Dark Moon (ManxMan)

By -carmin

529K 32.5K 6K

How do you tell someone who's in love with another person, you are mates? Aetos is a man of many attributes... More

Fan Art 😘


14.8K 1K 189
By -carmin

Colson doesn't move, fear has rooted him to the floor. His heart was beating so fast, Colson hoped that it just bursts out of his chest so he couldn't avoid whatever it is Michel was going to do to him. He has guns in this room, he wants to find them, point them at Michel and tell him to leave but he remembers what happened the last time he did that.

Colson gulps as Michel took a step towards him, a smirk on his face. Colson takes a step back, opening his mouth to scream but nothing comes out. A weight had settled in his throat. He hopes that the wolves in the house could hear him. He hoped Aetos would suddenly come back and get him.

"Hi there little fishy." Michel says. "You've been avoiding me."

Colson shakes his head.

"I don't like lies, little fish." Michel moves closer, Colson taking more steps backwards until he was pressed to the wall. He was so scared and so irritated at himself for being this helpless.

"You've been gone for a while now and I've been hearing talks about you and that...undead." Michel tuts, suddenly close enough to Colson. "Weren't you taught not to play with things that could suck your blood?"

Colson blinks, trying to keep his tears at bay. Colson lets out a silent gasp as Michel wraps his hand around his neck and squeezed.

"I don't like when my things play with other people. You are mine!"

Colson wants to scream no! He doesn't belong to anyone. He wiggles and tries to free himself from Michel hold but the wolf doesn't budge, his smirk his gone and there an angry tilt to his lips.

"You are still strong willed. You haven't broken yet." Michel says, like he was observing something. "It's going to be so much fun taming you, breaking you till you do whatever I say. From sucking my cock to killing whoever it is I tell you to."

Colson froze at that. Huh? What? What was Michel's plan? Who was he trying to kill? He stops thinking and silently groaned as he was tossed onto the bed, Michel marking his way closer. Colson scrambles, trying to put enough space between himself and Michel.

The Beta grabs him by the ankle and pulls him close. "My, it would be so easy to have you. To just take you." The wolf laughs, dark and scary. "You aren't wearing anything under this, are you?" The wolf says as he pulls on Colson's sweatpants a bit.

Colson grabbed the top of his sweatpants holding it so tight, his knuckles were white. He was shaking, he didn't want Michel touching him, he didn't want to be raped. He shakes more in fear, if he was raped, he wouldn't be able to even talk about it, he could point Michel out. He didn't want anything. He just wanted Aetos. Where was Aetos?!

He lets out a silent cry as Michel slaps him hard on the cheek, forcing his head to snap to the side. Colson doesn't stop thrashing though, he kept using trying to get his legs out of Michel's hold but the wolf was stronger.

Michel raised his hand again, this time his claws were out and he was growling. He raised his hand, about to swipe it down on Colson's legs, when he stops. He snarls and gets off the bed but before Colson could do anything, the Beta knocks him out.


Colson's eyes snap open and he jerks off the bed, tripping over the duvet and tumbling to the floor. He was scared, his heart rabbiting as he tries to put enough distance between himself and the bed.

In the blink of an eyes, there was someone beside him.

"Colson, baby, it's me." The person says. "It's Aetos."

Colson blinks repeatedly, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. No, it couldn't be Aetos. Could it? What if it was Michel and he's just hearing things?

"It's me. It's Aetos." The person said again. "You were just having a bad dream."

A dream? That hadn't felt like a dream. Colson raises his hands to his neck to feel. He blinks again and notices the familiar wall, he looks down at himself and frowns, he was wearing a onesie. No, that can't be it. He had been wearing sweatpants.


Colson quickly turns to the side, his eyes widening when he sees Aetos, behind him was Erik. Both of them were close to him, hands out.

"I..." Colson starts, just to see if his voice works. "I c-called you b-b-but you didn't come."

"You were having a bad dream, baby. A bad dream." The vampire says and Colson just wants to cry. How could that have been a dream?

"You've been with me all night. Here on this bed." The vampire points at the bed.

"But he..." Colson gestured to his neck.

"No one got in here, Colson. I can promise you that. It doesn't smell anyone else besides you and Aetos." Erik says and that was it. That was all he needed to hear. He crawls towards Aetos who wraps him in his arms and held on.

"You are fine. You are safe. It was just a dream." Aetos says as he holds Colson tight. "You fell asleep before I got back with your burger, I woke you up and you sleepily ate it before going back to sleep. It's nearly five am now."

Colson tried to retrace his footsteps from yesterday. He had spent the morning with Aetos, the pack meeting with the warriors and border patrol had taken place at two in the evening and went on for a bit. He remembers going for a shower while Aetos went to get food.

He hadn't pulled on sweatpants but one of his onesies with the fluffy ears. He remembers Aetos waking him up to eat before he fell asleep again. It had been a dream. Michel didn't come into the room, he didn't touch him, he didn't slap him and he, Colson, could talk!

"Let's get you back to bed. You need to lie down." Aetos lifts him up easily, one hand pressed to his back, the other one under his knees. He gently placed Colson to the bed before turning to Erik, who still looked concerned.

"It's okay now. I can take it from here."

"Okay. I'll have breakfast sent up for the two of you. Pytor brought over a couple flasks." Erik said. He gets a nod in reply from the vampire and leaves after taking one last look at Colson.

"What about Cobie?" Colson asks Aetos when they were alone.

"He's asleep. We didn't want to wake him up."

"That's good. I wouldn't want him to worry for no reason." Colson says, fingers playing with the buttons. "Come on, lets sleep a bit more. It's too early for me to do shit."

Aetos hesitates a bit before getting on the bed, shifting underneath the duvet to sleep. Contrary to his words, Colson doesn't think he would be able to sleep. Once Aetos was on the bed, Colson moved closer, placing his head on the vampire's chest, his hands on his stomach.

Colson just watched his hand. He sighs when Aetos wove his fingers through his hair, softly scratching at his scalp. Here, wrapped up in the vampire's arms, Colson felt safe. His eyes began to drop when Aetos hums a tune that Colson has never heard before. And in no time, his eyes close, breath deepened and he falls asleep.

The next time Colson wakes up, it's bright out. He was still wrapped up in Aetos' arm, the vampire still sleeping. Colson doesn't get up, he instead watched Aetos sleep. His chest wasn't rising and falling neither was he breathing. Huh. He truly was dead.

"Is there a reason you're feeling me up this morning?"

"I like touching hot guys."

Aetos grips his hand tightly. Eyes flashing red for brief second before he lets go of his hand.

"Are you jealous?" Colson asks.

"Are you ever going to go on a date with me?" Aetos fires back, raising a sleek brow at Colson who just huffs and rolls out of bed.

"You don't ask a boy out when he just wakes up. Have you seen my bed hair?" Colson glared at Aetos, hands on his hips. "Have you seen your bed hair?"

Aetos raised his hands to his hair and tries to flatten it down, his hair flying all over the place like picked cotton candy.

"I look good."

"Well, I won't argue with that."

Aetos laughs and falls back onto the bed while Colson made his way to the bathroom. Once he got in, he leans against the wall, one hand pressed to his chest. Michel hasn't been in the room, no one besides Aetos has touched him. He was fine. Safe. It had all been a dream. All he needed to do was make sure he wasn't alone with Michel and he could manage that. .

He quickly brushed his teeth and freshened up, not bothering to brush his hair. When he walked back into the room, he let out a cheer when he sees a large breakfast tray in front of Aetos.

"Erik sent it up." Aetos says as he got off the bed. He went into the bathroom to freshen up too, leaving his bed hair before coming out. Once he was seated in the bed, he picks up his flask. Colson settles close to the vampire and stared at the spread. There were waffles, pancakes and eggs as well as bacon.

He grabs the chocolate syrup and doused it on his waffles, before eating it.

"You look like a chipmunk."

"I wish I was one. They store their food in their cheeks." Colson replied once he had swallowed. Aetos barks out a laugh, pausing a bit to cough into his fist. Colson smiles at the vampire who sips on his food through a straw.

"You are ridiculous."

Colson chuckles. He knew he hadn't said no earlier and every part of him wants to say yes to Aetos. So why was he even pushing it back? Why was he delaying the inevitable.

"Hey, daylighter." Colson says.

"Yes, Colly."

Colson frowns. "Call me that one more time and I'll knock you out."

Aetos raised his hands up in surrender. Colson glared at him before taking a strip of bacon and pushing it into his mouth. And to think he was going to be nice to Aetos.

"Come on. You were about to say something."

"I don't want to say it anymore." Colson huff around a mouth full of good bacon. Aetos pokes and pokes, still sucking in his straw and yet somehow, this felt like a perfect moment. They were still in their night clothes, Colson wasn't sure how Aetos got his clothes, they still had their bed hair and Colson felt warm and safe.

"I'd love to go on a date with you."

Aetos swallow his blood too quickly and began to choke. He had been expecting Colson to give him an excuse, he has been expecting Colson to tell him to wait a bit more.

Colson laughs at Aetos, his free hand reaching up to pat the vampire's back, who was coughing into his fist.

"Not expecting that?"

"Can't say I was to be honest but I was hoping." Aetos replies, his grey eyes staring right at Colson. Everything about this vampire was gorgeous. Dark hair, grey eyes, toned body, near nails, his lips, even the back of his head. Ugh.

"I don't want a restaurant and a movie kind of date."

"Obviously." Aetos agrees. "I'll come up with something."

"And I just started working and I haven't been paid yet, so I don't have a lot of money." Colson says, pointedly looking at Aetos.

"Just leave everything to me. I'll plan and pay."

"Okay but the next date is on me." Colson says and Aetos agrees. Breakfast goes smoothly between them, once Colson had finished the entire spread of breakfast, he gets up from the bed and stretched.

"I'm going to take this down."

"Okay. I'm going to shower but I'd likely spend the day with Cobie. He wants to help some of the pack kids get ready." Colson says as he made his way towards his closet. He pulls out a grey shirt and a black pair of joggers and sets it on the bed.

Aetos nods and gets up from the bed. "I've got a couple things I want to discuss with Pytor as well but I'll be back." Aetos said. Colson hums And follows the vampire to the door.

"I'm going to lock this when you leave."

Aetos doesn't ask, he just takes a step towards Colson and leaned down, Colson stops him halfway, his hands pressed against the vampire's chest.

"Kiss me with your blood stained lips and I won't hesitate to punch you in the balls."

Aetos winced and took a step back. Pushing the tray he was holding low enough to cover his clothed dick. Colson laughs at him, he closes the distance between them and pressed a kiss to Aetos' cheek instead.

"You're too cute."

"I beg to differ."

Colson winks at Aetos before shutting the door, locking it with its key. He makes sure it was locked. He contemplated freezing the door shut but then, he would be stuck in here. So he literally ran into the bathroom and showered quickly, washing his hair also. He does a poor job of moisturizing before pulling on his boxers and clothes.

He kept checking to see if there was anyone else in the room with him. He couldn't just be ignorant. It had been a dream but there are shadows walking around, if that can happen, then there's a probability Michel might visit him today.

All he had to do was make sure he wasn't alone.

Colson quickly walks out of the room, heading down the hall for Cobie and Erik's room. He knocks before walking in, lord know how many times he has seen Erik on his knees or Cobie on his knees. He shivers at that. He has also heard a lot.

When he walks into the room, he finds Cobie in Erik's lap, one of the Alpha's hand on Cobie stomach, the other feeding him toast with avocado spread.

"You two are so gooey."

"Hello Colson." Erik chuckles.

"And good morning to you too, little brother." Cobie says, before taking a bite of his toast. Colson falls into one of the small couches and watched his brother and Alpha.

"Two minutes! It doesn't count." Colson glared st Cobie.

"I thought you had work to do today."

"Doesn't mean I shouldn't enjoy the morning with my Alpha." Cobie says around the bite of his sandwich. Colson could see Erik swell with pride. He really liked it when Cobie calls him that.

Colson sits in silence, resting his head against the couch and staring up at the ceiling. He was feeling happy and scared as well as excited. He knew they were facing unknown forces but deep down, he knew they could take care of it and if they couldn't, he can't die without at least going on one date with Aetos who treats him like a prince.

Colson snapped out of his thoughts when something hits his face. He turns and glared at Cobie, Erik snickering, his nose tucked into Cobie's neck, scenting.

"If you want my attention, just ask."

"I wanted to know why you were smiling at my ceiling like a loon." Cobie says, picking up another grape from his breakfast spread.

"I agreed to a date with Aetos."

Cobie and Erik both stared at him with slack jaws. Even the grape Cobie was holding falls back onto the tray and Colson laughs at their expression.

"You said yes?" Cobie asked. "You really did?"

"Excuse me, precious. There's something I've got to do." Erik said. He pressed a kiss to Cobie's neck and then cheek before gently adjusting his pregnant mate so he could get off the couch.

"Don't do anything dumb, scooby doo." Cobie falls out as Erik walks out of the room. Colson immediately moves closer to his brother and reached for the grapes.

"What made you say yes?"

"I... had a bad dream earlier this morning." Colson starts, not one to keep secrets from his brother.

"Erik told me. He didn't give me any details."

"I thought it was real you know, so I woke up feeling so scared. I fell off the bed and for a couple seconds I was too scared to look away from the wall. Erik and Aetos were there and I... Aetos makes me feel safe. I thought it was like a one time, one week thing but he really does feel safe to me. Immediately he wrapped his arms around me, I felt warm and safe, despite his cold skin." Colson says, looking away from the grape to Cobie who was watching him.

"I felt the same with Erik. I didn't understand it either."

"But that's because you both are mates." Colson replied.

Cobie shakes his head. "It's not just that. He's the one person in the world that I know would stand by my side, the one person who would put my life before his, the one person who would risk his life for me. It took me a while to accept it but when I did, it was wonderful."

"I kinda take offense to that."

"Love you too, Colly." Cobie teases.

Colson briefly wonders if vampires have mates. He also wonders if he was Aetos' mate. Nah. He shakes his head, that couldn't happen could it?

"Do you really like Aetos?"

"A lot. He is just... captivating."

"Then don't over think and just do what feels right to you." Cobie says, picking up his mug to take a sip of his water. Colson stared at the grape in his hand. This was it. This was his chance to find something great, to find love.

"What are you going as this evening?" Cobie asked his brother.

"A vampire." Colson snickers. "I've got the wig, grey contacts and teeth."

So what did you think?


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