Trusting Fate

By Sprinting_Ginger

190K 3.2K 735

Ember believes in Fate, but she also believe in choices and consequences, and the choices she made as a naïve... More

Story Info
Tweet, Tweet, Tweet...
DM Me Again
I Promise I'm Not A Seriel Killer
You Haven't...? Nope.
Let Go
I Just Need To Process
Is This Too Much?
Birthday Baby
Parties Are Fun
To Say or Not To Say
Home Sweet Home
Missed You
Dreams and Nightmares
Life is Good
Your Best Friend, My Best Friend
Another Year Older, Pt.1
Another Year Older, Pt. 2
Family and Stuff
Ghostly Girlfriend
Safe With You
Girls Best Friend
It's Okay...
Fighting Back
The Long Way Home
I Got You
My World
The Big Fam
The Little Fam
Quarter Century
Lunch Date
Music, Dates, and Hoods
Let's Try Again
Embarassed is an Underststment
Today Has Arrived
San Diego
It's a Party
Our Little Koala
Please & Thank You & Please
N. Y. C.
Learning About You
Sunday Funday
Promo...Oh, No!
Real Life
Trust this...
Last Days
Don't Tell Ash
Turning Point
Back at Work
Hand in Hand
D.C. Adventure

The Storm Before The Storm

2.5K 47 20
By Sprinting_Ginger

⚠️ TW:high⚠️

Ashton's POV

"Hello?" I answer the phone, confused as to why Patti is calling me.

"Ashton, oh good." She sounds worried.

"What's going on, Patti? You're scaring me."

"Do you have any idea where Ember might be? She dropped Paislee off and said she had to go do something. But I can't get a hold of her. She looked bad."

"She isn't at the apartment?" I panic slightly.

"No, she left here about two hours ago."

"I'll check my place and let you know. Shit. I should have made her come with me to take my family to the airport."

"Find her please? She looked sort of like she did last year, I think this court date is starting to really get to her. Paislee is safe with me but we need to make sure Ember is safe too."

"I will. I'll let you know when I find her." I turn quickly, changing my direction from Ember's place to my own.

"Siri, call Cal." I speak up as soon as my call with Patti ends.

"Ashton, what's up, mate?" Calum answers happily.

"Hey, have you talked to Ember in the last couple hours?"

"Nope. Why?"

"Patti just called. She said Em dropped Pai off and left, but she didn't have a good feeling about it."

"Is she not at your place?"

"I'm on my way there now. I don't know. I was dropping my family off at the airport. She seemed okay this morning though."

"How close are you?"

"About twenty minutes out still with traffic."

"I'm at home, that's only ten. I'll head over and call you if she isn't there."

"Thanks, Cal. Patti being worried makes me extra worried."

"She's been a mess about this trial thing next week. I'm heading out right now. See you soon."

"Yeah. I'll be there as soon as I can." I sigh nervously.

~two hours earlier~

Ember's POV

"It's been almost a month, Pai, but we are finally back to normal around here. No more traveling to visit family or having family here." I grin at her as she plays with her princesses.

"Ass?" She looks at me quickly.

"Ash will be back in a bit. He isn't going away like everyone else." I chuckle.

"Okay!" She goes back to her toys and I pull out my phone, logging onto Twitter.

oh my gosh!! @embere96 has a 5sos tattoo! Anyone else getting a crazy manipulative fan vibe from this new knowledge?

@embere96, why a 5sos tattoo? You already stole Ash from us, do you need more attention??? Crazy fan for sure!

maybe @embere96's 5sos tattoo is old? That song came out like five years ago, and she would have been old enough to get it then. Trust Ash 5sosfam.

she got all of Ashton's family in on her plan too. Good thing she isn't trying to take over a country, manipulative bitch might just be able to do it.

I almost drop my phone as I see the next tweet, not believing my eyes.

"No matter where I go, I'm always gonna want you back
No matter how long you're gone, I'm always gonna want you back
I know you know I will never get over you
No matter where I go, I'm always gonna want you back" @embere96, I miss you. I need you. I need us. I need our family back. It's Gotta Be You Hotshot.

"No! NO! NO NO NO!" My hands are shaking as the tears burn my eyes, the picture now on the internet for the fans to find, to see, to ridicule me for.

"Ember?" Patti sounds surprised as she answers.

"Hey, could I maybe bring Paislee by for a little bit? I have some stuff I need to do for the case and need her to not be distracting me."

"Is Ashton busy?"

"Yeah. He is for a few more hours. I could really use the help right now."

"Of course, Ember. Bring that cute girl over."

"Thank you, Patti!" I hang up quickly.


I walk back into Ashton's house alone, glad he isn't back yet either. I fall onto the couch in tears as I pull up Twitter again, it's been a while since I was confronted with my engagement ring on Justin's tweet. Might as well see how many fans think I'm a whore now.

Five minutes into Twitter searching I can't help but glance up, away from all the hate and all the damage done by Justin. Something catches my eye as I look up though, Ashton's alcohol cabinet...

Ashton's POV

"Calum! Ember!" I rush through the front door, relieved that both their cars are here.

"Ash, hurry. Shit, Ash! I thought you said she didn't drink ever!" Calum yells, and my chest clenches as he says it.

"Shit! Call Haylee! We have to call Haylee!" I run into the living room to see Ember curled in a ball, a mostly empty bottle beside her. Tears streaming down her face, her breathing coming out harsh and irregularly.

"Shit. Ember, what happened?" I try to wrap my arm around her but she flinches away hard so I pull back.

"I tried that already, she just keeps crying. I can't get anything out of her." Calum looks as scared as I feel.

"She was fine when I left this morning." I mumble, shooting Patti a text that I have Ember but she's not doing well. And then finding Haylee's contact and hitting Facetime quickly.

She doesn't answer. "Shit!" I try again, the same answer. "Fuck, Haylee! You two are always talking but now that I need you you can't answer." I yell frustrated, my hands trembling as I watch Ember take another long drink from the bottle in her hand. "Get that away from her. Please, Cal, get the bottle away from her."

"What about her sister? The one she is close with?" Cal jumps in and yanks the bottle from Ember's hands which finally gets a reaction from her.

"No! I need that!" She sobs at him, reaching for the bottle.

"No you don't, Emmie. What happened, baby? What's wrong?" I try to sound calm, which is absolutely the farthest from what I am. She just looks at me before she bursts into another round of tears, hiding from us in her knees.

"Her sister? Try her!" Cal yells as he puts the bottle in the trash.

"Right." I turn back to the phone, finding Annie's contact. Thank heavens I even have it.

"If this is a butt dial I'm going to kill you, Mr. Kangaroo." I almost laugh with relief as Annie answers.

"Annie she's drunk and Haylee won't answer, what do we do?" I yell, showing Ember to the camera.

"Shit. Just a second." The screen bounces and I can only assume that means Annie is running somewhere.

"Haylee! Haylee! Get your ass out of the lake now! It's an emergency!!!" I can hear Annie yelling.

"What did she drink? Beer? Vodka? Something else?" Annie asks as she steadies the camera.

"Almost a full bottle of Whiskey." Calum answers standing over my shoulder.


"Annie, she won't let us even touch her. She is shaking and crying." I plee, feeling like we still aren't getting anywhere.

"Something triggered her. Figure out what." Annie turns back to us momentarily.

"The case is less than a week away could that be it?" Cal mentions.

"Something more specific. Something new."

"What, Annie?" Haylee's voice reaches us finally.

"Shit! Haylee, thank goodness." I sigh. "Ember is drunk. And she isn't talking, she is just crying hard and hyperventilating and we have no clue what is going on or what to do." I fill her in quickly.

"Vodka or beer?" She asks quickly.

"Whiskey, most of a bottle." Annie answers as she asks. I flick a notification from the group chat away without looking at it.

"Get a trashcan and her 5sos blanket, she is going to puke, just a heads up. Shit, I wish I was there. I've never seen Whiskey drunk Ember. What triggered this? Well, more specifically than Justin?"

"We don't know. I was out for a couple hours. Patti called me worried about her after she dropped Pai off randomly there."

"Shit. We have to find the trigger."

"Um, guys, I think Mike found it..." Cal is pale as a ghost as he looks at his phone. "Fuck! I hate Justin so much!"

"What is it, Cal?" I ask impatiently.

"Look." He turns his phone for me to see as mine buzzes again and again.

BandFam GC

um we have a major
problem in the Twitter

A screenshot of a tweet below it. Ember and Justin obviously showing off the diamond ring on her finger.

"FUCK!" I yell.

Ember are you okay?
Ember we need to know
what to do to help! Shit
this is bad!

Ashton is Ember okay?
Hello! We need to know!

shit Ash do you even know?
Are you home yet? Has
Ember seen this?

and is Pai safe? Do we need
to come get her? What's

"Shit!" Haylee yells, I glance back at my phone, seeing she has hers now and they found the tweet.

"Cal, tell them Pai is safe with Patti and we have Ember. Also find a trashcan please." I snap back into reality.

"Now how do I help her?" My stress level is reaching a max as I turn back to Haylee and Annie.

"Her blanket first. Get it wrapped around her." Haylee is staying calmest, then again she's done this three other times.

"Right." I move, knowing the blanket is in the cupboard under the TV.

"Ember, can I put your blanket around you?" I ask softly, afraid of how she is going to react. She turns to me, her eyes full of panic and pain, slowly she nods.

"Leave your arm around her when you wrap it around her." Haylee breathes out quieter. Ember is stiff under my arm for a moment before her body relaxes, surprising me. She falls suddenly against my chest hard, pulling the blanket tightly around her as tight as she can and hiding as she continues to sob.

"Now what?" I ask, thankful that she is at least letting me hold her now.

"Wait. She will probably start talking about the time she starts puking. And then she will talk for a long time, and then she will puke a lot more, and then she will pass out. If it's anything like the last three times she won't want to talk about any of it when she wakes up though." Haylee looks much more relaxed now.

"Three times?" Calum asks, sitting down softly on the other side of Ember.

"This makes four times she's ever been drunk in her life, every time being Justin's fault. There's a reason she doesn't drink, Calum, I've witnessed all of her drunk confessions. Just wait you'll understand Ember on a whole new level when she starts to drunk ramble."

"It's true. Why do you think she and I are closer than any of our other siblings by leaps and bounds? It's because I found her exactly like you did five years ago. A mostly drunk bottle of alcohol in one hand and a stupid message from Justin in the other." Annie adds.

"Call us back if you need anything. But it should be pretty straight forward from here. Talking and puking until she passes out. Let me know what she says though, please?" Haylee looks calm yet worried.

"I will. I'll call you after she's asleep." I nod.

"Thank you, Ashton. For being there for her when I can't. I've been by her side through every one of her drunk episodes and it's killing me to not be there now." Haylee adds.

"Thanks for answering, Annie, we would have been lost without you two."

"Focus on her now, Ashton. She is going to need you." Annie adds right before the call ends.

"Do you want me to go?" Calum asks over Ember's sobs that fill the room.

"Please don't. I'm scared as hell of what she is going to say when she does speak. And I need someone to be able to call someone if needed."

"I'll stay. I didn't really want to leave anyway. How long until she talks?"

"Haylee said usually about half an hour after she stops drinking. So we have a few minutes."

"Did Haylee tell you about drunk Ember before?"

"Haylee told me a lot about her view of the whole situation, and drunk Ember. There are things I know about Justin and Ember that almost no one knows. Because Haylee felt like I should know, and trusted me to know."

"Shit. This poor girl really has been messed up hasn't she?"

"Justin is such a bad person, I can't even begin to explain. He did things to her mentally that just baffle my mind."

"Hey, where is her phone? You should lock up social media again. It's going to be bad again."

"I'm not going to do that without her permission. I want to protect her, but I can't control her like that. When she sobers up I'll ask though."

"Everyone is really worried, Ash. What can I tell them?" He glances at his phone again, mine buzzing beside me.

"I'll figure something out." I sigh, picking up my phone and reading through the messages.

Bandfam gc

Paislee is with Patti.
Em took her there
earlier for some
reason. Maybe she
knew she wasn't okay
and needed Pai safe.
Ash and I are with
Ember right now but
things aren't great
here. Haylee and Annie
are on facetime too.

My Bestie Sierra
anything we can do to

seriously this is so bad.
Like is Ember losing her
mind? We need to help
somehow! It's killing us
not to.

Is Ashton not responding
because Ember needs
him so badly??? Is it that
bad? Should we come over
to help support?

Ashton finally got Ember
to let him touch her at all.
It's bad, but more people
is not going to help.

My Bestie Sierra
you're killing us Cal!
What's she doing? Just
crying? Is she hurt
physically? We need

shit guys. Mike was so
pissed he replied to the
tweet... also I agree we
need more answers
about Ember!

it was a blunt response.
But someone had to do

A screenshot off Twitter attached
@jpark Seriously, don't use our lyrics to torture her, you've done enough on your own. You aren't fooling any of us with this shit. Leave Em alone.

here's the fucking update.
Ember is sobbing, drunk,
and about to spill honest
truth and a whole lot of
whiskey will come back
out the way it went in. At
least if she acts the same
way she did the previous
three times she's been
drunk in her life. Then she
will pass out and not talk
about it ever again. Sorry
for the harsh language, I'm
scared shitless right now
and freaking out a lot.



"Why? Why? Why?" I drop my phone the instant Ember starts talking at all, focusing on her completely.

"Why what, baby? Why what?" I ask softly brushing my fingers through her hair. She doesn't respond to me at all, not my words or my touch. Sobbing as she continues to ask why quietly. Cal and I giving each other nervous looks as we wait.

"Bucket." Ember suddenly sits straight up. Cal moves quickly handing her the one he was still holding, just in time for her to lean forward and start puking into it. The smell is awful, but I can't focus on that now. The second she sits back up her mouth opens.

"Why was I so stupid? Why did I let him in? Why didn't I listen to my gut? I should have left after five months. Five fucking months. I could have done so much different with my life, saved myself so much pain." She is staring at the wall, her voice barely more than a whisper. "He fucking raped me and I let him do it." Calum snaps up to look at me, my shock reflected in his wide eyes.

"Come on, hotshot. I love you and you know it. Don't stop me now. I need you, babygirl, I want to show you how fucking hot you are." She uses a nasty voice to portray Justin's voice. "I didn't want it, but he was my boyfriend. How could I say no? " She starts crying again before throwing up more.

"Get her some water, Cal?" I ask quietly. He nods, standing slowly to walk to the kitchen.

"After that he just expected it. We'd done it once so why not a lot. I hated it so much. I hated every time he touched me that way, it always took me back to that night. Laying in his bed, too afraid to do anything but lay there. Too scared to cry as he hurt me, too scared to tell him it hurt, too afraid to leave him... too afraid to admit he was not good for me. How low was my self-esteem to think that, to take the abuse he inflicted for six years."

Another pause as she throws up more, Calum tries to hand her the water but she doesn't even notice it before she's rambling again.

"It got so much worse after that. Once we moved, rape was a regular thing in our house. It shouldn't have been rape, right? He was my husband after all. But it felt like rape. I'd say no, and somehow I'd end up naked under him with my hands pinned above my head. His eyes always black, his smile evil. I don't remember one time it didn't hurt like hell. Why would he show the world that picture? Why would he try to convince them we were happy? I wasn't ever happy with him. Never!" She starts sobbing again, really hard.

All I can do is rub her back softly, my heart aching for the stories she's telling. I understand now what Haylee meant when she said she wasn't sure if Ember was talking to herself or the people in the room with her.

After another violent episode of puking she sits back up straight, still staring ahead. "I hate him so much. How could someone trap another's mind so easily. How could someone even want to control someone to that level? How could I let someone control me at that level?" Her face suddenly changes expression, going from upset to a soft smile suddenly. Honestly it freaks me out. "But I got out." She giggles, throwing me off a lot, "I got away, so he can suck it! I got away and now I'm happy." Cal chuckles softly at her sudden change in mood.

"Justin who? Oh ya, that fucker who can't hurt me anymore! The one who's true colors have been shown." She's full on laughing now. "I have Ash now." She smiles at the wall, "He's amazing. He doesn't hurt me, he loves me. He waited for me to be ready, really ready before he took things all the way. He's never hurt me, he's gentle, well not too gentle anymore, daddy knows I like it rough." She giggles again, "But always caring. Always taking care of me, making sure I'm as satisfied as he is when we're done."

"Sorry." I mouth to Calum who looks like he's about to burst with laughter, his face super red. We sit awkwardly for a few minutes and Ember shares far to many details about our sex life.

"But Justin might mess that all up." Suddenly Emmie isn't giggly or happy anymore, she's back to upset. "What if Ashton decides I have too much baggage? What if Justin wins and Ashton can't handle it. What if he agrees with his fans, what if he thinks being with me is hurting the band. What if I am hurting the band?" A tear leaks from her eye as she says it, and my heart breaks all over again. I knew the hate was getting to her, but to hear her say it like that... "Maybe he'd be better off without me? He would worry less, he would have less to worry about really. He could live the band life, get wasted with his friends and not have to think about things like court dates, custody hearings, ex husbands, toddlers and daycare... I'm so bad for him." She barely whispers the last part before she starts crying again.

"You're so right for me, Emmie, don't you dare think anything else. You are my whole world." I whisper, tears threatening to leak from my own eyes.

The next second she's leaned forward again, throwing up even more violently.

"Dude, that's blood." Cal sounds worried suddenly. I look down into the bowl, seeing it too.

"Okay. Hospital now." I nod, scooping Ember up bridal style.

"I'll drive." Can nods, grabbing all our phones and his keys.

"Thanks." I let him lead us out of the house, holding doors open for me since Ember is essentially dead weight in my arms.

"She passed out." I comment as I try to get a seat belt on her.

"Good. Maybe she won't puke all over my car then." Cal sighs.

"I'll get it cleaned for you if she does."

"That was some really raw shit she just shared." He comments quietly.

"Yeah. And scary shit."

"Very. I knew Justin was fucked up, but that..." He sighs again, shaking his head.

"Haylee never mentioned it was rape." I comment quietly, holding Ember tightly to me.

"Do you think Ember ever admitted it was? Before today?"

"No. Haylee would have told me that if she had."

"What about that last bit? About how she thinks she isn't good enough for you?"

"I'll prove her wrong. Even if she won't soberly admit she's feeling that way, I'm not going to forget it."

"Good. And hey, let's just forget the giggly part, yeah?" He smirks at me through the mirror.

"Please. I didn't know she would say all that. Haylee said she's only ever been negatively honest when she's been drunk." I chuckle.

"TMI, Ember. But probably sort of nice for you to hear that she appreciates you so much that way."

"Still weird with you sitting right there."

"Definitely. I'm going to drop you at the doors when we get there, then I'll park and come find you."

"Thanks, Cal." I nod.


"How can I help you today?" The nurse behind the desk asks as I walk up, Ember still out in my arms.

"My girlfriend was throwing up and there was quite a bit of blood in it. And then she passed out." I comment quickly.

"Oh no! Okay, um, her name?"

"Ember Ann Ellis."


"April 25, 1996."

"Has she had any alcohol today?"

"Yeah. She got upset about something while I wasn't home and drank most a bottle of Whiskey. She never drinks either."

"Do you know what she's eaten today?"

"Um, we had a sporadic morning, I think she had some cereal for breakfast. I doubt she ate lunch based on what I know of her day though."

"Okay, let's get her in a room so they can check her vitals. Meet me at that door." She points and I immediately walk towards it, my arms starting to feel the weight of Ember.

"Going back already?" Cal asks as he catches up to me, slightly out of breath.

"Yeah. The nurse seemed worried too."

"Good. We need answers so we can give them to everyone else."

"Right this way please." The nurse opens the door letting us pass before she leads us to a private room.

"We are going to need her changed into this gown, is that something she would be comfortable with you doing for her? Or should I?"

"I can do it." I nod, appreciating that the nurse is asking.

"Push the call button when you've got her changed or if you need help."

"Thank you." Calum calls to her. "You want me to leave too?" He turns to me.

"I might need help. She's dead weight right now. We can get her down to bra and then put the gown on and then I can do the rest without help. If you feel comfortable with that."

"She's my sister, Ash, I can help. Even if it was all the way, it wouldn't be sexual to me at all."

"I know."

Crystal's POV

"What do you guys think is happening over at Ashton's place right now?" Luke asks the silent room.

"Honestly, I'm scared to know. I can't believe Ember is drunk." Sierra looks as worried as I feel.

"Ashton and Calum can take care of her. They will let us know as soon as they have any information." Michael is staying surprisingly calm with the situation, and he keeps having to reassure the rest of us.

"She got drunk. I just can't wrap my head around that idea. She has always been so adamant that she wouldn't do that ever." I shake my head, glancing at my phone to check the time. Calum stopped texting us back two hours ago...

"Don't you think she should have passed out by now? If she's never drank much and all that." Sierra asks, also looking at the time.

"We can't know. We just have to be patient, guys. Ashton won't let her get hurt." Luke tries to assure us, but his voice shakes as he speaks.

I jump as all our phones buzz at once,

Band&Gals GC

Calum Hood
So things are not good...
she's on IV's and stuck
here over night. Ash says
you can come visit if you

A picture of Ember attached. She's pale and sick looking as she lays in a hospital bed asleep.

Luke Hemmings
which hospital? And
what do you and Ash
want to eat? We are
bringing you food.

Sierra Deaton
anything we can pick up
from your houses or
bring from ours too?

Calum Hood
Ash isn't going to leave
so some sweats for him
would be good. And
Clothes for Em in the
morning. She sort of
threw up all over hers.
Neither of us are really
hungry, the things she
confessed took away
any appetite we had.
Thanks guys. Text me
when you get here.

"What do you think she said?" Michael asks, worry finally evident on his face, he can't hide it anymore.

"I'm not sure I want to know. Let's get going though. We need to stop by Ashton's on our way." Luke stands up keeping his arm wrapped around Sierra who looks like she might be sick.

"Come on, babe." Mike helps me up too, leading me from the house behind Luke and Sierra.

Ashton's POV

"Please wake up, baby. Please." I whisper into her hand as I cling to it.

"She's going to be okay, Ash, relax. It's just the alcohol. They are pumping fluids into her to help her system flush it out." Cal rubs my back softly.

"She burnt her stomach because she drank a bottle of whiskey on an empty stomach. She gave herself alcohol poisoning because of that stupid bastard. She thinks she isn't good enough for me. I need her to wake up so I can tell her she is more than I could ever need." I sigh, sitting up and looking at her face, fast asleep on the pillow, calm now at least.

"The others are here. I'm going to go meet them. I'll be back in a minute." Calum comments before leaving the room.

I lean back over against Ember's side once he goes, replaying the doctor's words through my head. "She hasn't got a thing in her stomach but the alcohol. Get me saline in an IV now, she is definitely suffering alcohol poisoning. The lining of her stomach looks burnt too, when she wakes we will need to get her on some meds to help that. Keep the saline on a medium drip for four hours and then we will check her again. You did the right thing bringing her in this afternoon."

My thoughts are interrupted by the door opening again. Luke, Sierra, Michael, Crystal, and Calum filing in. All of them looking extremely worried.

"We brought you some clothes." Luke offers me the bag off his shoulder. "So you can be more comfortable."

"And some sandwiches. Cal said you weren't hungry but we thought you might be later." Crystal adds, lifting another bag.

"Thanks, guys." I smile, standing to pull them all into a group hug. "She's going to be okay. She just drank on an empty stomach and gave herself alcohol poisoning. They just need to watch her over night."

"So what happened? Like while she was so drunk?" Sierra asks sitting in the chair I had been occupying beside Emmie's bed.

"Let's just say there is a very good reason she doesn't drink. Her worst memories and worst fears come out her mouth when she's drunk. And she isn't aware of anyone near her. She didn't respond to either of us if we said anything, if we reacted to what she said, I tried to give her some water and she didn't even notice the glass in front of her face." Calum answers.

"Trust me, You don't want to know what she was saying. I don't even want to know, but I'm also glad I do somewhat." I add, wiping my eyes quickly as her words replay in my head.

"I'm glad you had me stay. Although that giggly part I could have done without hearing." Cal tries to laugh.

"That part didn't happen, Cal. Fuck, I can't believe she told you all of that." I chuckle too.

"She didn't, she told the wall. I just happened to be listening to her tell the wall." He laughs too, which makes me laugh more, and it feels good.

"Please don't use that against me?"

"No problem, daddy." He smirks.

"What did Ember say while she was drunk?" Luke looks amused.

"A lot of shit. And then she gushed about their sex life way too much. Ash has some kinks that I never needed to know about." Cal chuckles.

"Didn't you say we were forgetting that part of the conversation in the car?"

"Yeah, but then I figured why forget when I can embarrass the hell out of you with it."

"I am so intrigued right now." Mike laughs.

"I'll kill you, Calum Hood, don't tell them. Em is going to be mortified enough that you heard all that, she will hate if you share it too."

"How long is she supposed to be out for?" Crystal interrupts, her and Sierra ignoring our banter, worry still written across their faces.

"A while probably. She drank a bottle of whiskey on an empty stomach, after not having any alcohol in fourteen months."

"That sounds so horrible. She's going to be alright though, right?" Sierra asks.

"Yeah. Just have to get it out of her system." I nod.

"Paislee is okay at her friend's place tonight?" Crys asks.

"Yeah. I talked to Patti after the doctor was in here. Paislee is staying there as long as needed right now."

"Did you call Haylee back?" Cal asks.

"I tried. Neither she or Annie answered, hopefully they call me back soon."

"And what about Twitter what's happened with the Justin tweet?" He is looking at the others as he asks.

"Fans are going ballistic, but it seems they don't think he's a good match for her. Something about his tweet and Mike's reply set them off against him." Luke answers.

"Have you seen anything about us being here?"

"We haven't looked since you got here. We can worry about that later anyway. After Ember is healthy and back home." Luke shakes his head.

"Thanks, guys." I nod softly moving back to Ember's side, taking her hand again as I sit softly on the bed beside her.

Hitting the big stuff now! Next chapter tomorrow!

Vote and comment!

I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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252K 4.3K 19
(trigger warnings for some chapters) these are for times when you want to read about the inevitable that involve people you love. grab some tissues...
146K 944 44
5SOS imagines and preferences💕 Open🌸
87.2K 1.8K 72
"You're just out of my limit." Ashton said. "Do you know what our experiences has been like? A roller coaster. We both had our ups and downs. We bo...