Oliver Evans is The Prodigy o...

By salazarsscribes

614 39 3

Our story begins in 1982, at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Severus Snape was hired as the potio... More

Chapter One: New Beginnings
Chapter Two: A Promising Summer
Chapter Three: A Strange Encounter
Chapter Four: Antidote
Chapter Five: Hard Landing
Chapter Six: Student Selected
Chapter Seven: Moonlight Waltz
Chapter Eight: A Concerning Conversation
Chapter Ten: The PBS Strikes
Chapter Eleven: Smoke
Chapter Twelve: Masters Potions
Chapter Thirteen: Liquid Luck
Chapter Fourteen: Chaos
Chapter Fifteen: The Purple Velvet Bag
Chapter Sixteen: The Leader
Chapter Seventeen: Duel
Chapter Eighteen: Forget
Chapter Nineteen: Wait
Chapter Twenty: It's Not Goodbye
Character Bios

Chapter Nine: The Winter Ball

21 4 0
By salazarsscribes

I hadn't even had the chance to meet with Felicity before the day of the ball arrived. She had been avoiding me so much, she went as far as to skip a class so she wouldn't have to see me. Trent wasn't any help, either. He had spent his time focusing on how to convince Mallory to attend the ball with him; She had finalized her decision to go with Gregory, and was not being talked out of it.

I sucked my stomach in as I fastened the last of the many buttons that were stitched on the tailcoat. The boots they had me wear were at least one size too small, and crushed my toes in at the end. "This night is going to be absolute hell," I said to Trent, who was styling his hair with a cup of tap water, "I think you're going to be bloody brilliant." he combed his hair over his eyes "Make sure you don't trip Felicity too many times."

"She knows something, and she is going to great lengths to avoid me. I don't know how we're going to get through the night. We can't leave each other's sides."

"Yeah, I'd hate to be in your place right now. Having to spend all evening with a beautiful lady must really take its toll." he chuckled and turned around "How do I look, then?"

"If I wasn't going with Felicity, I'd go with you." I said cheekily

"Oh, hum." he looked me up and down "You look rather decent tonight yourself, Oliver."

"Thanks. The last one to wear this was about 10 pounds lighter, and much smaller footed." We both laughed and helped each other finish getting dressed. I was to meet up with the other selected students at seventeen hundred sharp. I cleaned my glasses with my sleeve and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was nicely brushed to the side, with large waves running to the bottom. I spritzed a bit of cologne on my neck and smiled "Let's go."

We went down the stairs and out the common room door. The halls of the dungeon were scattered with students waiting for their dates. Trent and I walked up to charms room where I was instructed to meet with the other selected students. "I'll see you down there. Good luck, mate." Trent patted my shoulder and took off for the great hall. I stepped inside the charms classroom, where I saw Yataku and Oba waiting patiently by the blackboard.

"Oh, hello Oliver!" Yataku said running over to me "Are you excited for tonight?"

"A little bit, yes." I replied

"Oba and I used the court yard to practice most of the week. Where did you two practice?"

"Well, erm-" I began to say as Ellen and Floyd walked in, arm in arm

"Hope we aren't tardy to the party!" Floyd shouted

"Oh quiet, you buffoon," Ellen pulled her arm away "You're acting like an imbecile."

"Sorry, I'm just ready to get this night started!" he picked her up and swung her around

"Put me down!" she started hitting his back

Gabadi and Busiso arrived shortly after, leaving Felicity the only one to have not shown up. Everyone started to ask me questions as to her whereabouts, which I couldn't answer. I hadn't seen her since about four days ago when I ran into her in the halls after a class. She didn't say anything, only turned around and walked the other direction, "I don't understand where she could have gone." I said after we had waited in the room for almost twenty minutes. Growing concern spread across the room; we had to be in the great hall in just a few minutes. Without Felicity, we all headed out of the room and to the great hall. The doors were shut, we could hear the noises of students talking from the other side. Felicity was still nowhere to be found.

Professor Dumbledore came up to us, "Are you all ready to enter?" he asked, giving us a big smile. We all looked at each other, then back at Dumbledore who's face had turned from excitement, to worry. "Where is Ms. Day?"

"We don't know, sir." I said sheepishly

"Oh!" Dumbledore exclaimed, "There you are."

We all turned around to see Felicity walking up to us. She was dressed in the winter ball gown, a deep blue gown that puffed out from her tightly bound waist. The dress glided across the floor as she took each step. Her hair was pulled back in a sophisticated tie; her eyes were dusted with a light blue shadow. My jaw dropped as she stood next to me and faced Dumbledore, "Sorry I was a little late. No one came to pick me up." she said through gritted teeth

"Ms. Day, it is lovely to see you this evening," Dumbledore said to her "Now that everyone is here, let's quickly go over some very important information. Each school has selected their own dance to perform. Ilvermorny will be going first, then Mahoutokoro, followed by Uagadou, and finally Hogwarts. Do the very best you can, I know you are all capable of doing wonderful things tonight. The school who performs the greatest dance will win not only honour and pride, but their school's name on the title page of the Daily Prophet. The winners will be globally known, and globally respected."

I looked around to see all the other students were bouncing with excitement. Felicity and I stood silently, attempting to avoid eye contact. Dumbledore put us in order, and opened the doors to the great hall. The entire hall had been transformed into a brightly lit ballroom. Tall stone pillars were holding beautiful silk curtains that gently draped downwards. Students were standing against the far walls, leaving the middle of the floor completely open. When I stepped onto the floor, my mind went back to the night that I stood there with Snape; the moonlight hitting us as we danced across the hall. I closed my eyes and remembered the hypnotic aroma that came from his night robes, and the touch of his hand on my waist. My concentration was lost when I felt a nudge on my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see Felicity glaring at me, "Are you just about done standing there like a moron?"

"S..sorry" I stuttered, shaking my head. She grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to where the other students were standing, waiting for the ball to begin. The students against the walls were whispering and snickering, quickly pointing over to me and Felicity. She shot them a dirty look and they abruptly stopped. We followed behind Yataku, who was holding onto Oba's arm. Once we were at the front of the hall, the bustling commotion stopped, all eyes faced us. All of the visiting headmasters were seated at the high table, which had been covered with an elegant dark purple sash. Dumbledore motioned for Ellen and Floyd to go to the center of the hall. Floyd held out his hand, taking Ellen's as a soft melody began to play. The lights of the hall dimmed as Floyd pulled Ellen into their starting dance position.

Everyone watched as Ellen and Floyd moved across the great hall, seamlessly floating along to the music. Each step they took into one another seemed perfectly placed. I followed them with my eyes as Felicity tapped on my back "Over here" she whispered sharply. I quietly stepped back to where she was standing and crooked my head "What do you want?" I replied softly

"Look, you and I know that we don't want to be here with each other. You can't let that get in the way of us winning. I've been waiting for this moment my entire life, so you better not make a fool of me."

I saw an opportunity to obtain some much sought after information. I smirked "Tell me what you were doing in the potions classroom our first day back."

She stomped "Absolutely not!"

"Then consider this competition to be lost." I started to head back to the group

"No! Wait," she said grudgingly "I'll tell you."

I turned back towards her "I'm listening."

"I'm looking for something."

"You made that quite clear when you were rifling through professor Snape's stuff."

"It's not just any old thing, it's something of his that will help me fulfill my life long goals."

I rolled my eyes "What on earth could he have that you'd want to get your grubby little paws on?"

"You're making it difficult for me to want to tell you." she snapped

Oba glanced back at us as Ellen and Floyd's dance came to an end, he shook his head and faced back to the center and joined the round of applause. Ellen and Floyd took a bow and exited as Gabadi and Busiso stepped forward.

"I don't want to stand here and argue with you. Just tell me what you were looking for. I haven't even told him about the incident yet, but that doesn't mean I won't if you don't spill it, sister."

"Look," she sighed "my father went to school here with professor Snape. He said he was always off hiding in closets or empty rooms...experimenting. He was making God only knows what in the bathrooms here."

"What's that have to do with you sneaking around?" I asked

"Father said he would write in a book. A textbook from potions class. He never went anywhere without it. He tried to figure out what he was doing with it, but he couldn't ever get close enough."

"Wasn't any of his business what he was doing, really."

"It became his business when father saw how it was helping him in classes. He was doing very advanced work for his year, and wouldn't share his secrets with anyone. My father even tried to befriend him, just to have him say he'd rather be dead than be his friend."

I snickered "That sure sounds like professor Snape."

"I was, and am looking for that textbook. He has it here, I know it. And if I can find it I will become a master potioneer before my seventeenth birthday."

"Even if the book does exist, it sounds like it was all Snape's work. You have no right to go and take his stuff, especially just for your selfish desires."

She scoffed "Listen to yourself, Evans. You wouldn't take the chance to get a hold of a book that has it all? Everything that you wanted to know, and then some? My father knew the greatness that laid inside, he just had to get to it. And now, I'm closer than ever to being able to finally get that book and start my life as a master potioneer."

"You don't even know if it actually exists. You're wasting your time." Another round of applause filled the air as Gabadi and Busiso's dance came to an end. Felicity turned her nose up at me "I believe my father. He may have never held it, but he saw it."

"You're completely bonkers, aren't you?"

"Shut up. I told you, now you're going to have to suck it up and dance with me. And if I think you're holding back, this will be the last waltz you'll ever perform." she stormed past me and joined the rest of the group. Oba and Yataku's dance was coming to an close when Dumbledore gave me a quick thumbs up. I looked around for Snape, but he wasn't there. "Let's go, come on!" Felicity said to me as Oba and Yataku took their bows. She forced her arm under mine as we walked out to the center of the great hall. The applause softened as we took our places. Felicity looked up at me and took my hand, placing it above her waist. A tender harmony began to play as I took my first few steps.

I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Mallory was watching from over against the walls. She was standing alone, Gregory was nowhere to be found. She fluttered her handkerchief out at me as we passed by. Around the room we went, an ocean of eyes watched our every move. "What's the matter with you?" Felicity said under her breath "You're supposed to be looking at me, and your eyes are all over the place. "

"I'm sorry," I said back "I want this to be over."

She tightened her grip on my shoulder "I'm warning you, don't mess me up-"

Felicity wasn't able to finish her sentence. My shoe had caught on the same section of tile from when I had danced here before. I stumbled into her, knocking her to the ground. I steadied my balance as the entire great hall gasped. "You idiot!" she screamed up at me. The music came to a halting stop. I desperately looked around; everyone was silent, gawking back at me. I stood there completely frozen as Felicity attempted to stand up, only to fall back down again. My mind went blank as I panicked and darted out of the great hall, running out of sight.

Tears were streaming down my face as I sprinted down the corridors to the dungeon. The echoing of my boots hitting the floor bounced off the walls and pierced my ear drums. I couldn't see, my glasses were half off my face and stained with drying tears. I came up to a pillar and leaned up against it, sliding down to the ground with my face in my hands, pulling my knees up to my chin. I sat there and sobbed. The candles along the walls flickered above me, sending shadows dancing across the dungeon corridor. As I was sitting there wallowing, something out of the corner of my eye began to move. I turned my head to look down the dark, dismal hallway to see what looked to be a person sitting up against a planter.

"Is someone there?" I called out into the darkness. No one responded, so I began to rise to my feet. "Hello? Are you all right?" I stood up, taking my glasses off to wipe them of the dirt and tears. I slowly began to walk towards the person, who had still not made a sound. "Lumos" I whispered. The end of my wand illuminated just enough to see Snape's body slumped up against the wall.

"Professor!" I screamed, running to his side. The light from my wand shown over Snape's battered face. There was blood pouring from his neck, and deep cut marks across his chest. I held his face in my hands, examining the cuts.

"O..oh you're bleeding! Your neck! It's slashed!" I quickly tore off the tailcoat and my dress shirt, taking the sleeve and putting it up to Snape's neck. I held down pressure, trying to get the bleeding to stop. Snape tried to speak, but he couldn't get a word out. His face lost all colour as he collapsed completely to the floor. I grabbed my wand and looked directly at him

"Don't move, stay still!" I pointed my wand at Snape's neck, "Vulnera Sanentur!"


I awoke on the couch in the common room the next morning. My boots were placed neatly next to a table; a half empty glass of water sat beside me. My head was pounding, and my clothes were bloodstained. "What the hell happened?" I said, pulling my robes around my shoulders. I looked around in search of some answers, but found nothing. I sighed and turned, starting to make my way towards the entrance to the Slytherin house common room.

"You saved professor Snape"

I turned around to see Trent standing by the boys dormitory stairs, a big grin across his face

"I did what?" I stumbled over my words, giving him a wide eyed look

"You saved his life, Oliver. He's in the hospital wing recovering, but he's alive. That wouldn't be so if you hadn't been there to save him"

I paused "I don't remember anything after finding him in the hall. How did I get back here?"

"I came when I heard the commotion and carried you up to rest. You didn't want to go to the hospital wing, you seemed fine just really weak."

"I don't understand. Did they find out who did that to Snape?"

Trent shook his head "No, and he won't say. Did he tell you who did it?"

"He couldn't tell me. He could barely breathe."

"You need to find out who hurt him. Who knows what sort of curse would cause damage like that?"

I loosened my collar "I'll go see if he's willing to tell me."

On the way to the hospital wing, I passed many concerned students who were huddled in a corner; reviewing their defense against the dark arts books. One of the students was a very young Gryffindor, who kept asking questions. "What can we use against curses?" he said under his breath "If it can hurt professor Snape, it can hurt any of us!". I gripped my sleeves tightly as I passed the group. I ran around the corner to the hospital wing and stopped to take a breath. My mind was racing, trying to remember what had happened the night before. I peered into the hospital wing and noticed Snape laying on a cot. His neck and entire torso were covered in bandages and stitches. "Professor?" I called out sheepishly

"Evans." he nodded to the chair next to him "Sit."

I nervously make my way across the room to his bedside. I brushed off my lap and sat down, attempting to keep my composure, "Are...are you alright, professor?"

"I've never felt better." he clenched his teeth

"Professor. Who did this to you? Who hurt you like that?"

"That doesn't concern you, Evans."

My voice began to break "Someone hurt you. And this doesn't look like an accident."

"Tell me this, Evans." he glared up at me "Where did you learn that spell?"

My stomach dropped "T..the spell?"

"Yes. The spell."

"Professor," I look down at my feet "I believe I learned it... from you" Snape's face turned white as the words fell from my mouth, "I was in the halls a little while back. I popped my head in while you were in the potions classroom, making adjustments to one of the textbooks. When you put it away, it knocked a whole stack of books onto the floor. One slid under the bookshelf, and you didn't notice. I went back later to retrieve the book for you and...it was your book of Advanced Potion Making."

"I have many copies of Advanced Potion Making."

"This one was different. It was written in, scribbled on, underlined and scratched out. It had instructions, drawings and tables. I've never seen anything like it."

He turned to the window, "Just a form of delinquency I hadn't noticed yet."

"After I put the book back, I didn't think much of it. Until Felicity Day told me about something she was searching for; a book her father mentioned that you possessed. He said that he went to school with you, and thought you owned a book that you completely altered. He claimed you changed potions, and had what seemed to be every answer to create a perfect brew every time. He told her that you passed your exams with the highest scores of the class; you never messed up on a potion once. And it was all when you had your book." Snape stayed silent, his eyes wandering from window to window, "I told her that the book probably didn't exist, there would be no way. But, when she told me all of the things that her dad had seen, it all began to make sense." my eyes started to water "And I remembered... the handwriting was the same as yours; I compared it to the notes you left on my parchment."


"I saw the spell...the spell you wrote."

"Enough!" Snape shouted, sending his voice through the empty wing. I lowered my voice to a whisper "You created a... curse?"

"It is not a curse. And you had no right going through my books."

"It looked like any other book. I was just curious. And you should be thanking me! The spell I learned from you saved your life!"

"And if you had used the other, you could have killed someone." he ruffled his brow "However.."

"However, professor?" I replied softly

"However...you used the healing spell correctly. And in doing so, saved my life. So for that, you have my sincerest gratitude, Evans." I smiled softly at him "Thank you, sir." He lifted his hand and brought my face next to his, "Do not speak of what you saw." he whispered into my ear "Understood?"

I nodded and pulled away, "Understood." 

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