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"My stupid ass quirk is only good for one thing! Destruction! They were right I'll never be a hero at this rate!!"

You looked over and saw a tree were the earth and sand connected, without thinking you slammed your fists into its bark. You kept hitting the tree over and over again until you heard someone. "(Y/N)?" Shit you turned your head, your face still soaked with tears. Your ears were pointed backwards and your tail was just hanging their.

You looked up tears still streaming down your face. It was Kaminari he just stood their wide eyed. Slowly he moved closer, you had moved you head so it was back looking at your feet, god you were so embarrassed he was seeing you like this. You felt a hand on you cheek, he tiled your face up so you were looking at him.

Slowly he moved his thumb across you cheek wiping away the tears that were still spilling from your eyes. "Sit down" You did as you were told, though you didn't think you would be able to stand much longer. Kaminari sat down beside you, "what's going on?, based on how kiri was acting you do that often" you felt a lump form in your throat.

"I, I just, oh god I D-Don't know!" Your breath was Shaky and tears started streaming down you face faster and faster. This time you went to wipe them away, only to be hit my sharp pain coming from both your hands. You looked down in confusion, only to realize your hands were cut open and bleeding all over your knuckles. Beads of blood ran down your hands and landed either into the sand or on your clothes.

You felt an arm around your shoulders, you looked over and saw Kaminari blushing as he wrapped his arm around you. "If you don't wanna talk about it that's fine, but we should really get you home and cleaned up" you nodded you head. Kaminari stood up and brushed off his pants the held out a hand to you. You took and and sighed.

"it's about when I was younger, and why Katzuki blew up at Sero" you looked up at the golden haired boy. "My brother blew up because Sero said we don't look alike, you see, how do I say this, we're not brother and sister by blood. When I was really little, the villain league basically Owen me I guess. they would do experiments on me, and once my quirk manifested, they would hurt me, call me destructive and that's why I have so many scars. They beat me really bad one time then just decided they were done with me they dumped me in a back ally and left. Katzuki's mom found me. I was crawling out of the ally and she came up to me and rushed me to the hospital. After they identified that I didn't have any parents, she took me in I think i was around seven. That's why Kat gets so angry when people bring up that we don't look alike. Were actually the same age to that's why after I hurt him..." your voice trailed off

Kaminari looked at you wide eyed, tears started to come again. You felt pressure around your shoulders and back, Kaminari was hugging you. You wrapped your arms around him and squeeze him back, letting the tears fall freely into his shoulder. "It hurts to see beautiful girls like you cry ya know, damn you made me start to cry a little" did he just call me beautiful? God no I'm not definitely not like this.

You let go of the boy who found you, on a beach, at sunset, punching a tree. "Well your right id better get home, my ma and Kat are probably worried sick, besides I really need to get washed up" you started to walk only to realize you had no clue were you were, turning around you turned a bright pink " I- Uh have no fucking clue were we are".

After about half an hour of trying to find your way home it started to pour rain, lucky you you didn't have a coat neither did Kaminari and you both didn't have your phones on you either. Just fucking perfect (Y/N) it's starts to pour rain it's dark and you don't have a phone to call for help. You looked over to Kaminari who was wearing a white top with jeans.

The rain had completely soaked through his shirt. You found your eyes tracing all over his body, the way his body swayed as he walked was mesmerizing to you. You could see his six pac, the fabric was sticking to his skin making his entire upper half visible. It took so much to tear your eyes away from him but you knew you had to before you got caught staring and your eyes traced any lower than his stomach. Just the thought of that made you madly blush and mentally scold yourself for even thinking that.

"(Y/N)?" Oh shit were you caught staring?! "Uh y-yah Kaminari!?" You sounded so skittish and embarrassed. "My house isn't to far from here, if you want you can just stay the night and then we can get you back to your house in the morning?" Your face turned red "yah sure I'd have to call my mom and let her know though"
You looked at Kaminari who had a blush on his cheeks as well.

Time skip to his house
"Mom I'm home!" Kaminari yelled as you two walked inside "Denki Kaminari! Do you have any idea how late it is?!" His mom came to the door and whisper yelled at him. "I was out looking for a friend she got lost and didn't have her phone on her, neither did I so we just came here instead she needs a place to stay so I can get her home for tomorrow" he stepped to the side to reveal you in your soaking wet tank top and sweats your hair stuck to the sides of your face.

You have a quick smile and wave and winced at the pain, your hands started throbbing with pain again, his mom rushed over to you and took your hands, "Denki show her to the shower" she looked at you and in the sweetest voice you've ever heard "sweetie you staying here tonight, what's your name?" You felt relieved you didn't just get turned away at the door. "It's (Y/N), (Y/N) Bakugou"

Holy shit 1101 words this is the first time I've ever really looked at that!

~Our Song~ (Denki Kaminari X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя