90 days to live

By Bestfootforward

85.3K 3.4K 569

'My mother used to tell me that life is just a series of battles; it is up to us whether we are brave enough... More

90 days to live - Chapter 1
90 days to live - Chapter 2
90 days to live - Chapter 3
90 days to live - Chapter 4
90 days to live - Chapter 5
90 days to live - Chapter 6
90 days to live - Chapter 7
90 days to live - Chapter 8
90 days to live - Chapter 9 pt. i
90 days to live - Chapter 9 pt. ii
90 days to live - Chapter 10
90 days to live - Chapter 11
90 days to live - Chapter 12
90 days to live - Chapter 13
90 days to live - Chapter 14
90 days to live - Chapter 15
90 days to live - Chapter 16
90 days to live - Chapter 17
90 days to live - Chapter 18
90 days to live - Chapter 19
90 days to live - Chapter 20
Please read:)

90 days to live - Chapter 21

2.9K 140 6
By Bestfootforward

I don't really like it but opinions would be great.
Vote and comment por favor;)

With Jared losing blood quickly and the impending threat of the Rex, my mind reels with confusion. Glancing towards Jared, I realise that he is my priority.

I kneel down beside him, placing my weapon back into my suit. Jared's suit has re-sealed from the slice of the Auctor's sword. He grimaces in pain.

"Go and stop him." He says, his teeth gritted.

I slide my arm underneath his good leg and loop my arm around his waist.

"He'll get to infirmary eventually. I'm sure that by the time, I've taken you to John, he still won't have gotten there." I say.

Jared pushes my arms away, a determinded look crossing his pale face. His attempts are feeble now. His eyes are widened slightly.

"Lara he'll know exactly where the infirmary is."

"I'm not just going to leave you here. If a Sicarius came, they would kill you without a second thought and you wouldn't be able to defend yourself." I reply firmly.


"Don't." I adjust my arms underneath his good leg once more and brace my knees. Avoiding his wounded leg, I stagger to my feet. His weight cripples me but I don't have another option other than him crawling. I take it one step at a time, creeping around the body of the Auctor. Though I wish it were true, but the Auctor is not dead. As a Mendosus, he still has to be de-mobilised, but it comforts me to know that the damage I have inflicted on him gives me time as well as options.

As we move quietly down the corridors, I am constantly on my guard for any abnormal sounds. My attention is captured by the walls as they convert from their usual white to the inert colours. They're now a decided black, with small, circular purple lights lining the edges of the floor. Though I'm fascinated by the change, it makes me sickeningly nervous. Though Jared and I are now camoflaged with the walls, so are the Sicarii in their indentical black suits. With only the round purple lights, I feel that we are now more in danger than we were before in bright light.

"They have to turn these lights off." Jared mumbles. He's completely right. The designers of the Sicarii base clearly didn't acknowledge that the Sicarii would also opt for black suits and they most definitely did not take a Leto's heightened senses into account.

"We can't stop yet."

I rest a few times on the way to the infirmary, pausing only momentarily to refresh my arms with a fresh surge of adrenaline before Jared's weight causes them to feel as heavy as lead once more. Recognising we cannot stop for long, I heave him back up into my arms. Jared doesn't say much. He focuses on staying awake, knowing he cannot allow himself to fall asleep. Focusing his eyes on the corridor ahead, I see beads of perspiration that kiss his brow.

By the time we reach the infirmary, my arms are all but numb. Luckily, we didn't encounter any other Sicarii roaming the corridors. The primary source of the battle must still be caged within the control room. Using my shoulder, I manage to activate the control pad and shuffle through the doors.

Ahead of me lies a corridor filled with dozens upon dozens of Warriors crouched on the floor. The white coats of a Medic stick out like neon signs against the inert colours of Warrior suits and the dark walls. I stare in horror at the amount of wounded.

"Medic." I call out, lowering Jared to the floor. He grimaces, resting his head back against the wall. His hair sticks to the sheen of sweat.

The closest white coat immediately responds, leaving the ashen-faced man he was treating. I feel a slight pang of guilt.

"Warrior Hall." The Medic says. "How may I help?"

I point to Jared. "He was stabbed in the left thigh, his suit has sealed over the wound but it needs immediate treatment."

Worry and a hint of fear are instantly evident in the Medic's eyes. "Warrior Hall, we're swamped at the moment. Warriors are being injured left, right and centre and we do not have enough Vial to supply everybody. I need to finish treating others before I can move to Warrior Miller."

I listen closely to the Medic's words, my eyes glaring at his young face. "This isn't a first come, first serve basis. He will die unless you help him." I snarl. The Medic flinches slightly, but he face remains vexingly nonchalant.

"Lara its ok." Jared coughs out. "If I'm given something to stop the bleeding, I can treat myself. The Medic can help the others."

"No." I growl, slightly astounded of how protective I'm being.

"Warrior Hall, we need to accept that we will not be able to save every life here, we can only help as many as we can." The Medic replies.

"If you don't heal him, I will kill you myself." I hiss.

"Medic, pass me your cloth and continue with your job." Jared says. The Medic nods gratefully, unclipping his cloth from his belt and then walks away. I narrow my eyes with fury. How dare he disobey my orders.

Jared uses his daggers to shred his suit apart, separating the top thigh material from the high calf. The suit doesn't attempt to refix itself. The metallic smell of blood reaches me before the sight. I gag, forcing myself to turn away.

"Its covered." Jared says. "You have to turn the lights back now. Its dangerous for us to be in the dark."

I do as he says. Activating the control pad back at the entrance of the infirmary I command for the lights to be switched. However they don't change. This means an order has come from another leader and there is no way that I can override that. Kyle. I pinch the bridge of my nose between my thumb and forefingers. I have to find Ally now and I don't have time to find him.

I return to Jared's side, averting my eyes from the other Warriors.

"I've got to go."

"I don't want you to go and find him anymore." Jared says weakly.

"I don't have a choice."

"Yes you do. Send Kyle." He replies.

"No, I don't even know where he is."

"I'm not arguing about this Lara. I don't want you to get hurt as well." He says.

"I can protect myself." I say.

"I know you can but that doesn't mean you can fight off a Leto."

"I fought off the Auctor?" I reply. His lips purse sourly.

Taking his hand, I press a light kiss on his temple before a lingering peck on his lips. His hand locks around my neck and he deepens the kiss. My hands frame his face, brushing over his hot skin.

When I pull away from his feverish lips, I can see the idea of me fighting without him is not sitting well with him. I also notice the heat coming from his forehead.

"You have a fever."

He blinks a few times before answering. "I know."

I close my eyes, the notion of leaving him here like this both frightens and relieves me. At least he is safe in here but then the Medic's are not prioritising him in the way I want them too.

"I'll be back soon." I say softly, removing my hand from his head. "Don't worry and try and get some rest."

"If anything happens-"

"It won't." I smile confidently. He's sees right through my artificial facade and raises his eyebrows doubtfully.

I push off my knees, refusing to meet his eyes. I stare down at the floor wanting not wishing to meet either Jared's intruding gaze or the corridor littered with my dieing comrades. Realising that I've spent too much time in the infirmary, begins the instaneous flow of adrenaline through my veins. The Rex could be anywhere. What if he's already found Ally? My mouth dries up. I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

A door just before the exit of the infirmary labelled 'Medic 1 - 14' is my focus point. I glance back to Jared, his eyes trailing me. I try not to notice the crimson covering his hands or the smears on his face and most of all, the gaping wound.

Just as I rest my hand on the door to push it open, the exit door is thrown open. A young boy staggers in, his russet hair matted in clumps. The reddy brown doesn't appear to be his natural colour, it sickens me to think that the red is from the blood of another. I'm so concerned with the boy's bloody hair, I almost miss the girl carried within his arms. Though she's turned to face in towards the body of the boy, her blond hair emerges from all angles of her head.

"Ally." I cry. The boy doesn't spare me a glance as he stumbles past me, shielding Ally with his body.

"Whats happened to her?" I ask desperately. The boy still continues forward. I feel somewhat irritated at his blatant diregard.

"Knocked unconcious." He replies shortly brushing past me.

"Wait." I grasp the boy's shoulder. When he doesn't stop, I keep my firm grip on him. "Please stop."

Darting round in front of him, I grip Ally's head to turn her face towards me. A substantial cut above her left eyebrow seeps blood, dripping down her face and the trademark blond hair fans out, covering her eyes. But its not Ally. Its not her.

"Get off her." The boy says, outraged.

"No!" I exclaim, my hands flying to my hair and pulling hard at the strands in dismay.

"Lara what is going on?" Jared cries from his position further down the corridor.

"Its not her." I repeat to myself, attempting to register the message. She's not here. She's not safe and I have no knowledge of where the Leto Rex is.

My legs are fired into action. I forget all about Jared sitting behind me and the young boy and girl. The series of calls from Jared only spur me on. All I can think about is that Ally is being hunted. I can't bear to think about the lower bound situation.

I run through the door and down a small corridor that links with a door leading to the corridor and the room where I left Ally and Iron. A small spark of hope blooms within my chest. Iron would never let anybody hurt her, least of all the Leto Rex.

Willing my feet onwards, I burst into the adjoining hallway, sighing with relief when I see John's office just down a mere couple of metres away. Checking from my left side view to my right, the corridor is eerily silent. I swallow nervously, drawing my dagger from my pocket. The sound of my sword skimming against my spare weapon echoes throughout the corridor.

I begin to creep down the floor, my dagger braced.

A cold arm slithers around my neck, locking me against a firm body.

"Don't scream and don't stab me." A voice whispers. I could almost cry with relief as I recognise the voice.

"I won't stab you if you get off of me." I hiss. Despite the fact I've spoken quietly, the noise is amplified down the hallway.

"Be quiet. He's here somewhere." Kyle whispers furiously. With his arm still fastened around my neck, he tows me backwards, causing to me fall all over my feet. He opens the door I've just come through and drags me back into the miniscule corridor. Its barely more than two foot wide. He frees me from his restricting grasp. I rub my neck, wincing at the already bruising feel.

When I turn to face him, I can't help the surprised expression that crosses my face. In the last couple of weeks, his abscence from my life has seen him insinuating changes, most notably in his appearance. Although I didn't notice them earlier, the differences in him now emerge more noticeably than ever. His copper coloured hair is no longer the short, ordered cut. Instead its grown and he wears it tied back in a short ponytail. His attire is changed as well. No longer does he wear the simple suit of the other Warrior men. Instead his is cut off at his shoulders, revealing his new tattoos he has had inked up both of arms. The change I find most horrifying are his eyes. They don't look at me with admiration, kindness and happiness anymore. Instead they are as cold as ice as if I'm the girl he never knew.

"So nice to see you Kyle." I spit, holding my neck.

"Lara shut up, we don't have time for your bullshit." He snarls.

"I thought you were in the control room?"

"I was until he arrived." Kyle replies shortly. "I followed him here."

The Leto Rex is here. A slight chull runs through me.


"I'm not sure. I lost him when he entered the infirmary. Then I found you." Kyle says scornfully. I roll my eyes.

"Kyle please-"

"Be quiet." Kyle interrupts. His gaze is focused on the door leading towards John's office. He ducks, pulling me down to the floor with him. What I've failed to notice or hear are the muffled footsteps coming down the corridor.

"I have you back and you'll never escape me again." A voice says.

I grip Kyle's hand as the dark shadows appear under the doorframe.

"He won't come in here." Kyle whispers.

"He's got her." I reply. The shadows move away.

We wait for a few more seconds, remaining crouched in the dank corridor. The tension between the two of us is awkward to say the least. However Kyle doesn't seem to be affected by it. He's focused. I wish I could tell what he was thinking. I barely know him anymore.

"C'mon." He says. Instead of going out and following the door, Kyle gets up and returns to the door of invalids. I speculate with confusion.

"Shouldn't we go the other way?"

"No." Kyle says. "This way."

He doesn't embellish any further. As he walks out the door, I realise that I need to move. Pushing myself to my feet, I skip after him. Re-entering the corridor, I glance over to Jared. He's leaning against the wall, his eyes closed as a Medic observes his leg. Though my initial desire is to run to his side, I know he's in safe hands. For that reason, I trail after Kyle feeling completely lost.

"Kyle why are we going this way?" I ask, catching up to walk beside him.

Kyle doesn't answer but continues to plough ahead.

"Kyle please. I need to know where what the plan is. Its dangerous to send me in completely oblivious to what is happening." I plead.

He still doesn't answer. Feeling completely desperate, I stop walking in the corridor. Knowing its a high risk tactic unnerves me but if I don't, Kyle won't explain his plan and I will put both myself and Ally's lives in jeopardy.

"Kyle please, I'm sorry." I cry. "I'm sorry I hurt you but I need you to be honest with me about whats going on. We have to have some sort of relationship no matter how much you hate me."

"We don't have any type of relationship Lara." He replies curtly.

In the few seconds after Kyle has spoken, I see a dark figure launch itself at Kyle, throwing him into the wall. Pinning Kyle to the wall, the Sicarius' hand tightens around his neck. Kyle instantly begins to thrash against the Sicarius' hold.

"Lara Hall, how lovely to make your aquaintance again." The Sicarii says, turning to face me. The Rex grins sadistically, pushing Kyle further up the wall. The veins begin to stick out of Kyle's neck as his face turns a violent puce colour.

Where is Ally?

My breaths quicken. I react before my brain processed my action. I'm even too quick for the Leto Rex, as I charge at him, knocking him off balance enough for Kyle to slip out of the Rex's hold.

"Thanks." Kyle coughs. I understand how his neck must feel at the moment. It will take him a few minutes to pay back the debt of lost oxygen.

"You will pay for that." The Rex snarls. "And for the death of my second in command and his men."

"You sent them to kill me."

"They clearly did not do their job." The Leto Rex replies. I stare down to notice that the Rex is empty-handed; unarmed.

"No weapons Rex?" Kyle interjects.

"I did not want to run the risk of harming my Regina. My men will take care of the threats." The Rex smirks. As he says this, three Sicarii appear from nowhere. Their ominous black suits approach swiftly as they draw their swords. I grip the handle of the dagger more tightly in my hand.

"Take care of them. Do not fail." The Rex orders and he withdraws quickly. His men begin to advance immediately. I catch Kyle's eyes.

"Go." He mouths. I nod, taking off in the direction the Rex left in.

As I flee after the Rex, I can hear the sound of footsteps chasing behind me. My eyes focusing in on the Rex, finding it especially hard to keep him in eye sight due to the camoflage of his black suit against the black walls. My adrenaline spikes. I have no chance against the speed of a Leto. The sound intensifies until theres a brief second of silence. And then I feel the Sicarii land on top of me, crushing me against the floor. Pain radiates throughout my entire body as the Sicarii pins me to the floor. He raises his sword and I dodge the impact just in time to bring it slamming against the black floor.

He put so much force into the blow, that the blade shatters against the floor. It clatters into pieces. The Sicarii roars in fury. With my hands and upper body pinned to the floor, I kick my legs up, throwing him off. I scramble up, using my dagger to finish the confused Sicarii.

I ignore the lessening throbbing from the impact of the Sicarii and sprint down the hall. As I turn a corner, the Rex comes back into view. Due to the dead weight of Ally, he moves slowly and carefully. It seems as though he doesn't want to harm her. I'm close now. I'm ready to pounce until I release that Ally is no longer on life support. Her coma induced state requires oxygen no matter whether the Vial has healed her. She will be far too weak.

"Rex stop." I cry.

He halts, turning around slowly. "If you hurt me, you'll hurt her. Do not attack me."

"Rex she needs life support. She cannot be your Regina if she is dead." I state. A flicker of understanding corsses his face.


"Look at her." I snarl.

"She is fine."

"She is not. Let her go before I kill you." I reply. The Rex snorts and his eyes narrow.

"You are a foolish human. She was meant to be my Regina." The Rex growls. "I will never let her go again."

I cannot guilt him out of his decision. It would not affect him at all. Ally is his punching bag, that is the real reason he refuses to give her up.

"Can't you see? It is over. You cannot escape with her and I will kill to stop her being taken again." I say, edging closer to him.

The Rex stops. Seconds pass and silence fills the air.

"Fine then." The Leto Rex says. Slowly, he lays Ally down on the floor. Her emaciated body appears fragile enough to break against the impenetrable floor.

"Fine then what?" I ask, confused.

"Go ahead and kill me." The Leto Rex shrugs.

"You won't even fight?"

"No." He glances towards Ally.


"But why?"

"I've received a message from my fighters down at the central attack. You've overpowered us and my fighters are being slaughtered. They are all retreating."

"We've won?" I ask in disbelief.

The Rex nods. I stare with both confusion and acrimony towards the Leto who has almost decimated my life upon so many occasions. With only animosity, he glares back at me. Death seems an easy escape for him.

"I'm not going to kill you." I mumble.

Stepping forward with my dagger raised.

"You don't deserve death. Instead I'm going to allow Ally to control your fate when she awakens." I snarl.

With one last glance towards the sadistic Leto Rex, I use my sword to deliver a wound that will put him out of action long enough for him to be imprisoned. I have no guilt as I see him body collapse to the floor with the wound my dagger has inflicted upon his stomach.

I stand in shock for minutes, unraveling the series of events that have just occurred. We've won. The Leto Rex deserted his army. Humans have retained control. I'm safe to live my life the way I've always wanted. I can have a normal life, surrounded by Jared, Iron, Ally and possibly even Kyle.

I sink to my knees in shock beside Ally's curled up body. Pulling her into my arms, I place my head on her shoulder and begin to sob; completely overwhelmed with everything.

"Lara?" Her voice croaks from underneath me. "Is that you?"


"Why are you crying? What is going on?" She asks. She lifts her head and for the first time in weeks, I see her azure eyes.

"Because its over. We defeated the Sicarii."

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