winchester brothers imagines

By hharryy94

211K 2.8K 187

some cute, smutty, fluffy Winchester Brothers imagines. enjoy :) More

s.w//other brother
j.p//forever & always
s.w//double life
s.w//skinny dipping
d.w//straight up smut ;)
s.w//valentines day
s.w&d.w//save her
s.w//soulless (pt. 1)
s.w//soulless (pt. 2)
d.w//i love you
s.w//nice to see you again
s.w//soulless pt. 3 (final part)
d.w//come home
d.w//come home (pt. 2)
s.w//you're okay
s.w//straight up smut ;)
d.w//not going anywhere
s.w//i can't
s.w//why? (*trigger warning*)
s.w//all yours
j.p//favorite season
s.w//forgive me
s.w//our story
s.w//take a break
d.w//movie night
c.n//smut ;)
d.w&s.w//betrayal (pt. 1)
d.w&s.w//betrayal (pt. 2)
s.w//he hit a dog (pt. 1)
d.w&s.w//betrayal (pt.3)
s.w//he hit a dog (pt. 2)
im sorry
d.w&s.w//betrayal (pt. 4 final part)
c.n//forbidden (pt. 1)
s.w//he hit a dog (pt. 3)
c.n//forbidden (pt. 2 final part)
s.w//he hit a dog (pt. 3 final part)
j.p//best friend
d.w&s.w//little sister
help meee
s.w//there's a price
d.w//mr. winchester
d.w//im here
s.w//sex dream
d.w//secret (*trigger warning*)
d.w&s.w//get her back
d.w&s.w//get her back (pt. 2)
s.w//long time no see
d.w//stay with me
the end

d.w//patch up

2.2K 33 1
By hharryy94

"Come on, come on." You say, helping Dean into the backseat of the Impala.

"Careful." Sam says, getting into the drivers seat watching you assist Dean. 

Dean slides into the back with a groan, holding his injured shoulder, blood flowing from a cut on his head, and a wound on his leg staining his jeans. You wipe blood that's falling from a cut on your own cheek and make sure that Dean is putting enough pressure on his cuts so he doesn't bleed too much. You just finished a rough hunt with quite a fight to end it. All three of you are banged up but Dean got the worst of it when the creature threw him into a window and out of the barn you were in, leaving him with hundreds of cuts and some major ones littering his body. You remember the way your heart stopped when he was in the air and the scream that erupted from your mouth when he crashed through the glass. You've never been more scared in your life. You see Dean not only as your brother and your best friend, but someone you truly love and you can't even imagine anything bad happening to him. But in your line of work, that's never a guarantee.

"You're bleeding." He grimaces, looking at the cut on your cheek.

"Are you kidding Dean? I'm fine. Just keep those towels there and I'll patch you up when we get back to the motel." You say.

"Thank you Y/N." Dean says.

"Of course." You smile. 

You take a towel of your own and press it to your face to try and stop yourself from bleeding. 

"You good?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. Just a little cut." You say.

"That's gonna need a couple stitches." Sam says.

"It's fine. What about you?" You ask. 

"Bruises, a couple little cuts. Nothing too catastrophic." He smiles.

"Good. We don't need two Winchesters out of commission." You smile.

Sam continues down the dark road and you look back to check on Dean every once in a while. He eventually falls asleep and you have to climb in the back to keep pressure on his cuts. He groans in his sleep when you press down on the wounds.

"Sorry Dean. Just relax." You say.

He grabs your wrist tightly when you push on the slash on his leg.

"Sorry, sorry." You say. 

After a while you finally pull into the parking lot of the motel. You and Sam help Dean into the room and into the bathroom, sitting him down on the toilet. 

"I think I got it from here. Thanks Sammy." You say.

"Okay. I'm gonna grab some food." He says. 

"Grab Dean some whiskey while you're out. He's gonna need it." You say.

He leaves you and Dean in the bathroom and you get out the supplies you need to get Dean put back together.

"Let's get your shirt off." You say. 

He cries out when he has to lift his arms up so you can lift the shirt over his head. 

"I think this shirt is done." You say, tossing the tattered fabric. 

"Fuck." Dean groans.

Your heart rate picks up when your eyes fall to Dean's bare chest and stomach. 

Stay focused... You say to yourself and shake the thoughts the come to your head. 

You start cleaning up his battered skin with alcohol and he hisses and curses every time you touch the soaked cotton ball to the lesions. 

"Shit Y/N that hurts!" He seethes.

"Dean I know but I have to clean them. They're gonna get infected. Now sit still or I'll make you." You say sternly. 

"What will you do?" He says, smirking at you.

You roll your eyes but that look he gave you makes your stomach erupt with butterflies. You want to believe that it was something more than Dean being Dean but in the back of your head you know it's not. You continue cleaning the glass and dirt out of the cuts until Sam gets back with food and more importantly the whiskey. You pour Dean a couple of shots and he takes them quickly to try and numb the pain. 

"You ready?" You say. 

"Just go." He says and squeezes his eyes shut. 

You work quickly but carefully, making sure that your stitches are straight. Again Dean is cussing up a storm and you have to tell him to stop moving several times before you're finished. You work your way through the several slices he has over his body and finally tie a final knot on the last wound on his leg.

"Okay I'm done." You say, cutting the thread. 

"Thanks." He says.

You put band-aids over the sutures and put his arm in a sling because you're pretty sure the impact dislocated his shoulder. You feed him some painkillers and get him into bed. Sam stitches up your face and you all shower and eat. Sam ends up falling asleep so you have to sleep with Dean.

"Hey Y/N are you awake?" Dean says once Sam is asleep.

"Yeah what's up?" You say, turning around to face him. 

"Thanks for patching me up." He says. 

"Of course Dean. Why wouldn't I?" You ask. 

"I don't know I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate it." He says. 

"Well you're welcome." You say smiling. 

It's silent for a couple of minutes and you eventually try to turn over to go to sleep but Dean grabs you by the waist with his good arm and flips you back over. You breath catches in your throat when you realize that your lips are just centimeters apart and you can feel Dean's breath fanning over your face. Your hands are pressed into his chest and you can feel his heart pounding, matching yours from nervousness. 

"Dean what are you doing?" You whisper.

"Something I should have done a long time ago." He answers.

Before you can question him again, his lips touch yours tentatively as he gauges your reaction. You freeze from shock and Dean pulls away quickly, a worried look on his face.

"Oh god I'm so--" He begins to say but you cut him off by grabbing the back of his head and smashing your lips together again. 

He tangles his hand into your hair and bites your lip gently, making you moan quietly. 

"Guys come on." Sam says.

Your eyes grow wide and your cheeks burn with blush while Dean just laughs. 

"Sorry Sammy." Dean chuckles. 

"Just, be quiet. Please." Sam groans. 

You giggle and Dean pulls you into his chest and he kisses the top of your head. 

"Thank you." He says. 

You kiss his lips softly and smile. 

"Anytime." You whisper.

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