GxG Oneshots book (x reader)...

By KorgiDorgi

269K 5.3K 1.1K

A book of oneshots. Requests are always accepted. THIS IS A GXG THING SO IF YOU DONT LIKE IT THEN DONT READ T... More

Authors Note
(Incredibles) Voyd x fem (shapeshifter) reader
(Overwatch) Tracer x (dying) Reader
(Overwatch) Widowmaker x (target) reader
(Overwatch) Pharah x (drunk) Reader
(Twenty Øne Piløts) Jenna x Reader
(Overwatch) Widowmaker (Amélie) x (Equestrian)Reader
(Overwatch) Sombra x (drunk) Reader
(Pitch Perfect 3) Calamity x (Bella) Reader
(Overwatch) Mercy x (shot) Reader
(Overwatch) Brigitte x reader
(Supergirl) Lena Luthor x (artist) Reader
(Overwatch) Ashe x (Drunk) Reader
(Overwatch) Brigitte x Reader
(Overwatch) Ashe x Reader
(Overwatch) Ashe x reader
(Overwatch) Sombra x (Depressed) Reader
(Supergirl) Lena Luthor x Wiccan (witch) Reader
(Overwatch) D.Va x (dying) Rabbit Reader (Contest between me and @redraideryboi)
(Overwatch) Sombra x (Drunk) Reader
(Overwatch) Ashe x Reader
(Overwatch) Moira x (Short) Sick) Reader
(Supergirl) Supergirl/Kara x (Centaur) reader
(Overwatch) Mercy x Reader (christmas)
(Overwatch) Ashe x Reader (christmas)
(Overwatch) Ashe x (Depressed) Reader
(Overwatch) Sombra x (Overwatch Member) Reader
(Overwatch) Tracer x (Brainwashed) Reader
(Mirror's Edge Catalyst) Faith Connors x (Runner) Reader
(Mirrors Edge Catalyst) Faith Connors x (Runner) Reader
(Avengers Infinity War) Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) x Reader
(Avengers) Natasha Romanoff x Reader
(Overwatch) Pharah x Reader
(Avengers) Wanda Maximoff x (powerful) Reader
(Overwatch) Lena "Tracer" Oxton x (PTSD) Reader
(Overwatch) Tracer x Reader
(Overwatch) Ashe x Reader
(Avengers) Wanda Maximoff x (Depressed) Reader
(Overwatch) (alpha) Pharah x (Omega) Reader
(Overwatch) Pharah x Reader
(Overwatch) Brigitte x (Talon) (Engineer) Reader
Jealous! Indira Varma x Actress! Reader
(Overwatch) Ashe x (Little Sister) Reader
(Overwatch) Ashe x (Short) Reader
(Overwatch) Ashe x (Pickpocket) Reader
(Supergirl) Lena Luthor x (Anxious) Reader
(Supergirl) Kara Danvers (Supergirl) x (Centaur) Reader PT2
(Overwatch) Ashe x Reader x Mercy
(Overwatch) Ashe x (Dying) Reader
(Avengers) Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) x (Captured! Villain!) Reader
Authors note
(Captain Marvel) !!!SPOILERS!!! Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) x Reader
(Overwatch) D.Va x (Tomboy) Reader
Authors question...?
(Overwatch) Symmetra x Reader
(Umbrella Acadamy) Vanya x Reader
(Umbrella Academy) Vanya x Reader Pt II
(Umbrella Academy) Vanya x Reader Pt III
(Avengers) Black Widow x (injured) Reader
(Supergirl) Kara x Reader
(Marvel) Natasha x Reader
(Incredibles II) Voyd x Reader
(Overwatch) Zarya x Reader
(Incredibles II) Voyd x (insane! Villain!) Reader
Avengers x (Dog) Reader
(Supergirl) Alex x (Single Mother) Reader

(Umbrella Academy) Vanya x Reader Pt IV

1.2K 27 1
By KorgiDorgi

I have finally continued and wrapped this mini series up. I hope you guys enjoy this one. I so sorry it took so long.

"We need to make our way to Vanya's concert if we're going to help her. Luthor speaks, looking at Y/N for approval.

Y/N, still holding a small grudge on him, nods in a acknowledgment at his comment. Everyone confidently groups together and finds the way out of the building. They make their way to Vanya's concert, the Icarus Theater.


The group arrives at the theatre, bursting through the entrance of the building. Allison stops and spins around, writing on her note pad.

"I need to go alone."

"No, it's too dangerous. She's beyond reasoning." Luthor argues.

"Do you hear the music?" Diego jumps in.

"Do you really thing she's going to listen, after everything thats happened?" Luthor continues, ignoring Diego.

"I'll come with you, Allison." You state.

She looks at you and nods before giving Luthor a look.

"We need to surround her and stop her." Luthor argues.

Y/N gives him an ice cold glare. "I'll be with her. And if you remember with that tiny ape brain of yours, you'll remember to agreeing on helping her."

"Right, right. I'm sorry. I misspoke. We'll help," he pauses briefly, "Vanya."

"Thank you. Now you stay right here, Allison and I will approach her. Alright, we're not going to use any force." Y/N finishes before following Allison to the auditorium. "We'll be back."

The two of you enter silently as to not disturb the audience or her. You stop about halfway down the row, now finding yourself lost in her performance. Your hands make their way to your chest as you feel the music from her radiating in you. You close your eyes as you listen to the music. You open them and look at Vanya, who has locked eyes with you, giving you a small smile. She then looks to Allison, smiling at her presence as well. Her eyes are still their bright, unnatural white, but you can see her break through her state in the look she sends you both. 

Before you can move, Luthor and Diego rush in from the sides, prompting Vanya to lash out in defense and fury. She slashes through the air with her bow, emitting a pulse of energy that knocks a few people back, including him and Diego, scaring the audience who all rush up to get out of the theater. Once the people in the orchestra stand to evacuate, she lashes out at them, prompting them to sit down and continue the show.

You can hear Diego and Luthor urge people to move and you make eye contact with Luthor, sending him the darkest glare he's ever seen. Vanya then sends out another wave of energy into the audience, scaring more people. You take cover with Allison between one of the rows of seats. You try to think of a way to snap Vanya out of her daze when you hear a thump to your right.

"We're fine, thanks for asking." Luthors voice sounds from your right.

You look over and Allison is glaring at the two bone heads who ruined your attempt to talk with Vanya. You pick up a nearby object and chuck it at Luthor as well.

"You asshole! We were almost there!" You scold before turning back to look at the scene around you. "We are not done here Luthor." You threaten angrily.

"Allison, I almost lost you once, I'm not losing you again-"

"Yeah, so much for the element of surprise, now what?" Diego asks. 

Allison motions at the violin, prompting Diego to curse at her observation. "Tell us something we don't fucking know."

"She's talking about the violin, dickhead." You snap.

"Right, if we take the violin away, we might have a chance at stopping her." Luthor continues.

Soon, gunshots ring out in the theater, causing the rest of the orchestra to abandon the show. You duck down, pulling Allison down with you to protect her.

"Where the fuck is Klaus?" You shout to the two idiots across the isle.

"I don't know, wasn't he supposed to be our lookout?" Diego turns to Luthor.

"Oi, what's with all the lollygagging?" Five appears before ducking in between the rows as he's shot at as well. "This is not good."

"You know these guys?" Diego asks.

"Who the fuck are these guys?" You shout from next to Allison, continuing to shelter her.

"Yeah, I do." he answers.

"And..?" Luthor asks.

"We're screwed." Five answers him.

You hear screaming from an entrance and you look over to see Klaus screaming something incoherent before ducking behind some of the seats. You keep low with Allison, flinching when a few of the bullets hit the seats right above your head. You look over in Klaus's direction to see him standing and a glowing blue figure stands right in front of him.

The glowing person releases tentacle-like arms, attacking the armed soldiers. They're ripped from their perches and swiped from their stances and murdered. While everyone is distracted by this, Diego suddenly jumps up and tackles someone from the side and disappears. You stand up with Allison to avoid the falling bodies and stand with her and Luthor. You return your attention to Klaus, who now is speaking to the person he brought in.

"And I was the lookout!" he chuckles as the apparition fades away from sight.

You shoot him a smile before turning your attention to Vanya, who is now starting to glow herself. You can see her clothes begin to turn white, and so does her violin, prompting the building to shake and begin to crumble.

Diego finally returns, joining your little squad.

"Where were you?" Luthor asks.

"Honoring a memory." Diego states. "Whats the plan? How do you want to end this thing?"

"We surround her, we come at her from all angles." Luthor explains.

"That's a suicide mission." Klaus speaks up.

"Well, we only need one of us to get through, it's the only chance we've got." Five argues.

"Are we all in?" Luthor asks, looking at you.

You contemplate the plan, not liking it at all. There must be another way.

"Y/N, we don't have all day, are you in or not?" Luthor demands.

"I-" You shake your head.

"Allison?" Luthor moves on, and she too shakes her head no.

"Alright then." Luthor looks to Diego, "Stage left." He points to himself, "Stage right," he motions to Five and Klaus, "You guys take the front."

The four of them split up and rush down the isles, but Allison holds Luthor back.

"Theres no time, Allison! It's either this, or we're all dead. The world goes up in flames!" He argues, ripping himself from her grip and continuing to his position, leaving Allison and you behind.

"There has to be another way, Al. They're not going to make it." you speak, looking to her, but she's walked away, leaving you in your spot. 

You look back over to Vanya and watch as the four rush up on her. You take off running down the isle and you watch as she swings her bow through the air and halts them with her powers, lifting them into the air. It seems like she's beginning to drain the life from them all.

"Vanya!" You screech as you approach her. "Vanya, please, this isn't you!"

Vanya just blankly stares at you as you climb up on the stage.

"Y/N, no!" Klaus barely manages to get out.

"Vanya, come back to me. This isn't you. This isn't what you want. You don't want to do this." You come up in front of her, tears starting to trail down your cheeks. "Please, Vanya."

You reach out to try to touch her, but a loud bang stops you. You cover your ears at the loud noise. It stops the flow of Vanya's energy and she releases everyone, falling backward. She shoots a beam of her energy through the skylight before collapsing into Allison's arms.

"Vayna!" You fall to your knees next to Allison, who is now checking her pulse.

"Is she alive?" Luthor asks over her shoulder.

She looks  up to you and Luthor, nodding her head, relieved.

"Oh thank god." You cry, holding onto Allison and Vanya.

"Thats good." Luthor says. "Guys, we saved the world."

The group of you huddle around Vanya for a moment, and you brush some of her hair our of her face. She seems so at peace now.

"Uh, guys?" You hear Klaus trying to catch the groups attention.

Klaus is standing and looking up through the shattered skylight. "You see that big moon rock coming towards us?" he asks.

"Jesus, that's not good." Luthor mumbles.

"Well, so much for saving the world." Klaus says.

"Look at this. The Umbrella Academy; a total failure." Diego mumbles to himself.

"At least we're together at the end." Luthor says. "As a family."

"This doesn't have to be the end." Five speaks up. I think I know a way out of here, but you got to trust me."

Everyone just kind of mumbles and continues to look at their fiery fate approaching them at unimaginable speed.

"Hey, well, we might as well accept our fate, because once that rock hits, we'll be vaporized."

"Well, what do you suggest we do then, huh?" Diego asks.

"We can use my ability to time travel, but this time, I will take you with me." Five explains.

"Have you ever done it?" Luthor asks.

"No, I've never tried it before."

"Well, whats the worst that could happen?" Diego asks. "I'm in."

"Yeah, why not. Whatever you guys want." Klaus mumbles.

"Lets do this." Luthor chimes in. "Allison? Y/N?"

"Ben's in." Klaus says, looking at something invisible behind him.

Everyone looks at you and Allison, still holding onto Vanya. Allison nods her head at Luthor and everyone's focus is on you now.

"Yeah, I'm in." you answer.

"Alright, Luthor, grab Vanya." Five starts instructing.

"Wait, should we be taking her? She caused the apocalypse, wouldn't that be like taking a bomb with us?" Luthor begins to protest.

"The apocalypse will always happen and she will always be the cause unless we take her with us and fix her" Five explains.

You can hear loud crashes and booms from outside the building as they all continue to bicker. "Guys, let's just do this and get out of here and stop this."

"Alright, hold onto each other." Five says, huddling the group together.

"Its going to get messy, so hold on." He warns as he begins to use his abilities.

A bright, colorful mass begins to form above the group and the building becomes more and more unstable the longer you stand there. You can feel the rumbling beneath your feet from the impacts of the moon rocks and the use of Five's abilities. You look around the group, noticing they've aged backwards, and so have you, and before anything else can happen, the group of you vanish into time.

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