Pidge's Tourment

By fangirl-express

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Pidge is captured by the galra,she is beaten and tortured everyday.her family/team looks for her everywhere u... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 6

752 15 8
By fangirl-express

*First of all before we jump in the new chapter I want to apologise for slacking I'm going through some stuff and I'm not always free, so the chapters are probably gonna be posted whenever I feel up to it...anyway thanx for understanding (I hope)...*

~Pidge POV~
She couldn't open her eyes, but her other senses worked. She heard voices talking but she was so drowsy to barelly understand. She caught a few words "what happened? Whatever they...up her mind and...them pay" she had slipped back into another dream.

~with group~
They were all surrounded by Pidge's bedside. "What happened? Whatever they did fucked up her mind and I'm going to make them pay" Matt said with anger and frustration in his tone. "We will in time for right now let's focus on the task at hand, Coran a report please" Allura asked, "certainly princess...she seems stable, no injuries the cryo-pod missed, just a few scars" Coran stated

"What did you inject her with anyway?" Lance asked, "ah yes, I simply injected her with a substance that will hopefully bring back her memories the galra had taken from her" He explained. "What kind of substance?" Hunk asked, "It's called Meaurtis (me-or-tis), it's normally found in zedhogs blood, it can mostly heal the mind" Coran explained.

Pidge had groaned, her face was twisted in a grimace of pain and agony. They all looked at her worried. "What's happening?" Shiro asked alarmed, "she's remembering" Allura replied. "We can watch her memories of you would like" Coran offered. They all agreed to watch, Coran hooked a helmet with wires hanging out on the side that was hooked up to the big computer screen, it looked more like a television then a computer screen. Once Coran turned it on, what she saw they saw.

~Pidge's memory~
It was dark, too dark. A sudden burst of light startled Pidge. She saw her family, they were all sitting in the dining room talking and laughing. It then flashed to them at a launch site saying their good-byes, she felt so alone watching the ship go up into space. Another flash took her to her living room, she watched the news from the stairs without her mother's noticed. It had claimed the 3 pilots from the Kerberos mission were assumed dead. Tears slipped down her cheek from the sudden news.

She ran up the stairs to her room, she locked the door behind her. She then proceeded to slide down the door into a sobbing mess on the floor. The floor started to crumble from beneath her, the room dematerialized into nothing around her, she remained crying into her knees. She looked up from her position and she was in a classroom. The outside showed a bright sunny day, but all she felt was emptiness inside. The bell had rang and she walked out into the Hall. A boy had stopped her and pushed her against the wall, "how's your stupid brother now to protect you, huh? Oh right he's dead" the bully said. "SHUT UP!" Pidge yelled "what little Katie watie can't handle the truth" he said in a teasing baby voice.

Pidge started to tear up, "aww I think little Katie here is gonna cry, so pathetic" he said before letting her go from the wall. She had slid to the floor, "I think we should teach her a lesson about cry babies" he said to his buddies. They proceed to kick her in the stomach, it felt like hours of pain but in reality it was only 2 minutes. They all stopped and started to walk away "see you tomorrow loser, and remember don't tell anyone about this, or you will pay" he said over his shoulder.

The pain had hurt so much but she still got up. The hall had blurred and now she was back in her home. Back at the dining table were her and the rest of her family had shared laughs and conversations about their day. But now it was cold empty, she was all alone. Her mother was barely home anymore, she engulfed her life with her work as a scientist after the accident.

There was a frozen dinner in front of Pidge on the table it had a note from Colleen. "Eat this, I'll see you soon, love you very much -mom" Pidge crumbled the note in her hand. She knew her mom wasn't going to see her soon, she was to busy distracting herself from the pain of loss. To busy to even check on her 14-year-old daughter.

She was now in the Garrison hallways, sneaking around until she reached Commander Iverson's office. She had hacked into his computer to see if they were telling the truth about the Kerberos mission, and if it was really a malfunction failure.

Iverson and two security guards burst through the door, right when she got what she needed. One of the guards held her by the upper arm, while Iverson talked to her. "YOU LIED!, The Kerberos mission didn't have a malfunction failure, did it?" Pidge accused. "You don't know what you're talking about, guards escort Mrs.Holt off the premises and she is now forever band from this facility" Iverson demanded. "You won't hear the last of me" those were Pidge's parting words before she was thrown out of the Galaxy Garrison.

A flash forward to her 15th birthday, it was lonely. It was a Saturday, her mom as usual wasn't home it had been almost a year since they went missing, and yet she still surrounded herself with work. She had simple small cupcake with a single candle. Tears escaped her eyes as she sang herself happy birthday.

She disappeared from the dining room to the bathroom. She was wearing the Garrison uniform, she looked at herself one more time before grabbing a pair of sissors. She held it up to her hair, her eyes held tears daring to fall. She squeezed her eyes shut and cut the chuck of hair in her hand off. She reopened her eyes and proceeded to grab more hair until all of it was evenly cut and all over the floor and counter top.

When she was done cleaning the bathroom, she looked again in the mirror. She pulled out Matt's glasses and put them on, she looked up to see her brother staring back at her from the mirror. She put her hand up to the glass and touched her face, she once again started to cry. All the childhood memories flooded back. As quickly as they came they left, leaving Katie alone on the floor crying one more time in her familiar home. She sat in the dining room writing her mom a note explaining why she was leaving, and not telling her where she was going. It had read:
Dear Mom,
      You're probably wondering where I went, well I can't tell you. But I promise to be safe, I am going on a mission to find and bring back dad and Matt. I don't know when you will be reading this, but I want you to know that I didn't leave out of spite or because I hated you. I left to uncover the truth, don't spiral again. You can dig even further in work if that helps, but don't blame yourself anymore because it wasn't your fault. I'll always be out there for you, but I need to start my own journey.
        With lots of
        Love, Katie

Pidge took the note to the kitchen counter and placed the salt on top, just in case so it wouldn't fall. She went upstairs, grabbing her duffle bag and her confirmation documents. She had taken on the name Pidge Gunderson along with entering the Garrison with the false name and gender. She went through her house one final time not knowing when she would be back analysing every detail and aspect of her old life.

She knew her mom would be back at midnight, so she gave her dog extra food to last him until then. And with that, she said good-bye to her dog and childhood home. Once she closed the door Katie Holt was no more, instead Pidge Gunderson took form and left the old version behind. With a final sigh, she began walking towards her new life. A new life of searching and exploring. This was the new her, the her that was gonna save her family.

She reached the front Gates of the Garrison. Her hand hesitated for a second over a button, she quickly pushed her dought away. After pressing the button there was a click sound, a scanner popped out, she put her fake ID on it. A small circle above illuminated a red to a green. The first gate opened, the second way to get in now was to have the guard stationed in the inner gate, between the outside and the inside, to check the papers and to see the correct documents.

After reviewing it was her, well the new her anyway, he let her inside and wished her luck in her new beginning. Once the gate opened to reveal commanders stationed at tables with letters on a sheet of paper draped on the front of the table. She almost walked to the table that had the letter H out of instinct, but she reframed and reminded herself that the letter G is where she needed to go, this was gonna take some time geting used to.

She grabbed the schedule, it listed what room she would be staying in while here. It also listed who was gonna be her new teammates. She found her room without difficulty, the room was quaint. It was what she had expected, a single bed lay in the corner, next to it a desk for studying. There was a small couch that could probably fit two people at the most. In front of the couch was a small coffee table that was the same length. The opposite wall from the bed and couch had a door to a bathroom. Well at least she didn't have to risk exposing her secret by sharing a bathroom. To the left of the entrance was a small closet, it was perfect for Pidge since she didn't have much to pack.

All she brought with her was the asental girl items, Matt's old clothes that he didn't fit in anymore, and the last photo her and Matt took together. She could hardly believe it had been a year already, but she had no time to reminisce of better times. When she was done packing, she looked at her schedule again. Her eyes scanned until she read who her teammates were, two guys named Lance McLain & Tsuyoshi Garret. It had also listed what forms they were in. It appeared they shared a room, Pidge was one of the few that requested for no roommate, and was excepted. With a sigh she got up and walked to their dorm that was a few hallways away.

She had hoped they were gonna be chill and just as reclusive as she was. But when she got there she could tell they weren't. Before she even knocked on the door, she could hear cheerful laughs and Spanish music blasting. She knocked on the door, half of her wanting them not to be able to hear her, so she could go back to her dorm. But the other wanted to say hello before school started and it would be awkward. They heard her, she could tell because the music was turned down significantly and the loud voices had turned into silent whispers.

The door creaked open, behind it was a tall boy with brown hair and eyes, he had looked Hispanic but Pidge didn't want to jump to conclusions without facts. "Hello, how may I help you?" He asked, his voice was kind but you can't always judge off one sentence. "Hello, I'm Pidge Gunderson your teammate" she stated while holding out her hand for him to shake. He took it in hesitation and smiled "I'm Lance McLain but I'm sure you gathered that from my devilish handsome looks" he smirked with a quick wink to add with it. Pidge had wondered if he was serious, she stood there dumb founded not knowing what to respond to that. Suddenly a yell was heard in the background, "Hey Lance who's at the door?" Pidge could only guess that that was Tsuyoshi, he sounded kind as well. Soon enough there was another boy standing next to Lance. He was almost as tall as the other boy with the same features, except he was more broad and had black hair. He wore a orange karate looking belt on his forehead. "Hi I'm Pidge Gunderson, and you must be Tsuyoshi Garret" she said with a smile and another stretch of the hand. "You can call me Hunk" he said with a slight laugh and reach for the hand.

They had invited her in, their room was the same as hers except there was a bunk bed and two closets. The evening was nice, they talked and compared schedules. They all had the same subjects together expect for one. Which Pidge assumed corelated with their own positions in the team. When six rolled around, Pidge said her goodbyes and headed for her dorm to take care of some stuff before curfew at nine. It flashed to the first day of school. The day started with an assembly, then lunch, and finally training that technically replaced PE but it was pretty much the same. Everyone was meeting up with their groups, Pidge walked in with another girl, The girls arms started waving and she took off in dash, obviously meeting with her group.

Pidge stood there akwardly for a moment before hearing her name, she turned to the person who was calling it. It was Lance he waved his hands as in a signal to come over there. She swiftly weaved through groups till she made it to her own. Then the lecture started, they were told to revise their roles and have some free time, and that they were never have this time again during working hours. They went over their roles, she was the brains, Lance was the pilot, and Hunk was the engineer. After that she decided to sit in the corner and read.

Lance noticed and stalk towards her, he looked down at her. "Whatcha doin?" He asked leaning over as if he hadn't seen a book before. "Reading" she stated simply without looking up from the book. "Oh, no your not.." he took the book from her hands and continued talking "we're a team, we should be bonding" he was now holding the book up in the air so Pidge couldn't reach it. She let out a grown of frustration, and thought 'this is going to be a long year'.

A jump forward and now they were in a hallway. Pidge, Lance, and Hunk were walking to their next class, when a mean looking guy confronted Lance. "You were flirting with my girl, huh?" He said threateningly in Lance's face. For some reason Pidge's body and mouth started moving before her mind had time to catch up. "You know there are better ways to solve this complication, other then violence of course" she said with a flick of her glasses. "And you are?" He said as a retourical question, but Pidge being the smartass she is couldn't resist. "Pidge... Pidge Gunderson" a smirk found a way on her face. "Well Gunderson, this doesn't concern you, so fuck off" he said while turning his attention back to Lance. "Well you see, you made it my concern by threatening one of my teammates and friend, so yeah I'm not leaving this alone" she took a step forward.

"What are you gonna do fight me, that's cute speaking that your 4 foot nothing" he cocked his head in time to have a fist hit him directly in the nose. He stumbled backwards in shock, "oh your gonna get it now, Gunderson!" He walked over intimidatingly. Pidge got in a fighting stance, preparing for a whole lot of pain.

She had no time to block before he landed a punch on the side of her head. The punch had dug the band of her glasses into her head, causing her to bleed a little. He went for another punch, she ducked and swept his leg. He had fallen to the floor, she went to go kick him in the stomach to finish the fight but before she could, he grabbed her legs making her join him on the floor. Pidge had no time to catch herself, so her head collided with the hard tile floor.

He now was straddling her (not in a sexual way (-_-)) he pinned her arms against her body, securing them with his thighs. He proceeded to repeatedly keep punching. When he felt as if she had enough he got up expecting her to be out of commission. But he was wrong she sprung up tripping him while he was walking away. She did the same thing that he did to her by pinning him to the ground but he was face down on the floor (again not in a sexual way, get your mind out of the gutter). She had learned about different pressure points in her elective if you could call it that, even though it was required for the specific person on the team. She knew there was one on the side of the neck, all she had to do was apply the right amount of pressure. She lifted her hand up, and like a cobra sticking their prey, it came down. He was now knocked out. She rolled off of him and started panting. Lance and Hunk rushed to her side, "are you okay?" Hunk asked with total concern. "I'm....fine" she said between Huff's, "you don't look fine" Lance chimed in. "Oh really, what do I look like?" She wasn't expecting anyone to actually answer, but she should have known better.

"Well...your face is covered in blood, I think you should go to the nurse" Lance said, "yeah right, and risk getting in trouble, no way" she responded. "All I need is to clean myself off in my bathroom, let's see we have math next just say I wasn't feeling well and I went to my dorm early, on orders" she said hoping they would be onboard with he cover up. "I guess, but if you don't feel okay, promise me you'll go straight to the nurse no acceptions" he stated, with an eye roll she responded "fine, I'm going to go shower see you guys soon" she got up and leaned on the wall for support.

Soon she was at her dorm. She unlocked the door and retrieved clean clothes. She went into the bathroom and flicked on the light, she scared herself in the mirror. She knew Lance said she had blood all over her face, but she didn't know it was this bad......

~with group~
Keith squeezed Pidge's hand when he saw her face. This caused the screen to go black. "Is she waking up?" Lance asked with hope in his voice, "no, she won't wake up until all her memories are sum what put back" Coran explained. "It's pretty late, we should turn in for the night" Shiro said, "but Shiro we wanna see Pidge's memories" Lance & Hunk whined. "I agree with Shiro, you have training early in the morning" Allura stated in a motherly fashion. "I can record her memories, we also need them to see what happened when she was captured, anyway you won't miss anything it would be like...what do your species call them again? Oh yeah, a movie" Coran said.

"Bed, now" Shiro pointed a finger at the door with a Stern voice. Groans were heard on the way out and accasional mocks all the way to their rooms. Keith was the last to leave,"don't stay here long" Coran said before leaving himself. Keith went to Pidge's left side of the bed, he connected his forehead with hers, while still holding her hand. He kissed her forehead, with parting words he said "come back to me please, I need you" it was a very soft whisper, but they were only meant for her and her alone. He walked to the door way where he stopped to look at Pidge one more time before bed. He then turned and walked to his own room, Pidge filling his ever thought.

*I'm really sorry for waiting for so long, I wanted to make this chapter really long for those of you that have been waiting since the last time updated. Again the posting schedule will be fucked up until I can figure a way to balance my life. Thanks for  those who waited so long, again sorry, anyway see you soon I think* ~Jay

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