Easter special one shot

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sorry this is so late!!! Happy (late very late) easter guys! And their is a slight nsfw waring in this! Enjoy!

'I hate math' it had always been your lowest grade. Maybe you should get your brother to help you. He was one of the smartest people in the class after all, plus he was touting one of your best friends. You slammed your head against your desk repeatedly, groaning at the problem in front of you. You needed to finish this, you were already failing math class, but you couldn't work when you were stressed out, math could wait.

You quickly slipped into your workout clothes, a black sports bra, and some grey shorts that hugged your figure. You quickly threw your hair up into a bun and got started on your workout. For two hours you were doing push-ups, sit-ups, and lifting weights. you finally decided to end your workout, you grabbed a fluffy white towel, better hit the showers. A knock came from your door 'god damn it, I can't even take a fucking shower without being interrupted'.

With the towel now slung over your shoulder, you walked over to the door kinda annoyed. You swung open the door to reveal your smiling yellow haired boyfriend. "Oh, hey Kami" you moved so he could enter the room. "Hey babe, how's it, g-going..." he started to stutter and trail off at the end of his sentence. You chuckled at him, Kaminari was your boyfriend but he had never seen you this reviled before, well other than the time you guys went to the beach.

"Not good actually, The fucking math we got assigned is going to be the death of me." You quickly closed the door, and jumped onto your bed next to Kaminari. You took your hair out of its bun, then laid down so your head was on your boyfriends lap. You looked up at him, his eyes going everywhere except you, his face was bright red in colour. "You know I'm your girlfriend, it's perfectly fine if you look at me~."

You gently gripped his chin and angled it so he was looking at you. You gave a small smile then sat up, he was still in his uniform so you grabbed him by his tie and pulled him towards you. Your lips crashed into His, the two of you fitted perfectly together. His hands gripped your hips, pulling you closer to his body, with an even amount of passion of not more he deepened the kiss. You felt him brush his tongue against your bottom lip asking for entrance, you denied him.

You pulled away, held two fingers to his lips and chuckled. "Let's not get to carried away now Denki, besides I was just about to jump in the shower before you showed up, I'll go do that now, you can just stay here if you'd like, I don't really care." You grabbed the towel that was laying on the bed beside you, quickly you turned around and gave Kaminari a quick kiss. You placed your fluffy tail under his chin and pushed his face up to yours before slowly dragging it away, "see you in a bit babe~" you called out, you stoped at your dresser and pulled out shorts and a shirt before finally getting to your bathroom.

Closing the door to your bathroom, you let out a little laugh, 'oh god His face! He looked so flustered!'. You set your things down on the counter and started to run your shower, you quickly slipped in letting your thoughts go crazy in your head.'tomorrows Easter, I'll have to get up really early if I want to surprise everyone, ok so I'll run to the store really fast tonight and buy everything'.

Mini time skip (I'm lazy :p)

You got out of the shower and dried yourself off. You put on your (F/C) shirt, and some grey shorts. You walked out of your bathroom to see a sleeping Denki on your bed. 'Of fucking course, now I gotta wake him up' you rolled your eyes and smiled. He was so cute when he was sleeping you really didn't want to wake him, it would cause more trouble with a tired Denki then a sleeping one. You walked over to him and started kissing his cheek, if you were going to wake him up may as well do it nicely right?

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