the boy in the rain ✘ seungji...

By sunshineseungminnie

194K 10.7K 11K

When an introverted boy meets the boy in the rain. "Who knew that only you could make me feel alive?" - Seun... More

二十二 END.

3.1K 194 304
By sunshineseungminnie

190504 | 14:30


It was truly a miracle that the books weren't soaked at all despite it being rainy.

Seungmin placed the boxes on a small bench as he ruffled his drenched red hair, trying to dry it up as quick as possible.

He sighed deeply, small droplets falling off his clothes, landing on the cement. Even though what Hyunjin said was weird and he was acting so differently, Seungmin didn't thought it was fishy.

He just didn't want to think that way. Everything was perfect now, why would a stupid thought like that ruin that?

He couldn't help but get lost in his thoughts again, not caring about the reason he was here.


Seungmin shook his head furiously, slapping the sides of his head with his palms.

Get yourself together!

He decided to push those thoughts away for a bit, only thinking about the task that his boss gave him.


Seungmin was still amazed by the size of the campus. It was huge. How can someone ever find there way in here? It was like a real maze.

He immediately headed to the libraries after a good 20 minutes of roaming around. His arms started to ache due the heavy weight but he couldn't give up since he was almost there.

Seungmin threw the boxes in a corner, straightening his back afterwards.

The people who worked there didn't even seemed to care that much as they didn't even turned their heads to the latter.

He probably had to place everything in place like the last time but it was such a fun experience, especially since hyunj-


Seungmin immediately turned around, facing a boy with papers in his arms, smiling gently.


"Hello," he placed the stack on the bookshelf next to him so his hand were empty and offered him a hand to shake, "I'm Minho, lee Minho."

Seungmin stared at the hand, wondering if he should grab it or not without realizing he might had stared to long. The latter grabbed his hand and shook it gently. "I'm here to give you your work scheme."

My what?

The red haired boy raised a brow and shook his head. "I-I don't work here." He said, eyes focussed on a map that lied on top of the other papers.

"You're Kim Seungmin right? The principal told me to hand these to you."

Uhm? What the hell.

"O-oh okay... Thanks."

"Each week there will be student who will help you."

Seungmin nodded and grasped tightly into the paper, his expression blank. Will I see Hyunjin more often then? Those thoughts made him so warm inside. He actually didn't mind that he got transferred. The latter seemed to notice it, "is it that much work?" He asked, chuckling slightly.

Seungmin immediately shook his head, a small smile appeared. "N-no, it's nothing."

"Alright, good luck Seungmin!" He patted his shoulders before disappearing.


Seungmin smiled the way to the university, a bag lingering on his shoulders. His smile was brighter than ever, his mood better than ever.

He used to hate going here since uhm well it was packed with students and people. The last thing he wanted to do is interacting with others but today, he wouldn't mind at all.

He looked down his phone when he heard and obvious ringtone escaping from his device., a bright smile appearing on his face.

Minnie, I missed you so much! Let's meet after school <3

Seungmin already could hear Hyunjin say those words.

He didn't paid attention to the road and bumped into someone, causing both of them fall on the cement floor. Seungmin yelped in pain, rubbing his knee that was already bruised because if the harsh fall.

"I'm sorry, seungmin."

Seungmin stared at the boy in front of him. He was almost certain that he never saw him before but why does he know his name? He also doesn't have any social media nor does he know anyone, beside HyunjinS on this campus so it was even more suspicious.

"I-it's okay.." Seungmin wanted to know who he was but just couldnt managed to ask it. It seemed like his mind went blank after saying those two words,

"I'll see you around." The stranger smiled as he stood up, letting the red haired boy sit in the middle of the sidewalk, all confused.

He jumped up, brushing the sand off his clothed. Seungmin couldn't help but stare at the back of the stranger.

Suddenly a sharp headache hit him. He yelled in pain, his fingers rubbing his temples in circular motions.

[this was right before prom started]

Seungmin looked over his shoulders and saw his silhouette in the distance. The corners of his mouth raised, a huge smiling appearing in his face.

"Hyunj-" his hand was mid air when he saw Hyunjin with that boy.

They were noticeably a lot together and for some reason it annoyed him. His smile disappear in seconds, a pout appearing on his face.

Chan rested his hand on his shoulder. "Is something wrong?"

Seungmin looked over his shoulders again, seeing Hyunjin hugging that boy in the distance. He felt a bang, his heart breaking in pieces.

"Who's that?" Seungmin pointed at that boy, who was walking a bit ahead of hyunjin.

"Ah, that's Changbin."


His shook his head. He looked around for a bit, still confused as why he had that flashback.

Changbin. That was Changbin.

He wondered how he knew his name when they never properly spoke before. Why did he got that weird flashback. What would that even mean.

He decided to push those thoughts away for now. His mood was way to good to get it ruined by this.

Seungmin continued to walk, the sun shining brightly on the earth.

The mood on the fields were so good, people greeted him, showing a warm smile as he passed them by. He finally knew the way to the libairy. It felt like he worked here for ages.

He hummed in the empty hallways, classes started minutes ago. He looked inside the classes, hoping to spot the boy he haven't seen in a day but with no luck.

It's okay, he was sure that he will see Hyunjin anyways later the day.

Oh wait.

He totally forgot to tell him that he works here. Seungmin was pumped to tell him and seeing his cute and happy reaction. He felt warm inside, still smiling.

"Seungmin! Over here."

The moment he stepped inside the empty libairy, he heard someone calling him.

"There are the books that you need to order and then you're done for today." The old man told him, giving his smile before sitting  back in his wooden chair.

He didn't responded but instead gave a understanding smile.

The boxes were heavy to the point that he had to shove it on the floor. He pushed it, smiling brightly as he viably was having fun.

"What are you doing?"

The red hair d boy straightened his posture, flashing an awkward smile. "O-oh, hey."

Hyunjin leaned against the book shelf, chuckling at the cuteness that the other boy showed. "Need some help?" He pointed at the box that was nearly the size of seungmin himself.

He knew that Seungmin would decline his offer so he went ahead and picked up the giant box with no problem and walked over to the back of the library.

"H-how-?" How in the hell could he carry that? We swore that not even The Rock could carry that beast.

Hyunjin dropped the box on the floor, puffing loudly before standing up again. "How is your day going?" Hyunjin asked as he looked through box for the correct books.

Seungmin didn't even knew how to answer to that. No one asked him such question before. "Uhm... Good..."

Hyunjin turned to Seungmin, his attention fully on the latter. He chuckled. "You don't sound to sure. Did something happened on the way here?"

"Ah... I will tell you later."

At that point he knew he should've shut up and said something that wouldn't question anything.

"Sure, we're going to meet up later anyways. You got my message, right?"

Seungmin gave a nod as Hyunjin ruffled his hair gently in a mess out of no where.

The younger boy whined and slapped his hand off his red locks but instead, Hyunjin grabbed his wrist tightly, pulling into a hug. The strong grip around his wrist caused him to nearly trip but Hyunjin caught him just in time.

"W-what are you doing?" Seungmin asked and tried to pull away but the grip only got stronger.

"I missed you."

"We saw each other yesterday, dummy."

Hyunjin pulled him tighter, his hand stroking his hair. The strong strawberry scent of his hair was so pleasing.

"Hyunjin," Seungmin grabbed his waist, desperately trying to pull him away but he didn't bugged, "we need to work."


Seungmin was the first to pull away and was about to say something when Hyunjin leaned in. His face was just inches away from him and Seungmin swore that his face was the same shade as his hair.

"You," Hyunjin smirked, "have some crumbs on your lip. Didn't you cleaned up your face before coming here?"

"Aye," Seungmin pushed him roughly away, hiding his face in embarrassment, "y-you're the only one who noticed it anyways!"

"Let me clean it up for you." He smirked again and Seungmin swore his heart did a thing, a weird but nice feeling thing.

Hyunjin grabbed into his waist and pulled him closed, faces so close from each other. Seungmin was done. His face was already redder than his hair and there was no way that he could hide his tomato head.

His eyes was fixed on his beautiful full lips. He closed his eyes, ready for whatever was coming next. Hyunjin kept a gently smile on his face and pecked his lips sensually but gently.

"Like that," he smiled contently, "let's go to work now."

Seungmin was frozen in his spot. He just stared blankly at the latter as he tried to process what just happened.

M-my first kiss!

His finger lips gently touched his lips, thinking of the kiss just made him blush even harder.

"o-oh, of course."

Hyunjin chuckled at the flustered boy, finding it absolutely adorable. Seungmins eyes kept growing big as he moved the books in the right shelfs, obviously his mind still being somewhere else.

"Min," Hyunjin called but the latter didn't responded, "I love you!" He nearly yelled, but quietly enough so no one beside them could hear it.

Hyunjin... Stop doing this to my heart and tell me who you are.



Sup folks.

This is quite a short chapter so I promise the next one will be a lot longer! I probably will explain the plot in the next chapter so stay tuned for that uwu.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and see you next time!!

Xxx sunshineyoungmin

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