Red Vs. Blue Stories

By bout-lash

10.9K 247 53

A bunch of random fanfic stories about RvB characters. Some are RvBxReader, some texts between characters, an... More

Wash x Reader
Church x Reader
Felix x Reader
Grif x Reader
Caboose x Reader
The Rookie
Wash x Reader (2)
Simmons x Reader
Doc/O'Malley x Reader
Please Read!
Tucker x Reader
Grif X Reader (2)
Never Have I Ever...
Carolina X Reader
1k reads!!!!
Locus x Reader
Holy Sh-

Wash x OC

226 7 4
By bout-lash

Having A Moment
Wash POV

"For the love of God, stop sleeping naked!" I exited the room as fast as possible as I called over my shoulder. It didn't look like Tucker was ever going to get that I had no interest in seeing his disgusting body every morning. I stepped into the makeshift blue base's "kitchen", looking through the cabinets. We were going to run out of food if we didn't start rationalizing our meals better.

"You'd think he'd know you were coming in there at this point. At least start waking up so he can put on some pants first," Someone yawned out. I glanced over my shoulder at the private entering.

"Sorry if I woke you. He's such an idiot sometimes." I grabbed a canteen of water, sloshing it around as an offering to him. He smiled tiredly, taking the container from me and taking small sips.

Private Hayes was the only blue team member I had ever truly been able to stand. Sure, I loved all of them, but at least he understood that I had to be strict with them. Especially now that Carolina and Epsilon ran off, leaving Caboose down in the dumps and Tucker angry at me all the time. Hayes was different—sure, he had been around as long as them. Sure, he was upset, too. But he was sensible. Understanding. He always put a smile on his face, at least long enough to remind me that someone was paying attention to me and actually cared for what I had to say.

It was a nice change of pace.

"So, whats on the agenda today, Cap'n?" Hayes smirked at me. "Other than you staring at me like an idiot."

My face went red. I didn't realize I was watching him, too deep in thought to notice. I leaned on the counter, looking at my hands. I barely managed not to fidget. "I was planning on having us train. The obstacle course isn't fully set up yet, but we can still get a regular workout in."

"You know Tucker isn't going to want to." Hayes reminded me. He hesitated, seeing the way my jaw clenched. "Hey, maybe that's a good thing. He'd appreciate you letting him take a break. And I wouldn't mind just having a me and you day, y'know? Caboose is...better off with just taking some more walks." We both sighed at the last comment, before I managed a smile.

"Yeah, actually. That would be great." I told him. My smile became a bit more real when I saw his.


I'm not gay, okay? I've never had a gay thought in my life.

But it was kind of hard to avoid them when the only thing I could see was Hayes, his tank-top slightly transparent due to his sweat and his muscles on full display, his shorts clinging to his perfect, firm—

Okay, maybe I'm a little gay.

"Uh, Washington? You're spacing out again." Hayes furrowed his brows at me. "If there's something on your mind, you know you can talk to me about it, right?"

My face went red. At least he didn't realize why I was zoning out. "No- I mean, yeah. I know. Everything's okay. Just...keep getting distracted." I laughed half-heartedly. He nodded slowly, before waiting for me to order him around again. I did so, making sure not to look at him any longer than just to check his form.

Quite often we had to stop and run to check on Caboose, or to talk to Tucker, or to go help the Reds with something. We never had to stop this much on a normal day, but it seemed that when we were actually enjoying a workout full of laughs and teases, suddenly we were needed everywhere.

I was mid push-up when I looked over and noticed that Hayes was now laying on the ground, hands behind his head as he stared at the sky. "Are you glad we crashed here?" he asked me suddenly.

I stopped, before laying down next to him—leaving at least a foot between the two of us. "Honestly...a little bit." He asked me why. How do I explain that? "I don't know. Nothing good has happened since we've got here.'s peaceful, and beautiful. And moments like this just make you realize that maybe some good as come out of it."

I felt his eyes on me, and I forced myself to look back at him. He smiled softly, before looking up at the sky. "Yeah. Yeah, I think so, too." I couldn't get my eyes to leave him, to leave his smile, to leave his tousled hair and few freckles and—

I didn't realize that I had my hand placed directly in the middle of us until his fingers laced with mine. I glanced at our hands, my face burning slightly. I looked back at the sky, and for the first time in forever, I felt that happy feeling bubbling up in my chest, making my knees weak and my body just want to leap onto Hayes and hold him close.

Instead, our moment was cut off by "Where are those Blue Bastards at?!" in my least favorite accent ever. But, hearing Hayes' laugh over it and feeling his chest against my mine—even just briefly after I had stood and pulled him to his feet—it made it a little bit worth it.

It's called "having a moment" because it only last those few, quick seconds.

But, well. That moment, when our fingers were laced and my eyes were on him and he couldn't stop smiling— that moment would last forever in my mind.


Well, for starters, that obviously wasn't my usual insert story. But at least it's a story. Second, this is my first time posting in god knows how long. I think my writing has changed quite a lot? We'll see what you guys think. You may have seen this OC, Eli Hayes, on Amino, and soon may see him in others stories if I ever get around to posting them. He's my OC and I love him ssssssm❤️
Idk if I will go back to posting here again. But I thought it was about time I gave you guys a little something, right? I'm also trying to practice writing in first person again, since I personally think I suck at it.
Anyways, bye guys.

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