Danganronpa: Deadly Despair

By Artistic-Antics

308 27 12

In the heart of japan lies a school known for nurturing the finest people in the nation. These people are ref... More

A new begining
The rest of them..
Meeting the murderous monokuma!
A motive to kill
Free time
Trial and Error
Trial part two
A new floor.
Pool party!
The next motive.

A night visit

8 2 0
By Artistic-Antics

"Sora wake up" That night I woke up around 1:00 am to someone violently shaking me. I was to tired to react...that's why I didn't scream at the given moment.

When my eyes finally adjusted to the darkness I saw Misaki leaning over me. "Misaki why are you here?" I asked her in between yawns

She wiped her eyes and looked at me "I just wanted to talk" She said. I couldn't help but notice her face was red and puffy.

"Oh about what? And why so early?" I asked...I was very confused about the situation

"I feel like I'm responsible for the deaths. Konata killed because he didn't want me to die" She said before sobbing

"That's not true your not responsible...Wait why are you telling me this?" I asked. After all her actions were a surprise.

"Well" Misaki paused "Your the only one who has spent time with me so far and I trust you."

"That's sweet. But honestly the only way you'd be responsible is if you'd kill someone"

"I wouldn't do that!" Misaki yelled. Good thing the door is soundproof

"Wait how did you get in here?"

"You left your door unlocked" Misaki stated."Hey do you think I am a good person?"

I was shocked by this question and the fact I forgot to lock me do "Well I don't know you to well so I'm not sure"

"I'd like to get to know you..hey would it be alright if I stayed the night?"she asked

"Uhh sure"

"Okay I'll sleep on the floor..." she said sadly

"No this bed is big come on in" I was to tired to even process the situation. Soon Misaki crawled into the bed and started to cuddle me.

Before I knew it the two of us had fallen asleep.

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