Danganronpa: Deadly Despair

By Artistic-Antics

308 27 12

In the heart of japan lies a school known for nurturing the finest people in the nation. These people are ref... More

A new begining
The rest of them..
Meeting the murderous monokuma!
A motive to kill
Free time
Trial and Error
Trial part two
A night visit
A new floor.
Pool party!
The next motive.


15 2 0
By Artistic-Antics

Yuu froze upon seeing the gruesome scene in front of him . Although he has probably seen murder before he still felt as if it was his duty to protect us. "I-...I" he stuttered out at a loss of words.

"You are an idiot!" Misaki yelled "Taking the role of the leader and letting this happen!" She shouted loudly and angrily. "What if I'm next!"

"Misaki calm down" Amai said through her tears. Her face red and puffy.

"Does this mean someone gets to leave?" I asked

"Not exactly!" Monokuma said out of nowhere. Who knows where he came from.

Taro seemed to be shaking in fear "Wh-What?" She asked timidly.

Monokuma laughed "Well you get do a trial and investigate! Sooooo go investigate!" He said shortly before leaving

None of us seemed to know what to do at this point. We all stood in silence until Yuu's voice broke the silence "Alright guys I need someone to do an autopsy!" He commanded with authority

Takea looked into Yuu's eyes "I know all science Stuff I can do this." He said before walking over to the body.

Yuu smiled "Perfect now let's look around the dining hall and kitchen!" He exclaimed once again being our leader.

I decided to look around the kitchen first so Takea would have his space to do the autopsy. Inside the kitchen I noticed the sink was wet it appeared to have been used recently. I reached for the facet to test something. Yup still warm.

Truth bullet: used sink

Having known that the sink was used recently I decided to try and figure out why it was used. I looked around the room until my eyes landed on the knife rack.

I looked around at the knife rack where five knifes off different sizes hung. Sansa was also looking at the knifes she seemed focused on the medium sized one. "Hey Sora...Look at this" Sansa said seeming to have noticed something.

I looked at the knife she was staring at and noticed the blade was dripping slightly "It's wet?" I questioned

"Yeah but why?" Sansa asked seeming confused by the situation.

"I'm not exactly sure...but someone could have washed it" I said calmly not wanting to make Sansa scared.

Truth bullet: washed knife

"Hey Sansa thanks for the help" I smiled

At this very minute my monotab chimed. I quickly opened it up hoping to find more information and noticed a new tab called Monofile One

I opened up the file. Certain I would get some clues.

Omar Taskisa ultimate yoga expert dead  time of death 11:00am

Killed by blunt force trama

Other body injuries was stabbed multiple times.

It seemed to be a basic report on our classmates death. Why would the bear give us this information?.

Sansa looked shocked "He was killer at 11:00....no wonder he didn't meet up with me and Amai."

"Why did you plan to meet up?" I questioned as I found it a bit strange.

Sansa sighed "Well we were going to do some meditation with him to calm ourselves down"  she explained. I felt bad for her she must be feeling even worse now.

Truth bullet: Meeting with Omar
Truth bullet: Sansa and Amai's alibi

"Hey guys!" Konata called out loudly. Seeming to want to share something with the group.

"Hello..." Sansa said shyly, probably upset from his enthusiasm despite the fact we are dealing with murder.

"Hey uhh has anyone seen my guitar?" He asked seeming upset he lost his guitar.

"No and that's not important right now!" Yuu said wanting to focus on the investigation.

I decided to write it down just in case. After all anything can be important.

Truth bullet: missing guitar

Katsuki walked into the room with Shota "I heard your looking for alibis me and Shota where with each other..he was asking about exorcism on monokuma" 

Shota nodded to confirm this fact. He didn't seem to want to talk right now.

Truth bullet: Shota and Katsuki's Alibi

Yuu sighed "I guess I should give my alibi now. Sadly I wasn't with anyone I was alone in my room doing push ups in case I had to fight Monokuma"

Truth bullet: Yuu's account

Konata decided to add something "I Also was alone making a new Song in my room!!!" He holds up a paper with a song written on it.

Truth bullet: Konata's Accout
Truth bullet: Konata's song

"I bet you are wondering where I was...I was with Misaki we spent three hours together" I stated calmly

Konata laughed "You and Misaki nobody likes her why did you spend your time with her?!" He said in a mean tone.

"I wanted to get to know her!" I yelled in a harsh and angry sounding voice.

Truth bullet: my account

"Hey guys!" Takea walked up to me "I finished the autopsy. He was stabbed in the stomach about ten times in the and hit by some blunt object on the back of his head. The blunt object is what killed him."

Yuu smiled "Thank you! Now what is your alibi" he questioned seeming to want to know everything he could.

Takea looked down "Oh I was sleeping. I know that's not a good alibi but I didn't sleep last night." He said with a yawn.

Truth bullet: autopsy report
Truth bullet Takea's account

"I can't help but find something weird with that statement" I stated "Where is the blunt object that killed him."

Takea sighed "I'm not sure but judging on the wound it was a big object"

Truth bullet: missing murder weapon

Taro sighed "I figure you should know I was with Nico and Okataro we where trying out hair styles" she said

Yuu spoke up "I checked with the others and they have no alibi!" He exclaimed proudly seeming happy with his work.

Truth bullet: alibis

"I wonder if there is anything else...." I said about outloud

Takea spoke up "Well this is about the blood it was in a puddle he didn't appear to have been dragged"

Truth bullet: blood

Meno walked over to the group holding a small triangle object  "Hey" he said "I found this. Under the body" I didn't even question it.

I looked at it and studied it I couldn't tell what it was "Hey Koro do you know what this is?"

Koro took hold of the object "No we don't have anything like it in my village."

Truth bullet: strange object

Monokuma's happy and innocent voice rang through the speakers "Trial time please proceed to the red doors!"

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