Blood is Thicker Than Water (...

By Dark_Angelxo

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#1 in Aliah Snape Series Before the war of Hogwarts, Severus Snape was married and had a daughter. To protect... More

CHAPTER ONE: 14 Years Later
CHAPTER TWO: The Pain of The Truth
CHAPTER FIVE: Truth of Lies
CHAPTER SEVEN: The Place Where It All Began
CHAPTER EIGHT: Father and Daughter
CHAPTER NINE: The Promise, The Secret, The Lies
CHAPTER TEN: Some Things Are Better Left Alone
CHAPTER ELEVEN: The Prince of Slytherin
CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Pride Before the Fall
CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Questions and Answers
CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO - Start of Something New


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By Dark_Angelxo

It had been over a week since Aliah had arrived at the school. She finally had settled her routine for each day. Though at times she found her routine being interrupted by the so-called Slytherin prince. There was something about him though. Something that drew Aliah to the Malfoy heir.

It was Friday lunch when Aliah walked to Professor McGonagall's classroom for her private transfiguration lesson. Alkilina stood proud on the right shoulder as Aliah knocked on the classroom door.

"Come in Miss Holt," Professor McGonagall called. Aliah opened the wooden door and closed it behind her. The transfiguration room was definitely her favourite. The writing on the boards, the natural lightening - it was a beauty in its self.

Professor McGonagall from her chair and walked around her desk. "As you know Miss Holt, this past week was more testing your abilities. Abilities not only in the use of magic and how to control it but more of how skilled of a learner you are." The professor paused before continuing, "Silvia was right, you are bright. So today I want to step up your lessons. This spell I am to teach you is above the first year,"

McGonagall reached for some pins that were laid out on her desk. "I want you to transfigure these into mice," She placed them back onto her desk. The old woman motioned for Aliah to come to the front where she could demonstrate the spell.

It took Aliah a couple attempts to perfect the spell. And when Aliah was successful, mice crawled over Professor McGonagall's desk. The professor was impressed with her granddaughter's quick learning ability. Even more so when Aliah returned the mice to pins before she could do them herself.

Professor McGonagall turned to her owl on the desk. "I want you to try this spell. One, two, three, fera verto," the owl turned into a golden water goblet. Professor McGonagall pointed her wand to Alkilina.

Aliah tapped Alkilina with her wand three times and cast the spell. To her disappointment, the owl did not turn into a water goblet. However, Aliah was determined and tried again. It took the teen a few more times but eventually, the owl was now a black goblet with red gems. 

"Wonderful Miss Holt," McGonagall sang. For the rest of the lesson, Aliah practised turning animals into various objects and back again.

"I think that's enough for today Miss Holt. That was a second-year spell, not many second years could do that,"

"Not many second years are in their fourth year either," Aliah reminded the teacher. 

"How are things for you, Miss Holt?" McGonagall asked concernedly

"Great," Aliah smiled sarcastically. "My family is dead and I'm in a school  where I'm studying with students younger than me."

Aliah shook her head. "I'm sorry. The students and staff here are kind and helpful,"

"There is no reason to be sorry Miss Holt, you were suddenly thrown into a world that you did not know. As for your classes, I can't understand the difficulty but just remember, in Gryffindor, we are all family,"

"Yes Professor, and I sense that amongst the students,"

"And for you?"

"You have to understand Professor, I'm not a person that gets too close with anyone. At home, my cousins and I never got along. Here at Hogwarts, I see and sense the closeness, but it's difficult for me to be a part of that. Yes, it is difficult but I wouldn't change it for anything," Aliah shrugged.

Professor McGonagall nodded her head and waved her hand. "I am your head of house Aliah, any concerns or any problems you come to me. Now go have a break Miss Holt, you need one,"

"Thank you, Professor."

Professor McGonagall watched as her granddaughter left the classroom. When she was finally alone she turned to the picture that sat on her desk. The picture was of a young woman with brown hair that was lighter than Aliah's. Everything of the smiling woman in the photo was identical to Aliah except for the nose. 

"She looks and talks just like you Serena, though she is like her Father in more ways than one," Professor McGonagall sighed. The woman in the photo smiled and covered her mouth as she was laughing. "Her smile is bright, I know it is. I've seen it before she was here. I promise to you my daughter, that your daughter will be happy here."


Aliah entered the common room through the portrait hole. Ginny ran up to her with a wrapped box. "Guess who wants to go on a date with you!" Ginny squealed. Aliah looked at her puzzled. After all, she has only been here a week.

Ginny handed Aliah the box. Aliah shook the box as she walked over to sit on the couch. The box was light and something rattled inside. She placed the box on her lap and pulled on the green ribbon. Whoever had given her the box, they definitely put effort into wrapping it. 

Aliah opened the lid. Inside was a beautiful headband with emeralds in it. "It's gorgeous," Aliah exclaimed as she held the headband up. The light from the lit fire reflected off the emeralds. She returned the headband and found an envelope underneath the padding.  

Dear Aliah Holt,

Meet me in the courtyard after dinner. I hope you like your headband, I picked it out myself.

Draco Malfoy,

"So are you going to go?" Ginny asked

"I don't know. It's a bit corny," Aliah shrugged. "I don't do corny. But then again, I've never had a date either. You never know it might be fun,"

"It might be a trick, it is Malfoy after all,"

Aliah moved back to rest against the couch. "He hasn't done anything to me, but even I'm not stupid enough to not listen to you,"

"So what are you going to do?" Ginny pressed.

"Well, as I said, Draco hasn't done anything to me, so why should I doubt him? I will go anyway," Aliah smiled. Ginny squealed and pulled Aliah upstairs. "Woah, I thought you don't like the guy!"

"Yeah, but you just said it is your first date!" Aliah mentally scolded herself. She didn't expect this from Ginny. "Ok, this is important. What are you going to wear? Hang on I will be right back." She left for about a minute and returned with Hermione. "She has a date with Malfoy,"

"Malfoy? That guy finally had the guts to ask you out. Don't get me wrong, I still do not like him, despise him actually," Hermione said but followed Ginny's lead anyway. The two girls went through Aliah's trunk to find something for the night to come. Aliah waited on Ginny's bed thinking about the blonde, grey-eyed boy. 

"You like him!" Ginny said. Aliah's head shot up and she felt the hot blush on her cheeks. 

"I do not -" Ginny gave a 'don't lie to me' look. "Ok, but I only met the guy last week,"


"Love can come at anytime Aliah," Hermione added

"Hey, let's not get carried away here,"

Hermione and Ginny shared a smirk and threw clothes at Aliah. "Put these on," Hermione smiled.

"Next thing you know, we'll be hearing church bells," Ginny grinned

"Shut up!" Aliah shouted, but her heart wasn't into telling the girls off.

When they were done, Aliah was dressed in black ripped jeans, a long sleeve silver top and high heeled ankle boots. Hermione did a French braid on top of Aliah's head. Her long hair intertwined with the headband as if it were a crown.

Hermione and Ginny were impressed with their work. "You look stunning Aliah,"

Aliah walked over to the full-length mirror and moved to the side. She moved to her other side. "Do you think he would like it?" She asked quietly.

The two girls walked behind her. Ginny placed both hands on Aliah's shoulders and rested her chin on her left shoulder. "I think Malfoy won't be able to keep your eyes off you,"

Aliah stared at herself in the mirror and felt butterflies in her stomach. A feeling she hasn't felt in a very long time.

"Are you ready?" Hermione asked

"I think so."


It was daylight so Aliah was able to easily navigate herself through the castle. She headed to the courtyard and found a stone bench to wait for Draco on. She tapped her foot impatiently. Thoughts ran through her mind. The warnings everyone had told her but then her own heart would disagree. Aliah took a breath and calmed herself down. He will show. 

She was getting hungry and hoped that Draco came soon. To her wish - and relief - she heard him talking, "guys I'm late! I'm sure this is the right shirt now leave please," she turned around and smiled when he saw his face next to her. "Sorry, I'm late,"

"That's ok. So blondie what do you have planned?"

"Blondie? That's a new one. Come with me," he smirked. He grabbed Aliah's hand and they ran to the astronomy tower. When they arrived, he let go of Aliah's hand. Amazed by the height, she walked over to the edge. The setting sun made everything below glow vibrantly. "It's breathtaking," she gasped.

"Yeah you are," Malfoy sighed, "I mean yes it is,"

Aliah turned to smile at him, "smooth Blondie, Smooth,"

"Hungry?" Draco pulled out a picnic basket from behind him, "I may have stolen some food from the kitchen,"

"Well, it looks like we have to eat the evidence then," Aliah smiled and sat next to Malfoy.

The rest of the night was magical for both of them. They laughed, talked and made fun of each other that they both didn't want it to end. However, everything must come to an end. To their dismay, the night fell. 

"Look at that it's dark," Aliah said and walked to the edge again with Malfoy tailing her. "I lived in the city, so we didn't really get to see all the stars,"

"We can come back up here if you like," Malfoy asked as he followed his gaze to the stars above.

"I would like that," Aliah felt a blush on her cheeks.

"How are you going with your classes? You were saying before about the private classes and all,"

"I love it but Potions is a bit tricky. Professor Snape is a great teacher but it is a lot to take in,"

"I know. If you would like, I can help you,"

"That would be helpful,"

"But I have a condition,"

"Seriously? I already agreed to go out with you again, what else do you want?" Aliah grinned. She liked having Malfoy around. She has had crushes but she felt differently with him. It was a feeling that she had never felt before, she couldn't even describe it.

"Teach me a language," Malfoy pleaded.

Aliah raised an eyebrow. "You've got yourself a deal Blondie."


Aliah returned to the tower only to find the common room empty. Silently, she was happy about that. She wanted to keep the night of her and Draco to herself for a little while longer. Even if it was only to the morning.

She walked up to her room and found Ginny and Hermione waiting for Aliah. Aliah groaned. There was only one thing that girls would stay up very late for. Gossip. "Please, I am really tired. Can't I tell you tomorrow morning?"

"No way," Ginny said. Aliah threw her bag on the floor and sat on the bed. She recounted the date but left some details out. Such as the deal and her nickname for him.

"So are you going to see him again?" Ginny squealed in delight. One of the girls whom they shared the dormitory with sounded an 'shhh.'

"Possibly," Aliah shrugged as she untied her hair. Carefully, she pulled the strands out and placed the headband on her nightstand.

"That's just great," Hermione said sarcastically, "he won't shut up in classes now. I better warn Harry and Ron,"

"It was one date! Come on he wouldn't be talking about it all day tomorrow,"

"Trust me. Tomorrow, his foul mouth will be bragging," Hermione warned. "Anyway it's getting late, goodnight," Hermione left the room to go to her own. Ginny waved goodbye and she two crawled into her own bed.

Aliah fell asleep without even changing clothes. For the first time in many years, Aliah had fallen asleep with a smile on her face.

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