It Started With A Wrong Numbe...

By IceSky_

53K 2.7K 597

BOYXBOY | DON'T READ IF YOU DON'T LIKE RAINBOWS πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ TRIGGER WARNING: Suicidal thoughts and cutting. You ha... More

1. Wrong Number
2. Mommy Dearest
3. Can You Help Me?
4. I Know Who You Are
5. Do You Know Who I Am?
6. The Start Of Something
7. A Rose Wilts
8. Partners
9. Lost Boy
11. Bonding
12. Friend or Foe?
13. Winter Kisses
14. Pretty Liars
15. Shattered
16. Broken
17. When I See You Again
18. Reconnecting
19. Mother no More
20. Back to School
21. Past Stories
22. Another New Friend
23. Jealousy
24. Admittance

10. Brother Knows

2.3K 132 18
By IceSky_

I open the front door quietly, stepping inside and looking around hesitantly. Mom's car is parked in the driveway, so I know she's home.

"It's about time you got home, boy," her voice rings out loudly as a close the door.

I wince. "Hi Mom."

"Don't speak to me in that ungrateful tone," she hisses, stalking over. "I give you a roof to sleep under. I give you the food you need to survive. If it wasn't for me, you would be nothing more that a street rat, selling your body to make just a little bit of money."

Before I can react, she gives me a harsh bitch slap, the sound of her hand hitting my cheek echoing softly in the hall.

Do I want to ask if I can go over to Aaron's house? Or should I just not ask and tell him I can't go? Well, I don't really want to stay here.

"Uh, Mom?" I ask softly as she goes to storm away, making sure my words are clear enough to be understood.

"What?" she snaps.

I wince. "Uh, I was invited to go over to a classmate's house tomorrow."

"Really? Why? Who would want to invite you?" She spits, stepping towards me, a dangerous glint in her eyes. "You're just going over to get yourself fucked, aren't you, whore?"

"N-no. It's... to finish a school project," I reply, quickly thinking of a lie. "It's a partner project due on Monday, and we're not done yet."

"Fine," she says dismissively after studying me for a few seconds. "Go. Stay as along as you want, maybe I'll finally get some peace around here. Just done forget to collect the money you earn for whoring yourself out."

With that, she marches upstairs, and I hear her bedroom door slam shut. I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. She's really letting me go. I really didn't think she would. Her words sting, but... I'm used to it by now.

I grab an apple and two oranges as dinner before heading upstairs to my room. Closing the door, I put my school bag down by the dresser and set the apple and oranges on top before falling onto my bed.

For once, I don't really feel like cutting. I want to text with Aaron, and have him distract me from the crushing darkness that always grips me when I'm home.

Today 3:45pm

Pedo Bear: AH, you get permission to come over?

Pedo Bear: Heyy

Pedo Bear: What have I said about ignoring me, AH?

Pedo Bear: Come on, I need an excuse to not talk to my homophobic family. I don't wanna listen to Dad dissing the rainbow.

Pedo Bear: AH ( 'Д')

Me: Yeah, I can come over. What's your address?

Pedo Bear: Finally! You take a long time to answer.

Pedo Bear: And it's Maplewood drive, house number 75.

Me: So not too far from my house.

Me: My lazy ass can manage to walk that far.

Pedo Bear: I can see if one of parents can come pick you up?

Me: Nah, I'm good. I can daydream while I walk.

Pedo Bear: Don't accidentally walk into the road.

Me: I always daydream walking home from school, and I'm still here aren't I?

Pedo Bear: Just be careful, Skye.

I smile softly. He really does seem worried, doesn't he? It feels nice to have someone worried about me. At least someone cares about me, even if it is only a little bit.


I knock on the door. I hope it's his house, knocking on a random stranger's door would be so embarrassing.

I've quadruple-checked that it's the right house number. It has to be right. But what if he texted the wrong number by accident and didn't catch the mistake?

The front door opens, bringing me out of my anxiety filled thoughts. Standing in the doorway is a man that looks a lot like Aaron. The same chocolate brown hair, and calculating brown eyes.

"You must be Aaron's new friend, right?" he asks, his voice kinder thank expected.

I nod nervously. "Yes sir."

"Please, call me Damian," he replies, smiling warmly. "Or Mr Mitchell if it's more comfortable. Come in, you can leave your boots and coat by the door."

I step inside, into the warmth of the house from the cool winter air. The house has this this cozy feel, and woodsy scent, the same scent I often get off Aaron. I step out of my boots and leave them on the mat beside the door, and before I can complain, Mr Mitchell takes my coat from my grasp and hangs it in the closet for me.

"Thank you," I say, smiling politely.

"Of course," he replies. I'm not sure what to think of him. He's nice, but Aaron said he doesn't like gays, so he probably won't like me if he finds out. He turns and shouts, "Acorn, get down here, your friend's here!"

"Acorn?" I ask, confused.

Mr Mitchell smiles. "It's his nickname. Autocorrect didn't recognize his name once, and changed it to Acorn. So the nickname was born. He's not a fan of it, but the rest of us are so he's overruled and the nickname stays."

"Who's this?" a voice asks.

A man looking to be a few years older than me comes in from the kitchen. He has the same look as Aaron and his dad. Huh, Aaron never mentioned having an older brother.

"Da Coat, this is Acorn's friend. Skye, right?" Mr Mitchell says. I nod. Mr Mitchell whispers to me, "his nickname has the same origin. Autocorrect."

"Name's Dakota," said man says, giving me a welcoming smile. He looks at the steps. "Where's Acorn?"

Mr Mitchell sighs. "Probably wearing those noise-blocking headphones of his again. Coat, can you show Skye to Acorn's room for me?"

Dakota nods and gestures for me to follow him. He leads me upstairs and down to the end of the hall. Without knocking, he throws open the door on the left, and saunters in. I stand in the doorway, looking around.

Aaron's room is a little bigger than mine, with dark red walls and a fuzzy dark grey carpet. Part of the ceiling is slanted due to the slanted roof of the house. His bed is pushed into the corner, a maple wood nightstand beside it. His dresser is beside the door, holding various picture frames and trinkets that must be souvenirs and things special to him. There's a desk against one wall, the swiveling chair beside it holding his schoolbag, his binders spread out on the desk. On the wall between the bed and desk is a window, overlooking the road in front of the house. The room is surprisingly clean, not exactly something I expected from a teenager.

"What do you want, Coat?" Aaron snaps from his place lying on his bed, a set of silver Beats headphones over his ears, before noticing me and pulling the headphones down so they hung around his neck and shooting me a smile. "Oh, hey Skye."

"Your friend's here," Dakota answers Aaron's earlier question, even though he really has no need to. I can hear the smirk in his voice, telling me he's having fun annoying Aaron though. "Don't make him scream to loudly."

"Kota!" Aaron shouts, glaring at his brother.

Dakota laughs mischievously. "What?"

"Don't let Dad hear you saying that," Aaron says warningly.

"Oh what's he gonna do?" Dakota asks, closing the door as if to make sure no one overhears. I step further into the room, standing by the desk. "It was a joke. Well, not really. You two would be so cute together. And besides, I've been wanting to meet this kid since I knew you were texting him."

Aaron pales, his eyes staring widely at Dakota. "You know?"

Dakota nods, grinning. "Yep. I may, or may not, have hacked your phone. I knew my gaydar is on point. You just screamed 'I'm rainbow and trying to hide it.' Especially with the fact you kept targeting Skye last year."

I tilt my head, confused.

"I'm three years older than you," Dakota explains. "I was at Oakland last year, now I'm in my first year of university. I dropped in for a surprise visit today." Dakota pauses, looking at Aaron. "Acorn, don't look so scared. I won't tell anyone, I swear."

Dakota sits next to Aaron, pulling his younger brother into a tight hug. Suddenly, I feel like I'm intruding on a private moment, so I look out the window, watching the snow fall lightly. Must've started snowing after I got here.

"I get why you're scared," I hear Dakota whisper softly. "But don't let that fear control you for the rest of your life, Acorn. You'll find the people who truly love you if they know about you. They'll accept you, and won't look at you any differently."

I tense, thinking of Mom. She started looking at me completely different after I came out, but Dad had just left too...

"I don't," Dakota continues, "I still see my idiotic younger brother. I love you, brother."

There's a pause before Aaron whispers, "I love you too, brother."

"I'll let you in on a little secret," Dakota whispers. "I'm gay too."

Aaron must've choked because he starts coughing. "Really?"

Dakota must nod, because he doesn't reply verbally. "Remember Marcus? He's more than just my friend... Well, I'll leave you two alone. And again, Acorn, I swear I won't tell anyone. Just don't tell anyone about me either, got it?"

"Got it," Aaron replies. "Thanks, Coat."

Dakota shoots him a grin then wanders out of the room.

Aaron sighs, staring at the ceiling. "Fucking hell. Older brothers can be a pain, but I love him."

Dakota shouts from down the hall, "I heard that!"

I smile. They have an interesting relationship. I've wondered what it would be like to have an older sibling. If I did, I think I would want to have the same bond with them that Aaron and Dakota have. Where we love and can trust each other. I want someone I can love and trust.

I... want someone to be there for me.

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