By ppppoppoo

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°nct dream mystery/crime au° [ COMPLETE ] Book 1 of irregularseries " solving the school's mystery case... More



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By ppppoppoo

Chapter 2: Found


I was about to try and crack the password but then our professor arrived. I quickly packed my laptop and took out a notebook and a pen.

" good morning class I am Professor Moon.. Moon Taeil.. I guess today we have a new student which i believe she's from canada" the professor said as he describe me.

Shit i hate going up front.

" please introduce yourself new student" he called  me out and i stood up.

I went infront and everybody is looking at me.

" hello.. My name is Choi Areum nice to see you i hope we all get along" i said as the professor clapped his hand followed by the students.

" welcome Areum to Hankook i hope you'll enjoy it here" he said as i went back to my seat.

I saw the cold guy beside me looked at me with his eyebrows crossed.

Wonder what his problem.

" anyway pull out a piece of paper and a pen we're going out.." he said.

__ -:- __

First and second period went longer than expected specially when professor moon had to asked us what is technology and no one answered.

I'm taking a break now since our teacher in third period is absent.

Some of the students went out of the room and others stayed to talked to their friends.

I pulled out my laptop again and opened the app.

I still notcied that the guy next to me haven't left. I thought he was going to leave when they said that third period is canceled.

" how did you get that app.." someone spoke up and it made me looked at the guy beside me.

He was looking at me while he was holding his phone.

" why would i tell you that?" i said as i went back and faced my screen.

I typed in a bunch of possible passwords but it didn't opened. I can still feel his eyes fixed into me and it's making me feel uncomfortable and at the same time annoyed at him.

" give me the microchip.. " he spoke up again but this time it made me look at him in confusion.

Is he the one that i bumped into earlier?

" i bumped into you earlier wasn't it?" he said

I took out the microchip from my pocket and hand it over to him. Then he put it into a a clear case and placed it inside his bag. He grabbed his phone, stood up and went out of the room.

What's with that guy..

He made me question about alot of things, why dis he looked at me like that. Why did he asked about the app, does he have one? And what's in that microchip. Does that contain a program that will be useful?

There's so much i wanted to asked but at the same time i couldn't.

I packed my stuff because i heard my stomach growl. The food here better be good or I'll just stick to making my own food instead.

I slung my bag into my shoulder and walked my way to the cafeteria.

It was not far from my building but i got tired already. I really need to work out some more.

Once i reached the cafeteria i scanned the place to find food and there i saw a stall that sells cakes and pastries. I'm craving on some blueberry cheese cake right now and there's only one left.

I went towards the stall and looked at that precious cake.

" can i have one blueberry cheese cake?" i said as the lady get it for me.

I grabbed my wallet and checked if i have enough money to buy it and gladly i did.

" it's three thousand won sweetie" i looked up and i gave her my money and she gave me the cake.

I grabbed the cake as i went to find a seat.

I found an empty one and there i sat and looked at my cheese cake. I grabbed the fork and took a slice, i was about to put it into my mouth when someone grabbed the fork from me and threw it into the ground.

Everyone divert their eye on us while i was shocked at what happened.

I looked up as i saw donghyuck looking at me while he was looking furiously. He grabbed my arm and dragged me away. I quickly grabbed my bag because it holds important stuff that i need but why the hell did donghyuck did that.

We went out of the cafeteria then went somewhere there aren't students around. He stopped and let go of my arm.

" why did you bought that cake?!" he raised up his voice making me flinched and scared at him.

" because i want it you idiot.." i said as i looked at him annoyed and walked away from him.

What did i do wrong? I was just hungry..

I stormed off to somewhere and i stopped my tracks when i saw something shiny on the floor. I looked at it and it was a silver coin. I picked it up and looked at it closely. It wasn't a coin that was used here in Korea.

I put it into my pockets since I've never seen something like it. I walked back to my building and went to back to my class.

I took my seat and took out the coin that i picked up. It was very thick for a coin to be honest. It was a bit dirty so i cleaned it with my thumb then the coin just opened.

It revealed an SD card inside.

" Ok class settle down" our teacher came in.

I put back the coin into my pockets and fixed my things. The guy next to me also came and he looked really tired. He sat down and put down his head to his desk, maybe he's  going to sleep.

The teacher gave us lesson but i wasn't listening. I was wondering what's inside of that card. I mean it must be important and they  hid it really in a coin which it was kinda unusual but also amazing since the fact they wanted it to be hidden.

After a few hours it was time to go home. I stretched my arms then packed up my things. The guy is still sleeping. he wasn't even caught sleeping since there's a folder standing infront of him.

I was done packing and most of the students are already out and the guy is still sleeping.

Should i wake him up??

I was hesitating on whether I'll wake him up or not but i don't want him to get angry at me for waking him up.

Ugh why do i have such a good heart.

I tapped his arm and he moved a little. I tapped it again but this time he grabbed my arm and looked up to me.

" what do you want?" he asked me in a angrily tone.

Shit i shouldn't have done that. I removed my arm from his grip and i looked at him.

" class ended" i said as i walked away from him. Geeze i just wanted to be nice..

I walked my way to the gates until i passed by that place again. I. Stared at it and it was giving me alot of questions. There's something odd from this place from this school and from the people around it. They are making me feel weirded out at some point and it was bothering me.

I shook my head and went out of the gates. I saw doyoung there waiting for me.

He grabbed my bag and opened the door for me. Before i get inside i took a second to look at the school.

Hankook University

" Areum?" doyoung spoke making me hopped inside the car. He closed the door and went to the driver's seat.

I took a last look of the school before we drove away.

Why did i even went to this school.

__ -:- __

We arrived at my house and doyoung opened the door for me.

I went out and he closed the door.

" doyoung do you know anything about hankook?" i asked him as he shot his head at me and looked at my eyes.

" why do you asked Areum?" he said i reply.

I shouldn't tell him about what i feel about the school. I still don't trust him.

" nothing i just wanted to get familiar with the school. " i said

" well i heard that school was cursed and it's haunted " he said

I don't believe in those but then once doyoung said that i started to think it was really haunted. The creepy stoned place give me the creeps already and i don't want to go back there. But like i said there's something in there and i got me so curious.

If hankook is all modern and high tech why didn't they removed that stoned built wall in the first place.

" is there something bothering you Areum?" he asked me.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at doyoung who is looking at me out of concern.

" yeah.. I'm fine. Let's get inside" i said as he nodded.

He opened the door for me and i saw mom on the couch watching television.

" oh Areum.. You're back" she said as she stood up from her seat and went towards me and gave me a hug.

" how was school" she said

" it's fine had alot of fun" i said and faked a smile.

Wasn't it fun knowing that there's something going on with that school. I think not.

" anyway mom I'll get to my room I'm tired" i said as i grabbed my bag from doyoung.

I went up to my room and locked the door. I grabbed my laptop from my bag and opened it. I pulled out the coin from my pockets and opened it revealing the SD card.

I carefully grabbed the card and put it inside of my computer. After a few second the card was already connected to my laptop.

As i opened it only one folder was inside of the card.

I clicked on it and revealed three more files.


📂. IRC

    - 📄 case30

    - 📄 photos

    - 📄!¡do not open¡!


I opened the case30 file and it was an article.



        A girl was found dead near the fountain at the back of the science building. No clues where found pertaining to the killer but there was broken glass near the body. A glass window was broken few meters from thw crime scene. The killer used the glass to cut her.

Girl has a cut from her neck, body was left in a plastic bag. The killer was planning to dispose the corpse but didn't succeed.

Edited by: L.JN

So it was true..

The whole killing thing is real. I closed the document and look through the photos it was the girl. I can't believe what I'm seeing right now.

There was the last file which clearly saya do not open. I wanted to open it so bad and i just had to see it.

I opened it and it was time and dates about the cases that they've done. It was all in detail.

Okay thay was useless.

I removed the card from my computer and placed it back to the coin when something popped up from my screen.

gIvE bAcK tHe CoIn
By ToMoRrOw oR eLsE
CoNsEqUeNcEs wIlL

cOmE tO ThE
iR-rEgUlAR cLuB
hEaDqUaRtErS aSaP..

What's with the spelling?? They couldn't have done it properly, now my head hurts from the font.

So this is from the Ir-regular club?

Someone must have accidentally dropped it. I closed my laptop and took a shower. I changed into my clothes and hopped into my bed.

I don't want to get involved in their shits since it was too risky and dangerous. So I'll just stay out from their business and bring back this card to them.

It's still early for me to sleep so grabbed my phone and went out of my room. I went to the kitchen and i saw my mom preparing something.

I went towards her and i smelled the fresh baked cookies she made. I grabbed one and took a bite from it.

Chewy and chocolaty

" is it good?" she asked

"better than before" i joked around as she playfulky hit my arm.

" aish you kid" she said as i laughed at her cute expression. I never thought that my mother was this cute when she's annoyed.

" anyways we'll attend a party this Saturday since I've been invited by a client and she said it was a thank you party" she said i just nodded the whole time she said that.

" you'll wear a dress.." she said.

My mouth dropped. I ain't going to wear a dress not now not tomorrow not ever.

As you can see wearing a dress is so uncomfortable I'm not a tomboy or something i just felt uncomfortable when I'm wearing one you know..

" don't say you'll not wear a dress because i already bought one and it's not going to waste" i can't believe i was doing this.

After two hours i went back to my room and opened my computer. The two screens opened and it revealed me and my father and my mother when i was little on one screen while the other screen it was all black. Since that is the one i used to code and do my business.

I missed my father i know he went missing but i will not stop believing that he is not dead. I'm sure of it that he's alive and wanted to see his little girl all grown up.

My laptop is sync to my computer on one screen so i can see the mysterious app still there. I opened it and tried to open it but it still wont open.

I slmmed my hand on my desk and groaned in frustration.

I took a seat back at my chair and i remembered what happened earlier at the cafeteria.

Why did he stopoed me from eating that cake. Does he wanted the last slice?

He even threw the fork down.

I don't understand donghyuck.

The guy beside me also seems so suspicious. He's acting cold and mad towards me even though i did nothing to him.

I pushed back my hair in frustration. I felt my ehad hurts so i massaged my temples to calm me down.

There's so many things happened today and it doesn't even make sense?!!

__ -:- __


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