Lucy, the Black Blooded Mage

By animelova2001

14.9K 560 214

FAIRY TAIL x SOUL EATER CROSSOVER When Lucy sees Natsu kiss Lissana, she unconsciously activates the black b... More

Chapter 1 : What Could Go Wrong?
Chapter 2 : Where'd Lucy Go?
Chapter 4 : Love Triangle!
Chapter 5 : Hospitalized
Chapter 6 : The Reunion
Chapter 7 : New Powers
Chapter 8 : What's a Demonic Fairy Slayer?
Chapter 9 : The DWMA!
Chapter 10 : Lord Death
Chapter 11 : Filler/Blaire

Chapter 3 : Battle between Magic and Soul

1.7K 66 22
By animelova2001

Hi guys! I probably won't post a new chapter tomorrow. :( Sorry. But I have a good excuse! I'm going to the Boy's and Girl's Club's annual Winter Ball! And sadly I don't think I'll be going with him. Oh well. I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter. And yes, I am going to have Lucy use her magic in this chapter. Thats how I wanted the characters of Soul Eater to find out she was a mage or in the eyes of the Soul crew, a witch... DUN DUN DUN!

Chapter 3 : The Battle between Magic and Soul

Lucy's POV

We were outside preparing for the epic battle of the century! Well, to me it was going to be the most epic battle. This Black★Star person seriously was starting to remind me of Natsu, which was seriously starting to piss me off...

A lot.

Here, why don't I make a list of how he reminds me of Natsu

1. He's obnoxious like Natsu

2. He wants to fight me just to see what I got (LIKE NATSU)

3. He thinks he can win

4. He's stupid like Natsu

5. He commands people to do what he wants


7. He's kiiiiiinnda cute like Natsu

8. He's proooooobably as strong as Natsu

9. He's proooooobably gonna make me fall for him

10. He'll prooooooobably break my heart

Wait what? Did I actually just do that? This list supposed to be of the things that I hate about him because he's like Natsu. I'm not supposed to be falling for such an obnoxious, idiotic, cute, strong, and... WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH ME? UGH! You know what? I'm just gonna stop comparing Black★Star with Natsu. Afterall, I honestly do hate Natsu for everything. If I honestly do hate Natsu, then why am I falling for someone so similar to Natsu?

... It feels as if I had never left Fairy Tail.

"Are you ready little boy blue? 'Cause I'm comin' atcha!" I yelled at him as I took Loke out from my key holder.

"Hell, yeah! Oh shoot! Tsubaki, watch out! She's gonna hurt us with some lil' old keys!" He mocked me. I got pissed, so I held up my middle finger and flipped him off. This isn't like me, but I had to do something! He was teasing my keys. My celestial spirits. My only friends, in the world I'm in right now.

"Open, gate of the Lion! Loke!" There was a brilliant flash of light and suddenly Loke was there, by my side. It was obvious that all of them were surprised. But, it seemed as if Maka and Soul were worried about what I just did.

"Witch!" Black★Star yelled.

"My princess is not a witch! You shouldn't be messing with her! Lucy may I beat the hell out of this asshole?" Loke growled.

"Yeah, that's what I called you for."


Normal POV (I need normal POV's for battle scenes)


"Everyone, Lucy isn't a witch okay? She's a mage. And mages just use magical power, and stuff but if you actually look at her soul. Her soul isn't a witch's soul. So don't kill her!" Maka yelled.

"Who cares. I'll beat her, no matter what she is, witch, meister, weapon, or not! She's going down!" Black★Star responded loudly.

"Regulus Impact!" Loke exclaimed, hoping he would quickly beat this guy up. BlackStar flew back and crashed through the wall. Everyone was surprised because, that was the first time they'd seen BlackStar fly back from a punch!

"Woo! Way to go Loke!" Lucy said and hugged him really tight, much to his surprise. Then, she leaned up and kissed Loke on the cheek. Little did she know, that Black★Star had already recovered from the punch, and was watching, in shock and anger, her kiss him.

Lucy kissed Loke because, he had done many things for her and she had never rewarded him for it. Of course she didn't want to feel guilty and just not reward Loke for doing such a splendid job at taking Black★Star down.

"Princess... I never knew you liked me that much," Loke teased her. She blushed tremendously and pushed away.

"You, baka. I just wanted to reward you for doing a good job."

"You know... There is more than one way to reward me," Loke said smirking down at her.

"You pervert! Forced Gate Closure," Lucy slashed the key at Loke and he was gone. Black★Star was angry at Loke for being so perverted at Lucy. Even though he didn't even know her that much. Black★Star didn't want to admit it, but he did feel a little jealous when Lucy kissed Loke. That should be me, not him. I should be the one in her arms. I should be the one who gets to be kissed... I made a promise to myself that I would protect her since she was the only one who needs protecting. Tsubaki already proved that she didn't need me when she defeated her brother... so I just stopped loving her and, instead, liked her as a friend. But now, I need to be there for Lucy, not fighting her. What the hell is wrong with me? Picking a fight with the girl I chose to protect? He thought to himself and face-palmed himself inside of his head.

"Oh, don't get too ahead of yourself, Princess," he mocked. That got Lucy seriously pissed off. Then closed her eyes and counted to ten, just to restrain herself from going over there and beating him to a pulp.

When she opened her eyes to give a death glare to him, but he wasn't there. She was shocked and started to look everywhere for him, but couldn't seem to find him anywhere.

"Over here!" she turned around just in time to get cut with a black sword. It cut her stomach and she started to bleed.

"AHHH!" she screamed. She had had enough of this guy. If she didn't end this battle quickly, she was going to die! "Open, Gate of the Twins! Gemini!"

"Hello, Lucy-sama," Gemi said.

"Hi, Princess," Mini said.

"Hey guys. Let's do Urano Metria got it? Transform into me," I said.

"Okay!" They said in unison. Then a naked Lucy, wrapped in a towel appeared... And some of the spectators fainted with a nosebleed.

"Crap! I totally forgot to change it! Whatever, this'll have to do."

"Oh, okay. I get what you're trying to do to me now. Your trying to seduce me because you realized that you cannot defeat me, the mighty Black★Star!" Black★Star said and started laughing.

"Ew! No! Ready, Gemini?"

"Yup." They stood back to back, and held hands. Then pointed their hands to the side of them. BlackStar stopped laughing and stared watching them. He realized that Lucy had lost a lot of blood because she was starting to pale up.

"Lucy we can stop now. You seriously need to get to the hospital," BlackStar said, concerned. But it was too late, Lucy and Gemini started to chant the spell.

"Survey the Heaven, open the Heaven all the stars, far and wide. Show me thy appearance with such shine. O Tetrabiblos, I am the ruler of the stars. Aspect became complete. Open thy malevolent gate. Oh, 88 Stars of the heaven. Shine! Urano Metria!" They shouted in unison as several orbs of light gathered around them. Then, there was a blast of light coming from the Lucys and aimed for BlackStar. It hit with such a great impact that the wind, coming from the blast, blew Pattie away... literally. Kid and Maka were hugging each other, trying not to get blown away from the wind.

Gemini returned to the celestial spirit world because Lucy was now out of magical power and was close to fainting.

"I won?" she asked no one in particular.

"No I'm still here," BlackStar said looking down at her from a nearby building that was no where near where she hit.

"What? I hit you with full force! I- uhhhh," Lucy started but then, she fainted. Loke came out of the celestial world just in time to catch her from falling.

"Lucy!" Maka yelled and started to run to aid her. Loke growled at her as she came near his master.

"It's okay, I'm her friend. I can bring her to a hospital, you can carry her if you want," Maka said inching closer to him. Loke hesitated, but nodded.

"Alright, but don't let him near her," Loke nodded his head in the direction of Black★Star.

"What? Why me?" he asked.

"Because your the reason she's dying right now!" Loke shot back at him. Black★Star drooped his head in guilt. He hadn't meant for her to get hurt really bad. He thought that she didn't get cut that deep.

"Okay, stop fighting. We need to get Lucy to a hospital. Now," Kid said.

"Fine," They both said. And they started walking to the hospital to get Lucy a doctor. Loke looked down at Lucy and saw she was getting paler. He grabbed her hand to hold it, but realized that her guild mark had disappeared...


Fairy Tail POV


"NATSU!" Makarov's voice rang throughout the guild. Natsu slowly went up into his office. It had only been a few hours since he had finally finished healing up.

"Yes?" Natsu said when he finally reached the top.

"Lucy has left us," Makarov said with a worried/sad look in his eyes. Natsu was confused because he thought that he already knew Lucy was gone.

"Uh, yeah. But she was actually kidnapped."



"What I meant was that, I can't feel her guild mark anymore. Lucy has left the guild without our permission."


"You need to go find her, and fast. Because when she last had her guild mark on, I could feel that she was in danger. Take Team Natsu with you. But don't, no matter what. DON'T TAKE LISSANA WITH YOU!"


"Okay you guys are going to Nevada, that's in the US. There'll be a teleportation mage at the edge of the forest to take you there, faster than a train."

"Okay, I'm going to tell them now. Bye!" Natsu left as fast as he could, because he wanted Lucy to come home and have everything back to normal again. He brought her to this guild, and he didn't want to be the one who made her leave this guild.

"Gray! Erza! Wendy! Come here!" Natsu yelled as soon as he got down from the office. Three people stood up and went to Natsu. Carla and Happy went to Natsu too, because their partners were over there anyway.

"What do you want?" Gray replied sharply to Natsu. He was still upset with Natsu for letting Lucy go.

"We need to find Lucy, right? Well, I know where she is. She's somewhere in Nevada and when we get there, I'll just sniff her out of where she's hiding. So do you guys want to help me bring Lucy home?" Natsu asked, hoping they'd say yes.

"I want to go find Lucy! I really miss her," Happy replied, worriedly.

"Anything for Lucy-chan!" Wendy exclaimed.

"If Wendy's in, then I'm going," Carla stated in a stoic manner.

"I want to make amends with Lucy for what you did, Natsu. So yes," Erza said, casting him a cold look.

"As long as we get Lucy back," Gray said.

"Alright! Rescue mission time!" Natsu said with a fist in the air. Erza hit him and Natsu grew a pink bump on his head that matched the color of his hair. He pouted and lead the way to Lucy


Okay that was chapter 3! Hope you really liked it ;D Make sure to leave a comment on what you think about this chapter. And I'm sorry about the battle part, because I'm not good at writing battle scenes


So, just a reminder, I won't update tomorrow, sorry. There's a winter ball and I have to go. Don't forget to review. And go ahead and click that follow/favorite the stroy! Thanks! I love you all equally! Unless you're senpai *pedo moon face*

Love, Animelova2001

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