~Our Song~ (Denki Kaminari X...

By Lizzard453

49.9K 1K 1.5K

⚠️ their will be seance of abuse in this story I will put warnings on the chapters that have it. female (Y/N)... More

Sleepover part 1
Sleepover part 2
Idk 😬
Easter special one shot
Thank you!!

A day out

3.1K 74 193
By Lizzard453

You woke up in Katsukis arms with him screaming, you two had fallen asleep. Unfortunately for him your mom came in the room and saw you two, she took just about a thousand photos and sent them to everyone you knew. Your aunts and uncles got them, your cousins, grandparents, and the two of you as well. Katsuki had woken up and checked his phone, he screamed at your mom waking you up in the process.

The entire morning was spent trying to get your brother and mom to stop screaming at each other. Definitely not the way you wanted to spend The morning. You eventually gave up and retreated to you room, you checked your phone to see the picture of you and Katsuki. You didn't have to think twice, you quickly screenshot it and made it the background on your phone. The screaming had recently just stopped so you were going to go see when your brother wanted to head out and buy stuff for UA. He was positive you were getting in so he said he would take you.

You approached his room and were about to knock, but then heard a soft sound coming from the other side of his door. Katsuki was singing, his song no doubt. This was the first time you had ever heard his song, so you pulled out your phone and decided to record it. The lyrics didn't sound anything like the big strong badass personality he tried to have, So you found it quite amusing.

"I've been awake for a wile now, you've got me feeling like a child now. Cause every time I see your bubbly face, I get the tingles in a silly place. It starts in my toes, and I crinkle my nose Were ever it goes, I always know
That you make me smile please stay for a wile now. Just take your time wherever you go."

'Oh my god' you thought. You slowly open the door and silently slipped into his room. You quickly and quietly walked to the corner unnoticed. You got a few more minutes if him singing on your phone before he turned around. As soon as he noticed you his face flushed a bright red, both of you stood their in silence for a second or two, then he noticed the phone. "(Y/N) I fucking swear All Mi-" you didn't let him finish, you bolted out the door. "(Y/N) GET YOU ASS BACK HERE!!" You and your brother we're running through your house. "GIVE ME THE DAMN PHONE!!" He screamed his face was a bright red. "NO!!" You screamed right back.

Quickly you dialled Kirishima number

Dialling Red Riot...

(Kiri is the bold)


"Hey Ei! So long story short I caught my brother singing his song and now he's chasing me! Meet my at the cafe on the corner of (random street name) please!!!!"

"Uh, ok is it alright if I bring my friends? We were going to meet up later and I'm sure they would like to see you again!"

"Yah of course see you in a bit bye!"

Call ended

Somehow during all of this you didn't get caught by your brother, besides even if you did you knew how to get out of his hold. Quickly you turned around and dove under his legs. You successfully made it away form your brother, well for now anyway. You quickly scampered up the stairs and slammed you door, locking it in the process. Katsuki banged his fists against the door "OPEN THE DAMN DOOR BEFORE I BLOW IT ALL THE WAY TO HELL!!!" You just rolled your eyes "FUCK OFF KATSUKI, YOU AND I BOTH KNOW YOU WONT, NOT AFTER WHAT HAPPENED LAST TIME!"

Quickly you ran around your room, you grabbed a white short sleeved shirt and distressed high waisted jeans. you tucked your shirt into the jeans and threw on a black belt with a silver buckle, you put your hair up into a messy bun and put in your piercings. You made sure you had your wallet then looked at the door, your brother was still pounding on the door, theirs no way your getting out of the house by that. Again you dialled kiris number

                         Dialling Red Riot...


"Hey kiri change in plans, can you meet me at my house to make sure I don't break a bone or two?"

" yah of course but, why the hell would you break a bone or two?"

" you'll see, see you soon!"

                                Call ended

You put your phone in your pocket, and waited about five minutes. You looked out your window and saw kiri on the sidewalk about to walk up to your door. You grabbed a coin from you wallet and quickly threw it out your window, hitting his arm in the process. He looked up to your window to see you holding your finger up to your lips. You looked around to see Mina, of course Kirishima, Sero, And Kaminari. Everyone's eyes were on you, carefully you climbed on to your window sill and motioned kiri to come over.

You dropped your phone and wallet down for him to catch, he did. Then the sound of wood and explosions came from behind you, followed by a gust of wind that almost nocked  you out the window. You grabbed onto the sides of your window sill to prevent you from falling. "DUMBASS, YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED THE LAST TIME YOU BLEW UP MY DOOR!!" You screamed at him. Katsuki has blown your door apart just like he said.

"FUCK NO YOU EXPLOSIVE BASTARD! HEY EI, CATCH!" with that said you jumped out of your window. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Katsuki yelled as he ran over and peered our of your window. All he saw was you in Kirishimas arms  looking up at him. You took your phone back form kiri and held it out towards your brother taunting him. "KATSUKI, GO FUCK YOURSELF" you yelled as you flipped him off. "RUN!" You yelled to everyone as you took off toward the cafe.

Soon you arrived and sat down in a booth at the back. "S-sorry about that" you huffed out slightly embarrassed. "nah it all good we know how Bakugou can be, besides what was that about anyway?" Mina asked. You sighed ready to give an explanation "long story short, I caught katsuki singing his song on video" you quickly said. Everyone turned to you and started asking you questions. " Bakugou has a song? No way!" "Can you show us?" "How did you not die!?" Well he is Katsuki Bakugou so I can see how the last one would come up. "One, yes he has a song, why wouldn't he?, two no I'm not showing you guys, sure he can be a bitch but I'm not doing that to him, I still love him, third I'm his sister I know how to get around him."

"Oh!" You said excitedly, "and Thanks Eijiro!" You wrapped you arms around him and hugged him tight. Then raised your hand to his hair and ruffled it around. "(Y/N) how many times do I have to tell you to leave my hair alone?" He asked as he took hold of your arm and lowered it from his hair. "tell me as many times as you fell necessary I'm never going to stop!" You let out a little laugh. The others around the table stared at you two, then Mina said "I thought you guys weren't dating?" What? You aren't. "We're not" Kirishima said.

The group looked at you with confusion. "But she called you by your first name and hugged you like she loves you" sero exclaimed. You groaned, yes you love him, but not like that. "That's because he gave me permission to use his first name, I've known him for a long time, yes I love him, but not like that."

You rolled your eyes, the ding of a bell sounded signalling someone had entered the cafe. Without realizing it you started to listen to what the new customer was saying. You recognized the voice and panicked, you slid down in your seat and hid your face with your hand. You tugged on Kirishimas shirt sleeve like a child.

"What is it (Y/N)" you shifted in your seat, then pointed to a girl with dark blue curled hair. "That's Aimi, that girl I told you about a wile back!" Kirishima made an O shape with his mouth but didn't say anything. "Hey what's wrong?" Kaminari asked, you nodded your head towards Aimi. "Her names Aimi she's my bully!" You whisper shouted. "Well I haven't seen her in about three months just because I don't go to a special class anymore, she would bully me every chance she got!"

Kirishima put his hand on your shoulder. "Hey you know if she starts anything we got your back, and besides you could totally beat her ass!" You gave weak smile. Yet again you shifted in your seat, "I'm sorry guys, I'm just not comfortable being in the same room as her, besides I was supposed to go somewhere with Kat today." You stood up and walked out of the cafe, but not before you caught her attention.

As you walked out of the cafe you noticed something was off, but you couldn't place your finger on it. it was almost as if something was missing, what could it be? Out if no were a sharp pain you went expecting came from your lower back, and you were pulled into an ally, by your tail. You let out an animal like yelp and fell to the ground. "Well well we'll, who do we have here? The little furry" 'the door didn't close! That's what was off ' you mentally scolded yourself for not noticing.

"It's been a wile hasn't it, why don't I show you what you've missed?" You looked up at the blue haired girl. 'If that face dosent read bitch I don't know what dose' she had a smirk on her face and proceeded to punch her hand. She swiftly brought her knee to your cheek and you let yourself fall over. "I haven't seen you in a while, why did you run away? Just go missing form our sessions, then I find you at the cafe, with people to, what the hell is going on!?" You looked up and the blue haired female, a scowl crossing your face. You did learn for Katsuki Bakugou, the best of the best at looking angry.

You tried to stand up and walk away but she stopped you. Her hand was on your shoulder and she was squeezing tight allowing her nails to dig into your skin, you didn't mind though, it was nothing compared to what you've been through and the pain you'll go through as a hero. "(Y/N) are you back here?" You recognized the voice to be Katsuki. "Yes!" You called out, Aimi threw you back, "you bitch, you need to stay quiet, clearly your forgot!" She slammed the palm of her hand into your nose. Warm blood tricked down your face, but you knew it wasn't broken.

Aimis eyes went a bright green, a light green barrier formed in the alleyway. Everyone came around the corner to the alleyway, sero, Kirishima, Mina, Katsuki, and Kaminari. They all looked at you in shock, Katsuki ran up to the barrier and started pounding on it. Aimi laughed, "this Is going to be more fun then I thought" anger boiled in the pit of your stomach. "Your not going to get through Kat, her quirk is a defensive one, you can't break through it."

She turned her head to Katsuki. " Katsuki Bakugou? He's trying to save you? What the hell have you been doing the last few months? No matter, I'll still beat the shit outta you." She simply stated. You rolled your eyes, everyone ran up to the barrier and started to pound on it. "Hey! You all stupid or something? Your not going to be able to break it! You people are useless! Especially that hot head, he'll never make a good hero." You snapped, so what if she was bullying you, but if she brought your friends and family into this, she was in for a trip to hell and back.

"Excuse me?" You said in a threatening tone. She cocked her head to the side, "you heard me bastard" she said, you rose to your feet. "You know, I've only put up with your shit because I don't want to hurt you. But I've had enough of it." You walked towards her with your hands balled up into fists, "what the fuck do you think your doing!" She yelled out. "Getting out of here, lower the barrier" you demanded. She shook her head and laughed, she pulled her hand back ready to throw a punch. As she swung you ducked out if the way.

You grabbed her arm and threw her forward, she crashed into the ground. She sat their looking confused but only for a second, then got right back up "that was nothing but a stroke of luck" she said to you. You let out a groan and rolled your eyes, yet again she tried to attack. She swung her leg trying to kick you, you grabbed her leg and pulled it forward. She came crashing down on her back, you grabbed the collar on her shirt and slammed her against her barrier, your arm against her neck.

"I know you can only create one, it's either you lower it and let me leave, keep it up and I show you how good I got at using my quirk, or put one up around me and get the shit kicked out of you by them, and I don't think they'll go as easy as I am." You growled at her, your ears pushed back the same way a dogs are when their about to attack. She shook her head fast, you rolled your eyes and looked at everyone on the other side of the barrier. They were all looking at you, suddenly Kaminari started waving his hands around to tell you to back up, he then mouthed to you to let go. You did as told and you knew why as soon as he did it.

He raised his hands to the barrier and electrocuted it, electricity flowed through the wall and electrocuted Aimi as well. Aimi fell to the ground and so did the barrier, you stepped around her and back to your friends. "Hehe, sorry about that..." you nervously said,
"it's fine" everyone said in union. You walked up to Kaminari, you hugged him and raised you head so you could see his face. (Ok I'm really bad at some stuff so I kept getting comments regarding your height, idk your just short let's says the Top of your head is at Kaminaris chin k?) "And thanks Kaminari!" The electric boy slightly blushed and chuckled "n-no problem beautiful!"

You blushed slightly and let go. You looked over at your brother who looked as if he was about to explode. He walked over to Aimi and grabbed her chin "you, if you ever dare touch my sister again, you'll have me to deal with." Katsuki got up and you heard kiri whisper something under his breath, something along the lines of 'he's so manly and awesome' you looked over at kiri to see a light pink blush on his cheeks.

Suddenly your brother was at your side, you looked up to him and saw him bring his hand down against The back if Kaminaris head. "Owww! What was that for!" You snickered a little, "for flirting with my sister charging port!"

You couldn't help but let out a laugh. "Come one guys let's get out of here! Kat I don't care what you say, they are coming shopping with us if they'd like, besides I'd love to hang around another girl for a change!" You smiled at Mina.

You started to walk out of the alleyway, you looked back to Aimi who had a scowl plastered across her face. You ignored her and stated to wipe away the blood that was present on your face and hands. Mina ran up to you and placed her hand around your shoulders. "No doubt about it, I'm coming with, and what do you mean you'd love to hang around another girl for a change?" You smiled at Mina. "Well where I went I only had friends that were boys, and then I only had like two. I just found most of the other girls to be stuck up and bitchy. I found it a lot easier to get a long with the guys,, you know play sports, and get dirty in the mud!"

Time skip to the malls food court, brought to you by my lazy ass!

Everyone walked into the food court together. Your arm was linked with Minas and you two were smiling and giggling like idiots. Kiri and your brother were at the very back of the group talking about whatever, whatever meaning your couldn't hear. Kaminari and sero were in between you guys doing who knows what.

You stopped in the food court and looked at everyone, an idea popped into your head. Katsuki looked at everyone, "hey extras, get your food and be fast about it." He then walked off. You tugged on Mina sleeve and whispered something in her ear. She smiled and nodded her head excitedly, then grabbed sero and Kaminari and drug them over to you. Kirishima has already left so you didn't have to worry about him.

"Soooo, you guys are going to help with something. I've noticed the way Eijiro look at Katsuki, and you guys are going to help me get them together." They all looked at you and nodded, then you explained the rest of your plan.

"Ok, you ready guys? Plan kiribaku is a go!" You whisper shouted. You all went off and got your food, almost everyone knew what they wanted so it didn't take long. You were one of the last people to get to your table. You saw two seats open, one by your brother and one by Kaminari. But what was this? Eijiro was going to sit by Kaminari, not if you could help it!

You went that far away so you ran over and slid into the seat beside Kaminari, slamming into his side in the process. Kirishima has a confused look on his face "sorry Eijiro looks like your stuck next to Katsuki." You said rather quickly. He just shrugged and sat down next to Katsuki, slightly blushing as he did so.
Everyone quickly finished up their food.

Mina latched onto Seros arm, "heyyyyy, sero you said you would help me with picking out a new poster for my room remember? Let's go!" She dragged sero away form the table. "Hey
(Y/N) can you come with me to pick out a new blanket? You have seen my room last so I figured that would work." You stood up "sorry guys look like you two are stuck together" you looked Eijiro straight in the eyes and winked, his face flushed.

You and Kaminari quickly slipped away before they could ask questions. You walked through the mall stoping by a few stores, you picked out a few things like a new pencil case and backpack. Kaminari also drug you to a store to pick out a new blanket. "I wasn't lying, I spilled a bunch of stuff on my blanket and can't get it out." You let out a little laugh and got to work helping him pick a new blanket.

In the end the both of you decided on a dark blue blanket with a white paint splatter pattern. He thanked you and you guys continued on your little shopping trip. You walked by a store with a rack hanging by the doors. You walked up to it and saw a (F/C) sweater with a chibi cat on it. 'Oh this is cute!' You took it off the rack and held it up to your body you laughed slightly. "Hey Kaminari how do I look?" He looked at you with a slight smirk "absolutely beautiful ."

You blushed and looked at the price tag. 'Ok never mind, not cute anymore' you sighed and put it back on the rack, you only had half the money to pay. "Hey, arnt you going to get it?" You turned back around to Kaminari. You rubbed the back of your neck "well I don't have half the money to pay, but whatever!" He took the sweater and brought it up to the counter. You went after him. "What are you doing?" He shrugged "you looked happy when you saw it so I'm buying it."

"No no no, it's fine Kaminari you don't have to" "I know, but I want to" you put your hand on his arm. "Then at least let me pay what I can?" He nodded and you both payed for the item and walked out.

Out of no were you grabbed onto his shoulders and pulled him around the corner. you pushed your back against the wall and held him against it as well. "I just saw my brother and Eijiro" you lowered you arm and snuck back around the corner unnoticed by the two. "Let's follow" you waited till the red head and ash blond passed. You and Kaminari followed them form always back, they slipped into a store and you two followed.

"Hey Bakugou isn't it cute?" The red headed male asked the ash blond. He was pointing to a stuffed shark in one of those claw machines, and you had to admit, it really was cute. Katsuki just looked to the side and scoffed, a small smile playing its way into his face.

"Whatever you say shitty hair" he looked back up at Kirishima who had sighed.

"Damn, I cant win that! I'm no good at these, anyway, I'm going to use the bathroom, you wait here I guess." Kirishima ran off to the bathroom right beside the store. You saw Katsuki look around to see if anyone was watching before slipping a coin Into the machine and starting to play.

He surprisingly got the shark first try. He picked it out of the little prize hole and put it behind his back just as Kirishima came back into the store.

"Hey, shitty ha-, uh, K-Kirishima" Katsuki had a blush on his face as he pulled the shark out form behind his back. "F-for you" Their was no doubt in your mind that he was mentally scolding himself for stuttering. Kirishima looked at the shark, then back up at him. "Are you going to take it or what!?" He was getting embarrassed.

He pushed the shark into kirishimas chest. "Look, I'm not usually one to 'catch feelings' or whatever, but, I can't help it. I'm just going to get this over with, I l-like you, Eijiro Kirishima, and of you don't feel the same way, just pretend this never happened and I didn't just fuck everything up."

Kirishima smiled and held the shark tight. He then reached out and grabbed Katsuki a hand. He leaned in close and placed a quick kiss on his cheek.

"Well I like you to, Katsuki Bakugou." Bakugou looked up at him and gave a genuine smile towards the red head. They then walked out of the store side by side, you didn't bother to follow them.

"Kaminari! My plan worked!!" You excitedly squealed to your blond friend. He let out a laugh.

"I see that, and we should probably get going, I just got a text form Mina saying she's getting bored. She's just going to keep spamming me." You nodded and sent a text to your brother.

To Kitty-Kat

Hay I got everything I needed we should probably head home

Yeah whatever, meet me by the food court

You met up with everyone again at the food court and said your goodbyes.

"Sooo, how was the confession Kat?" He snapped his head towards you, a mad red on his face.

"YOU SAW THAT!?" You nodded your head and ran ahead. You unlocked your door and stepped inside. Your mother greeted you then said something that made your heart jump.

"Oh yah, (Y/N), something came in the mail for you."


HOLY SHIT!!!! 3K???? WHAT!!?? THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!!! And I apologize for not updating for so long!!!!!! Please forgive me!!!

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