Ross Imagine - Cruise

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Ella looked at the large menu written on the chalkboard on the wall. She contemplated and let a group of young teenage girls go in front of her. The ship was crowded with them. She turned around to go back to the pool area she walked by a small secluded area with empty beach chairs and a boy with blonde shaggy hair ran straight into her carrying a smoothie.

“Geez watch where you’re going blondie!”  She exclaimed smoothie running down the front of her stomach.

“oh my gosh I’m so sorry, here let me wipe that off!” he picked up a towel sitting on one of the chairs and attempted to wipe off his spilled smoothie.

 “Its fine I got it!” she replied then lifted her face to see his. “Hey you’re…” he cut her off by quickly placing his hands over her mouth so she couldn’t speak.

 “Please don’t scream!” he begged. She ripped his hands off her face.

“What was that for!?” she replied.

 “You were about to scream you’re Ross Lynch!”

“What? No I wasn’t, I was about to say you’re in the room next to mine. Why would I scream Ross Lynch, you never told me your name!”

 “You don’t know who I am?” He asked puzzled.

“Should I?”

“Well... yea.” she crossed her arms and looked at him.

“And why is that?”

 “Because I’m Ross Lynch!”

 “Yes we’ve covered that, but how would I have known that? I just met you!” she replied confused.

 “I’m on TV! I play Austin in Austin and Ally! He then started singing a little tune. “There’s no way I would make it without ya! Be here without ya, do it without ya!” he made jazz hands and Ella laughed.

“I’m sorry but I really don’t know you. She replied “Well I’m also in a band! Maybe you’ve heard of us. Our name is R5. Ella shook her head.

“Afraid not!” Ross had a very confused look on his face like he couldn’t believe that someone didn’t know who he was.

 “Wow you really don’t know who I am!”

“Yea, that’s what I’ve been saying!”

 “Why did you come on this cruise then?” he asked.

“Well my cousin was coming with some friends and they cancelled so she asked me and I’m not going to give up a free cruise! And just because I don’t know who you are I’m not allowed to be here? A little full of yourself aren’t you?” she sarcastically replied.

“That’s not what I meant, this is a Disney Cruise Ship and this cruise is a special showcase take a cruise with your favorite Disney Stars.

“Well that explains all the preteen girls.” she chuckled.

 “And I am not full of myself! I’m actually happy you aren’t a fan!“ he defended. 

“I’ll have friends to hang out with that aren’t crazy, not that I don’t love my fans they just can be a little much.” 

“Hold on Mr. Famous who said I wanted to be your friend!” he smirked and gestured to himself.

 “I’m Ross Lynch everyone wants to be my friend!” Ella rolled her eyes.

 “Exactly!” she pulled his arm to towards the snack shop “come on blondie you’re buying me a smoothie!“ Ross grinned and followed her.

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