The Winter Peony (Young Hanzo...

Galing kay Fantasies_Escape

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Set in medieval Japan, a young Hanzo Shimada is meeting his bride to be--and he isn't thrilled about it. He f... Higit pa

The Nakodo and the Flower
Close Call
When the Valley Lilly Bloomed
Beware the Thorns
The Wilting Sasanqua
The Young Lord Rebels
Cerbera Odollom
The Shimada Clan
Hatching A Plan
Snakes in the Garden
Snake Nest
Practice, Practice, Practice.
Friends Close, Enemies Closer
When cornered, strike
Dragon vs Snake

First Strike

595 27 7
Galing kay Fantasies_Escape

I told ya'll I wasn't playing around anymore! 
You thought I was joking! 
I kept ya'll waiting long enough for this and I can't wait to see it finished (In a good "I did it!" way, not a bad way) 

I know you're probably already sick of it, but--if you like what I do and want me to be able to do more of it, more often, please think about supporting me through ko-fi!

It did not take long for Genji and Hanzo to find out about the tea room catching fire, and both young men had been sent into a fit of rage when they were told that it had been a further attack on their lives—presumably the same group who had killed Lord [L/N]—still under orders from Shuzu meant for [Y/N] to perish in the flames.

"I'll take his head from his shoulders!" Hanzo roared as he started for the hallway from the sitting room where Ryoko had called them to. "He is still after [Y/N], and he will not stop until he is killed! Father or no, I—"

"Will sit down and listen to me." Ryoko snapped in such a harsh tone that [Y/N] could see Genji flinch as well as Hanzo. She snapped her fingers and pointed to where Hanzo had been sitting, the eldest of her sons sighed and sat back down. "Yes, it is on Shuzu's head, but the Kobayashi women have taken upon themselves to come to the home uninvited, and we can't let them know about [Y/N]'s father is dead. Nor the infighting. If they find out the head of the [L/N] clan is deceased, they will call for [Y/N] to be put into servitude and you will lose your bride my son—they may even try to position themselves into power, with a daughter of their own to wed."

"Mother?" Genji's voice was soft and timid—much unlike his wild and joyful self. "I don't understand why we must be so secretive to others. Father did a terrible thing and [Y/N] has suffered so much...Surely if we told the truth—that father has lost his sense and murdered her family, then people will understand if we disown him and make Hanzo the head of the clan?" He looked between the elders gathered around him and leaned forward. "Anyone with eyes and sense can see Hanzo and [Y/N] love each other, and that they deserve to be together. If we make father step down and answer to his crimes—"

"We would be executed alongside him my little green dragon," Ryoko said flatly. Her tone held no malice, but the delivery was cold and it stunned her youngest into an open-mouthed silence. "If they find out that the assassination of an entire clan took place from the clan that it was meant to wed into? No one in the spiral will trust the Shimada's. Every action we take will be questioned, argued and untrusted. If they find out Shuzu was trying to murder his way to the center...they may call for all our execution—even you children. An end to both clans in one fell swoop."

"No!" Hanzo clenched his fists as he grit his teeth, "We can't let that happen."

"Agreed." Ryoko nodded solemnly. "So, we need to put up a secure front, your father has already been taken to my family's old estate and kept under close guard hand chosen by me—under the tale of 'hunting the arsonist'. It is unknown where he is, when he will come back and who the unseen assailants were." She put her hands on the table in front of her and leaned on them slightly, "No one is to know the truth save for those I choose. Understood?"

The three teenagers nodded their heads in agreement, silent and obedient—aware of the dire consequences should any of them slip up and reveal the truth behind the woven story. Ryoko leaned back and sighed heavily, taking note of how her youngest son was pale in the face, almost tinted green. His eyes slowly scanning the mat below him. "I do not wish to worry you," she told him softly, then to Hanzo and [Y/N], "Any of you. But its time to set childhood aside and learn of the harsh world as it is. Perhaps it is my own fault for sheltering you so much. I wanted to keep you as far away from these dealings as possible. Let you in slowly so not to shock you, or strike fear into you." She got to her feet and shuffled around the table before sinking to her knees between her sons and pulling them into a motherly embrace. "You boys are my world, more important to me than anything this world or the next could offer. Your happiness and safety is my top priority."

The matriarch lifted her head and smiled gently to [Y/N] who did not return the gesture, instead the youth reached for Hanzo's hand, closing her eyes as he returned her grip tightly. "We have to take care of each other, for everyone outside this room would rather see you dead and buried than happy and prospering." Ryoko put a hand on Genji's head and watched as Hanzo turned to face [Y/N], taking both her hands in his. "We do not move without consulting each other from this moment on." She wrapped her arm around Genji and nodded to Hanzo and [Y/N] who nodded back in return. "Hopefully we can get this visit over with and done before long, and the wedding can get underway. I want you two to go back to planning it as you were before this mess fell in our laps. The more we have planned and agreed upon, the quicker getting the materials and necessities will be."

"Yes." Hanzo's rumble made [Y/N] look up at him, she could see a shine in his dark brown eyes as he stared at her. "The sooner we are wed, the sooner our largest problems will be behind us."

A soft cough on the other side of the door left the entire group on edge, [Y/N] could feel the hairs on the back of her neck prickle in anticipation. From the corner of her eye, she watched Genji flinch, Hanzo's jaw clench and Ryoko straighten her back—pulling away from Genji slightly as she eyed the door suspiciously.

"Lady Shimada, the Kobayashi women will be approaching the gate soon, a rider has returned with news that they are traveling by horse-drawn carriage." The clipped tone from the opposite side of the closed door had become familiar to [Y/N]. She was a lady in waiting to Ryoko, dressed as a servant she was a warrior who was charged with keeping Ryoko Shimada out of dangers way and did not go far without her charge.

"Then it is time for us to greet them." Ryoko stood and smoothed her kimono out, relaxing her face before putting on her matronly smile. "Come my fledglings, smiles now and remember what I've said. Remember it well, or it will be the end of our clan."


The Shimada's and [Y/N] waited outside the gate to the estate, servants waiting both outside and inside the gate to assist the Kobayashi clan members and take general orders. [Y/N] gave a quick glance around the walls that made the estate its own little world—the servants and workers had even made time to clean the weeds away from the walls and sweep the pathway that lead to the main house.

Hanzo reached out and touched her hand lightly, a simple brush of his fingers to the back of her hand, but it was enough to remind her to keep sharp. She watched the road, hearing the neighing of horses just before the carriage appeared in the distance.

Hanzo clapped his hands, hushing the servant's fervent whispers and alerting them to take their practiced positions for receiving guests of high standing. Men servants stood outside the gate on either side of the Shimada family, and women servants stood inside the gate, all with their hands to their sides and eyes to the ground. Hanzo stood beside Genji, with [Y/N] and Ryoko standing just behind them.

When the carriage had come to a stop, Hanzo motioned for the male servants to begin helping the women exit. The first was an elderly woman, with her greying hair pulled back into a simple style to match her simple blue kimono with flower designs. She had age marks around her eyes, and laugh lines around her mouth that twitched as she smiled to Hanzo when she approached. The second woman was tall and lithe with stark black hair hanging down around her shoulders. Her face was thin and her chin more pointed than the elderly woman's.

She reminds me of a weasel, [Y/N] thought as she respectfully bowed her head as the woman approached to stand by her mother.

"Hello, Shimada-dono." The middle-aged woman greeted, "Thank you for allowing our visit to your home—I'm sorry to have come at such short notice—but we were passing by on our trip to visit some of our establishments," She gestured down the road, the smile stretched wide across her thin face, making it look more pointed and scary. "And we couldn't pass up the chance to check in on one of our favorite families." She eyed Ryoko behind him and [Y/N]. "But oh my," she put a hand to her face and looked around, "I do not see Lord Shimada? Will he be joining us? What about Lord [L/N]?"

"I'm afraid my father has been called away to urgent business and Lord [L/N] has fallen ill, there was an accident where one of our tea rooms caught on fire, we think a faulty candle holder toppled over and started a fire. Or someone knocked it over carelessly. Lord [L/N] tried to help put out the flames with us but has fallen ill due to inhaling too much smoke. He is resting at the home of one of our physicians and is expected to make a recovery before my wedding to his daughter, [Y/N]." Hanzo explained, turning and gesturing to [Y/N] who bowed respectfully, smiling faintly to give the façade of a worried daughter.

"Oh my," The woman's face slowly faded into one of concern, but [Y/N] caught the shift in her eye as she looked toward her mother who gave an affectionate "poor dear" and reached out to pat Hanzo's hand in sympathy. "That's terrible. We do wish him a speedy recovery."

They had not expected father to survive an assassination attempt by Shuzu...their sell swords probably reported back that he was successfully killed. But who to believe? [Y/N] thought to herself as she glanced toward the carriage, someone else was emerging. Tora.

Tora was a little older than [Y/N] and her body had filled out more with her age. Her kimono was proper, but it hinted at her womanly physique and complimented her nicely with shades of blue with cranes stitched into the design taking flight into a sky. Her face was not quite so thin and pointy-chinned as her mothers, giving her a softer more human look. [Y/N] had to remind herself not to scowl outright at her, it was she who held Hanzo's heart—not Tora.

"Mother?" Tora's voice was soft and delicate as she stepped from the carriage with the aid of a servant. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes," Ayame called, waving her over. "Tora this is Hanzo Shimada, he will one day be the head of the Shimada clan and his younger brother Genji." Tora seemed to glide gracefully across the ground and her hair ornaments swayed in her black hair, resembling a waterfall with long pieces hang from a pinned-up style. "Behind him is their mother, Lady Ryoko Shimada and..." She paused as her gesture led to [Y/N]. "Hanzo's fiancée...[Y/N] [L/N], daughter of Lord [F/N] [L/N]."

"I had not heard of your engagement," Tora's smile fooled Genji into returning a bright happy grin, even Hanzo turned to give [Y/N] a happy, proud smile filled with love. But [Y/N] had spent enough time around girls her own age to hear the laughter in her tone, the pitch of certain words a tell-tale sign of her false interest. "Congratulations and may it be a long, and happy, marriage." She turned then to her mother and feigned innocence with, "Will we be continuing on mother?"

"I thought we might visit for a moment," Ayame turned to Hanzo and fiddled nervously with one of the folds of her kimono on her chest, drawing [Y/N]'s eye to it—curious if there was a knife or worse hidden in the material. "After such a terrible ordeal, it must have left you both shaken." Ayame was looking toward Ryoko then, glancing at [Y/N] with a nod, "Would it be terrible of us to impose on you for a few hours, to give you the freedom to talk? The men have duties to tend to—and I know how frightening it can be with the Lord away and everyone hopping about. Like ants roaming about you." She shivered and caused Tora to twitch, scratching at her hand as she nodded enthusiastically.

"And I would love to know what you're doing for your wedding [L/N]-san." Tora smiled to [Y/N], "I have been to a few matchmaker meetings, but the gods have yet to bless me with a match as true and wonderful as yours." Hanzo had walked away, whispering orders to the head female servant just inside the gate—so he did not catch the heated glance or the playful smile on Tora's thin red lips. [Y/N] clenched her right fist so hard she could feel her nails digging into her skin. "Having never been part of a marriage ceremony I would like to know if you have any pointers, or suggestions for the ceremonies." Within a blink, Tora had wrapped her arm around [Y/N]'s and squeezed her affectionately, "I would like to be prepared for my own wedding."

You mean you would like to know what you would change in the future, should your little scheme succeed. [Y/N] thoughts hissed like an angry snake, she wished that she could telepathically inflict illness or pain onto the older girl. Her touch repulsed [Y/N] but she dared not pull away or scowl. Instead, she forced a shy smile, hoping the heat in her cheeks looked like a blushing bride—then an angry warrior. 

"I would love to, I do look forward to the wedding, and the planning has gone over very smoothly. There is little Hanzo and I do not see eye to eye on. He is a most agreeable husband." She covered her mouth and looked away, trying to convey bashfulness. "I-I mean...fiancé."

[Y/N] caught the soft chuckle of Ryoko as she turned and nodded to Hanzo.

"Company would soothe some nerves." Hanzo agreed, clapping his hands so the servants went to work moving the carriage to the stables and the servants filed inside in single file to fulfill the quiet orders given by Hanzo. "Please come inside. I'm afraid because of the fire, part of the estate is off limits until we handle some repairs—but do feel free to make use of our inner room instead for a tearoom."

The two families walked side by side, [Y/N] still being clung to by Tora as they made their way into the house. [Y/N] put her free hand on Tora's and squeezed, giving her a smile as Hanzo and Genji turned to head for the stables—she could feel the other girl hesitate, slightly pulling toward their backs and the mood around her shift as they walked away. Yet [Y/N] held her firm, not allowing her to shift the direction. The elder women took the lead after bidding the men goodbye, with Ryoko showing the way to the inner room where they had spent most of their time together.

"I am curious," Ayame feigned trying to be secretive, lifting her sleeve to speak to her mother who walked beside her but not lowering her voice to be unheard. "What happened to [Y/N]-chan's hair. Not an appropriate look for a bride to be...she looks more like a disgraced groom!"

"I'm afraid some stray flames singed and burned patched of my hair with it so long." She turned to Tora and chuckled, "The gods' way of punishing me for wearing it down and undone I suppose. I was trying to help put out the fires and ended up spreading it to my kimono and hair. Luckily I wasn't harmed aside from some light burns."

"How, fortunate." Tora's voice was delicate but detached as if she was disappointed that [Y/N] had not suffered worse in the fire. "Though I do suppose this is why they say leave the dangerous work to the men." [Y/N] caught the mischievous smirk of Ayame who glanced at her daughter as Ryoko opened the door to the inner room and gestured for them to come inside.

"Please do make yourself comfortable," she turned and waved her hand to attract the attention of a maid at the end of the hall, "Bring some tea and snacks to our room." As [Y/N] and Tora passed, Ryoko put a hand on [Y/N]'s arm to stop her as Tora followed her mother and grandmother. "It is a tragedy about [Y/N]'s hair, but her bravery—she reacted much faster than some men dared to and made no fuss about her hair when we discovered the damage." She stroked [Y/N]'s cheek in a motherly fashion and smiled happily, a glint in her eyes like a snake poised to strike. "Hanzo didn't even blink, too worried for her safety and health. Has he even remarked on it, my dear?"

"Not a word Lady Ryoko." [Y/N] hoped that her eyes mirrored Ryoko's, to let her know silently that she knew what she was doing: putting up the front. Everything was fine in the Shimada household, the bond between [Y/N] and Hanzo was as strong as ever and the wedding was proceeding as planned. They will not falter.

"And what a shame about your father falling ill [Y/N]," Ima Kobayashi tsk'ed slowly, shaking her grey head from side to side with a sigh. "After losing your mother in such a gruesome manner—it must be so hard for you."

A lump formed in [Y/N]'s throat and she fought back tears, she had been trying to avoid thinking about her mother and how she had lost her, the wound reopened and raw now that her father had perished as well. It had been hard on her, but she felt the squeeze Ryoko gave her shoulder and she was reminded of the danger. No fear, no vulnerability.

"It has been taxing Lady Kobayashi but, I know my father—stubborn as any farm animal. He will not pass quietly or quickly. I dare say he will be better in time for the wedding." She dabbed at her eyes gently and smiled before following Ryoko to go sit at the table beside Tora.

"Perhaps we should pay him a visit then?" Ayame's pitch rose as she spoke, nodding as the other Kobayashi women agreed with her.

"Oh, I would not advise that," Ryoko chuckled as she adjusted her kimono while sitting. "Our personal physician has quite the odd temperament. He does not like his patients to be disturbed and believes that isolation is one of the quickest paths to recovery. No new introductions to the patient means less chance of the sickness taking better root." Ryoko smiled as [Y/N] nodded slowly.

"Even I'm not allowed to go see my father until he has been released. The physician is afraid that if any of us are sick—it could cause my father to worsen. So he has him in a secretive home hidden away—only Lord Shimada knows its location!" She chuckled and shook her head, "I've never heard such a peculiar doctor before but—there is a reason why he tends to the Shimada's and not the lower standing families or in the public clinics."

"Indeed we are quite lucky to have him in service." Ryoko reached over and pat [Y/N]'s as it lay in her lap. "Your father will be back to us before long my dear, don't fret."

[Y/N] nodded and sighed heavily, signaling that she was finished with the subject, despite the side eye glances of Ayame and Ima. "So, what brings you so close to the Shimada family?" She spoke the question aloud and then turned to look at Tora, blinking and smiling expectantly.

"Well we were on our way to inspect some of my families assets when we decided to stop in and say hello," She glanced to her mother who gave the slightest tilt of her head in a nod. "We had extended an invitation to the Shimada's but had not heard any word in return—we thought we had done something to offend and wanted to make amends." Eyes turned to Ryoko who shook her head with a pleasant smile.

"Oh my no," She chuckled and shrugged, "Between our own business and the upcoming wedding—I'm afraid we've simply had our hands tied." The door slid open and several servants rushed in, bringing trays of snacks and the tea set. "You know the men, too preoccupied with other matters to plan a wedding and without [Y/N]'s mother I'm afraid it's been left mostly to us." She smiled as Ayame began to open her mouth to speak, "Not that I mind of course—the more the men stay out of it the less I have to fix later." She winked as one of the remaining servants poured tea for everyone. "Honestly, despite how hectic things have been it's been heaven planning this wedding. [Y/N] and Hanzo are both sensible and agree with ease. Blessings of a love founded by the gods."

"I was just about to offer to help with the planning—we aren't scheduled to arrive at our next destination for some time, we could help with any details you find that are proving too taxing."

[Y/N] felt a pinch in her stomach, it was fear—if the Kobayashi women were to stay, pulling off their plan would become much more complicated if not outright impossible. Her hands clenched in her lap, and she resisted the urge to grind her teeth.

"[Y/N], pet, you've been so busy today," Ryoko purred and offered her a cup of warm tea, "I don't think you've even eaten today. We can't have you getting weak on us dear." 

"Yes ma'am." [Y/N] took the cup, grateful to have a distraction. As she took a deep drink from the cup, Ryoko turned back to Ayame and shook her head. 

"Nonsense! What sort of hostess would I be if I enlisted my guests to do work? I will not hear of it," She gestured to the table, "Please do help yourself and relax. Long travel can leave such soreness in the bones."

An awkward silence fell over the room while the women snacked quietly and sipped at their tea, [Y/N] tried to not make the glancing obvious. Tora seemed distracted, she was looking about the room slowly as she slowly chewed on a senbei cracker. The adults began making light small talk—the weather, the wedding preparations. It wasn't long before [Y/N] felt the familiar urge to get up from the table and walk away.

She hadn't felt this way since the night her mother had passed away, since then she had grown fond of the pre-determined family time. But it's not my family, not really. [Y/N] reminded herself. Ryoko will be family but it isn't the same, I don't trust these women—they are strangers to me. She cast a glance at Tora who shifted uncomfortably. And enemies.

"I won't lie that I am curious," Tora's voice pulled [Y/N] from her thoughts, making her blink. "Would it be too much to trouble you for a walk?" She shifted again and groaned, "Riding in the carriage can put such a strain on your body—I tire of sitting and would like to stretch my legs. Mother has often told me about the wonderful garden Lady Shimada keeps, I've often wanted to see it for myself."

[Y/N] glanced at Ryoko, half expecting her to decline, but instead, she nodded enthusiastically, pouring herself another cup of tea as she spoke.

"That's a wonderful idea, not that I think you are children, but we older women business to discuss. I think a walk through the garden would be good for everyone."

Tora clapped her hands happily and got to her feet as [Y/N] finished off the tea in her cup, trying desperately not to panic. She didn't like the idea of being alone with Tora. I could get so angry with her that I mess everything up. A shiver passed through her as she got to her own feet and followed Tora to the door. I could actually end up hurting this girl if I don't keep myself in check.

[Y/N] glanced back at Ryoko who was busy refilling Ayame's cup and answering a question that she hadn't heard. She felt an arm sliding around hers and had to forcibly stop herself from jerking away as Tora grinned like a giddy child. [Y/N] was sickened to be reminded of Genji when he was told a secret or was praised by Hanzo. When they left the room, [Y/N] had hoped that the absence of extra eyes would lessen the rising need to escape. The pounding of her heart made her footsteps seem agonizingly drawn out.

She never noticed how long the walk seemed to take coming from the inner room to the garden, the sounds of the hall was always filled with laughter or soft conversation, laughter or the brushing of hands against one another. [Y/N] looked over her shoulder, down the hallway and wished that Hanzo were with her instead of Tora.

"You miss him already?" Tora asked as they turned out onto the engawa, pausing to stare at one another. "You two must be, close..."

"We are," [Y/N] looked back the way they came, "We did not start off that way, but I've grown to love him with all my being. Mind, heart and soul."

"But, what of your body?" Tora's words caused reality to warp for [Y/N], she could feel her heartbeat throughout every nerve, as if her spirit was leaving her body before being sucked back inside with a hard jerk. She whipped her head around and pressed her lips into a hard line, staring wide-eyed but guarded at the other girl who smirked and put her hands on her hips. "Ahhhh so I see." A knowing look passed across her face before she chuckled. "Trying to be the pure little wife eh? How noble of you."

"What does Hanzo's and my intimacy have to do with you?" [Y/N] snapped, clenching her fists, "We've decided to wait until our wedding night, as is proper." She narrowed her eyes and squared her shoulders.

Tora offered no reply, simply covering her mouth with her hand and chuckling as she made her way into the garden, stepping down from the engawa to walk through the grass. [Y/N] stood beside one of the wooden pillars that connected to the roof and leaned against it. "Well?"

"Perhaps that is what you have fooled yourself into believing. That could very well be the way that Hanzo wants it to be," Tora lifted one shoulder, crossing her arms and inspecting a flowerbed. "He is rather stern and old-fashioned."

"You are correct," [Y/N] giggled despite trying to be stern and serious. [Y/N] had a flash of memory, Hanzo pinning her against the wall and kissing her fiercely after asking for her permission. The heated look in his eyes when they broke the kiss. How it felt to sleep beside him, wrapped in his arms and safe. A small smile started to spread across her lips as she closed her eyes and held onto the memory. "But I've learned how to read him very well."

"So you believe." Tora scoffed, it sounded quite hateful to [Y/N] but when she opened her eyes she saw that Tora was smiling as she went back to wandering the garden. "I might not have been blessed with a match made by the gods." She rolled her eyes and turned to face [Y/N] from under the shade of a tree. "But, lucky, for me," She drew out the word luck, emphasizing it to pull [Y/N]'s attention. "I still had my mother to teach me the womanly charms that incite men and make them happy." She shrugged again, the folds of her kimono neck slipping and revealing slivers of skin that were hidden a moment ago. "Happy, distracted fools tend to become clay in the hands of a capable woman."

"Hanzo is no fool, and he won't allow himself to be distracted." [Y/N] snapped angrily, understanding the threat.

Tora snickered, lifting her sleeve to her mouth to hide her sneer, "You sound so sure of yourself."

"I am."

"I wouldn't be if I were you." Tora taunted.

"Oh? Since you are so much wiser, why don't you enlighten me, elder, honored guest?" [Y/N]'s teeth began to grind as she watched the older girl tilt her head up. With the shadows on her face, [Y/N] realized she had been wrong in her first assessment of Ayame--the Kobayashi women's facial features didn't remind her of weasels--they reminded her of snakes. 

"You might have your story straight now," Tora's voice dropped as she strode forward slowly, "But all it would only take a little doing to make sure you end up an orphan." Tora's steps were as light as the moment she left the carriage, seeming to glide over the grass like an evil specter, or a snake slithering closer to [Y/N] with poisoned words. "An orphan, no matter who their family was, or what assests they had, has no place in a proper family."

Tora climbed back up onto the engawa and paused in the doorway that lead back into the house. "Any marriage to said orphan would be quickly denied, forgotten and replaced. But," A smile spread slowly across her face to reveal her teeth, rather than a grin—[Y/N] saw a monster with its teeth bared—a challenge. "No sense in wasting all those plans for a perfectly good wedding when all it would take is a simple swap of a bride to fill the empty space." She cast a disapproving glance over her shoulder and sniffed, "I've seen better gardens." Then turned sharply and strode back into the house alone, leaving [Y/N] to turn and punch the pillar hard, breaking the skin on her knuckles and causing a little bleeding. She cursed, Ryoko would want an explanation. 

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