FINALLY MET YOU (Hayes grie...

By hearty6

14K 337 50

When Hannah's dad gets a new job in Mooresville, North Carolina she doesn't think much of it except leaving... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 & 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (short chapter)
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 8

373 6 2
By hearty6


I woke up this morning to my alarm and I just remembered. We go back to school from our week and a half off. Yea our school had some gas leak or something. I don't know. I woke up and just put on my navy VANS t shirt with kaki shorts and my black vans. I walked downstairs and saw Nash asleep on the counter. He is the biggest idiot I have ever met.


"Wha what?!?!?!"

"Wake up."

"What the hell Hayes!"

"We have to go to school, so get your lazy ass up and let's go pick up Hannah."

"Uhhhhh fine."

He grabbed his keys and when we walked outside it was actually REALLY cold. It was October so I guess it should start getting colder. We hopped in the car. When we pulled into Hannah's driveway, she was waiting outside. She was wearing a light pink long sleeved shirt with white skinny jeans and black flats with her hair down in curls. She's so cute! I hopped out the car and gave her a hug and then we were off to school.

When we arrived at school Nash dropped us off and me and Hannah walked inside holding hands. We were getting a lot of stares but that always happens with new couples at our school. Hannah didn't seem to notice, she was on her phone checking Instagram. I walked past Ashton in the hallway and it turns out. I broke his nose.... Hannah definitely saw that because she started bursting out laughing, which only made me laugh too. She then of coursed high fives me.

We got to everyone and as soon as we got there Melanie instantly left.

"So you guys are a couple now?" Zoey asked.

"Yep!!!" Hannah said.

"OH THANK GOD! I thought I was going to have to fake being happy for you and Ashton for a while. I totally wanted you and Hayes together. Ashton is a man Whore."

Zoey was hilarious. Hannah and everyone else instantly started laughing and that's when the first hour bell rang. Oh god. I just remembered that Ashton is in her first hour. I really hope he doesn't try anything. I walked her to her classroom and gave her a hug.

"I'll see you in 3rd hour. Don't go running back to Ashton while I'm gone." I whispered back to her.

"Don't worry he's apparently a man whore."

That made us both laugh but I also had to get to class so I let her go and headed off. Ashton better watch out if he tries anything.


I walked into first hour and sat in my normal seat. Not to close to the back and definitely not right up front. I was getting out my notebook when Ashton walked in the room... We exchanged awkward glances and then he sat down in the front row.

The hour went by slowly but when that bell rang, I couldn't of wanted out of there faster. Until I felt a strong hand on my shoulder turn me around. It was Ashton. I put an annoyed looked on my face and tried to get away but he was too strong.

"Hannah just please let me explain!"

"What's there to explain Ashton. You cheated on me and now you have a broken nose. Karma's a real bitch isn't it!"

I felt amazing that I just said that. Oh yea girl. Get it!

"Hannah just please.."

"Ashton I have to get to 2nd hour goodbye."

I pulled away and started going down the hall and looked back. He was sad. Whatever I could care less right now. 3 more hours went by until finally the lunch bell rang. YAS!! In case you haven't noticed, Food is life.

"Hey Hayes can you save me a seat? I left my lunchbox in my locker"

"Sure babe."

I walked down to my locker and got my lunchbox out of it when it suddenly slammed shut. And there was Ashton standing right there. Can he just leave me alone already!?!?

"Hannah just please let me talk to you."

"No Ashton now can you please move I want to go to lunch."

"Not until you let me explain."

I let out a sigh.

"Fine, you have one minute."

"Okay so I was getting ready for you to come over and I got a text from Melanie saying that I left my book bag at her house from when I helped her with her homework. So she came over to give it back to me and I invited her inside so she could help me decide which shirt I was going to wear. She told me that I shouldn't be freaking out because I shouldn't be with you in the first place. I started saying that she was wrong but then she told me that you told her that you didn't even like me you just dated me for popularity. I knew that wasn't true but she leaned in and kissed me and I was stupid enough not to stop. When I saw you looking through the window and saw us, I was crushed and I pushed her off me and ran after you, and well I guess you can figure what happens from there. I'm really sorry Hannah and I really hope you can forgive me and one day take me back."

"Thanks for telling me the truth Ashton but that doesn't change the fact that you cheated on me and broke my heart. I forgive you but I still need time to know I can trust you. I'm not going to take you back because 1, I'm with Hayes now and he is amazing. 2, if you didn't want me in the first place then why now and 3, your a huge dick."

" I know I am and I'm sorry."

"Ashton it's been more the a minute now can I go eat now?"


He was sad. I could tell. But I'm with Hayes and he makes me happier then ever!

"Hey babe where have you been?"

"Oh my locker didn't open."


He gave me a kiss on the cheek and went back to eating his sandwich. I decided not to tell him because I didn't want Ashton to have to get his nose removed because Hayes punched it so many times. He is amazingly protective!

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