The Gangsters Target ✅I guess

By thedevilsdaughter300

3.8K 90 31

Jade Wilson and her friends go to a normal high school and living a normal life; well except for being a part... More

Another day...
New faces
Over Him
So persistent
More surprises
Let loose
Chapter 10- the crash
Chapter 11- The Dëvils Blöod Gang
Chapter 12- he who is in the dragons
Chapter 13-Thoughts in my head
Chapter 14- small missions
Chapter 15- close call
Chapter 16-The little mission
Chapter 17-Sorry ace
Chapter 18-Ace Winters
Chapter 19-Shots fired
Chapter 20-Family
Chapter 21-Ethan
Chapter 22-I know
Chapter 23- problems
Chapter 24- Nick
Chapter 25- suspicion
Chapter 26- Ian.....
Chapter 28- The kiss
Chapter 29- Noah??
Chapter 30- Mother
Chapter 31- Plan
Chapter 32- Colors
Chapter 33- kidnapped
Chapter 34-free?
Chapter 35- He is running through my head
Chapter 36- do i really like him.
Chapter 37- nice 'quiet' day
Chapter 38- In The Rain
Chapter 39- Mrs. Blue
Chapter 40- Date Night
Chapter 41- Carnival
Chapter 42- Will You Be My Girlfriend
Chapter 43- Past ex
Chapter 44- jasons crush
Chapter 45- At the club
Chapter 46- Ian and Me
Chapter 47- the fight
Chapter 48- stay and chill
Chapter 49- cute moment
50- the little note
Chapter 51- strike of fear
Chapter 52- lies i tell
Chapter 53- Jades fault?!
54- Ally Bruno
55-the unexpected guest
56-No More Us
57-little fucker
58- secrets to hide
This is goodbye loves~
 Special Collab Coming
Special 01
Special 02

Chapter 27- More fights

49 1 0
By thedevilsdaughter300

•Noah's POV•

We were outside looking around for anything in the park. Nothing particularly but something to entertain us till I saw something catch the corner of my eye.

I looked over and saw jade hunched over on the ground.

" you think she will be okay" Louis said

" no duh it's just a ball being thrown at her nothing serious" Nick said

" do you think she will fight her" Tyler then asked

" bet 5 bucks she will" nick said

' you can clearly see she wants to but won't' I told myself

" bet 10 for not fighting" Jason then said surprisingly

" I bet 30" I then said

" I bet 4 bucks for fighting" Louis said

" if she doesn't then she might fight some else today want to bet that" Tyler then said

" 40" I said

" now pay attention" I said as we looked over and saw jade ready to throw a punch but something stopped her

" why is she not swinging" nick whined

I kept focusing on hey and saw her turn around and then back to Emma and step away.

" it's because willow called out to her and told her to stop...they didn't want her to fight" I said

" Hand in the money" Jason said

" when we ge-

I then turn my head to Ian screaming jades name.

Knowing the history between these two it is not good so we have to keep a close eye when they are near each other.

I looked to my left to see Louis and nick recording for some reason.

I got closer to Ian and jade so I can see more clearly and maybe hear.

But as I approached I saw jade get smacked. I stood there in shock. I didn't know what to do as well as her.

She then slowly got up and then jumped onto Ian falling to the ground punching him.

People came running to them watching them struggle and fight as we stood there in total confusion and shock.

I heard blow after blow as if she was a grown man fighting another.

Willow then screamed her name and ran to her pushing everyone away and then kicking him.

But I guess that didn't do anything because jade was now on the ground. I, knowing how hard he hits I went as fast I could over there but the rest of the jades group came running over and started to hit Ian as hard as they could; before being able to hit jade.

" Get Them" I told the boys and they quickly jumped in

As I came closer I clearly saw that she knees him where the sun don't shine and he fell right off her.

My boys were able to pull away the girls but Ethan got jade while she struggled to get out of his grip.

I looked over to Ian who was now charging at jade. I looked back at jade as she dug her nails into her brothers skin.

He yelped from the pain she gave him and she ran right to Ian only to kick him back down.

I ran to them and by the last second I pulled jade by her waist right before he was going to receive a nice blow to his left cheek.

As I ripped jade away everyone was flashing there phones to get a look at jades face and Ian's. I quickly took her to the parking lot so she could calm down for a second.

I then loosened my grip on her and turned her around to face me.

Her hair as all over her face as she had some s scratches and a couple of tears.

" Really jade did you have to dig your nails into your brothers skin" I said

" I had to do something so he didn't touch me HE SLAPPED ME JUST BECAUSE I SAID IS BRETAH STINKS" she yelled out

" Okay Don't yell at me I'm not the one" I said

" I know you ain't the one now let me go" she scoffs

" no way your going to the principal come on" I say dragging her inside

" weak bitch that's why he got fucked up by a girl" I heard her say making me laugh

" what" she said annoyed

" you have a small body but fight like a grown man where did you learn these moves from" i asked

" Luke"

" I MEAN ETHAN" She yelled out

" Luke?" I said

" No No No" She repeated

As we were walking she tried to pull away so I grabbed and put her on my shoulder and people started to stare.

" Let me go Noah"

" nope" I said

" come one people are looking"

" I thought you liked the attention" I commented

" No I don't" she said

" well to bad I'm bringing you to the office anyway and going to stay there since you and Ian are going to be in the same room" i said knowing she didn't like the idea

" I fucking hate him...he messed with the wrong girl"
She mumbled but guess I got more information about her

I walked in to the office casually as if I didn't have someone on my shoulder and walked in to the room closing the door behind me

" why are you here Noah King" the second principle said

" well I thought you might need help and I ain't caring if you don't need or do I'm staying I know this might get ugly" I said

" well then fine but put her down now" he said

"Oh right" i then put her down

Jade then looked to Ian looking at his face and he looked pretty beat up not gonna lie and by a girl.

Jade then was about to sit right next to him but I stopped her took out a chair and said in between them

" so how did this start jade" the principle asked

" well he called me and he came to me and I said what and he said when am I going to beat him up but instead of answering him I said is breath stinks and he slapped me for no reason" She said as the principal lifted his eyebrow and looked to her cheek

"...jade your cheek is pretty bad want to look at it" I commented

" don't you think I know it hurts a lot" she said

" yea I know"

" why di-

" I slapped her because she is always being a bitch and picking fights so I thought why not make her mad this time. But I guess I got....fucked up"

" by a girl" she said making me smile a bit

" Want To Say That To My Face" Ian said

" Yea" she said

" By A Girl" She said Louder now standing

" You Bitch" he was about to grab her collar but I jumped in an grabbed his hand and put it behind his back hurting him

" I wouldn't do that if I were you" I warned and then let go and sat back down pulling her with me.

" no wonder your family didn't love you" he then said I quickly looked at jade as I saw her expression changed

Out of know where she jumped over me startlingly me and smacked the fuck out of Ian but I then got up and pulled her away.

" Don't Ever Mention Them You Don't Know What I Have Been Through Ian" she said as she cried a bit making my heart hurt

" will have to be suspended for 2 weeks for causing the damage that you have done" the principal said


" yes I did and have seen what she has done but you did slap her first and how dare you put your hands on a girl young man get out of my office it starts today bye" he said with pure anger

Ian got up while looking at her till he left the room. I then looked back at jade as she didn't say a word and was looking at the ground.

" jade" I said

" are you alright" I asked

" if I'm a bad student you may expel me" She said suddenly

" w-why would you want that"I said confused

" because ever since I changed a bit it's been getting harder and harder and I'm-

" I'm not expelling you, you are a good student so go to the nurse and she will take care of you till you get back to class Noah stay with her please"the principal said and i nodded

She stood there for a few seconds probably thinking what to do. I watched her look at the door and stepped out of the room without another word I then rushed out behind her.

" jade are you okay" I asked but didn't respond

" okay now you are not talking to me"

"Do you know where the rest are at" She asked

" you mean the girls you-

" yes" She said cutting me off

" well they had to be ripped away from Ian and one of them was even going to fight Emma" i said

" who was going to fight Emma"She asked

" lilac I think it was" i said

" Lilac?" I repeated

" yea what is wrong with that" i said

" whoa do you know how hard it's to see her almost get into a fight if we are not there or protecting each other....she must have said something that made her snap" she said

" but you still didn't answer where there were" she said

" oh probably with the principal or in class or even outside still getting calmed down" i said

" ...hmm"

We then reached the nurse's office and I see the nurse sleeping peacefully at her desk.

I then saw jade moving towards her as I looked at her confused at her actions. She then looked at me as she was close to the nurse's ear and gave me a smirk and...winked at me?

' why the fuck does my heart feel like that the fuck she just winked at me that's why' I tell my self feeling my cheeks burn up a bit but I still look at jade

" MS. BLUE WAKE UP AND STOP LACKING" She yell in her ear as she woke up startled and fell to the ground

" oops" She said laughing

" she is so evil" I mumble laughing under my breath as I have never seen her do this trying to contain my smile

" Young Lady I could've had a heart attack or died" she said grabbing her heart

" but you didn't so get up Blue-

" Omg What Happen To You Beautiful Face Darling Who Did This" she said now cupping her face and checking out her face

" I'm okay mom damn" She said


" go sit down now jade" she said demandingly and She did as She was told

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