JASMINE ✔️ (Unedited Version)

By hj_mallick

22.1K 1.3K 398

She was his deepest secret, he was her love, it was the time to unveil it. ----- Alizey, a newly Muslim girl... More

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CH : 19

469 34 2
By hj_mallick

She was sitting on the swing placed in her home-garden . It is swinging slowly with the rhythm of wind , her eyes are closed , embracing the morning glory , warmth of sun , fresh and sweet scent of breeze and the flowers around her and chirping of birds .

Wow ! What a good morning !  she thought

Ah ! What a broken girl ! The morning whispered.

Now as her brain settled down and regain it's ability to think , all the scenarios start making sense . She was thinking about what they can do to put that culprit behind the bars his actual place.

She had called Yusra Aunty and told the reason behind her absence . She was beyond shocked and promised to come to them as soon as she leaves school . Today was Alina's gap between her exam so she doesn't have to go to school today but what about day after tomorrow ? She has her last paper that day . Will she take it ? Most probably not but maybe yes , she will .

Gush of air played with her dupatta flapping it over her head and she exhaled deeply swinging herself breaking her rhythm with slow morning breeze.


Alizey's PoV

'Dingggggg ' The bell rang acting as a speed breaker on my car of thoughts . Mohsin uncle went to open the door. 

' Who would be here in this early morning ? ' I thought getting down from the swing .

Zareen steps in followed by Hadi bhai .. When her eyes laid on me she fast walked towards me and embraced me into most comforting and sisterly hug . After gaining my composure I hugged her back . It was like the valves which were blocked are cleared and all the salty water start pouring out of my eyes like a waterfall .

She pats my back and caress my head but never stop me from crying . She wants me to drain it all out of my head , from my body once and this is really helping .

I feel contented . How much it means when your friend is there by your side when you need them , the most . Crying with you and simultaneously wiping your tears . If you have these sort of friends then you are heavenly blessed .

" Asalam o alikum , lizey  " she said still holding me to herself .

" Walikum Asalam , Reeno " I sniff .

" Allah will help us , He will guide us the way towards justice . " She said assuredly holding me by my shoulders .

" In Sha Allah , I have faith in Him . " I said smiling at her with red nose , red teary eyes and broken heart . 

Then my concentration diverted towards the man standing behind her smiling at me sadly . My brother from another mother . I can't tell how much I am grateful to Allah for making him part of my life. The way he trys to protect me from the world and be always there whenever we need him . He is the best brother I never had.

Some people so effortlessly make there place in our heart that we don't even know and they become our.

If he is really serious about Ayesha well , as I had observed he is then she is one of the luckiest girl on this unverse .

Human eyes are gates towards their soul. I have seen the way he looks at her like she is the most beautiful woman . The look of pure adoration and love . This guy is head over heels for my dearest Aish and I am extremely happy for them .

I give him a small smile . He greets me with Salam , I greet him back.

We all sat on the plastic chairs placed in the middle of our lawn .

" How are you , Lizey ? " he asked
Concernly , brotherly .

" Fine . " just a word , just a lie.

" How is Alina ? " he asks.

" Better than before but not so good . She is hell disturb . She is having nightmares which are creating difficulty in her sleep . I think we should consult a psychologist . " I tell .

" Hmm , that will be better for her . I know from what hell she is going through . " Zareen breathed leaning back . Hadi bhai cleared his throat awkwardly and shift in his seat .
I wanna ask her what she means but sensing Hadi bhai's discomfort I remain shut and postpone my inquiry for some other time .

" Yeah , She will take sometime to come back to life . This is horrible phase for her....... For us . But in sha Allah time heals every pain ." He said looking at me  .

" But scars remind you of that time. " I said .

" But these scars also tell that you had gone through it , lived it but now it's all past just a painful memory . " he said .

" Pain is pain either it's in you memory or in your body. And the painful memories are much , much , more killing . " Zareen adds

" But if you embrace it , live through it stayed strong till end . Your pain can be merrily cured cause the end will be well. " he is also stubborn she just look at him but didn't comment .

" what happen when you returned back ? " I asked eagerly changing the subject.

He leans back in his chair and say

" I went to the hall and told Aunty that you both are gone . Mustafa was checking the arrangements so I went down to check what security is doing there . They had restricted entering that area . Dawood was there examining their investigation . That clever man had taken the CCTV footage and their records that they were present there at that moment cause these are the biggest proofs  . They had found that room was occupied by someone named Babar Hasan and he was no where in that hotel means he ran away too . When they saw the footage of the hall , where event was occurring they found out that the man who had thrown juice on Alina's shirt is Babar Hasan .  " This name sounds so familiar.

" How did he enter inside ? " Zareen asked with curious eyes , shifting them from me to Hadi bhai and furrowed her brows .

" On an invitation two can enter . " I told Zareen .
" Hadi bhai,  did you see with whom he entered ?" I asked looking at him with my face resting on my fist .

" Rayan Sherazi , the son of famous business tycoon Haroon Sherazi . He was the one who attacked Alina . " i gasped audibly  . Who doesn't know , who Haroon Sherazi and Rayan Sherazi are . One of the most well known , powerful and corrupt in this business industry .

But Mama hadn't invited maybe Mr. Malik  has .

I dropped my head in my hand .

What will we do now ?


By noon everyone was here whom we had informed . By evergone I mean Ayesha , Aliyan , Yusra Aunty , Humza Uncle ( he directly came from office ) , Aliyah ( Alina's friend ) , Zareen , Hadi bhai , Hadiya Aunty , Zakir Uncle ( They are Zareen's Parents ) , Mustafa bhai and Mashal Aunty .

Only Dawood is missing . Where is he ? Is he even coming ?

Girls and boys were in the living room and Elders were in the drawing room . If we omit the mishap which happened few hours back , everything seems normal . This feels like a family get together . Zareen looks a little pale , Aliyan was better but Ayesha was too weak . They all had viral fever the reason behind not coming at the event .

Aliyan was watching a cricket match sitting on a couch . Ayesha was sitting with Zareen on floor cushions exhausted . Aliyah was on another floor cushion with Alina laying her head on her lap and she was caressing her hair involuntarily . Both were talking about something .

Mustafa bhai and Hadi bhai were with the elders .

And I was switching places . Sometime I sat with elders now I was with Kids . I am sitting with Aliyan watching match with him and now and then sharing my reviews with them .

In elders I had heard Humza uncle saying that we should inform this to Dada Jan and Younus Uncle cause this news will go viral soon so it will be better that we inform them ourself . Then Zakir uncle said Dada jan can be really helpful because he is working for Pakistan Business industry for so long so he must have lots of contacts and friendship which can support us.  Everyone agreed with them. I was planing on doing the same as soon as possible.

" Reeno , Aish , if you aren't feeling well , go and lay in my room . " I feel  honoured  they were sick but still are here to support us .

Alhumdulillah ! How blessed I am to have such a lovely bunch of people !

" Ah , thanks lizey but I am fine. " Zareen said slightly smiling  .

" You must be . " I winked at which she blushed and rolled her eyes . Ayesha snickered .

" I really wanna take part in this conversation but my head isn't allowing me . " Ayesha said.

" Don't you dare to say anything , bhabi. " Zareen grin devilishly at her .

" Well I wanna lay for a while my head is spinning . " Ayesha said getting up . I suppress my laugh and Zareen laughed .

" Do you want anything ? Have you taken you medicines ? " I asked getting up and holding her hand .

" No , JazakAllah . I just wanna lay and yes , I have taken medicines . " she said covering my hand with her's . I smiled and leave her hand . She smiled back and walk towards my room .

Everyone was trying to act like everyting is normal but every act has an end .

The door bell rang , after few minutes it rang again . Why Mohsin Uncle isn't opening the door ? Fixing my dupatta I step out but Hadi bhai stopped me at the door step and went to open the door .

" Asalam o Alikum , Dawood " he said stepping away and opening the door wider for him so he can enter .

"Walikum asalam " when his eyes landed on Hadi his features turns a little harder . Then he look at me like asking ' what is he doing here ? ' . Hadi bhai shifted uncomfortably on his feet sensing the dense air so to stabilise the situation I step down from door steps and was walking towards them when Mohsin Uncle comes out of his quarter with guilty look .

" I am really sorry , you had to come to open the door. I was offering Nawafil . " he apologise to Hadi bhai .

" No worries , Uncle . You should continue . " he smiles at him warmly. He smiled back gratefully and walk back to his quarter .

" Asalam o alikum . Please , come in . everyone is inside . " I said standing in front of them .

" Walikum asalam . Yeah sure. " he gestured  me to walk first .

" How is Alina ? " he asked coming beside me . Hadi bhai walk pass us inside but I have seen that teasing grin on his face. Big Fat Rat !

" Much better , Alhumdulillah . " I say and he nods.

We entered in the house .

Zareen was coming towards me with my phone ringing in her hand .
When her eyes landed on Dawood she gasps covering her mouth in utter astonisment . Luckily she didn't drop my phone . MashaAllah , What a way to greet ! I rolled my eyes at her.

Well , it isn't their fault . I haven't told them about his sudden appearence . And while talking maybe they didn't give much attention towards his name but still there a thing still exist called as ' self control '.

" Hey, is there anything on my face ? " he asked turning his face towards me and pointing at it .

" No " I said shortly supressing  my laugh but nonetheless it escape .

" She is Zareen , Hadi bhai's sister and my best friend. " I tell him .

" Asalam o alikum , Zareen " he said with a little bow. " I think , I don't need to introduce myself , your reaction is telling me you know me very well . " he says looking at her but while saying his last words he looks at me with a teasing smirk . I look at him then look down nervously and someone has put my face in the oven at the highest degree.

This boy and his boldness will be the death of me .

" What should I say , Lizey ? " she teased . She is so willing to meet the death angel .

" I think you should shut your mouth . " I said ' sweetly ' with gritted teeths at which he chuckled lightly and Zareen burst out laughing . I snatched the phone from her hand and told Dawood to go in the drawing room .


Dawood's friend Taha bhai and his wife Maheen came at our place . They are police officers . They were describing the pros and cons of our case and also inquiring us .

" Dawood , which lawyer did you select to fight your case ? " Taha bhai asks .

" Umm .... This is a bad news .... no one wants to fight our case whom I know . " he tells dispointedly .

" As expected !" Maheen murmured shaking her head .

" Cowards " Taha said .

" Most of them say they can put their families in danger or their own lives for us we should help ourself on our own . " Dawood continue . I sighed .

" Come on , Now we should visit the court , In sha Allah we will find someone , loyal and brave . " Taha bhai said joining his hands together and leaning forward .

" Yup , let's go then . "


We were driving towards the court . Me , Mama , Dawood and Alina were in Dawoods white , grand , beautiful , deluxe Landcruiser followed by his body guards in a Mobile .

Hadi bhai and Mustafa bhai were on Mustafa bhai's 150 .

Taha bhai and Maheen were driving in front of us .

The ride was silent Dawood's all concentration was on the road his brows furrowed together . I can see his eyes from the back view mirror. I am still not use to his presence around me it still feels like a dream . If I touch him he will vanish .

Mama was continuously reciting something under her breath , only her lips were moving . She was sitting on the passenger seat . She looks tired with bags under her eyes but still she again  chooses us over herself .  She had been always there by our side in good and bad encouraging us or comforting us in her long warm hugs . She is our strongest support system .

Alina was sitting beside me on the back seat . Looking at the world running , out of the window.  Her phone was tightly clutched in her hand and her knuckles have turned white .

I put my hand on her's , her head turns towards me looking directly in my eyes . I give her a reassuring smile she return it with a sad one .

" What are you thinking about ? " I asked quitly .

Silence fall between us then she says

" Umm ..I was thinking ... What if no one agree to fight our case then ? "

" There will be someone who still fear Allah . " I said . " In sha Allah , we will find a good and God fearing lawyer . "
I said with finality in my  voice . she bites her lips nervously .

" Don't think negatively , it will kill your self esteem . You have to stay strong our support is always with you . " I said still her hands in mine. She gives me a nod and a small smile .

" I am too nervous and afraid about the consequences " she says weakly with wet eyes . " He is evil and powerful and we all know what deadly combination these both traits make . " she adds.

" Evils never Win . " Dawood said from the driving seat . " There end is always hell ." he adds .

" Compose yourself , Lino . Allah has written somethong better for you . If you stand today and even if we lose the case , you won't be regretting in future because at least you had tried and you had fight . Don't let your fears take over your today and future . As much I have observed you are really strong Girl . So let's fight together . " He smiles at her which she returned with glossy eyes . My heart swells at his words . He was comforting her brotherly . I heartily appreciated his efforts .

" Thank you , Dawood bhai . " she said wholeheartedly .

" Did you talk to , Dada jan ? " Mama asks turning back . " he had called me twice but when I called him back after seeing his miss calls he didn't pick up . " she adds .

" Yeah , I had. We talked a little  but I haven't told him about anything . " I said glancing at Dawood " But I will tell him at the right time . " I said looking at Dawood eyes for affirmation he looks at me but shrug leaving it all as my choice .

" Aunty , Dada Jan talks about all of you a lot . " he says

" You and Danisha will make a great pair their nature are quit similar . " he said looking at Alina .

" That's nice , I was so excited to come to you all but then all this happened . " she say sadly .

" Don't be sad , Lino . In sha Allah you will come . " he said smiling kindly at her .

I look out of the window smiling to myself .

Indeed Baba had chosen the best for me !


We had visited above twenty lawyers and everyone had rejected to fight our case . The case had been filed but without a lawyer how can we fight !

I was sitting on the stairs with Mama, Alina and Maheen. Dawood was talking to someone on his phone . Mama was insisting Alina to finish her sandwich . Hadi bhai and Mustafa were talking to Taha bhai . Maheen was sitting beside me .

" What will we do now ? " I asked her .

" We have filed the case now we can only pray to Allah that He soften their hearts and they agree to fight our case " she said and I sighed .

" I won't quit fighting .... Until or unless we win ." I murmured to myself with finality . She smiled and pat my shoulder .

" What is your relation with Dawood ? " she asks after a while at which I turned to look at her

" He is my cousin . " I tell precisely .

" Oh ! " She said understandingly .

" Is your mother British . " she inquired .

She was being nosy but I think she just wanna continue talking .

" Yeah ,she is . " I tell

" Oh ! Wow ! " she exclaimed joyfully at which I laughed .

" Why are you so excited about it ? " I asked unbelievably looking and smiling at her .

" It worths my excitement . Having a British Muslim woman living between us . I am seeing this first time. "  she said shaking her hands to give a dramatic effect to her statement at which I snorted . She is a nice girl .

" Ah , I was a little confused . What should I call you ? " I asked her.

" You can also call me bhabi as Dawood says " she says looking at me .
I nod .

" I think we should return home and come tomorrow again . " Dawood proposed standing in front of me while putting his phone in his jeans pocket .

" Yeah... " I hadn't completed my sentence when someone came walking toward us .

I immediately recognised him . He was the new and inexperienced lawyer who was assisting Mr. Jafar Ameer . I looked at Dawood confusedly .

" Yeah ? " Dawood turn towards him with a raised brow .

" I will fight your case . " he said

" What ?! " I exclaim , thinking I had mistaken listening him .

" I said I will fight for you and me  against Rayan Sherazi ." he said boldly .

" You ? " Dawood asked confusedly when he mentioned himself, too .

" Yeah , there is a big revenge or you can say justice which I had been waiting for an year . " he said  .

We looked at each other that what should we do there is no one willing to fight our case and this Guy landed on us from heaven like an angel but our case is really delicate,  can we hand over it to an inexperienced lawyer but then no one has courage to stand against Rayan Sherazi .

Everyone is pissing in their pants. Whenever we take his name either they deny to fight or utterly refuse to even listen further .

" Don't take me lightly . I had been waiting for this opportunity for so long . I had collected lots of information which can act beneficial for your case , too . It can be a great support and I am telling you since an year I am here , every hearing regarding Rayan ended in his favour because he easily bribe the opponent lawyer but trust me I am not one of those .  " he tried to convice us .

" But who are you really ? " I said stepping forward standing beside Dawood .

" I am Mohammad Ahmed , brother of Sharmeen , the college girl he had raped . " He said with emotionless face but I had noticed the look of sorrow  which he tried to mask . I gasped and fisted my palm to control myself .


Asalam o alikum , my Wattians !

Do share your reviews and votes .

Our boy is jealous of Hadi 😜

And Zareen's reaction 😂

Enjoy reading !

Love you ❤


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