Betrayals {Pt. 1} (Seth Clear...

By rockerbish

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He didn't know she was so close. But she's not the same species. He didn't mean for the thing with the other... More

Character Bio.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
please read!!!
please read!!

Chapter 1

388 9 0
By rockerbish

The problem

Seth's Pov.

I was walking up to Emily's house with the guys behind me. All of the newer guys. There was like sixteen of us now. Yeah alot, and most of them were young...them not me. I'm grown and fast.

We walked into the house and saw the guys imprints inside. Paul was with Rachel, Jared with Kim, Sam with Emily, Quil was with Claire, and Jacob was probably with Renesmee at the Cullen's.

I looked around for Leah, but didn't see her. She's been acting weird lately. A lot nicer. I kinda like it, but I was wondering who it was that was making her act ... all happy.

"Hey Seth where is Leah?" Collin asked me.

I shrugged, "Not sure. Probably at home..." I trailed off unsure of the answer. "She's been acting weird all day. I haven't seen her like that in a while."

"Will she be here in time for lun-" a loud howl cut off Emily. It was Jake. Me, Quil, and Embry ran out if the backdoor. I hid in some bushes and shifted, then I was off.

That's when I heard all the chaos. Jake and Leah were already shifted. Run guys. We have a problem. I heard Jake growl at us. I spend up and thought of a lot of bad things that could have happened.

Was Nessie, Renesmee's nickname, alright? Did one of the Cullen's get killed? Was Bella alright? Was someone dead? Was Leah hurt? Did something happen to someone?

Embry and Quil growled at all if those thoughts. I caught glimpses of Mia, my best friend, and Embry's imprint. Mostly arguing over some pack stuff. The image was gone fast.

Jake started talking, obviously trying to change the subject. It's nothing like that Seth. We just have....complications.

I got an image of Leah, and some guy. Who was he? She blocked the image fast. Why was she trying to hide him? It's none of your business Seth. I herd Leah growl. I growled back.

We finally reached where they were. And I skidded to a halt. Why were we called then if it's none of my business?, I growled out.

It is his business, Leah. Jake said and I sighed, waiting for them to explain. Leah had imprinted on someone.

And...., Quil asked.

Leah sighed, I imprinted on someone who isn't like us, or human. He's a cat shifter.

We looked at each other and laughed...or coughed. I'm not sure how we sound while we laugh in our wolf form.

She glared at us. Just meet me at the beach. With everyone.

She took off running in the opposite direction. We all headed back to Sam's house. You think she was serious?

I growled, What my sister can't imprint.
Not that, Embry said. He meant about the cat shifter.
We're wolf shifters. I pointed out. They both stayed silent. So did Jake who was ahead of us.

I grumbled at the thought of my sister and her imprint. Why didn't she tell me? I winced at the thought. Don't get me wrong, I want my sister to be happy, but I don't know how I'm gonna deal with a guy like that. What if he causes problems?

It'll be alright Seth, Jake said. I just nodded. We finally arrived at the house. I hid behind some tree's and changed back.

I was still grumbling as we went into the house. The guy's looked at me weird. "What's wrong, kid?" Paul asked. That just made me more mad.

"Leah wants us to meet her at the beach. It's important. She wants everyone to go." Jake said.

I just walked out and heard everyone follow behind me. Why didn't she tell me. This would be so much easier.

We finally arrived and I saw my sister standing with some guy. My body was shaking a little bit. I guess they saw, because I herd Jake mumble, "Calm down Seth."

I took a deep breath as we got closer to them. Leah looked up and noticed us. She smiled at us. Actually smiled. I stopped shaking then.

"Hey this is Mikah Redbird. He's my imprint." The guy looked up then. I clenched my jaw. The guy had dark brown hair, brown eyes, a tall muscly build like Paul, and he looked like he was in his twenties. Then he smiled, I herd one of the girls on the beach sigh. Leah kinda glared the poor girl down.

Then she looked back at us. "Mikah this is my brother Seth," he held out his hand. I took it and squeezed it a little. "Sam, Emily, Quil, Embry, Paul, Claire..." She went on saying everyone's name. I still just stood there staring at him. "And Mikah is a cat shifter." The guy's looked at each other and some started laughing. Mikah and Leah glared at them. I glared at them for a different reason.

"It's not funny." I growled out.

"Aww is little Se-" Jared was saying.

"Shut up." I growled.

"She isn't lying. I am a cat shifter." The man said in a deep voice. I herd Leah sigh. I sneered. Nothing charming about him. I sucked in a breath between my teeth and looked the guy, Mikah, in the eye. They kind of shifted a golden colour then back. I still starred him down though.

"Good for you. I'm pretty sure you want a prize." I stated glaring at him. He kinda growled at me. The others were surprised, but I just continued glaring at him.

"Seth....I thought you would be happy for me. I found my imprint. I'm happy." Leah asked with a sad expression.

I sighed and looked at her. "I am happy for you, but you don't know what kind of trouble he will bring."

Mikah growled, "I would never hurt Leah, you wahya." His gaze softened when he looked down at Leah. "She is my tsi-lv-quo-di. I would never hurt her. I will protect her from anything."

We starred at him in confusion. "He's Cherokee." Leah said. "So is his family and clan." She lost the smile on her face then. "Um....Sam. We need to talk."

"Emily.....Can you and the girls...?" He trailed off.

Emily blinked and got the hint. "O-oh, um, girls can you come-"

"-explain what the hell is going on? Or first would you like to explain the kinda sexy guy? Or why all my friends don't talk to me about shit, and why my imprint and all the other imprints get to know what's going on." We all looked up at the tall girl standing not to far away.

"M-mia. What are you doing here?" Embry said.

"Apparently getting excluded from something that's important." Mia said glaring at him.

"Something that doesn't involve you." Leah hissed out.

Mia glared at her. "Shut up."

"Don't talk to her like that. This didn't involve you human." Mikah growled out.

"Embry." Jake said looking at his friend. Embry sighed and nodded.

He walked over to her grabbed her arm, gently of course, abbr led her away. You could hear her yelling at him.

"Girls." Emily said. The girls nodded and left.

As soon as they were out of sight Sam looked at Leah and Mikah. "What is going on?"

"Ok I'm just going to get to it. Mikah is hunting rogues like his kind. But there's a problem." Leah stopped there and Mikah glared into the distance.

"What?" I growled out. I'm tired of her and her secrets. You would think she would just tell me, but no; she doesn't.

"They have joined together. The rogues. I'm out-numbered. They have created there own little clan...and they want to hurt Leah and her family."

"Then we'll help you." Sam said.

"We will still be outnumbered." Mikah said shaking his head.

"What about if the Cullen's help." He just shook his head.

"So he's calling his clan down. With all of us, we could get rid of them." Leah said clutching his hand. She looked nervous. Why? Is it because his family is coming down? To much questions not answered.

Jake and Sam nodded. "I'll go see if the Cullen's will be willing to help." Jake said as he took off into the woods.

I huffed and went into the woods too. I just decided to wander a bit. To clear my head.

I wandered up into the mountains, then decided to head to the Cullen's. As I was walking I felt someone shift. It was Embry. And he was thinking about Mia. They had argued and she....broke up with him. Sorry, dude. I said to him.

He just huffed, and nodded. That did suck though. I tired to think of something else since they did just break up. Why are these cat shifters here? What do they want?

Cat shifters?, Embry asked.

Yeah, Leah's imprint said there was a rogue clan. That we would be outnumbered. Now his whole clan has to come help. I explained to him.

He just huffed and ran. I felt Leah shift as well. Seth..., she said.

I'll give you guys some privacy. Embry said. He was gone.

What?, I grumbled.

Please don't be mad. You know I can't help who I imprint on. She pleaded.

That's not why I'm mad. I paused and thought.

Oh, she said as she herd my thoughts. I didn't tell you because I thought you would be mad. He is not our kind. I didn't want you to hate me. And I didn't want you in danger.

Fine, I sighed. I guess I can learn to deal, but I have so much questions.

I thought back to all those questions running through my head. Why are you so nervous?

She sighed. W-what if they don't like me? They might not let him see me. He told me they wouldn't care.

An image of him and her in front of a house went through her memory. "What if they don't like me?"

"They will. Do not worry. They know I will love you for eternity. I have found you my love. We all have looked for our mates. And only some of us find them. I am one of the lucky one's." He stroked her cheek. "They will understand. And does it matter. As long as you love me, I will be happy."

She sighed happily as the memory faded away. Let me just say eww, I said.

She laughed. You will understand. One of these days you will understand.
Yeah. I thought. I hope so.

Go home, get something to eat and rest. We have a long week ahead of us. She thought to me.

When will they be here, I asked as I made my way home.

By the end of the week. She sighed.

Good luck, and don't worry. You'll be fine. I said. I herd her snort before I shifted.

After I had changed I had found something to snack on and was just relaxing until my shift for patrol.

I was sitting on the couch when a banging filled the room. I climbed to my feet and opened the door. There stood Mia, Embry's imprint. She was crying.

"Mia are you ok?" Maybe she's sad from when her and Embry broke up.

"N-no. Th-there's a problem. Embry and I broke up." She cried. Of course I already new this. Embry had shifted right after it. He seemed sad so I had tried to avoid the topic.

"It's ok. You'll be ok." I coed. She snuggled into my chest. "Come in." I told her as I opened the door wider. She sniffles and walked in. I smiled and motioned toward the chair. She nodded and sat down. I went to the kitchen and got two sodas.

"Thank you, Seth. Your super sweet." I nodded with a wide grin. She sniffed and looked at me.

"What happened?" I asked. She looked away and more tears slipped down her face.

"He Kept lying to me." She sniffed. "He didn't want to tell me what's going on. I mean why wouldn't he tell me?"

I groaned inwardly. Don't get me wrong, she is my best friend, but she seemed to always cry over little things. She was so dramatic. "I'm sure he just wanted you to be safe."

"By lying to me? How did that keep me safe?" She glared at the wall.

"So you don't try to put your nose where it doesn't belong." I mumbled. Louder I said. "Look; you and Embry are by friends, and I love you both, but you need to-"

She leaned forward and kissed me. How the hell did that happen? One minute I'm trying to encourage her to work things out with Embry the next she is kissing me. No this is wrong.

I pushed her away. "What the hell?" I asked.

Her eyes widened. "I thought you said you loved me? I t-thought you wanted me too."

"What? Where did you even hear that? I love you as a friend. That is all. And I was encouraging you to make up with Embry." I said with a bewildered look.

"Yeah sure." I herd. Oh no. Embry. I turned around.

"Embry. I swear, I wouldn't do that to you." He just shook with anger. He turned around and stormed out.

"Shut." I mumbled. I herd a sniff. "You should go." I mumbled.

"B-but-" she stuttered.

"Now." I said as I got up. I went to the door and held it open. She sighed got up and walked out. She turned to say something, but I just closed the door.

There goes two of my friendships out the door. Grr, why did this have to happen to me?

Wahya : wolf
tsi-lv-quo-di : love

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