Song Preference- Lucky

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They don't know how long it takes

Waiting for a love like this

A tear streamed down your face "they say were too young Ry, my dad doesn't even want me to be with you." You and Ryland were perfect for each. The love you had for each other was endless. Recently you both decided you wanted to be together forever and Ryland proposed. Even though you were both only 17 you were going to get married when you were 18. You didn't care what other people said about age you loved him and didn't think it should matter. "We'll make it work babe." Ryland mumbled you shook your head and tears streamed down your face "Ry how can we make it work? Nobody wants us to get married they all say we're to young and it isn't right to get married this early. Ryland wiped the years from your eyes. "I love you and no matter what anyone says I want to spend the rest of my life with you. They simply don't know what our love feels like! They don't know how long it takes waiting for a love like this!"


Every time we say goodbye

I wish we had one more kiss

"But I don't want you to leave! " you whined. Rocky looked at you "I don't want to leave you either babe" Rocky looked at you with sad puppy dog eyes. "You don't really have to go... You could stay here Riker and Ross both play the guitar they don't really need you." You joked "was that supposed to be funny?" He asked. You smirked "maybe it wasn't!" "Oh is that so?" You laughed and nodded your head again he tickled you and you tried to get off the couch and run he he caught you by grabbing you around the waist and spinning you around. You spun around wrapped your arms around his neck. "Let's just enjoy the time we have until I leave." He mumbled and you nodded he leaned in to kiss you your lips you were merely an inch from him when "Rocky do you have all your stuff packed?" Stormie came down the stairs. "Yes mom!" He whined "Well then put this last bag out in the bus. "Ughhhh!" He groaned and stepped away from you to grab the bag.

It was the next day, the day Rocky was leaving for tour. You were actually very upset you wouldn't see him for a while. Everyone else got on the bus and you and him stood in front saying good bye. "I'm going to miss you so much!" You whined. "Don't worry we'll still skype everyday okay." You shook your head "okay." "Now there was something I didn't get to do yesterday." He reached in and grabbed your waist and pressed his lips against yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck. You continued until a horn honked and you heard a voice "Rocky we gotta go!" He pulled away and wrapped you in a hug. Then he stepped away "I love you I'll see in a few months" "you nodded "I love you too babe" when he left you wished that you could have just one more kiss.


Lucky I'm in love with my best friend

"Are you nervous?" asked the hair stylist as she wound you hair around a curling iron. "I little I guess." You responded. Today you were getting married to the love of your life, Riker Lynch. You had known him ever since he moved out to California. You and him were friends for a while until he worked up the courage to tell you how he really felt about you. Your relationship with him was amazing. He was the sweetest guy on the world, no one else in the world made you feel like he did. Then on the anniversary of when you first met him he took you to a street carnival where he first bumped into you and proposed on top of the Ferris wheel. Now the day was finally here, your wedding day. You stood up and looked in the mirror. Rydel and your maid of honor, your best friend came over and stood next to you. "You look beautiful." Rydel said "thank you" you muttered and tried to straighten out the corners of your dress. Your nerves kicked in when it was time for the bridesmaids to lineup. You lined up behind them and music started to play. your little niece played the flower girl. She began to throw out flowers out of her basket and walk down the aisle. Then all your bridesmaids: Your two cousins, Rydel and your best friend all walked down the aisle. Then it came to your turn. You walked up to the aisle and stood there frozen. You were so nervous you couldn't move a muscle. What if you trip? what if you mess up? What if marriage was a mistake? But then you looked up and saw Riker standing there. He looked at you in awe since this was his first time seeing you in your dress. You realize what you were there for, you were about to marry Riker. You took a deep breath and starting to slowly walk down the aisle. You got up to where Riker stood by the podium, you were having a outside wedding and you could hear the birds chirping. "Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to..." Your mind trailed off as you watched Riker. He really was the perfect guy for you he always found a way to make you feel special. You snapped out of it when the preacher said it was time for the vows "Riker" the preacher shad and Riker began to speak. "At first I had no idea what to say or write. There are no words to describe how it feels when I'm with you. You make my heart race. I don't feel more comfortable with you than any body else and I guess I'm just really lucky to be in love with my best friend."


Lucky to have been where I have been

Ellington picked up his phone "hey Ross what's up?" "Hey can you swing by the store and pick up a pizza when you come over?" "You want me to go way out of my way just to go to the store and get a pizza." Ellington questioned "yea thanks see you when you get here." Ross said and hung up the phone. "Ugh!" He groaned. The store was way out of the way and he would have to drive all the way there and all the way back to the Lynches in all the traffic plus he hated driving. Ellington pulled up to the grocery store and got out. He walked into the store by a freezer section trying to find a good pizza. He reached in one of the coolers to grab a pizza and his hand touched your hand while trying to grab the same pizza " oh sorry" he muttered and looked up. You looked up also. The boy who's hand just touched yours was very attractive. "What's your name?" He asked and you blushed "it's uh..." Suddenly your mind drew a blank you were all flustered when it came to guys. "It's a (y/n)" you said feeling like a complete idiot about almost forgetting your names. Ellington chuckled " my names Ellington Ratliff and not to be to forward but you have amazing eyes!" You felt your face burning red. "Um..uh thanks." You tried to reply not trying sound so flustered. "So can I have your number?" he asked. You giggled "uh yea sure." You quickly exchanged phones then gave then back "I gotta go catch you around." He said with a wink. guys like that never have you attention. I guess You were lucky to be where you have been."


You make it easier when life gets hard

You ran out of the hospital crying and Ross came running after you. You got out of the hospital to the courtyard with grass in front of the hospital. You fell to your knees and sobbed. "It's going to be alright I promise." Ross said laying a hand on your shoulder "you can't promise that Ross!" You began to sob some more. Your parents had just gotten into a car accident and now they were both in critical condition in the hospital. You felt like the world was caving in on you. "WHAT IF THEY DIE! THEY COULD BOTH DIE WHAT THEN ROSS WILL EVERYTHING BE OKAY THEN!?" You screamed. You didn't mean to freak out at him he was actually the only thing that was keeping you together right now. It was just that you couldn't control yourself. Seeing all the cuts and bruises on your dad's face hurt you so much. Ross slowly stepped near you "Babe I know your hurting right now but you just have to believe it will be alright." He slowly wrapped you in his arms and you tucked your head into his chest. "I.. I don't get it Ross." You sobbed "I don't get it either, life has an odd way of speaking to us sometimes you just have to wait and see what it says." He wiped a tear away from your face and hugged you tight. His warm body was the only thing that made you feel comfort. He always had a way to make life easier when it got hard.

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