Chapter 9

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(^ Blaze)

Niana's POV

I can't believe the nerve of some people. That Seth would stoop to such a level though. I tried sleeping it off, but things didn't go my way. I was too freaking distracted.

When I got up this morning and did my exercises I had fell, but oh the luck didn't end there. Nope. I found out that we had to train with the Cullen's and the pack.

On the lighter side we were adopting Timmy. He was an amazing kid. He tried to get me in a better mood when he woke up this morning. We were giving him the guest bedroom. I couldn't spend time with my bestie though. Nope. I couldn't spend time with Delilah because I had to train with them. I am pretty glad though, because I was in a bad mood. I had to get my anger out some way.

I'm also glad that it was going to rain, but I'm pissed that we had to train with them. Not so much as all of them, but with he-who-shall-not-be named. I have to teach them though. How to resist the low level of power the rogues had. Were gonna have to train them to resist them.

I'm still mad though. I just need to get over it. If they don't already know then I'm going to have trouble with the guys.

I wonder if Seth! Just no. I need to stop thinking about him about this. Damn it what's wrong with me? I never used to be this emotional.

"Niana!" I looked up into my little sisters eyes. She looked concerned. "Are you OK?"

I blinked and looked around. Everyone was staring at me. "Yeah." I got out. "Just a little worried." I bit my lip at the partial lie. "What if I accidentally hurt one of the guys? Or hurt someone?"

"You'll be fine. We'll keep watch and look out for you." Ian said to me. I nodded and looked at my food.

"When do we start training?" I asked as I bit into some toast. Ian looked up at the clock.

"We start later today." He said with a shrug. "Don't sweat it to much. I'm sure that it will be fine. Just try and hold out a little bit."

I nodded and bit into the toast. Today was going to be a long day. I will not get this out of my head though. Never.

I wonder if he just said those things because-no damn it!! I need to stay focused. No more thinking about him.

Seth POV

I woke up in a pretty bad mood. I kept having nightmares about what happened yesterday. She hates me now.... And all the guys had herd everything that was said.

Leah had been sympathetic and tried to cheer me up but I didn't want that.

So here I am under the shower lost in thought. Thinking about the look on her face after I told her....she looked so sad. I can't really blame her though...but why does she look like she shouldn't be happy...that no one will love her..?

Banging filled the air. "Seth! Hurry up. Mom said breakfast is getting cold." Leah yelled at me in through the door.

"I'm not hungry." I mumbled. I herd her sigh on the other side of the door.

"Well you still have to come out. Sam wants us at his house." I herd her walk away.

I sighed and washed my face and finished washing my body. Why do I have to hurt so bad? Was she hurting to or was it just me? I don't want her to hurt.

I pulled on my basketball shorts and walked out. When I made it downstairs my mom was in the kitchen. "Hey sweetie."

"" I said dully. She looked up, but before she could question me I spoke as I walked to the door. "I'm going over to Sam's." I pushed open the door and took off running. I know it wasn't fair to my mom. That I shouldn't shut her out like this, but I didn't want to get angry... especially with her. Then I'd be in so much more trouble.

Betrayals {Pt. 1} (Seth Clearwater LS) ( #Wattys2015)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن