy. Can't you try to keep the toothpaste in your mouth?" He smirks at me and leans forward, rinsing the drying paste from his face.

I glare at him before turning to rinse my own face. "You're gonna pay for that one, mister"

"Mister? Really?" He cocks his head to the side, smiling at me with his perfect white teeth.

"Yes, just when you least expect it." I grab a towel and start to dry my face as he walks past me to go back into the bedroom swiftly slapping my ass and causing me to jump as he goes.

"I guess I'll just have to always be prepared." He takes off from the room and I drop the towel, chasing after him.


Later when we're tangled up together in the bed, the light from the moon the only thing illuminating the room, I lace my fingers through his before kissing his hand and resting my head into his chest.

"Want to know a secret?" I whisper into the dark.

He lifts his arm up around me and starts to trace little circles over my skin. "Hmm?" He replies sleepily.

I turn myself to look up at him, his eyes are closed now, lips pouting out softly. He really is beautiful. His dark lashes cast a shadow over his cheeks and I brush my fingers across one of them.

"Never mind, I'll tell you in the morning." I lay my head back onto his chest and he pulls me closer to him, mumbling about wanting me closer and kissing the top of my head.

I lay there for a while just listening to his soft snores and the watching the gentle ride and fall of his chest before I hear my phone buzz.

I roll over to check it and my heart stops when I see his name illuminated across my screen.

I was thinking maybe we go somewhere that has cheesecake? Seems to be a real passion we both have. ;)

My mind is teleported back to him wiping the sweet crumbs from my lips before kissing them passionately. I smile like the idiot that I am and start to type out a response that I hope will make him smile equally as stupid. I pause when Trevor grunts and rolls over, reaching for me to come back to him. I shake my head clearing it of the fog that he seems to fill it with and erase the message.

I type out a quick message back and lay my phone down before turning back to my future husband and snuggling into his embrace. I don't know how many more times I'm going to get to do this before the reality that I have created for myself blows up in my face and it's all gone. A few tears slide out and down my cheeks as I push my way under his arm, my head resting on his chest once more.

"I love you" I whisper into him not expecting a response.

"I love you more" his reply is so soft I'm not even sure if he said it. I close my eyes and hold onto the man that is going to be my forever before falling into sleep


Guest lists and seating charts lay scattered around me as I sit cross-legged on my living room floor. It's a quarter past four and I had been going at this for nearly two hours. I thought that after work I would come home and relax for a little while but my crippling anxiety over our dinner tomorrow made that as impossible as it had last night.

I had tossed and turned most of the night, resulting in little to no sleep. I could tell by the looks of it, that I had kept Trevor awake too. When he left for work this morning he had bags under his eyes and had to drink an extra cup of coffee but his bright smile and cheery attitude remained the unfazed.

That's what I loved the most about Trevor. He was always just so damn positive. About everything. He could have a flat tire and instead of being aggravated, he would just be excited that he gets to practice how fast he can change the tire.
The thought makes me smile and I roll my eyes.

I sit for the next forty-five minutes and go over the most recent seating chart that I had made, hoping that this will finally be the one that makes everyone happy. Proud of my work, I pick it up and carry it with me to the kitchen so Trevor can examine it when he gets in from work.

I rummage around in the fridge trying to decide what to make for dinner. I settle on a simple pasta dish with chicken and spinach and get started on the sauce.

Almost as soon as I start to cook I can hear the familiar sound of keys jingling and Bella's little yips at the door as she excitedly dances around waiting for her dad.

When he comes through the door she jumps up on him eagerly waiting for his affection. "Hi hi. Yes, I see you. Hello. How are you today baby girl?" He bends to scoop the small dog into his arms before walking over and kissing me. "And how are you my big baby?" His remark makes causes me to laugh.

"I'm good. Kind of tired but good." I lift a spoonful of sauce to his mouth. "Taste."
He takes the bite eagerly and then sits Bella into the floor before commenting. "Mmm that's really good. I'm starving." I pour the pasta into a boiling pot and turn my attention back to him.

"Thanks, it's from a can." I wink at him and a wide grin spreads over his face. "I know, you left the evidence on the counter." I swat at him and he grabs my hands bringing them to his mouth and planting a light kiss onto each of them.

"I could make it homemade but I've got the lazy." I take my hands back and stir the sauce again.

"The lazy huh? I have the lazy but I have to go grade some of these papers before work tomorrow." He makes a pouty face at me and starts to walk away.

"Wait! Look at this seating chart. I think I finally got it." I push the paper on the counter towards him and he studies it for a few moments.

"Ah. Aunt Carol and Aunt Lily can't sit next together. They hate each other. Oh and Karlee and Russell broke up. So I don't even know what to do with that." He points to each name on the paper. "You almost got it though, babe." He reassures as he gives me a pat on the butt.

I groan and crumple the paper up in my hands. "This is hard as fuck."

"That's what she said." he laughs out as he walks away and I throw the paper wad at his head, missing completely.

I return my attention back to my cooking and start to add a few different things to the sauce to try and spice it up a bit. Literally. I grab some garlic bread from the freezer and pop it into the oven before grabbing some wine glasses down and grabbing a new bottle.

"What the fuck? Angela!" Trevor's voice shouts out from the other room.

I sat the wine down onto the counter and walk into the living room to make sure everything is okay. As soon as I entered the the room he stood from the couch, looking down at me with wild eyes.

"What? What's wrong?"

His eyes are as big around as saucers as he starts to speak.

"Do you have something that you need to tell me?" He questions.

My heart drops into my stomach and I just know that it is all over. I struggle to speak but then finally manage, "Trevor, I.."

He held his hand up, stopping me mid-sentence.

"I.. I can't believe this." The words leave his mouth and I didn't think my heart could sink any further. I was so so wrong

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