Yang Xiao Long X Shy Male Rea...

By Super_Human456

84.8K 824 487

"Final Part of Breaking the Shell" After meeting your father, you and your friends set out to Vacuo to see yo... More

Morning on the Ship
The Kraken Attack
Welcome to Vacuo
Family Reunion
First Day In Vacuo
Raider Invaders
Welcome Home Committee
Meeting the Mother
Raiding Party
Breeding Grounds
Battle of the Grimm
Killing the Queen
I Want You Forever (Epilogue Part 1)
A Happy Life (Epilogue Part 2)

The Pit

2.9K 41 17
By Super_Human456

Vernal had guided both you and Yang throughout the mountain's base towards the location of Raven, Shay and the three other raiders who had returned from a small engagement over yonder. As you two were walking along the mountain's base, a few roars and screams could be heard, but nothing that really caught your attention that much. Finally, the three of you reached Raven, Shay and the others. Before them was an overly large pit, leading down to only God knows where into the earth. As you three approached the pit, you heard the screaming once again and Shay winced a bit as the screaming stopped.

Vernal took a position beside Raven as you and Yang went around the permitter of the hole. You glanced up and noticed that two of the other bandits were gone.

Vernal: Sit rep?

Raven: Marigold and his team were hunting down a small convoy. Wheels broke so they came running. A few minutes of screams and gunfire later leads us to here.

Vernal: Any volunteers?

Raven: A few. But like the convoy, they didn't really end up to well.

You and Yang glanced at one another with a large amount of concern on your faces. That concern was instantly replaced by annoyance as Shay walked up behind you both and placed a hand on either of your or Yang's shoulders.

Shay: Well, it's a good thing we these two, right?!

Shay didn't wait for an answer and pushed both you and Yang off of the cliff and down into the pit. He gave a smirked and looked up towards Raven. His smug look drops at seeing Raven's reaction to his own action.

Shay: Too soon? (Raven keeps up the glare) I guess, I should jump on down with them?

Raven: No. You are coming with me though.

Shay gulped before slightly moving back as Raven slowly walked over towards him. Meanwhile, you and Yang were falling almost to your deaths until Yang grabbed you and fired off a round with her shotgun and landed back against the wall. She grabbed it and was able to slow you guys to a near halt along the wall. You were dangling from Yang's boot as you glanced down and saw what you assumed to be a fifty foot drop down. You glanced up to Yang and she nodded at you.

You let go of Yang's leg and fell down towards the ground and landed with a little thump. You looked up and moved your arms and caught Yang bridal style as she fell from the where she gripped. You set her down and began to survey the surrounding area.

Yang: Well, what do you think?

(Y/N): Well, we are in a dark cavern. No possible light source anywhere...at all. We just dropped over a thousand feet and to make matters possible worse, we know that an entire convoy and two of your mother's bandits came and died down here. So, nothing really good.

Yang: Better than most situations we've been in.

(Y/N): Really?

Yang: Maybe.

(Y/N): How about not at all. Do-Do you even know where we a-are at all?

Yang looked around a bit, trying to figure out as well. However, after not getting an answer for a bit, you grew somewhat frustrated.

(Y/N): Y-Yang? D-D-Do you know, where w-we a-a-are?

Yang: Your stutter. You do it when you're afraid.

(Y/N): W-What?

Yang: Exactly. You always stutter whenever you are afraid or overly nervous. You stuttered when we first met. When you got your new team. Cardin. Wormzilla, every single time. But now, your stutter is going away, faster and faster.

(Y/N): Didn't you just say it-it came b-back?

Yang: (Sigs) Yes, but that's not my point. My point is though. You're getting better. We're getting better. I'm not sure at what exactly, but we are getting better.

(Y/N): Thanks Yang. You ever think about becoming a motivational speaker?

Yang laughed and patted your back. She then pecked your cheek and began to walk off.

Yang: Come on. We got to find a way out of this.

With that, you and Yang began your little journey. The two of you began to wonder around the cave systems below, trying to find both a way out and possible convoy members. The two of you took off down the northern most pathway of the cave system. The two of you would climb over rocks, cut some stone to make a bridge so forth and so on. You growing increasingly more and more concern that even IF you guys would make it out alive all while you had an unsettling feeling you were being watched.

The more you two walked down the pathway, the more that feeling of dread over took you. After a few more minutes of this feeling, you ran up to Yang and began to walk side by side with her.

Yang: You have that feeling too?

(Y/N): Y-Yeah. W-What is it?

Yang: Well, nothing to be afraid of that's one thing.

(Y/N): R-Right.

Yang: Seriously, don't be afraid of it. It could be a Grimm.

(Y/N): Fine, we'll split up.

Yang: No. We don't know where you will end up. It's better to stay together and-

You two then heard a scream. It was human alright. Without thinking, the two of you took off towards where you believed the sound to originate from. The more and more you ran towards the sound, the more it seemed the screen was further away. Then you heard the grunts and roars of something. Both you and Yang knew the sound to be some form of Grimm but the other screams seemed...more human. With that you two really took off running.

After running around for a couple more minutes, the two of you arrived at a large cavern and began to glance around for something. The screaming seemed louder than before and you two frantically looked around.

Yang: There!

Yang pointed downwards and you both saw a few people being pushed back by several creeps and forced into a corner. You took out your shotgun and cocked it.

(Y/N): Your bullets have a greater range. Try to hit them from far off!

Yang: And you?!

(Y/N): I'll see what I can do downstairs. Maybe tidy up the place before you get home. Little surprise.

Yang rolled her eyes and smiled as you leapt down from the plateau. While running down the hill, you loaded up your shotgun and finally, did one final jump towards the people, landed and fired off a round and killed one of the creeps. You converted your gun into your hammer and slammed it down onto the head of another creep. However, the last creep tackled you onto the ground and was attempted to bit along your head and shoulder.

You kicked on the creep's chest and got it off of you and threw it backwards. When you got to your feet, the Grimm ran towards you and attempted to lunge and attack you again until a shotgun round hit and killed it from behind. Yang then landed behind the corpse of the creep and walked over to you with a smile.

(Y/N): Showoff.

Yang: What, you think I was going to let you have all the fun?

You both turned back to the people, some held torches and waved them in front of you.

Man: Please. We just want to leave. You've already destroyed our convoy.

Yang: (Laughs awkwardly) Well, that was...my mom. We're huntsmen.

(Y/N): Well, huntsmen in training, but still.

Woman: Huntsmen? Then you know the way out? You know how to deal with that nest?

Yang: Nest?

(Y/N): Uh, Yang! I think I know what they're talking about!

Yang ran over to you and gasped in shock. Before you was a massive cavern containing several black pools and Grimm. Grimm began to emerge from those pools and all together roam around. You had just found a Grimm nest.  

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