The Other side of the heaven...

By YoonminSlaysus

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[ COMPLETED ] I ran upstairs looking for an escape but there was none. There was no hope. I was trapped in a... More

Author's note


137 24 4
By YoonminSlaysus


I stepped out of the house and got into the car. " The time has come." Jimin, You can do this. Just don't get distracted by anything. Things will turn out well. This is the only chance for saving them. I can do this. I hit hard on the gas and drove off to the house that I left long ago.

I saw Hoseok hyung standing on different spots on the road. I would find him in the people passing by. But this is all a part of the game that will be played with me.

" There will be a time, when you will be deceived by the illusion. Don't forget, the real aim of the task."

I just drove past all those delusional figures of Hoseok hyung because I knew he was at mansion. Suddenly, these illusions faded away like the colours of the faded flower.

I thought, I was safe now. Luckily, after that not much things happened and I was able to reach the mansion. I and Hoseok hyung drove off to the Ashley's house.

" Jimin-ah, what's happening ? Why was hyung so scared for Jungkook ?" Hyung asked.

" Jungkook ? What happened to him ?" I questioned him.

" I don't know. Hyung was trying to find him in the whole house and then he left with Tae." Hoseok gave me a tired sigh.

I stopped in front of Ashley's house. I knocked on the door and a girl opened the door.

" Yes ? What do you want ?" She asked but I barged in.

" Ashley !" I called her.

Despite her protests, I still won't let her go. It is necessary, I take her along with me. I cannot leave her to die. But she is too stubborn to leave the house.

" What's wrong with you, Jimin ? LET GO OF MY HAND !" She shouted as she freed her hand.

" YOU'RE OUT OF MIND ! " She said.

" Ashley, liste--" I stepped towards her but she backed away.

" I DON'T WANNA LISTEN ! LEAVE !" She shouted at me.

" Jimin..." Hoseok hyung called me.

" What ?" I turned to him.

" Hyung told you to pick these two girls then why is there's a third one ?" He pointed to the stairs.

" Hazel ?" Ashley looked at her.

" EVERYONE ! RUN !" I shouted.

I got hold of Ashley and ran outside while Hoseok took the other girl. We got in the car. But that girl was quick and she stood in front of the car. Ashley fought to get out of the car but hyung stopped her despite her struggling.

The girl named Hazel stood in front of the car. Her eyes focused on us. I turned on the car and hit the gas. I ran over the car on her. Her body flew over the car as we sped away.

" JIMIN ! WHAT DID YOU DO ? YOU CRAZY ?" Ashley screamed, tearing up on the sight.

" SHE WAS NOT HAZEL !" I replied.


The other girl calmed Ashley down but she was still sobbing. There was this awkward silence filled in the air. Hoseok hyung kept a check on girls every few minutes, while I focused on the road.

I didn't knew saving everyone you love or care for, was so difficult. If you save one person, the another one falls in trouble. Sometimes, you just want to give up saving everyone and let them die thinking it was fate.

But later, you feel guilty towards it. You can't help but blame yourself for their deaths. It must be difficult for Jin hyung too. Saving everyone.

I might not know the reason behind he saving everyone. But it sure takes a lot of will to do it. You cannot just give up or you will be swallowed by your own gulit.

I got a call from Jin hyung in the middle of the night.

" Jimin. I want you to listen carefully. Do not come back home. No matter how much your hyungs request you to stay back but you should be away from them."

" But why can't I stay with them ?"

" This is not the right time. I am counting on you, Jimin. If you stay away for now, we may be able to save them."

" Alright. I'll stay away from them."

" Take care till then, Jimin."

" You too."

How long will you keep running against the time, hyung ?

" Jimin, the history is getting repeated. We just have to wait for it to happen. "

How long will you keep on going ?

" He is gonna start a fire in the restaurant. He will try to kill Hazel in that fire along with everyone. "

" How come you're so sure about it, Jin hyung ?"

" It has happened in the past. I remember it."

How much time do you need to make everything right ?

" It's fine, Jimin. Just wait a bit longer. I'll make things right. Believe me."

How will we all survive it ?

" Its a game. Someone has to die, to give life to another. But he wins everytime. I won't let him win this time."

Everything has a time to come and leave.

The time being in our favour today, might be in someone else's favour tomorrow.

The only thing you have to do is....

Keep on moving.

That's what he taught me.

The car drove through the narrow road surrounded by forest on both the sides. We arrived at the mansion. It was protected from dark entity. Jin hyung told me to stay here, when he got to know I roamed around the forest looking for a shelter.

We got down the car and headed inside. As I opened the door, I felt someone's presence in the darkness. I let out a snarl as I raised my hand to stop everyone.

Everything was still.

Darkness covered each corner of the house.

My eyes wandering around the room...

Until a pair of red eyes appeared in the darkness.

" Yoongi."


I opened my eyes to find Hazel lying right in front of me. Her face was bruised and a cloth to cover her mouth. I tried to touch her but realized my hands were tied behind my back.

I don't remember anything. I just remember that Jin hyung was looking for Kookie. Now, he was nowhere to be seen. I looked around and I saw no one around. I tried to wake her up.

" Hazel ! Hazel ! Wake up ! Hazel !"

No matter how much I called her name but her eyes remained shut. She didn't even move. I tried to untie myself with magic but for some reasons, it didn't worked. I tried to wake her up again but in vain.

" Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Such a pitiful sight ! "

I looked up to find Namjoon hyung walking up to us. I remembered how Jin hyung was looking for Namjoon hyung. He stopped at a distance. I shifted my body a bit to reached out to him.

" Hyung ! Hyung, Help me ! Untie these ropes." I asked for his help but he responded with a evil smile as he stepped towards us.

" Why would I help you ? When I am the one who did this to you." He leaned his face at my direction. His face getting darker second by second.

" Hyung..." I muttered. I wasn't ready to believe that it was Namjoon hyung. H-He looked after all of us. Why would he do something like this with us ?

He held Hazel's wrist and dragged her along with him as he walked away.

" No ! Hyung, not Hazel ! Hyung ! Don't !" I called out in fear.

He stopped and let go of her hand. He chuckled as he turned to me.

" Wow ! Such pure love ! You already knew I was going to do something real bad with her." He laughed making his voice echoed in the silent forest.

" Okay. I'll do you a favour. Since you are my favourite, I won't do anything with her. Happy ?" He asked sarcastically. I don't know if I should gave him an answer 'cause I was too scared for Hazel.

" Oh, Taehyung. Don't worry, I'm really not going to do anything with her." He smiled before walking away.

He left Hazel, right in the middle. He was drawing something on the ground. When his attention was somehwere else, I struggled to sit up. When I finally did, I searched for a sharp stone on the ground. My hands touching the stones lying on the ground.

Until I came across one sharp flat stone, I picked it up and tried to cut the rope with it. Eventually, I succeeded in cutting the rope. I stood up but as I raised my foot to step outside.

" Don't even think about it ! If you step out to save Jane. You will lose Jungkook." Namjoon said dusting his hands as he stood up.

My eyes fell to the ground. I was standing inside a circle. He walked up to Hazel and dragged her on the ground by her hand. I stood in silence as I tried to figure out a way to save her.

" Don't think too much ! You won't be able to save Jane. She is already in my control. As for Jungkook..."

" Where's Jungkook ?" I asked angrily.

" Um... let me think. Right behind you." He pointed towards me. I turned around to find Jungkook hanging upside down from a tree. I ran up to him to get him down but he vanished.

" Or he is right here." I heard his voice. I turned to find Jungkook on ground. Suddenly, I fell down on the ground as my head started spinning. My body losing it's power as if someone was draining my energy.

" ARRGGGHHHH !!!" I groaned in pain as I held my head.

" You studied magic so well. Couldn't even see that you're standing inside a dark circle. I was right about you, Taehyung. You ignore everything if you focus on one thing." He walked in my direction.

The circle burned with fire, making me feel pain in different parts of my body. I screamed out, experiencing burning sensation on my body.


" Serves you right, Taehyung. She went through the same pain but I'll make it much more easier for you. I'll let you see how I sacrificed your Hazel for Jungkook's soul." He smirked. He dragged Jungkook on the ground and placed him in another circle.

He went back to Hazel. He chanted some spells as he stood outside the circle he drew around Hazel. The clouds gathered and thunders roaring in the sky. The winds going strong against the land. The lighting flashing in the darken sky.

" No ! H-Hy-Hyung. P-Please. Not h-her. L-leave them. I-I beg y-you." I pleaded as I feel extremely weak at that moment. The pain slowly escaping my body. My body losing its consciousness.

I fell on head first on the ground, my eyes slowly closing giving me a blurry vision.

" P-Pl-Please, h-hyung. Pl--"

" TAE ! HEY, YOU OKAY ? TAE ?" I heard Jin hyung calling me out.

" There you are ! It's not easy to get rid of you, Seokjin." I heard Namjoon.

" Tae, Stay right here ! I'll be right back." Jin hyung whispered, giving me some sort of hope. My body slowly regaining its composition.

" I summon my slaves to help me ! Come on your Master's commands ! Help me ! " Namjoon's voice echoed through the whole land. It sounded so much more terrifying as thunders roared even more loudly.

The darkness took over the whole land and on every corner of darkness appeared a pair of eyes. They were everywhere. Eyes as red as blood. Slowly creeping their way towards hyung. I stood up on my feet, walking towards Jin hyung with wobbly steps.

The horrifying creatures were not humans but they stepped in front of Namjoon to attack us. Each step of those creatures started a fire. The fire caught in the trees around us. I stepped in front of Jin hyung. The creatures all disappeared in thin black mist coming at us in the lighting speed.

I rose my hand in the air, emitting a white light. A shield protecting us from dark entities.


The sky roared and raindrops came pouring down. Any dark magic circle to work, it is necessary to have the circle completed. The rain not only washed away the circle but also extinguished the fire caught on trees and land.

We teleported to Jungkook who was still unconscious. Jin hyung took him in his arms, trying to wake him up. While I stood in front of them as a shield.

Namjoon laughed hysterically. His laughter sounding more evil and deep. His back was facing me. For some reasons, I felt something odd about him not facing us.

" Why ? Why did you attacked us, hyung ?" I asked but he continued laughing.

" WHY DID YOU TRY TO KILL US, HYUNG ?" I raised my voice a bit more louder.


He stopped laughing. Slowly, he turned to face us. Darkness shadowed over him. Only his yellow eyes glistening in the dark.


His voice loud and clear. The words were so powerful that it made the sky rumbled as if in fear.

" If 't be true i cannot bendeth heaven, i shall raiseth hell."

His eyes darkened as he disappeared in air along with Hazel. That was the last time, I saw Hazel.

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