Sleepover part 2

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The lights went out leaving you and Kaminari in darkness. A flash of light lit up the room but only for a second, soon followed by another loud rumbling. This caused you to jump, harshly shut your eyes and pull your hands up to your face. "Their should be a flashlight in here somewhere, it may take me a wile to find in the dark though" Kaminari said with a worried tone.

You slowly pulled your hands from your head, you took a deep breath and a small glow started to appear at your fingertips. The light grew larger and larger until their was flames dancing around the air, normally they would be on your hands but because you didn't want to burn the bandages, they were in a small ball, in front of you. "Make it fast" you were afraid to get migraines again.

Kaminari looked at you in awe. Wait he didn't know you quirk, well now he did! He motions for you to follow him towards his dresser. Kaminari opens a drawer, a junk drawer but hey, you have like 10, you can't say anything. He pushed things around for about a minute. You were getting worried, the thunder and lightning were so loud to you, and your migraines would kick up again because of how much you used your quirk earlier that day.

"Found it!", the golden haired boy sounded excited. You have a sigh of relief and let the flame fizzle out. He flipped a switch on the flashlight and turned it on. You both took a seat on his bed. A bright flash lit up the room followed by a low rumbling sound. You put your knees up to your chest and wrapped you tail around your body. "You really don't like storms do you?".

Of course you would be asked that. "It's not the actual storm itself, but the memories they bring, I actually like the way they look and sound, just bad memories is all". Suddenly something was thrown over your head, you looked over at Kaminari who had thrown a blanket over top of the two of you.

The light was put in the centre of the blanket and you could see basically everything in the tiny space. The fabric was thick, you could still see little flashes from lightning, but they weren't as noticeable. As for the thunder, it still got to you.

Again you jumped, I hate this so much, if I would have just kept my cool I would be at home right now, curled up on either Kats bed or mine, snuggled up close to him. Your mind played through a memory of you and your brother.

Flashback in your P.O.V
A rumbling noise is coming from outside, flashing, the rain pounded against the glass windows. I'm terrified, my mom and dad went to visit my sick aunt, so it's just me and my brother home right now. I'm trying to be quiet, if he's still sleeping I don't want to wake him.

A loud crash came from outside, the thunder and lightning doesn't look like it's letting up any time soon. I jumped, suddenly the bed wasn't their and I was flying through the air "GAAHH" I let out a short but loud screech as I fell off my bed onto the floor.

My back connected with the floor, a loud bang was the result. Suddenly my door came flying open, my brother was standing their looking dazed and tired. "The fuck is going on in here!" He angrily grunted. "I'm sorry, I was trying not to wake you but I jumped because of the thunder and lightning!!".

Katzuki let out a sigh, "Damn it (Y/N), are you alright?" I nodded slightly, I could feel the lump in my throat and the tears in my eyes, I quickly blinked them away. He slowly walked over to me and reached out his hand, I took it. With one motion he pulled me up and into his arms. I'm pretty light, and not that tall, so it's easy for him to carry me, and that's exactly what he's doing.

He had me in his arms, Bridal style. He brought me over to my bed and sat me in his lap. He wrapped the blanket around the both of us and hugged me tight. "You really don't like storms, I know" I let myself sink into his arms, I didn't want to let go. The tears came to my eyes, I cried into his shirt, soaking it with the salty liquid.

He patted my head, and stroked my ears, my tail was wrapped around my body. I calmed down a little but damn I'm tired. I'm trying to keep my eyes open when I hear a voice "I know your tired fluff butt, just go to sleep." A few tears still fell out of my eyes, but it's not bad now. I drifted off into a nice, long sleep.

End flashback
You felt the boy beside you shiver, it was getting colder, the heat went with the power. Should I? I wonder how he would react. Well only one way to find out!. With that thought in your head you took a chance, you slowly wrapped you tail around Kaminaris waist. A deep crimson flooded your face, he turned his head towards yours, his face matched yours, a deep red. "what? You looked cold" you simply stated.

He gave you a warm smile, "Well, I now know your quirk, wanna see mine?". You did really want to know it "sure!". Kaminari held out his hands you saw little sparks fizzle and pop across his skin. "My quirk, it's electricity!" Suddenly the way his hair looked made sense, the black lightning bolt streak in his hair was very prominent.

"That's really cool! Mine is just fire, i can control it, and it relies on my body heat if I make it so I'm the winter it can still be warm but not very strong. if I use it to much i get migraines and all I can hear is ringing. I can control all fire really, say someone has a fire quirk, I can use it against them because I can control their fire as well, it's kinda confusing, it's really destructive and I don't like it very much".

"I think it's cool! It's so amazing that you can do so many things with it, And so what, who cares if it burns, it can nurture things to everything needs heat to live!. If I over use my quirk I just get stupid..." he seemed embarrassed at the last part.

You let out a yawn, it was really late and you were really tired. Kaminari noticed how tired you were "We should probably head to bed" you nodded in agreement. Your tail was still wrapped around the boy, it's fur was really warm, you decided to keep your fluffy tail around him.

Another loud boom sounded making you jump once again, but this time you bumped into Kaminaris side. You felt a grip around your waist and suddenly you were pulled into the boys lap. "Your not going to get much sleep if you keep jumping" You felt him lean back, he rested on the wall. Kaminari had his arms wrapped around your back and he put one of his hands on the top of your head.

His fingers traced the base of your ears, they slowly started moving around more, up and down. He played with the little bits of fuzz that stuck out at the top, he started to pet you. You really didn't want to admit it but, you kinda liked it. This reminded you off the night when you woke your brother up. He just cuddled you and played with your ears and petted you until you both fell asleep, that storm was one of the worst you remember.

You pushed you head into Kaminaris hands you tail started to wag. A small smile grew on your face, "you like that don't you?" A light pink dusted you cheeks as you slowly nodded. You let yourself snuggled into his chest more as you relaxed. Slowly you drifted off into a warm peaceful sleep, being held by the electric boy.

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