R5 Imagine Journal

By OshmygoshR5

65.8K 1.3K 196

R5 one shots, imagines, and preferences! Request whatever you would like and I would be thrilled to write for... More

Riker - Comforting You
Ryland Imagine For Lara
Ross Imagine - Cruise
R5 Preference - Your First Baby
Riker - Spending the Night
Ross Imagine for Rebeca
Song Preference Stay With Me
Song Preference- Lucky
Preference Fan Physically Hurts You
Song Preference Not A Love Song
Ross Cheating imagine for Rebeca
Riker Imagine for Wren (Partnership)
Getting Caught - Ryland Imagine for Lara
Rydellington- Ratliff's sick
Ross Imagine- Friend Jealousy
Riker Cuddling Imagine
Ross Imagine Visit him on tour
Riker imagine (Partnership part 2)
Riker Imagine (best friends with Rocky)
Riker - love hate relationship
Preview for Riker Imagine
Ross Imagine, THEY come to see you on tour.
Ross Imagine - Ross taking care of the babies
Ross Imagine - He visits you on tour (Part 2)
Rocky Imagine (AU) - College
Ellington Ratliff- He finds out he's a dad
Riker Christmas Imagine
Riker - Ski Trip
Riker Imagine - I Love You
Riker- A Peculiar Stranger
Riker - Proposing
Ross AU- Chemistry
Riker Imagine - Telling him you're pregnant
Riker (you're stealing him away) Request by Amelia
Best Friends with Rydel - Boys Flirting with You for Rachel
Ross Imagine - Parenthood
Ross Imagine - Parents Divorce, Ross comforts you
Riker Imagine - Road Trip
Ross Imagine- Smile
Ross - A Choice
Riker Bookstore
Ross AU Imagine - Eloping (Part 1)
Ryland Imagine The Other Girl
Riker Au- City Boy
Rocky Imagine Safe (Part 1)
Rocky Imagine- Safe (Part 2)
Ross Imagine "I can't believe you talked me into this!
Rocky- Safe (Part 3)
Riker Imagine - Ice Cream
Riker Imagine - Jealous
Rocky Safe Imagine (Last Part 4)
Riker Imagine- Thoughtless
Riker Imagine- Snowballs
Riker Imagine- Forbidden Love
New Years Kiss
Coffee Shop Crazy

Riker imagine for Taryn

1.1K 24 1
By OshmygoshR5

"Isn't there some way you could be here?" You whined, scooting closer to the webcam on your laptop.

"Sorry Tar, I wish I could but it's just not possible." You let out a sigh and slumped down in your chair.

"I hate this!"

"Uh babe I got to go I'll uh... see you later" *beep beep* a red call ended sign popped up onto the screen and it reverted back to the homepage.

 "Yea love you too." you mumbled getting up from the chair you pushed the screen of the laptop down and turned to exit your room. You walked out the door into the hallway seeing doors all the way down the hall of the dormitory. You actually really loved college. You got to take classes, join groups, make new friends, and experience college life. Except for the fact it kept you away from experiencing what you were really interested in: Riker. You loved his band, and you love college but they didn't go well together. Whenever you were free he had rehearsal and whenever he was free you had class. Right now R5 was on a huge tour across the whole U.S., you hadn't seen Riker in over two months and he still wasn't coming home for over a month. That wasn't even the worst part; tomorrow was your birthday. Riker was the most romantic guy ever. Ever since you've been dating him he had always done super cute and romantic stuff for every occasion. Like last year he took you a few hours away to someplace with a waterfall and stream in by a little forest where you swam and sat behind the waterfall in a little cave carved into rock formation. It was stunning, Every moment with him was, or used to be. Right away when he went on tour he promised your relationship would be fine, he was going to Skype you every night, text you non stop and send you loads of pictures. He did at first, he texted sent you pictures of all the venues and the places he was; but then it started to decrease. Now you were lucky if you even got a picture from him. Every time you tried to skype or call him he'd text you "sorry busy right now" and you wouldn't hear from him the rest of the day, you were super excited to even get ahold of him today. You hated to admit it but ever since he's been gone you were drifting apart. You walked down into a cute little lounge sitting next to a receptionist’s desk. You plopped down on the couch next to your roommate who was busily typing on her laptop. You laid your head on your shoulder.

"Riker?" She enquired. You silently nodded your head.

"What's wrong?" She asked you sighed and spoke.

 "He never has time for me!"

"Well he is really busy on tour." She mumbled you sat and and scowled.

 "who's side are you on?" You looked at you and giggled a little.

 "Sorry I wasn't aware I was taking sides." You laid back on her shoulder.

 "Sorry, I guess I'm just really uptight right now, I haven't seen him in two months and he can't even make time for me!" She petted the top of your hair.

"Well hey look at the bright side tomorrow's you birthday! The big 2-0" you sat up again.

 "That makes it worse!" You stood up and walked back over to the hallway. "I'm taking a nap!"


The next day you woke up and rolled over in bed. You barely opened your eyes and looked at a small alarm clock flashing and blaring noise. You slammed your hand over and hit the off button. 8:00 you must have forgot to shut off the alarm. You rolled over in your bed and not even 30 seconds had gone by when your roommate came into the room.

"Hey sleepy head."

"Uhhhhhhhh" you groaned. She chuckled.

 "Get up it's your birthday!" She said enthusiastically.

"I don't feel like celebrating." You grumbled and rolled over again.

"Come on!" She ran over and jumped on your bed.

"GET OFF!" You yelled you were already in a bad mood about Riker.

 "Geez crabby, come on get dressed I'm taking you out for your birthday, dress up were going to a real fancy place."

"I don't want to!" You grumbled "well that's too bad now get dressed." She replied before walking out of the room you got dressed in a floral dress and a black lace up heels. You walked out to the parking lot where she stood and you both got in her car. You set your head against the window.

"Where are we going?" You grumbled more.

"You'll see!" She smirked you rolled your eyes and put your ear buds in. I can't forget about you popped up on the screen. You quickly skipped the song because right now you just really didn't want to think about him.

"Table for two." The host asked as you walked up to the stand in from of what looked to be a super expensive restaurant.

"Um yes we have a reservation under Taryn." Your roommate answered.

 "Right this way." The host said and he leaded you through the restaurant to the stair case.

 "Wow you put it under my name?" You crossed your arms and continued to follow the host up the steep stairway. You got up to the roof top of the restaurant and saw all the tables were empty.

"Wow for such a fancy place you'd think they'd have a little more business." Your roommate elbowed you.

 "Don't be rude!" You sat at the middle table that was all set up with a singles white rose in the middle. You looked confused at the table they set it up almost like two people going on a date: the candles, the rose, the setting. You sat down and pick up the over expensive Italian menu.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Your roommate said and started towards the door.

 "Whatever" you mumbled and buried your face in the menu. A few seconds later a familiar male voice spoke.

 "Is this seat taken?" You looked up to see Riker standing in a suit.

 "RIKER!" You screamed and jumped up and wrapped your arms around his neck. He picked you up and spun you around.

 "Hey Tar" he set you back down and you wrapped your arms around his waist. A tear started to trickle down your cheek. He wiped the tear with his finger.

"You okay?" He asked you nodded your head.

"I'm just really happy!" A smile grew on his face.

 "Happy birthday babe." He leaned in and kissed you on the lips. You kissed for a moment and pulled away and rested your forehead against his.

 "I missed you so much!" He smiled.

 "Me too!"

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