Too Cliché

By morggythemoose

336 23 0

Lashton Mashton Cake This is a fictional story of how Amnesia, Wherever You Are, and Voodoo Doll was written... More

Chapter 1: Change
Chapter 2: Senses
Chapter 3: Breaking News
Chapter 4: Questionable
Chapter 5: Trust Issues
Chapter 6: What about us?
Chapter 7: Its All History Now
Chapter 9: Wrong Intensions
Chapter 10: Silent Tears
Chapter 11: Arrival
Chapter 12: Help

Chapter 8: Baby Steps

23 2 0
By morggythemoose

Luke woke to the smell of breakfast being made for in his tiny one bedroom apartment. Calum stood completely naked, except for a beenie, in the kitchen. Luke couldn't help but laugh as soon as he walked in. Calum stood dancing by the fridge. Luke's laughter made a smile full of white teeth appear on Calum's face. He turned to face Luke and kissed him gently on the lips and then began to dance wildly around the room. Luke broke out laughing hysterically. 

Calum stopped dancing and looked at Luke. His face changed suddenly to a very grim look. “Have you spoken to Ashton yet?”

Luke was solem. “We haven’t spoken in the past couple of days. All I know is that I’m visiting him for Christmas. That’s when I plan on telling him.”

Calum stood there, completely naked contemplating this. “I’m going to get dress, then we can eat,” he finally said not looking at Luke.

“Okaay,” Luke nodded and started setting the table for breakfast.

When Calum came back, he had his backpack of clothes he had brought with him a week ago. He set it by the front door and then sat across from Luke at the kitchen table. They ate in silence.As they finished, Calum gathered the plates and put them in the sink. With his back to Luke he began to speak, “Luke?”

Luke hummed, “Hmm?” He came up behind Calum and kissed his neck and wrapping his arms around his waist. Calum turned around and pushed him back.

“I think it’s best I stay at my own house until you tell Ashton about us. It’s wrong for us to do this to him,” Calum didn’t look at Luke when he said this.

Luke’s eyes watched Calum’s every movement, “I understand.” He backed up from Calum and let his arms drop at his sides. “I’m sorry if you think I’m using you,” he said quietly, “I’m not. I really do like you.” Calum smiled at this and looked at Luke’s sad eyes.

“Don’t worry, it’s only for a little while. Christmas is only a couple days away.” Calum said reaching his arm across the distance between them to touch Luke’s soft face. Luke didn’t meet his gaze. “I’ll see you in a week, I promise.” Calum now wrapped his arms around Luke’s shoulders and kissed him lightly on the forehead. Luke returned the gesture before Calum grabbed his backpack and left the flat. 


Michael sighed deeply and stepped down the stairs to the entry way. He walked through the great big oak door and looked towards the wheat fields that surrounded the house he had been living in for years. Michael needed to find his sister and he knew that, but he had no idea where to start. He stepped back into the great house where Paul had found his way to the open door.

“Something’s on your mind.” It was a statement, not a question, but Michael shook his head anyways.

“Paul, I have to find someone,” he took a deep breath to steady his shaking hands. “I don’t know how to go about it, but I need to find her.”

Paul laughed lightly, “I would say I have to find her too, but my wife is in the living room doing wife things, so I guess I can’t help you there.”

“Not…not what I meant,” Michael said, balling his fists and releasing them. He repeated this gesture several times before continuing. “I don’t mean it like that, I have to find my sister.” Paul’s face was a question mark which prodded Michael to continue. “My sister moved to the U.S. a couple of years ago and I followed her here. I haven’t been in touch with her in god knows how long.” Michael gazed out the stained glass window imbedded in the big oak door. “I think it’s time I left this job to find her,” Michael said still looking out the window.

“I see,” Paul said thoughtfully. “And is that the only reason you feel the need to leave?”

Michael now starred at Paul intently, watching Paul watching him. “No,” Michael finally said. Paul’s expression didn’t change. “I’ve come to the conclusion we have different beliefs, and I mean that with no disrespect.” Paul nodded him on, “For the past four years, I’ve been hiding the simple fact that I am gay. I’ve been terrified to be kicked out from the only real family I have, but I saw the way you treated Ashton because of who he is and I will not stick around to see him tear himself apart trying to fit to your standards.”

Paul raised his hand, “I don’t need an explanation from you, Michael. You have every right to your own opinion, beliefs, and emotions, but let me make one thing clear,” Paul’s facial features changed from the kind-hearted fatherly figure Michael had always known him as, to a stern business-like man who was up to no child’s play. “Once you walk out that door, there is no coming back. Once you leave, you are no longer welcome in my home.”

“I don’t want to ebesomewhere I’m not accepted nor do I feel safe,” Michael inhaled sharply spitting the words at Paul. “Once I leave, I have no intent on coming back.”

“So be it,” Paul said and with one swift motion, Michael turned to the door and swung it open, not pausing to take in the scene one last time.

Michael took his duffle bag and tossed it into the back of his beat-up Ford pick-up.

“Wait!” Ashton called running down the steps of the mansion. “Wait! Michael!”

Michael smiled slightly at the sight of the curly-haired boy running towards him. He looked so silly with that panicked-concern look on his face. He stumbled towards Michael before coming to a quick stop at the sound of Paul’s voice.

“Ashton!” Paul stood on the steps of the old creaking building. “Take one more step and you’re out of this house too!”

Ashton looked to Paul and then back to Michael. Ashton saw Michal mouthed to him, “Go back inside.” Ashton shook his head, he could feel his eyes well up with tears. “Go,” Michael mouthed again. With this, Michael slammed the door to his truck and sped off leaving a whirlwind of dust and an emotionally-wrecked Ashton.

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