Johnny Rose (Completed)

By jbeatricemiller

56 2 0

What felt like an innocent relationship, soon turns into the wrong relationship. Johnny Rose is no stranger t... More

Johnny Rose
1st Day of Freshman Year(University)
Parking Lot
Date Night
Four Months Later
Johnny's House
The Next Day
Morning After
Later That Day
That Night
Cocaine, I Don't Care
2 & a Half Months Later
Getting Out of Rehab
The Next Day
The Weekend
Monday Morning
Piper Goes Off
Heartbroken Fox
Mom & Piper's Funerals
The Plan
One Month Later
Graveyard 2 Years Later

2nd Day of Freshman Year

3 0 0
By jbeatricemiller

Instead of mom taking me to school, I called Oliver and asked if he would. He said yes and he would be there in five. I sat on the porch waiting for him. I always got up early on school days. Most kids were up at seven at the latest. Or they over slept. Not me, I was always up at four in the morning to get the day started. Even when I was in grade school, I was always up early. Mom couldn't figure out why. It was just like clockwork.
She took me to a couple of doctors to see if I had OCD. But every doctor came back with me just wanting to be meticulous and get things done. I was just wired that way.
Oliver pulled up and went to get out. I got over to the truck as quickly as possible and got in. "I was going to come meet you at the door."
"Well, I'm here now. Let's get going." I put my bag in the middle of us.
We pulled into the parking lot. It was full for us being on time. I got out slinging my bag over my head. Everyone was looking at us.
Oliver came up beside me. "What is everyone looking at?"
"I have no clue. Let's just get to class." I started towards the building.
Piper stopped in front of me. "So, tell me the gossip."
"What gossip?" I was already irritated and it was only seven thirty.
She hooked her arm in mine. "Johnny Rose. Little bird says that he was at your house last night."
"What? How does anyone know about that?" I halted.
She was taken aback. "So, it is true?"
I looked at everyone who was looking at me then back to her. "He was. But for only five minutes. I told him to get out and he went."
I walked pass her to go in. She and Oliver were right behind me. "I heard that he asked you out on a date and you said no."
We were standing in the classroom. "I said no. He left. End of."
"You are crazy. Every girl would die to be with him." Piper threw away her coffee.
I shrugged. "Not me."
We started walking back to our seats. There was a rose on my desk. "He apparently wants to go on a date bad."
Piper took her seat. Oliver looked back at us after he took his. "He is trying really hard."
Piper gave an icy stare. "At least he is trying."
Oliver's face turned to anger. He turned around in his desk. "Look, I don't care. I don't want the date."
I got the rose and put it in the trash. I came back to my seat and sat down. I was already sick and tired of college. I thought it would be a new start and no drama. But here I was stuck in it and the hot topic.
Oliver was still mad. He took off without a word after class. Piper was annoyed with me and took off. I was left on my own to get to class. In a way, I liked that. I wasn't bothered being alone.
I was going by the janitor closet when a hand grabbed me pulling me in. "What the fuck?"
The light came on. Johnny was standing in front of me. "You didn't like the rose?"
I sighed. "It was a lovely gesture Johnny. I just don't want a relationship."
"Who said it had to be a relationship? Plus, I was just wanting a date." He smiled down at me.
I closed my eyes, trying to gather myself. "No."
I turned to leave. He caught me by the waist. He leaned down to whisper in my ear. "Please? I am begging you. Just one date. If you don't like me after that. I will leave you alone."
I smirked. I couldn't help it. He was so eager and going after what he wanted. How does a girl say no to that?
I turned around, looking up at him. "Okay. One date."
He gave that bad boy smirk. He picked me up hugging me. "Thank gosh. I will pick you up at seven tonight."
He put me down and left. I waited a couple of minutes before I went out. Most of everyone had cleared the halls. Thank goodness.

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