dark possession ❥ YOONNIE (sl...

By kpopinesss

54K 2.7K 901

"bittersweet honey." BOOK 2 of the DARK SERIES (DEMON AU) More

1 ; "guilty pleasure, am't I?"
2 ; "I never told you that you couldn't touch what's yours."
3 ; "I have limits. I'm not pushing them just to lose you."
4 ; "it's hard for his kind to feel like us."
5 ; "what makes you think you won't be happy with me?"
6 ; "what i want..."
7 ; " .. is you"
8 ; "but will you learn to love him even if he doesn't love you?"
9 ; "your situation may not be so bad after all.."
10 ; "so fight for her the way she fought herself for you."
11 ; "will you marry me?"
12 ; "..when does the fun part happen?"
13 ; "until he got what was his."
14 ; "say I love you without fucking it up."
15 ; "the little things."
16 ; "you spoil me ."
17 ; "how can you love me?"
18 ; "when do you mean anything you say?"
19 ; "so this is what it feels like,"
20 ; "you can take it."
21 ; "i dont like to share either."
22 ; "will you teach me?"
23 ; "unfortunately yes."
24 ; "fallen, bide well please."
25 ; "i cant just burn a whole town down."
26 ; "i love you"
28 ; "say hi to momma."
29 ; "he resents you."

27 ; "the message."

970 49 47
By kpopinesss


"My baby is pregnant!"

"Not your baby." Yoongi snarled at Kihyun who got too close for his comfort making me chuckle in response.

I pulled the excited fairy into a hug as he threw his apron dramatically to the side.

Pregnant or not, Yoongi and I had the restaurant to deal with. I can't keep having Kihyun, Daniel, and Heechul run it for us.

The three were rowed up in front of the bar with curious eyes, looking me down as Yoongi occupied his mind with the alcohol inventory sheet he had procrastinated for the longest time. Kihyun was like a sister to me almost, enthusiastically taking my hand to sit me down as if my stomach was a big exercise ball. There was barely even a bump.

"I'm so happy for you two, I could cry." Kihyun feigned tears as he leaned his chin on the palm of his hand. "Isn't it funny how Yoongi, a playboy of centuries settled down and is now having a child? I remember the days when—"

"Kihyun, shut it."

My eyes glimmered with interest and it was my turn to place my chin in the palm of my hand. "Oh no, Kihyun. Do continue."

We sent each other cheeky signals before he started to gloat about Yoongi's past.

"Back in the 1700's, your boy was a royal fucker. Literally speaking, he jumped around royal families like it was nitpicking." Kihyun chuckled, Yoongi groaning from the side.

"I was young."

"You were not." I begged to differ looking back at the fairy with careful eyes. "Go on."

"He used to be a brutal murderer. Killed empress after empress until he was satisfied that the era had undoubtedly changed in history." Kihyun's light brown hair moved so Yoongi couldn't see him. "He was even worse in the 18th century."

"I feel a black and white film coming on."

"I'm surprised you are amused?"

I shrugged. "It's me who's having his child. What more do I have to think unamused about?"

The lip pierced fairy smiled. "He's fucked millions of women. But I know for a fact, you're the only woman who's fucked him."

I sent him a high five, a broad smile on my face as my friendship with Kihyun had only improved throughout the years. "Got that right, baby."

"Speaking of baby, I say we name it. The one in your stomach that is." Heechul butted in this time sitting beside me. "Since Chaeyoung has too many sponsors, we can only sponsor our own queen— Kim Jennie herself."

"Oh please," I rolled my eyes at that. "You're only saying that because Yoongi was your superior for all your life."

"You're only further proving my point, Mrs. Min."

I shivered. "As much as I love my husband, please refrain from calling me that."

"Doesn't tickle your fancy? That's fine." Heechul laughed, blond hair bouncing over his shaved side. "What gender is it you want the child?"

"A boy." I dreamily answered, Yoongi scoffing beside him.

"Absolutely not."

"You can't change fate, honey." I snapped back making him snort again.

"Having a boy comes with complications." He started. "If it's a boy, I'm going to have a hard time—"

"If you even as slightly degrade our child because of it's gender, so help me lord-Seokjin, I will put an end to you."

Yoongi hung his head turning away without a single word.

"Only Jennie can make Min Yoongi be rendered speechless."

"Fire!" The kitchen stoves when up in flames, my sous chefs in assistance cheering as people flooded my restaurant hearing I returned to the kitchen. "I need platters FA and C2 at table 50 please."

"Jennie, your husband is requesting you at the bar."

I looked over my shoulder, tossing the oysters in the silver cooking ware without even glancing at it.

"I've got a full house, Heechul." I ignored the request hesitantly. "Orders are coming left and right. And we're missing a chef."

"I'll step in." He muttered. "It's important he mentioned."

I dropped my pan knowing Yoongi doesn't usually call much important to anything. I let him take the kitchen reigns, wiping at my hands before exiting the glass doors and into the dining hall.

As a proper owner and chef, I did my best to service the people dining. I greeted some and chatted for a few seconds with others before I caught my husband staring indirectly at my face from the center bar.

I met him behind the counter and he pulled me to the side.

"We have a problem, honey." He whispered lowly.


I was surprised when I saw a small smile peak his usually immovable lips. He pulled me into a sultry kiss seeming like he needed it every other hour or so.

"We need to get you a dress." He mumbles again, fingers curling against my side. "We have a wedding to attend to."

"You never told me you could dance, honey."

Yoongi swayed me effortlessly, his hard tux roughly moving against my bare skin. It was unusual that Irene dressed me in a short old fashioned garment, the heaviness only exuding luxury and riches. I was covered bling and white, my husband dressed in the opposite. We looked like a stunning couple but we tried hard not to outshine the two who had gotten married.

His cheek was pressed against the side of my head, fingers interlaced with mine as the music did Yoongi's work. He hummed the classical orchestral piece that played for the second dance as if he were the one who wrote it.

"You think I got into royal families with just my dashing looks, Jennie? You think too much of me." He chuckled spinning me subtly. "Though cat bite my tongue, you look to be the more dashing one tonight, love. I want to rip your dress out of it's buttons."

I rolled my eyes at my playful husband. "These occasions certainly bring a different side of you."

"No, honey." He whispered. "You do."

I turned my head to look at the swaying married couple, their foreheads together with smiles on their faces. The reception was longer than the wedding itself, demon weddings seemingly similar to religious ones. Although, there was a stern difference in vows. We promised in sin. Which is quite ironic if you think about it.

"Jimin may look like a puppy in love but what do I look like to you?" He curiously asked as we exited the ball floor and to our designated seats. He escorted me old school, hands carrying mine in a gentle manner. "I hope it's only good things."

"Of course." I pressed a kiss lovingly on my husband. "You only ever look at me. What else is there to say?"

"You're the only woman here worth my eyes other than Mrs. Park herself." He brought my hand to his lips, staring at me with dark eyes. "You think it's possible to make more offspring at once?"

If I was human, I'd be red by now.

"Min Yoongi, stop it." I couldn't help but laugh making him smile again.

"I can't help it. You're sex on legs."

"I'm already pregnant." I brought my hand back to my lap. "No need to make worse of our burdens. Carrying one is already too much to ask of you."

"You can ask me for anything and it's yours."

"A charming man indeed you are." I chuckled. "But I think it's your time to make a speech, honey."

We noticed the crowd staring at us as Yoongi adjusted his tux to meet the bride who smiled broadly at her almost brother in law. Yoongi laid a soft and gentle kiss on the crown of her head before taking the mic from her hands.

Yoongi's eyes locked to mine and I devilishly leaned back expecting the unexpected from my often quiet husband.

"Good evening demons and demoness'. Tonight we celebrate a loss of a worshipped lord and a beginning of a lovely couple." He started off strong, words spoken as if he had memorized it the night before. "I suggest you buckle up because this speech is anything but soft words and kind adieus."

The crowd softly laughed at that and my husband leaned a toast the crowd.

"I want to dedicate this toast to the lovely couple and especially to Park Chaeyoung herself, a being so powerful not even our lord could handle her."

I smiled at that seeing the brown haired red dressed bride swoon at my husband's words.

"Chaeyoung is everything but unworthy of my superior and why? Because she is capable of doing things he cannot. A marriage only lasts if bearing possession, obsession, devotion, and pure admiration. If there is a single person in this world who serves that purpose it is the woman in red tonight— beautiful no doubt and able to share her happiness with a man unworthy I must admit."

"Oh fuck off hyung!"

The crowd was pleased at Jimin's amused reaction and I just stared. I loved that Yoongi was able to portray something like that in words I never expected him to ever say. Especially about someone he once never defended.

"Now Jimin... he's a brutal demon. But someone told me," his eyes landed on me. "Someone told me that even though us demons were cursed for our sins, we were created for a balance of good and evil. Because we in fact do feel. We are allowed to be like everybody else with limitations. It's just one blessing that defines our curiosities of living like what we wish to be. Unpunished."

Everybody was stern on adoring Yoongi in his place of a best man's speech. If there was someone who every demon in the world would listen to, it'd be him.

"Jimin's blessing became Chaeyoung. And so, I can congratulate the two on this particular day because I know what that blessing feels like and means— after all. I married one myself."

The crowd cheered in aw when Yoongi smirked at my direction.

Cheeky bastard.

"To Jimin and Chaeyoung," his lips tipped the glass. "For their lives together have only just begun."

It was my turn to toast, as the woman of honor in place beside the bride of the evening. I replaced my husband not before showing grace of his own speech.

"I obviously can't beat that." I joked as I swirled the champagne in my glass. "Doesn't mean I won't try."

My husband did the same as I, cockily leaning back to listen to me speak as if the words were written on the back of my hands.

"On behalf of love, because I've properly experienced it in it's fullest and purest form, I can say that there is nothing more glared on my best friends eyes than when she looks at Park Jimin himself." I smiled at the two, hoping that one day I'd truly forget the time I was consentfully below him. "There will be days you forget what you need but you can never forget the things you want. Want— is something no being is capable of overcoming. And it's something that those two don't need to try anymore."

The crowd looked just as pleased though my speech may not have been better than my husbands. It was something.

"They need each other. A blessing or curse— whatever the case may be they love each other. I commend them for loving so easily and so raw. They are the loves of my life's as well as to my husband and I dedicate myself to them the way we all should. And love, something you demons may not know, is a want. I'm glad they see that in each other."

"To the bride and groom." And clicked my tongue. "Let's not try and suck the life out of each other tonight? She's already pregnant, Jimin."

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