Ache and Hunger ~Complete~

By wannabeloved3

164K 6.1K 410

Everyone has an ache and hunger, some people are just better at hiding it than others. And some people run fr... More

What they look like to Me
Chapter 0: Prologue
Chapter 1: The Snap Part 1
Chapter 2: The Snap part 2
Chapter 3: It's Been A While
Chapter 4: Adulting is hard
Chapter 5: His dream girl
Chapter 6: Falling Easily
Chapter 7: Fight for her
Chapter 8: Pyschos
Chapter 10: Counseling a Cupid
Chapter 11: On Her Own
Chapter 12: Pent Up (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Pent up ( Part 2)
Chapter 14: Temptation for a Demon
Chapter 15: One Answer, Two questions
Chapter 16: Rollercoster of Emotions
Chapter 17: His Favorite Sin (Part 1)
Chapter 18: His Favorite Sin ( Part 2)
Chapter 19: His Favorite Sin ( Part 3)
Chapter 20: His Favorite Sin (Part 4)
Chapter 21: The Morning After (part 1)
Chapter 22: The Morning After (Part2)
Chapter 23: The Morning After (Part 3)
Chapter 24: My Best friend and My brother
Chapter 25: Girl talk, Tea and A kiss
Chapter 26: Procrastinating
Chapter 27: A Week Without
Chapter 28: Demons Don't Apologize
Chapter 29: An Angel's First Ache
Chapter 30: A Taste
Chapter 31: Bite and Backbone
Chapter 32: Helping and Safeguards
Chapter 33: Witness His Favorite sin (Part 1/4)
Chapter 34: Witness His Favorite Sin (Part 2/4)
Chapter 35: Witness His Favorite Sin (Part 3/4)
Chapter 36: Witness His Favorite sin (Part 4/4)
Chapter 37: Morning Care
Chapter 38: High
Chapter 39: Open and Foggy
Chapter 40: Denial, Distraction, and Foggy
Chapter 41: Happy and Foggy
Chapter 42: No Longer Foggy
Chapter 43: Open, Raw, and Ugly
Chapter 44: First Date Prep
Chapter 45: First Date Discussions
Chapter 46: Honeylips and Sugarplum
Chapter 47: An Angel's Sin ( Part 1/2)
Chapter 48: An Angel's Sin ( Part 2/2)
Chapter 49: Yours To Have
Chapter 50: Peace, Dread, Repeat
Chapter 51: Eyes Open
Chapter 52: First Flame

Chapter 9: Some Truths

2.9K 129 8
By wannabeloved3

A/N: I hope you all enjoy!

Corciel's Pov:

Alexis pulled her head back in surprise as Lilith opened the door to the apartment. Lilith's eyes brighten as they landed on me. She grinned widely as she spoke, "Hey!"

Before she could continue, I shook my head furiously at her. I didn't need Lilith to spill the beans just yet. Lilith looked annoyed for a slip second then she spoke again, "Who's this, Lex?"

"This is Conner, he", Before Alexis could continue recognition sparked in Lilith's eyes.

She spoke with a laugh in her voice, "Of course. Conner. Nice to finally meet you".

Lilith offered me, her hand to shake. Alexis pushed Lilith's hand away. Her face slightly flushed as she said, "Don't say it like that, geez."

I raised an eyebrow at her as amusement danced in my eyes. I fought against my grin as I asked Alexis, "You make it sound like she's implying something, Doll. What's going on?"

"Nothing!", Alexis spoke the word sharply as she motioned for Lilith to move with one hand. The other hand grabbed my shirt, pulling me into their apartment, "Come on."

I followed her into the apartment, looking around at everything. I needed to distract myself from the fact that Alexis is so close. I looked back at Lilith as she closed the door behind us. She glared at me in return. I turned away from her. Silently hoping, that she won't be pissed enough to blab the truth.

Alexis let go of my shirt, once we entered the little kitchen. I stood next to three stools that are lined up in front of counter.

Alexis pointed at one of the stools, "Sit, I'll be right back."

Once Alexis left the room, Lilith hissed at me as she walked over to me. Lifting her hands to make air quotes around Conner, "What happened? Why are you Conner?"

"I didn't want her to have any bias against me, from whatever you told her about me. So I met her as Conner.", I told her with a slight glare on my face.

Before Lilith could even start to defend herself, I shook my head. I didn't want an explanation, right now.

"As for the first question, a human named Marcus tried to stake claim to what's mine.", I spoke with a growl from the anger I still had from the audacity of that human.

"The odd thing though was how his angel was staring at Alexis. I confronted him and got his name. Will you look into this for me, dear sister?", I spoke fast and in a low tone.

So, Alexis wouldn't pick up on any of this. I lifted a hand to stroke my beard, as I wondered why an angel would be interested in a human that isn't their charge. The way he looked at my Alexis unsettled me.

"Of course. What's his name?", She asked me as she placed her hands on her hips.

The sound of Alexis returning, prevented me from speaking the angel's name. Alexis put a bottle of cleaning alcohol, some cotton balls, and a few bandaids on the counter. She held a washcloth in her hand as she walked over to the sink.

She spoke as she started to run some water in the sink, "Did Conner tell you what happened?"

"He said and I quote I couldn't just let my favorite person get messed with and do nothing", Lilith spoke as she leaned against the archway between the kitchen and the living room.

Alexis laughed in a light way as she shook her head slightly, "That's a lie."

I raised an eyebrow as she wrung out the extra water from the washcloth. Alexis walked over to me, she offered her hand. I gave her my hand, basking in the way my inner fire roared in pleasure from her skin on mine.

I questioned her with a lopsided smile on my face, "You sound so certain of yourself Doll. Why is that?"

"Because Lilith always calls me her favorite person. I'm just a barista to you", Alexis answered my question as she wiped off the dried blood from my hand.

You're everything to me. That would have been my automatic answer. It sat on my tongue waiting to be pushed into the air. The feel of her skin on mine encouraged me to speak the truth.

I swallowed those words and said something else, "Everyone is entitled to their stupid moments."

Alexis gave me a scowl as she let go of my hand. Her lip curled in distaste as she spoke, "Don't bad mouth my best friend. That will make my mind up real quick, about keeping you in my life, Conner."

"That wasn't my intention, Doll", I told her sincerely as I glanced over at Lilith.

She stuck out her tongue at me playfully as she flipped me the bird. I was tempted to spill the beans myself. I should be one of the most important people in Alexis life. I am her soulmate, after all. The way she keeps saying how she's debating having me in her life, is kinda pissing me off.

Alexis grabbed the bottle of cleaning alcohol. She opened it up, grabbed a cotton ball and soaked it in the liquid from the bottle. She took my hand and started to dab the wet cotton ball on my cuts.

"You've been saying that for a while now. I'm curious. Why haven't you made up your mind yet?", I asked her with a raised eyebrow.

She moved placing band aids over the cuts. She, then, moved on to my other hand. She bit her lower lip,while she cleaned my hand.

I continued to talk, "Don't you enjoy our daily conversations? Ain't it fun the way we tease and share jokes with each other? I consider us as friends by this point. Am I just delusional? Do you even care about me at all?"

Alexis closed her eyes as she took in a deep breath. She placed the last band aid on my hand. She immediately let go of me. I reached out and took her hand in mine. The fire roared in happiness from her touch. She looked over at Lilith for some reason. The second I looked over at Lilith, she turned and walked into the living room. I felt as if I missed something as I turned back to face Alexis.

Her eyes were closed again as she exhaled, then spoke, "It's not that simple. As much as I like seeing you every day at work. As much as you impressed me with dealing with Marcus. As safe as I feel with you. We shouldn't"

She paused in her words, taking in another deep breath before she continued, "Lilith's brother is a powerful person. And he wants me for some reason. I don't want to see what he'll do to you for just being around me."

"But if we are just friends, he shouldn't care, right? Do you even want to be with him?", I frowned as I asked these questions. Lilith makes me sound like a possessive, asshole.

Alexis started to slip her hand out of mine. I tightened my hold on her. I didn't want to let go of her yet. I am getting honesty from her because of us touching right now. Her eyes opened and they landed on me. A mix of emotions swirling in her brown eyes.

"Conner, I have a history of being friends with males and they eventually want more than just friendship. In the end they always regret asking for more. I don't want history to repeat itself with you.", She paused looked down at our hands.

I lifted my other hand to lift her head up, by cupping her chin. She had her eyes closed again as she spoke, "As I said before, I don't want to see you hurt. To address your second question, I at least owe her brother a meeting."

She pulled back fully from my hands. She collected the reminder of the things she used to clean my knuckles. She walked around the other side of the counter and put things away.

I got up and walked onto the living room and hissed at my sister, "What have you been filling her head with?"

"Why not drop the facade and ask her yourself", Lilith told me as she continued to flip through channels on the T.V.

“Oh, right like that will go over well, right now”, I told her in a sharp tone then clenched my jaw in annoyance at myself.

Maybe it would of been better if I just introduced myself for real. I could fix this by erasing her memory of Conner. And, just reintroduce myself as the real me. Well, at least a more human version of myself before I show her my true nature.

"You made this more complicated than it needed to be", My sister chimed in again, which interrupted my thoughts.

I ran a hand down my face as I spoke in an exhausted exhale with a sarcastic tone, "I'm starting to see that. Thanks."

"No problem.", She flashed me a grin that lasted two seconds.

“Is what she said about her past male friends, true? You never mentioned that", I questioned her as I walked in front of the tv and crossed my arms over my chest.

Lilith sucked air through her teeth, while curling her lip. She took a deep breath. Her expression changed in a moment to something more relaxed as she spoke, "You really should ask Alexis herself you know."

"She has her guard up because of you", I growled at her as I took a step forward.

"Not just me. It's the world, how she was raised. How she reacts to things. It's no one person or thing fault", She told me as she motioned for me to move out the way of the t.v.

When I didn't move an inch, Lilith stood up with a frown on her face. She walked over to me rolling her eyes.

She lifted an hand and tapped my temple before she spoke, "Did you ever think that. Oh I don't know. You have been waiting 22 years for her while she hasn't been waiting for you. I decided to tell her about you, because I was trying to save her from more heartbreak."

Her expression turned softer, her eyes held sadness in them. She pulled her hand back and let out a sigh. Her expression went back to it's usual state, before she spoke again, "You've had your fun this month with her. Now, will you just tell her and deal with whatever reaction she gives."

"Why would I do that? She doesn't even consider us as friends. She doesn't even want me", I pointed out the obvious with a scowl on face, directed at my sister.

The sound of Alexis return made my whole body tense. That last words that came out of my mouth, bounced around in my head. Violent, loud, overwhelming in a way I wasn't use to at all. My heart clenched in my chest as I realized all this was pointless. Alexis deserved better than some demon as a soul mate. She deserved a king.

I turned walked out of the apartment without a backwards glance. I wasn't even halfway down the hall, when I heard her voice calling out, "Conner wait!"

I didn't stop, I was doing this for her own good as well as mine. I stopped when I felt her arms wrap around my waist. Her body pressed against mine, perfectly. I wanted to turn around and hug her back. I wanted her.

She started to pull her arms back as she spoke, "I know you heard me geez. It's rude -"

She paused her in sentence as I lifted my hands to grab her wrists. I lifted her hands up, resting them on my pecs. I wanted her to feel the effect she has on me. Maybe actions will be louder than words, when it comes to her. I felt her warmth seeping into my body as I warmed her in turn.

"What is it, Doll?", I asked her after a moment of silence passed between us.

It was a comfortable silence, I just needed to hear her voice. Being alone with my thoughts for too long, while this fire rages because of our skin touching. It isn't a good recipe. I could easily see myself turning around. Pinning her against the wall. Kissing her lips and doing much more. I needed something to distract me from staying rooted to this spot, to her forever.

She let out a light laugh that renocented from her chest to mine. I smiled at the sound. I felt her smile against my back before she spoke, "I forgot what I was going to say. You're so comfy, Conner. Why are you so comfy?"

"You're rather comfy as well, Doll", I told her honestly as I finally let go of her arms.

Once my hands were at my sides again, I spoke again, "I need to go."

"I'm so sorry", She sounded mortified as she let go of me and took a few steps back, "I don't know why I did that. I'm just going to go now. Be safe getting home, Conner."

“See you later, Alexis”, I told her as I continued my walk out of the apartment. Every step away from her felt irritating in a way that made my jaw clench. I pulled out my phone and texted my sister the name of the Angel.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Please, leave a comment! If you want to read ahead, Check out my Radish account.

The next chapter should be out 4-24-19.

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