Eleven 11 "Dark Nightmare"

By DloaVirus

233 49 13

Enter the spine-tingling world of Short Horror & Fantasy Stories with this first installment, Book One. From... More



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By DloaVirus

Lino and Katrina got in a cargo plane going to Brazil. They arrive at night. They started asking questions to locals about the 10 Zodiac. No one knew anything about it. Lino asks a taxi driver smoking a cigarette if he knows about the one that cannot be looked at. He explained that it was an urban legend and that grandparents used to tell them so that the children would be afraid to go into the Amazon. Lino asks the driver to take them to where the legend is supposed to come from in the Amazon. The driver laughed and said no. Katrina talks to the driver's ear and suddenly the driver agrees. They get to the last road before the jungle. Katrina bites the driver.

Lino: What's wrong with you? He helps and you kill him.

Katrina: I was hungry, you should feed too.

Lino: Let's go we need to find the 10 Zodiac before dawn.

They keep walking into the Amazon. They found a village. Almost all were women and children. They ask about the 10 Zodiac. They pointed further into the jungle. Katrina grabs one the the women and bites her. The children ran and the remaining female stood in front of the few men there to protect them.

Lino: What the hell Katrina you just ate. No more killing.

Katrina: I need my beauty, but I will do as you say.

They kept walking and found another village.
There were no men, only children and women. They were scared. Lino asked if they knew where the 10 Zodiac was. None reply. He asked again but no one said anything. Katrina grabs a little boy. Lino hits her and propels her into a tree.

Katrina: Why did you hit me?

Lino: I told you no more killing.

A woman grabs the boy and points further into the jungle towards the yellow light. Lino started walking but fell to one knee.

Katrina: I told you. You need to feed.

Lino answers something incoherently.

The same boy goes to Lino and puts his arm to his mouth. Lino starts feeding but rapidly he stops. It was enough for him to keep walking. After a few miles, they found a huge group of men working in front of an ancient pyramid. The yellow light was on the top. They ask the men about the 10 Zodiac. None stop working. Katrina whispers to the ears of a few of them but it doesn't do anything. Lino bites one of them until the man falls to the floor but all the other men stand in their positions. The bloody man on the ground stood up and started working again. A door opens on the pyramid. Some very strong women came out.

Amazonian Woman: She is waiting for you.

Lino: Who? The 10 Zodiac?

Amazonian Woman: Silence, she is not the type you make wait.

Lino and Katrina followed the Amazonian women. Lino tells Katrina that she needs to kill the Zodiac as he cannot look her in the eyes as he believes that he will end up like the man outside. Katrina nodded yes. They arrived at an altar and a voice was heard but they did not see anyone.

10 Zodiac: Who are you and why are you here?

Lino: I am Lino. I am the one that woke up the Zodiacs. Who are you?

10 Zodiac: You dare to ask questions? I am Inker Ells the 10 Zodiac. How did you know where I was?

Lino: Orbious toll us about you.

Inker Ells: Your vampires. Guards kill them.

Katrina fights all the Amazonians killing them one by one. Suddenly a tiny fairy appears and blows a yellow dust onto Katrina. Katrina started to bloat until she blew up.

Inker Ells: Lino I will not kill you. Look into my eyes.

Lino started running outside but Inker was faster and flew in front of his eyes. Lino stops moving.

Inker Ells: Now you mine Lino. There's no way out of my trance.

Lino started to feel weird but all of a sudden he felt the blood of the boy inside him. He started moving slowly by himself.

Inker Ells: Impossible. How are you that strong? No problem just look into my eyes.

Inker Ells stood in front of Lino's eyes. Lino tells her that he will kill her and all the Zodiacs. Inker Ells laughs and says your mine forever but Lino fully snaps out of the trance and traps her inside his fist.

Lino: Where are the others? Tell me and I won't kill you.

Inker Ells: You fool, Orbious will kill you if you do that.

Lino's started to crush her inside his fist.

Inker Ells: My mentor is the red light of the 9 Zodiac. He does mind games. He is in Japan.

Lino: Thanks Inker. This is for Katrina.

Lino crushes Inker inside his fist and eats her. He goes down to the outside of the pyramid. All the men began running to their village. The sun was coming out but he was not getting hurt by it. He was alone and did not know how he would go to Japan. He started walking back to the airport as he passed the villages he saw the men reuniting with their families. He suddenly fainted. He wakes up and sees the boy from before and his mother. He asked them if they knew how to get back to the airport. They told him that he did not need a plane anymore. Lino stands up. He had wings. Eating Inker gave him the power to fly. He tells the boy that from now on he is in charge. Lino got back to the top of the pyramid with the boy and his family. He says goodbye jumps from the top to the outside and flies away.

The End

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