2am ; jinkook

By thrussyoongi

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[thrussyoongi2017] where seokjin and jungkook always come crawling back to one another around 2am More



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By thrussyoongi

you don't understand

jeongguk was sat next to taehyung, hurriedly filling in the blanks of his study packet while his mind was elsewhere. he'd felt fluttery and swarmed with light ever since his date with seokjin, and felt like he'd spontaneously implode any moment now.

he had to bite at his lips to hold back his smile, or palm at his mouth to conceal an oncoming, giddy giggle. he felt absolutely nothing short of wonderful and wanted to revel in the feeling for as long as he was allowed to. he'd catch seokjin's eye every so often, and that did little to help his frenzy of fantastical butterflies beating their wings in his stomach.

jeongguk was a fool, but he didn't care.

that night, the night of their date, they'd succumbed to the sweetest of intimacies. seokjin had taken jeongguk wherever in the penthouse the youngest so pleased, in every position and state he wanted. his heart swelled and his stomach pooled with arousal at the memory; their skins fiery and breaths hitched. jeongguk was a fool so far gone for his professor; and should care—he can't bring himself to even pretend to.

"you're awfully quiet." taehyung nudges jeongguk softly with his shoulder to catch the boy's attention. taehyung was actually quite the fast learner and breezed through the practice guide with a swift flick of his pencil. jeongguk was stuck trying to remember if the 'i' came before the 'e'.

"am i?" the younger trilled absentmindedly, swaying to the music in his heart. "i'm watching you, kook," taehyung narrowed his eyes at jeongguk once the boy finally looked his way.

"can't i just be happy and silent?"

"you're never silent. you talk too much, kook, and that's what i love about you," taehyung slumped over in his seat and pointedly stared at his friend, "so spill, what's got you in your head?"

jeongguk forced back the beginnings of bubbly laughter, choking on the sound and clearing his throat. "it's really nothing, just that i so happened to have gotten a date last weekend."

taehyung's eyes widened impossibly large, resembling a fish on the verge of popping from an oxygen overload. maybe jeongguk should spend some time away from the seaside.

"no way!" taehyung momentarily forgotten they were in class, because his voice had raised several octaves higher. much inappropriate for a setting where everyone else were speaking much more calmly. when a few people looked their way, jeongguk kicked the leg of taehyung's seat with a glare. "don't be so loud," his hissed quietly, "and why are you so surprised?"

"i don't think that's a conversation you want to have here." taehyung eyed the front of the classroom where seokjin was stood beside a student, obviously helping out with something they had a question on.

jeongguk felt a bit startled, not exactly understanding the connotation of taehyung's words and the sudden bitter tone he spoke with. "is there a problem?" he didn't want to get defensive, not when he was in class—the class he shared with the man he was partly getting defensive over, and not when he was in such a delightful mood.

"kookie, come on," taehyung had righted himself, but put his chin in the palm of his hand with his elbow firmly rested on the tabletop. his lips were downturned into a slight frown of uneasiness, a dissatisfied look in his gaze that only made jeongguk's heart pound a little harder. "you were so bummed about him not even a full week ago, and look now. you're wrapped all tight around his fingers."


"what?" taehyung frowns, not quite understanding jeongguk's mumble.

"what if that's where i want to be? you don't–you don't get it, tae, what it's like being with him. he's not just some guy," he stressed before lowering his voice, "he's my professor. of course he's going to be reserved, i'm sure he has his concerns. but he asked me on that date, i think that says enough regardless."

taehyung looked at jeongguk for a long while without saying anything, without blinking much. "i think he has too much control over your feelings." he said finally after several beats of stifling silence, and turned back to his classwork. jeongguk gaped at his friend's side, saying nothing but looking like he wanted to.

taehyung looked miffed and pointedly ignored jeongguk's piercing stare for the rest of the class.

"jimin and i are having lunch in my dorm. hoseok's got a project so he'll probably be in the library," taehyung said once seokjin concluded the end of their class. he was packing his belongings into his dark messenger bag. "swing by if you want." he gently patted jeongguk on his back, not paying much attention to the boy's face.

"i'm invited?"

this time, taehyung did look at him. with a frown creasing his brows, he sent a subtly bewildered look. "of course? plus, you always bring by those little treats and there's no way i'm not taking advantage of that." he laughed heartily at his own words, taking the time to push in his seat for the next group who'll be entering the room.

"you aren't mad at me?" jeongguk's voice was small and unsure. he could've sworn taehyung was upset, not sure when he got over it. all through class taehyung had kept to himself, didn't even glance jeongguk's way after their conversation either.

"no, jeongguk i'm not mad at you. i'm just concerned... worried? this relationship you have isn't exactly easy and i want you to be careful with yourself." taehyung's dark eyes bored into his, his voice low enough so that no one near could hear unless they really tried. he sighed heavily, swinging the tan strap of his bag over his shoulder before ruffling jeongguk's hair and sending it into a frenzy of curls.

"come by, okay? we miss hanging out with your dork ass." taehyung shoved him from where he sat a bit. it wasn't hard enough for him to be pushed back, and he was much stronger than taehyung was, but he let himself be jostled by the motion. jeongguk's laugh was airy, a bit incredulous, but so happy.

hi this is short but i've honestly forgotten how to write hmm how tragic

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