R5 Imagine Journal

By OshmygoshR5

65.8K 1.3K 196

R5 one shots, imagines, and preferences! Request whatever you would like and I would be thrilled to write for... More

Riker - Comforting You
Ryland Imagine For Lara
Ross Imagine - Cruise
R5 Preference - Your First Baby
Riker - Spending the Night
Ross Imagine for Rebeca
Song Preference Stay With Me
Song Preference- Lucky
Preference Fan Physically Hurts You
Song Preference Not A Love Song
Riker imagine for Taryn
Riker Imagine for Wren (Partnership)
Getting Caught - Ryland Imagine for Lara
Rydellington- Ratliff's sick
Ross Imagine- Friend Jealousy
Riker Cuddling Imagine
Ross Imagine Visit him on tour
Riker imagine (Partnership part 2)
Riker Imagine (best friends with Rocky)
Riker - love hate relationship
Preview for Riker Imagine
Ross Imagine, THEY come to see you on tour.
Ross Imagine - Ross taking care of the babies
Ross Imagine - He visits you on tour (Part 2)
Rocky Imagine (AU) - College
Ellington Ratliff- He finds out he's a dad
Riker Christmas Imagine
Riker - Ski Trip
Riker Imagine - I Love You
Riker- A Peculiar Stranger
Riker - Proposing
Ross AU- Chemistry
Riker Imagine - Telling him you're pregnant
Riker (you're stealing him away) Request by Amelia
Best Friends with Rydel - Boys Flirting with You for Rachel
Ross Imagine - Parenthood
Ross Imagine - Parents Divorce, Ross comforts you
Riker Imagine - Road Trip
Ross Imagine- Smile
Ross - A Choice
Riker Bookstore
Ross AU Imagine - Eloping (Part 1)
Ryland Imagine The Other Girl
Riker Au- City Boy
Rocky Imagine Safe (Part 1)
Rocky Imagine- Safe (Part 2)
Ross Imagine "I can't believe you talked me into this!
Rocky- Safe (Part 3)
Riker Imagine - Ice Cream
Riker Imagine - Jealous
Rocky Safe Imagine (Last Part 4)
Riker Imagine- Thoughtless
Riker Imagine- Snowballs
Riker Imagine- Forbidden Love
New Years Kiss
Coffee Shop Crazy

Ross Cheating imagine for Rebeca

1.9K 28 1
By OshmygoshR5

"This is so fun Rebeca! We have to have these girls' nights more often, you're just so busy with the boyfriend now." Your friend spoke. You blushed "yea in a few days it'll be one year." You gushed. "Wow one year, it seems like you guys just started going out a few weeks ago, how is Ross doing these days anyways?" she replied. "He's great, tonight he's at football game with his brothers." She smiled back at you. "That's great, hey you want to go in there?" She pointed up to a club on street you were walking on and elbowed you in the arm. You looked up at her confused. "Are you serious, we are not "clubbers"! "Oh come on Please! We never get to do anything crazy and fun, we always go to coffee shops and restaurants we should try it!" she begged. "But we're wearing jeans, we'll stick out! Were just not like those people." "Please! Please! Please!" she whined. You sighed and rolled your eyes. She always wanted to do crazy stuff like that, go partying and dancing. She was a lot more adventurous then you were. "Fine..." you groaned she jumped up and clapped her hands "YES!" You entered into the little nightclub door and looked around. There was a huge dance floor in the middle of the club with a DJ booth in the front. There was also a bar with people lined up next to the back wall. You looked around nervously, there were girls wearing short skirts dancing. "I don't know about this!" you mumbled. "Come on it'll be fun." Your friend said dragging you out towards the crowded dance floor. She suddenly stopped right before you hit the floor. "Hey isn't that Ross?" you laughed at her and started to mumble "no why would he..." before you looked straight forward and saw a tall blonde out on the floor dancing. Why was he here? He had told you that tonight he was going to a bronco's game. You were just about to enter the dance floor to confront him when one of the girls wearing a short long sleeve blue dress that fit tightly around every curve and barely touched the thighs below her butt, gave Ross a shot glass. You watched as Ross downed the shot right away and started to dance. The girl in the short blue dress grabbed the ends of his jacket and started to dance around him. She turned around and Ross grabbed her by the waist and she bent over wiggling her butt in the air. She got up again and turned around face to face with Ross their faces hardly an inch apart. You didn't have any feeling watching Ross dance with some girl. All you felt was confusion. Why was Ross here? Why did he say he was at a football game? Who was that girl in the blue dress all over Ross? Ross's leaned in and put his forehead on the girls and grabbed her by the waist and started dancing some more. Suddenly Ross moved his head in and with a quick gesture his lips crashed into hers. The girl wrapped her arms around Ross's neck and they began to make out. Ross kept on her not even pulling away for a second. You began to shake, the second Ross's lips touched hers you could feel your heart break into a million pieces. You could feel you face burning red and tears start to form in your eyes. Watching Ross made the walls seem like they were closing in but you couldn't do anything, you were frozen solid in shock. All you could think was run! So you did. You quickly turned around and sprinted out of the club as fast as you could. "Wait, Rebeca!" your best friend called out to you as you ran out of the club. She caught up to you and tried to stop you by latching on to your shoulder. You slowed to a stop and tears started to flow out of your eyes. She quickly moved in and wrapped you in a hug. You started to let out sob, you couldn't control the crying. Your heart felt like it was going to explode. "WHY?" you yelled. She started to rub your back up and down with her hand to try to calm you down. You let out another sob. "I THOUGHT HE LOVED ME!"

You opened the door to his house. You walked in and there he was on the couch, just sitting there. He must have heard you walk in for he turned his head slightly to see you. "Hey babe." How dare he call you that now? How dare he act like nothing is wrong? You slowly approached the couch and sat down next to him. You hoped he didn't see the red and puffiness of your eyes from crying. You uncomfortably shifted on the couch. "Uh...I uhhh..." you stuttered. Ross looked up his phone. "What?" he asked. You fidgeted some more. "Uh... I...How was the football game." He shrugged. "It was okay I guess." How could he be so calm, so guilt free? How was he acting like nothing ever happened? Maybe he was used to this. Maybe he was used to cheating on you, making up excuses, and lying to you. You didn't want to believe this, you didn't want to believe what you saw last night. Maybe it was all just a dream, but you knew very well that it wasn't. You fumbled a little trying to figure out what to say, you didn't have enough courage to come right out and say: hey Ross ya been cheatin or what? "S-so uh... what was the score?" you stuttered. "We won 24 to 31" "Oh" you managed to mutter. He looked up from phone and scooted closer to you "Something wrong, babe?" There was that word again. You opened your mouth trying to speak but ultimately just shook your head. "No" The corners of his mouth opened to a half smile. He picked up a strand of your brown hair and began to twirl it around his finger. "Your hair is so beautiful." You flashed a small teeth less smile, trying to hold the tears back. "You know I have the day off, we could..." He reached in to kiss you, he got an inch away from your face when you quickly turned your head and gave him the cheek. He reached out hand and grabbed yours "Babe, what's wrong?" You jumped at the feeling of him touching you. You scooted away from him on the couch. His smile turned into a disappointing frown. "Rebeca what's wrong?" You jumped up from the couch. "I'm fine, I better get going." You turned to leave but he grabbed your hand and spun you around. "I know you're not fine what's wrong?" finally you just gave up and shouted "ROSS, I SAW YOU LAST NIGHT!" "He stepped away taken back by what you said. He shook his head in confused. "You went to the football game?" you shook your head in disgust. "Cut it out, Ross I saw you at the stupid nightclub!" "Oh, you mean Strana? The guys wanted to go there after the game that was it." "Ross don't lie to me!" You growled. "I'm not lying! Right after we won the guys wanted to go celebrate so when went there." "ROSS I SAW YOU! I WATCHED YOU MAKE OUT WITH THAT GIRL." Tears started to pour from your eyes again. "I don't remember doing anything like that, I would never want to hurt you! I...I...vaguely even remember that place all I remember was going there, we got really really drunk I just..." you cut him off "WELL I WASN'T DRUNK! I DESTINCTIVLEY REMEMBER WATCHING YOU MAKE OUT WITH THAT GIRL YOU WERE ALL OVER HER! Here maybe this will spark your memory!" You put up your phone to show him a picture of him kissing the girl with his hands all her waist. Your friend had taken it last night and sent it to you to use against Ross. Ross's jaw dropped. "I...I...I don't remember that. I mean Riker, Ell, and Rocky kept drinking so I kept drinking and it's just all a blur to me." You could see that even Ross's eyes had tears starting to form in them, his face was red, his eyes were watery, and he grabbed a chunk of his hair in front and scrunched it like he always did when he was upset. "THAT DOESN'T CHANGE THE FACT THAT YOU CHEATED ON ME!" you tried to get the words out between each breath. "Did you sleep with her!?" Ross looked up from the ground. "What?" "I said did you sleep with her!?" Ross shook his head. "No of course not!" "YOU SAID YOU COULDN'T REMEMBER A THING HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU HAD SEX WITH HER OR NOT!?" Ross shook his head. "I...I honestly don't know...I can't remember. I never wanted to hurt you. I love you." Tears continued to fall from your eyes and you tried to wipe them off, smearing your makeup on face. "Well you know what Ross, I don't think I can love you anymore." You ran out of the house and slammed the door. You stopped and stood with your back against the door and slid down, tucked your head into your knees and sobbed.

One Week Later

The last week you had been a crying mess. Without Ross it seemed like the worst and longest week of your life. He had tried to call and text you numerous times none of them which you answered. Your phone pinged again and you looked at it, this time it was from Rydel. "Hey Hun, you're still coming to the concert tonight right?" You texted her back "no I don't think so" you responded back. "What why not?" "It's only been one week it would be really awkward I just don't want to see him." You instantly got a response back "Don't come for that jerk come for me I haven't seen you in a while and I miss you! You already have the tickets!" "Fine I'll think about it!" you responded back. You really didn't want to go. It's been only one week since you broke up but Rydel was like a sister to you and you didn't want to disappoint her. You looked at the ticket sitting on your dresser: R5: 7:30. You pondered on it for a minute but then decided you would go, dress up, and make Ross sorry he ever cheated on you. You looked at the clock it was 3:47. You got up and took a shower then dried off and got ready. http://www.polyvore.com/ross_imagine_outfit/set?id=135376899

You usually didn't dress up for anything. You weren't girly like all the rest of the girls were, they wore dresses and were always super pretty. That always made you feel insecure. Maybe that's why Ross cheated on you, he wanted to be with someone hotter and prettier. It was about 5:30 by the time you were done getting ready. You texted Rydel "Hey I guess I'm coming" and threw your phone back on your bed. You took a step to look into the full body mirror. You looked at your dress, and your hair. You had never looked "Hot" before. "Maybe I can be pretty." You whispered to yourself. You had made sure to borrow a yellow dress from your roommate because that was Ross's favorite color and was bound to drive him crazy. Your phone buzzed and you walked over to your bed "come to the meet and greet I'm excited to see you!" You texted her back "Ok", grabbed your keys off of the dresser, and headed outside to your car.

Sitting in the venue parking lot you took a few deep breaths and got out. You walked into the venue and Rydel came scurrying over to you. "Hey!" she said and engulfed you in a hug. She stepped back and gave you an apologetic look. "How are you doing?" you shook your head "Fine, I guess." You said flashing a fake smile. You looked around at all the girls entering the venue screaming and chattering because they would finally get to see R5. Here we should go hang out in the dressing room we have a little time before the show and crowds are going to start to come in. "Okay." You nodded your head in agreement and followed Rydel around the venue until you got to a medium sized hallway. You looked up for a second and there was Ross coming out of his dressing room. The sight of him made your stomach dropped. You met eyes for a second and he looked shocked like he wasn't expecting you to be there. You quickly looked away and followed Rydel into her dressing room. Your heat started to beat faster. This was going to be a long night.

The band had gone through the Q&A, you were praying that some girl wouldn't bring you up. You could just imagine some girl asking Ross about you and his relationship and how awkward he would feel. You just sat and hoped that nobody would say anything about it but no such luck. "Ellington it's your question." Rydel said and Ell picked up a mic and searched through the audience. "You right there." He pointed to a girl standing near the front wearing a blue skirt and converse and a t shirt that read I love the Drummer. "Ross, are the rumors true about you and you and your girlfriend breaking up?" You felt your face heat up. Ross pulled his mic closer to his face. "Don't believe everything you see on the internet guys." "Then Rydel picked the next question. You were pretty satisfied about how he handled it, you would have been a nervous wreck. Now they doing the show, they were just about done with Cali Girls. Throughout the concert you struggled not to stare at Ross he didn't look the same as he did at most concerts. He looked upset. The end of the song everybody screamed and cheered. They started to grab a few stools and sit down next to each other. "Teardrops in your greenish eyes" Ross started to sing. Did he say greenish eyes? He knows you're there! If this was his way of saying sorry it wasn't going to work. "I can't believe I made you cry, it feels so long since we went wrong but you're still on my mind." You looked up at Ross again. There were tears falling down his face. He was crying, he was actually crying. "Never meant to break your heart." You could hear the strain in Ross's voice. There were tears still slowly falling down his face. You took a deep breath, you weren't too far away from the stage, and Ross had gotten you the tickets after all. Ross's eyes met yours. "So wait up, wait up Give me one more chance to make up, make up I just need one last dance." You tried to look away from him but you couldn't. Tears started to trickle down your face and you quickly wiped them away. You couldn't handle it anymore, you turned around and snuck out through the crowd. You went into the bathroom and wiped off your eyes, trying to fix your makeup. You walked back to the doors right in front of the auditorium. "THANK YOU! YOU GUYS WERE AMAZING!" They said into the mics. The show was over. You walked back quickly to Rydel's dressing room so you wouldn't catch Ross but with your luck there he was. He stood in the hallway face to face with you. He opened and closed his mouth to speak but then finally muttered a "Hey" "Hi" you responded. "Uh...Did you like the show?" he asked. You shook your head "Yea, it was good." "Good" he said dryly. He sighed "How are you?" You crossed your arms. "Fine, no thanks to you." "Rebeca, I'm really sorry you know that." "Is it because she was prettier, did you cheat on me because I'm not..." Ross cut you off. "Of course not! Why would you even think that?" "Because, I'm just not like those other girls, I thought maybe you cheated on me because I don't look like this most of the time." "Is that what you think!?" you nodded your head and one more tear started to fall down your cheek. "Baby, no!" Ross took you in his arms and wrapped you in a hug, even though you were still mad at him it felt comforting. "I was super drunk, I don't even remember that girl or what she looked like but if she was sexy I was probably kissing her because I thought she was you." You stepped away "You think I'm sexy?" "Of course! You are incredibly Sexy! You don't have to dress up I love no matter which way you look, actually I think I prefer it when you're just wearing jeans! You don't have to be like other girls to be sexy and I love that about you!" You wrapped your arms around him again and kissed him. You pulled away and rested your head against his shoulder. "Rebeca, I love you and I don't ever want to lose you again." "Don't worry you won't, I love you too Ross."

A/N: I hope you like it! It took a while haha! make sure you go check out my FanFiction: you're my music! Love you all have a great day!

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