Lucy, the Black Blooded Mage

By animelova2001

14.9K 560 214

FAIRY TAIL x SOUL EATER CROSSOVER When Lucy sees Natsu kiss Lissana, she unconsciously activates the black b... More

Chapter 1 : What Could Go Wrong?
Chapter 2 : Where'd Lucy Go?
Chapter 3 : Battle between Magic and Soul
Chapter 4 : Love Triangle!
Chapter 5 : Hospitalized
Chapter 7 : New Powers
Chapter 8 : What's a Demonic Fairy Slayer?
Chapter 9 : The DWMA!
Chapter 10 : Lord Death
Chapter 11 : Filler/Blaire

Chapter 6 : The Reunion

1.3K 47 22
By animelova2001

Chapter 6! I think I might just hold up on all of my stories just so I can focus on this one and continue writing it. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Chapter 6 : The Reunion

Lucy's POV

After a few minutes had past, Wendy had finally finished healing me. I got out from my bed and stretched to make sure that nothing hurt anymore. When it seemed that everything was fine, I tackled Wendy into a bear hug. I nearly killed the poor girl until I noticed that she couldn't breathe under me. See? Near-death-fun experience right here.

"Wendy! How's the guild doing without me? How's Carla, Happy, Gray, Levy, Erza, and everyone else there at the guild? Did they kick Natsu out yet? Is he dead? Oh, please tell me that Natsu's gone from the guild," I bombarded her with questions. I am still mad at Natsu, but not mad enough to kill him. I just don't want to see myself all evil again. And I'm pretty sure that I might go all out next time I see him.

"Everyone's fine. Gray, Erza, Natsu, Happy, Carla, and I were sent to go look for you and bring you back. Gray, Erza and Happy miss you a lot. Is it okay if Virgo brings them here to visit you? And maybe Natsu too?" She asked kindly. I know that she wanted me to go back to the guild, and I know that if I bring Happy, he's gonna cry until Natsu comes here too. After all, they are partners.

"All right. They can come. But I will not and shall not speak or even look at Natsu. He is to wait outside of the hospital and will remain no less than a hundred feet away from me," I stated.

"Um, but Lu-chan. Isn't a hundred feet a bit too far?" She asked.

"Its either that or he doesn't come at all."

"Um... ok."

"Virgo, can you please go and bring Carla, Happy, Erza and Gray into the room, please? And get Natsu too, but make him wait outside the hospital please," I asked nicely.

"Yes, princess," Virgo said, and then disappeared in a flash of pink light.

"So... Wendy! Let's talk about you and Romeo."


Team Natsu's POV

When Wendy had gone to Lucy, they had stopped traveling to wait for her return. Erza was sitting on her cart that was filled with her luggage, as usual. Gray was sitting under a tree, making mini ice sculptures with his magic. Natsu and happy were watching a butterfly eat nectar from a flower, and Carla was pacing around, worrying about Wendy.

It hadn't been long. It was just 15 minutes until a bright pink light appeared in front of Erza's cart of stuff.

"Hello everyone," Virgo said. Everyone immediately rushed up to her and asked her questions.

"What did Lucy say?"

"Is she okay?"

"Where's Wendy?"

"Did you bring food? I'm hungry," Happy asked with a grumbling stomach.

"Princess said to bring all of you to her hospital room. Princess is alright, Wendy is chatting with everyone, and I'll bring out food in just a moment," Virgo said, and disappeared with a puff of pink smoke. Five seconds later, she appeared again with a platter of freshly cooked salmon.

"Oh, thank you, Virgo!" Happy said with a mouthful of his food.

"So when do we get to see Wendy? And Lucy?" Carla asked.

"Whenever you wish to leave," Virgo said, expressionless as usual.

"What about now?" Erza wondered.

"Alright, please leave you things on top of Erza-san's cart. It will be much easier to transport."

"Alright," Erza, Gray, and Carla said in unison.

"AYE!" Happy and Natsu exclaimed. And with that, they went into the spirit world, in front of the hospital to drop Natsu off with Erza's cart, and went into Lucy's hospital room. Even in there you could hear Natsu screaming things like :

"Why am I here? Virgo come back here! Lucy, let me in!"


Lucy's POV

As soon as Erza, Gray, Happy, and Carla came into the room, I was tackled with a bunch of hugs. Of course, only three people hugged me while Carla starting asking Wendy questions.

"Oh, Lucy! Please forgive us! We never meant to hurt you in anyway! Whaaaa! I'm so sorry!" Happy yelled.

"It's okay, just please get off of me," I managed to say. Everyone quickly got off, except for Happy. But that was okay because he was pretty light. Then I heard yelling on the first floor downstairs. That voice was all too familiar to me.

"Virgo, did you tell Natsu why he has to stay down there?" I asked, knowing that he wouldn't complain unless it was really important or he found something interesting to keep him busy.

"No. Punishment, Princess?" She asked. I was starting to think that she did this on purpose.

"No. Just go and tell him," I said with a sigh and a shake of my head.

"Lucy, don't tell me that you were serious about bringing him to the hospital," Maka said with worry in her voice.

"I had to. I'm not that mean. And my mom used to tell me that if I choose to act the same way of how people were mean to me, I would just be doing what the bully was doing to me," I explained.

"Um, Lucy. Is this your kidnapper?" Erza asked, changing into her purgatory armor. I looked at Maka and her friends. I caught Soul staring at Erza with a bit of blood dripping down his nose. I got a bit angry, but I understood what he was feeling. Some of Erza's armor did show a bit too much skin.

"Maka Chop!" Maka shouted and hit Soul with her hard covered book that came out of no where. Soul was knocked out. Apparently Maka had used all her strength in that chop.

"Did she just hit one of her nakama?" Happy asked.

"No, not really. Its kind of like how I Lucy-kick you guys when you do something inappropriate or disturbing or disgusting or-"

"Ok we get it," they all said in unison. If they hadn't stopped me, the list could have gone on forever.

"And to answer your question Erza, they didn't kidnap me. They were going to take me to a school that will teach me how to control my... my... Problem," I said. I didn't want to say Black Blood because... it makes me sound sick. A bad kind of sick.

"Oh, ok. So they're your new friends?" She asked. I nodded.

"Then why don't you introduce us to your friends, Lucy?" Gray asked. I had heard a lot of introductions that day, and I wanted to make this fast.

"OK. This is Soul, Maka, Kid, Pattie, Liz, Black★Star and Tsubaki. Guys, this is Gray, Erza, Happy, and Carla. The moron downstairs is Natsu," I said quickly in one breath.

"Hi," everyone said to each other.

"Okay, now that everyone has been introduced, Maka can you show us around town and hopefully the school?" I asked.

"Alright. But you'll need to meet Lord Death first. I'm sure that he'll want to meet you and all your friends," she replied,"But, what are we going to do about that idiot downstairs?" I had forgotten all about Natsu because Virgo had managed to calm him down. I started to think about how I might turn into the 'Demon Lucy' again.

"Um, I think that he should come along. Maybe Demon Lucy won't come out when I see him. I do hate Natsu and all that stuff. I really want to make him suffer and make sure that he'll never be able to love someone ever again. And I really do want to beat his face up sooooo bad that no one will even recognize him anymore. But killing him might be a little too far. All I want is sweet, sweet revenge," I said with an evil glint in my eyes. But I quickly replaced it with a warm smile. "I think I can handle him."

"Scary..." everyone from Fairy Tail whispered. I shot them all a death glare and they cowered back.

We went downstairs to go and invite Natsu to join us. When we got down there we saw him tied up to Erza's cart with a gag in his mouth and I noticed that the cart was moving. Due to his motion sickness, he couldn't move at all. I smiled. I walked to the front of the cart to see Virgo rocking the cart back and forth.

"Princess, back so soon?" She asked.

"Yeah. You did a really good job at keeping him calm. Well, now that everything's done and stuff, you can go back to the spirit world," I said calmly.

"But Prin-"

"Forced Gate Closure," I commanded while I swung her key across her form. She disappeared in a little flash of pink light. I went to the back and saw Natsu finally untied. He was talking to the others, seeming to get himself introduced. When he noticed me going over there, I averted my eyes from him and looked at everyone else. I hated him with all my life. I don't know how, but my love for him turned into hate for him in only a day.

"Hey guys! Shall we go to Lord Death now?" I asked brightly to everyone besides Natsu.

"Hey, Luce who's Lord-" Natsu started but I ignored him with a question.

"Maka, can we go now?"

"Um, uh. S-sure," She answered clearly shocked by my actions.

"All right off we go!" I said. I summoned Plue into my arms as we walked to wherever Lord Death was.

"Luce, are you ignoring me?" Natsu asked. I wasn't ignoring him, I was simply being childish and giving him the silent treatment.

"Hey, Plue. Do you hear anything? 'Cause I think I just heard a pest," I told Plue who looked clueless.

"Pun Puuun?" He asked.

"Wow, Lucy. I thought you were more mature than doing something as childish as giving me the Silent Treatment. Well, I guess I should've expected this. After all, you couldn't handle me giving a little kiss to Lisanna," Natsu whispered so close to me that I could feel his breath on my ear. I turned around. I knew that all he was trying to do was get my attention, but I couldn't help it. Slowly, I felt myself going into Demon Lucy mode. I tried to restrain it the best I could. It worked for a second, but then I started hearing voices in my head.

"Lucy. Why don't you let me out? I've only been out once and its no fun just staying here in your body. I'm really bored. How about we go kill Natsu? I know you want to," a young voice said in my head.

"Who are you?" I asked silently in my head.

"You don't remember me? Close your eyes and you'll see," She replied back. I closed my eyes and saw a girl who looked about twelve. She had black hair and silver eyes.

"Karina," I said outloud. I opened my eyes and saw Natsu looking at me as if I was crazy.

"Lucy let's go punish this guy. I promise that you'll have full control of what you do. You don't have to kill him if you don't want to... But it is suggested," Karina said.

"Alright," I said quietly in my head. I went over to Erza and took the sword she had sheathed that always hung on her waist.

"Natsu. Do you really want to do this?" I asked knowing full well that he didn't want to fight me. But I wanted to fight him.

"Do what? You wanna fight me? Go ahead and try, I bet you can't even lay one finger on me," Natsu said smirking.

"You wanna go down that road? Fine let's go," I said. Oh boy, this sure is gonna hurt, I thought while bringing the sword up to me. I closed my eyes really tight before inserting the blade through my stomach. I coughed up some blood but then, the pain stopped. I opened my eyes to see Karina emerging from my blood that I spat out on the floor.

"Thanks Luce! I'm so happy to be out! So do you want me to transform now? Ooh! I have an idea, why don't we use your magic with my awesome weapon stuff? Huh? How about it?" Karina asked me childly. She looks scary but she sure can act like so cutely.

"Alright, as long as no killing happens and we still manage to pummel this guy," I said, a bit scared of what we were going to do. I'm not scared of hurting Natsu, but what I'm scared of is losing my humanity and going way over board.

"Luce, stop playing around with your girlfriend and fight me already!" Natsu complained, his fists were already on fire.

"I AM NOT LESBIAN!" I shouted. I held out my hand. Karina transformed into the scythe again and we were ready.

"Alright! Now I'm fired up!" Natsu said with his signature smile. I scoffed at him. How can he be smiling at me when I hate him and we're about to battle? It just made me even more pissed off. I charged at him and swung. He easily dogged it, making me run past him.

I stopped running to turn around, but he punched my back and it made me fly. Luckily I turned around, before hitting the wall, and used it as a boost. I kicked off the wall and headed towards Natsu.

"Lucy, use Urano Metria," Karina said. I did as I was told. While I was running towards Natsu I silently chanted :

"Survey the Heaven, Open the Heaven...

All the stars, far and wide...

Show me thy appearance...

With such shine.

O Tetrabiblos...

I am the ruler of the stars...

Aspect became complete...

Open thy malevolent gate.

O 88 Stars of the heaven...


Urano Metria!"

With those last few words, I swung at Natsu making him jump back. He thought I was going to swing again, but instead of me swinging, several orbs of light appeared around the blade part of Karina. My eyes turned golden and I looked at Natsu. I pointed at him and a flash of light hit him, sending him backwards. I ran after him. When the light disappeared, I swung at Natsu once more. The blade glowed golden when it touched him, and he was hit with another blast, but this time it came from Karina's blade. The blast threw Natsu into a nearby wall.

"Do you think that he's done for?" I asked her.

"No. This battle has just began," Karina said seriously.

"Alright," I said, looking at the wall.

"Lucy, I gotta tell you something," Karina said.

"Um, okay. But make it fast, he's coming out again," I said.

"Now that you've found out about your black blood, you've also activated a magic hidden within you. Its something similar to a dragon slayer, except its more of a world destruction magic."

"Okay, so what's it called?" I asked, desperately trying to get to the point be fore Natsu came out again.

"It doesn't necessarily have a name though. But it is known as something."

"Then why don't you just tell me the magic? Natsu's gonna come back out soon."

"Alright alright. But you might not like it."

"Hurry up and tell me already! See, now Natsu's out of the wall. Just spit it out now," I demanded, looking at the figure that came lumbering out of the wall.

"Demonic Fairy Slayer."


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Love, Animelova2001

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