TMNT vs X-Men ✅

By Jack0fish91

326 0 0

After landing in a different dimension, Cyclops, Storm, Wolverine, Nightcrawler and Professor Charles Xavier... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 1

80 0 0
By Jack0fish91

New York 12:50 am.

"So how's the kids?" one of the guards asked to the other.

"They're alright. How's yours?"

"Same as usual."

"Still rowdy as ever huh?"


"That's kids for ya."

The guard's conversation ends when they hear a crash coming from inside the door they're guarding.

"What the heck was that?"

"Sounds like somebody broke in. Let's get in there."

The two guards walk into the darkened area with their guns pointed towards wherever the crash came from.

"You take a look downstairs. I'll take a look upstairs. Got it?" the first guard ordered, but got no answer "Hey. Did ya hear what I..."

When the guard turned around he saw the other guard had mysteriously disappeared.

"What the he..."

The one guard left took a couple steps back and felt something hard block his path. He slowly turned around and looked up to see a huge armored man standing in front of him.

"AHHH!!!" the guard screamed, shooting at the giant staring down at him.

All the bullets fired fell to the floor. The armor the large man was wearing wasn't even phased.

"Ya really shouldn't be playin' with guns." the large man said, getting closer to the helpless guard.

"J-Just stay away from me!" the guard screamed just before being pulled back into the dark by his ankles "AHHHH!!!"

"Someone could get hurt." the armored man finished as a green fellow with a long tongue jumped out of the dark "Did ya have to lasso him before I could give my lecture?"

"Sorry Juggy, but ya know how much I love pullin' helpless people into shadowy areas with my tongue." answered Toad.

"Yeah, well if ya do it again next time I might just..."

"Calm yourself Juggernaut." said a voice coming from behind the large armored man known as Juggernaut.

"Mystique." smiled Juggernaut, crossing his arms "Ya get the thing the boss told us to get?"

"I have it right here." Mystique shows Juggernaut and Toad a canister filled with slimy, glowing ooze inside.

"The boss'll be pleased, heh heh." laughed Toad, swishing his tongue around.

"Be careful imbecile." Mystique ordered "Don't get your slimy tongue all over it, we don't even know what it does."

"Aw c'mon!" cried Toad "Couldn't I just test it?!? Y'know, to see if it works or not!"

"No Toad!" yelled Juggernaut "Now get your freakin' tongue in your mouth before I rip it outta ya!"

"Fine." pouts Toad slurping his tongue through his lips.

"Come on." started Mystique "Let's get out of here before those worthless guards wake up."

In another part of New York a shadowy figure watches a crime scene from one of the rooftops. The criminals flee and run into an alleyway.

"One... two... three... four." the figure snarls "This should be fun."

The shadowy figure jumps from the roof and onto the fire escape, startling the ninjas he's been watching.

"So..." the figure says just before cracking his knuckles "Which one of you ladies wanna dance first?"

One of the ninjas whips out three throwing stars and flings them at the mysterious vigilante, but he quickly pulls out a sai and richochets them back at the same ninja, pinning him to the wall.

"Ya know..." started the being, jumping over the railing and landing perfectly on the ground "for ninjas... you guys kind of suck."

The being takes a step forward, revealing himself to be a turtle. A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

"Now, I asked you guys a question." the turtle said, pointing the end of his sai at the three remaining ninjas "Which one of you ladies wanna dance first?"

The ninjas unsheathe their katanas ready to slice the turtle up.

"I take it you're not very good dancers." the turtle jokes as one of the ninjas runs at him.

The turtle jumps up, kicking the ninja right in the jaw, rendering the ninja unconscious.

"On second thought, I think you guys should sit this one out."

The two remaining ninjas run at the turtle, but he jumps up, grabs the ladder, pulls himself up and kicks the two unconscious as well.

"Huh, I guess they're all tuckered out." laughed the turtle, kicking one of the unconscious ninjas in the side "Well you guys are no fun."

     As soon as the turtle said that five more ninjas, carrying more than just katanas, leaped out down from the rooftops behind the turtle.

"Well I didn't know I was so popular." the turtle joked, getting ready for a fight.

     Before the fight broke out the turtle noticed a silhouette entering the alley. The silhouette flicked it's wrists, causing three sharp objects to protrude from it's hands.

"Shredder." the turtle growled, watching the silhouette come up towards the ninjas, whose attention was no longer focused on the turtle.

"I ain't no Shredder, bub." the silhouette growled back, just before sliding his claws into one of the ninja's chest.

     The stranger began clawing the ninja to death. The ninja screamed a bloodcurdling scream as the other ninjas gathered around to attack the violent, clawed man. But each of them went down after one swipe to their legs. The ninjas left standing ran for their lives as the stranger revealed himself to the turtle. The turtle looked at the bloody mess in confusion.

"What the hell?" said the turtle.

     The stranger smiled then turned his attention to the ninja stuck to the wall.

"Missed one." grunted the stranger, lifting his claws to the frightened ninja, but before the claws could reach him, a sai blocked their path.

"I don't know who you think are, but that ain't how we deal with things here!" informed the angry turtle to the stranger and letting the lone ninja go "Get outta here."

     As the final ninja ran for his life the stranger and the turtle were the only two left. They stood for a moment, eyeing each other down.

"I don't know how you deal with yer enemies here bub, but where I come from it's either killed or be killed." said the clawed stranger, lifting up his claws in front of the turtle's face.

"Well I think you need a little time out... bub." the turtle remarked, getting ready for a fight.

"Stop!" shouted a voice from behind the stranger, before any of the two could act "Wolverine, put the claws away now."

"Why?" asked the stranger, known as Wolverine "I'm just gettin' started."

"I mean it Wolverine." said a tall man with a visor over his eyes "We're here to find Magneto, remember?"

     The turtle watched as three more strangers entered the alley. One with a visor, one with white hair and one blue one with a tail.

"Who are you guys?" asked the turtle.

"I'm Cyclops..." said the man with the visor "that's Storm..."

"Hello." greeted the woman with the white hair.


"Greetings." said the blue guy.

"And this is Wolverine."

"We've already met." grunted Wolverine, crossing his arms in anger.

"And we're the X-Men." Cyclops finished.

"Well X-Men, I think ya should teach your dog here some manners." said the turtle, getting a growl from Wolverine.

"We're trying." joked Cyclops.

"By the way, what the hell are you anyways? Some kinda lizard?" asked Wolverine.

"I'm a turtle, genius. See the shell?" answered the turtle "And since we're on a first name basis my name is Raphael."

"It's nice to meet you Raphael." said Cyclops "Good to know we're not the only mutants here."

"How do ya figure I'm a mutant?" asked Raphael.

"Well what else would I call a walking, talking, fighting, humanoid turtle?" asked Cyclops.

"Yeah, I guess you got a point." said Raph "Now what did you say about finding a magneto or something like that?"

"Magneto. He's one of our greatest foes." said Storm "We're not sure how, but somehow he was able to jump dimensions and come to this world."

"So you guys are from a different dimension?" asked Raph.

"Yeah." replied Nightcrawler "We came here through a portal with our professor, Charles Xavier, but when we got here we were separated from him."

"I just hope he's not stuck within the portal that brought us here." sighed Storm.

"If he is we'll find him." assured Cyclops.

"Hey, I got a brother who knows a lot about this crap." said Raphael "Maybe he can help you guys."

"That would be really helpful." said Cyclops "We would really appreciate it."

"Great." said Raphael "I'll take you to our lair, follow me."

     Raphael stepped out into the middle of the street and took off the manhole cover from the entrance of the sewer.

"You're lair is in a sewer?" growled Wolverine.

"Yeah Fido, where else do ya think a turtle would be?" said Raphael, climbing down into the sewer as the others followed behind.


"AHHH!!!" screamed one of the foot ninjas getting thrown at the wall by his master, Master Shredder.

"You had the turtle..." growled Shredder, approaching one of his soldiers and lifting him up by his throat and tossing him aside "AND YOU LET IT ESCAPE?!?"

"We are sorry Master." whimpered one soldier, kneeling down to his master's feet "But there was another... with claws such as yours... except his protruded from his skin."

"You have fought many a man and creature!" shouted Shredder "And yet you cannot defeat a single man with claws?!?"

     Shredder jabbed his claws into one of his soldiers and let him fall. Raged, he swiped his claws at another, hitting another's cheek.

"Maybe I should find better help." said Shredder, wiping the blood from his claws.

"Maybe we could be of assistance." spoke a man with a red helmet, entering the room with five others following behind him.

"You must be Magneto. I was wondering when you'd come. Do you have what I asked for?"

"Does this answer your question?" answered Magneto, showing Shredder the canister of glowing green ooze.

"Excellent." said Shredder, taking the canister "I suppose Stockman steered you here."

"You would be correct." answered Magneto "May we speak in private?"

"Of course." said Shredder "Ninja, vanish."

     The ninjas within room did as their master said and left room as quickly as possible.

"Brotherhood." said Magneto.

     The Brotherhood also left the room and finally the two were alone. The two sat down at a table across from one another.

"Stockman told me you were coming." spoke Shredder.

"I'm aware." said Magneto "Now about the mutagen... tell me all there is to know of it."

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