Ross AU- Chemistry

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You walked into the large room of people all seated at small desks. In the front there was a large white board with the word CHEMISTRY written on it. You sat down on one of the plastic chairs.

"Hello class. I am professor Martinson." He proclaimed. He spoke his name clearly, and loudly to adapt to the large room. It was a booming, angry voice just simply professional. "Welcome to Physics. I'm sure or I hope you're all familiar with the subject. And if not than I assure you, you won't be doing very well in this classroom. Enough with the chit-chat we have far more important things to talk about than your states of mind. Let's get to business shall we." You could already tell he was going to be the strict non-forgiving type of professor you often encountered.

"Before I forget, this here is my teaching assistant." The professor signaled over to point at a very attractive blonde sitting behind the large table where the professor stood. He had blonde hair that seemed to be pushed back a little over his forehead. He was wearing adorable thick framed, black square glasses. He was also sporting a very light blue, button up, denim shirt with white buttons. You couldn't help but notice how naturally attractive he was. His brown eyes, and muscled arms. "Mr. Lynch or Ross, whatever he prefers."

"Ross is fine." He spoke, almost adding a shrug at the end. The professor gave his consent to the answer by giving a little nod to the head.

"Ok." Professor Martinson added and immediately indulged into the world of Chemistry. Except you couldn't keep your eyes or ears focused on the professor. Not when one of the most attractive guys you had ever even seen was sitting right there. Through the whole class you couldn't keep your eyes off the blonde beauty. You didn't know much about chemistry but what you knew what that you really wanted to get to know who this Ross was.


"Thank you for tutoring me, I guess I'm just not good at this type of stuff." You spoke. Ross awkwardly shrugged. It was actually really adorable. About a week into the class Ross offered his tutoring services to the class and that was an offer you just couldn't refuse. Plus you needed the extra help for you never paid a second of attention in class, except if he was talking.

"You're starting to get the hang of it, let's try this next problem." He spoke. You looked down at the large green chemistry text book sitting on the desk you had in your dorm room. Whenever you saw the equations and words your mind jumbled. The book could've been written in Korean and you still would've understood the same amount.

"What about this one, I'm stuck." You admitted looking down at the confusing jumble of words and numbers.

"This one's simple..." Ross started to try to explain the problem, but as always the only thing you were paying attention to was his pure attractiveness. Somehow he was able to pull off being adorable and extremely hot at the same time. With his glasses, and button up shirt, blonde hair, and muscled arms. "Does that make sense?" he asked. You shrugged your shoulders, and tried to seductively bite the tip of your pencil.

"Sure." You absent mindedly responded. He rolled his eyes.

"Are you even listening to me?" he voiced almost annoyed.

"Maybe it's a little time for an h2o break."

"Chemistry joke. Funny." You joked. You smiled a little bit, and flipped a bit of your hair with your fingers. Ross didn't seem a bit interested with all of your flirting. He sighed a little. "Look I know it may seem hard, but it's really not. You just need to try." You flirtatiously bit your lip. You leaned in a little closer to him.

"I guess I'm just not good at this type of chemistry." You mumbled. You looked into his eyes as you inched a little closer to him. He cleared his throat and backed up a little. You smirked knowing you could were making him flustered. His cheeks grew a little red.

"He-here...Uh this problem...try it." He stuttered. You giggled a little.

"You know you're kind of cute when you stutter." You whispered. Your hair brushed up a little against his cheek. He grinned a little, and ran a few fingers through his hair. "I think I might be getting this. Opposites attract right?" he nodded his head, never breaking eye contact.

"And sometimes atoms are so attracted to each other, they stick together and can't move." You leaned in close enough to where you were finally nose to nose with him.

"Kind of like us." You sat in silence for a few moments less than an inch away from his face, looking into his eyes. Ross reached in a jolted his lips against yours. After a few moments he broke away. He scooted back.

"I'm sorry I don't know why I did that. I don't know if I should get involved with a student." You grabbed his chin and pulled his lips onto yours again. After you separated your lips you set your forehead against his.

"It's okay I like chemistry."

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