Professor | Johnny Depp [Comp...

By DarkGuardian_15

67.4K 2.2K 571

Ember starts her third year of college with high hopes even though she knows she won't be seeing any of her f... More

Chapter One | Poetry
Chapter Two | Talking To Strangers
Chapter Three | Lunch
Chapter Four | Secret Friendship
Chapter Five | A Day Out On The Town
Chapter Six | Soft
Chapter Seven | Gentle Love
Chapter Eight | Waffles For Breakfast
Chapter Nine | The Owl's Nest
Chapter Ten | Missing Sketchbook
Chapter Eleven | The Carnival
Chapter Twelve | Mr. Depp's Flower
Chapter Thirteen | Coming Clean... Sorta
Chapter Fourteen | The Dance
Chapter Sixteen | Not So Perfect Birthday
Chapter Seventeen | Caught
Chapter Eighteen | Professor

Chapter Fifteen | Trick or Treaters

2.1K 93 7
By DarkGuardian_15

Ember's POV:

Mr. Sandman by the Chordettes was playing through my speakers as Onyx and I rode into town. We were gonna look at the Halloween stuff and grab some extra candy in case we ran out tonight. Usually we get a lot of trick or treaters at out house, so my dad and I just wanted to be prepared. "Did Johnny say what time he was stopping by?" Onyx asked, breaking the silence. "He just said he'd come before six o'clock." I replied. I expect him to show up at least at five or five thirty just be at my place before the trick or treaters start showing up. "I hope your dad likes him even more now that he thinks you two are friends. I know you couldn't tell him the truth, but at least he knows who you're spending weekends with." He said as he ran a hand through his blond hair. "I hope so too. I just want him to like Johnny enough to not freak out when I tell him I'm in a romantic relationship with my professor." I said, and he chuckled slightly. "I don't blame you." He said with slightly raised eyebrows. The rest of the car ride was quiet besides the music that was playing on the radio. When we got to Wal-Mart I parked the car and we walked into the building. All of a sudden I was overwhelmed by the amount of people that were in there. It looked like it was Christmas eve and everyone was trying to find last minute presents. "Holy shit!" Onyx said. "You can say that again. Let's get what we need and get the hell out of here." I said as we went straight for the candy isle. Half of the shelves were bare, but we ended up snagging a couple of good bags of candy. Then we hurried towards the Halloween costumes and decorations. A part of me regretted it, because this was the busiest section of the store. We grabbed some orange and black taper candles along with some orange tea light candles. Then we practically ran to grab a couple large pumpkins for carving. "Alright, let's get out of here." I said. Since the check out lines were packed we diced to go through the self check out lanes. There was a little bit of a wait, but it didn't compare to the wait we would have had if we went to regular check out line. Eventually we got back to the car and loaded everything inside. He took the cart back and once he got into the passenger seat we headed back to my place. When we got there my dad helped Onyx and I bring everything inside. I was so excited to start carving these pumpkins, because it's one of my favorite scents. I think fall and spring really smells the best compared to winter and summer. "I'm glad you guys got a bunch of pumpkins. You two can carve them while I fix the food for tonight." He said after we sat everything down and relaxed for a few moments. After a while Onyx and I laid newspapers down on the picnic table, which was in the back yard. Then we brought out pumpkin carving equipment out after setting the pumpkins on top of the newspaper covered table. We had a knife each along with the usual store bought carving kits. "What design are you gonna do?" I asked Onyx curiously. "I'm not sure yet." He replied as we started cutting the tops off the pumpkins. Once the top was cut off I used a big plastic spoon, that came in the carving kit, to take the seeds and goopy stuff out of my pumpkin. "Hey guy, I hate to interrupt but Mr. Depp is here." My dad's voice said, taking our focus away from what we were doing. But we stopped cutting as we turned around so we didn't end up hurting ourselves. Johnny was standing next to my dad looking as handsome as ever. He had a plain black t-shirt on with blue jeans. I was use to seeing him all dressed up at college and stuff, so it was a little off seeing him dressed so casual. But I had to admit that those blue jeans fit him so good. "I thought you were gonna show up at five o'clock. I would have had the food in before now." My dad said. "It's okay. I was just sitting around my apartment and I figured why not see if you guys needed any help." Johnny said. Seeing my dad and my boyfriend talk like friends made me feel so happy. Obviously, no one but Onyx knew that Johnny and I are a romantic couple. "I'd give you a hug, but my arms and hands are covered in pumpkin guts." I said and he smiled at me with a sparkle in his beautiful brown eyes. "It's okay. I'll give you a hug when you're finished carving." He said. Hearing him say that in front of my dad made me feel a little awkward, and I think he felt awkward as well. I guess we were just way to use to hiding everything. "Would you like to help me cook or help them carve pumpkins?" My dad asked Johnny curiously, breaking the awkward silence. "Well, I think I'll help you since you seem to be cooking all alone." Johnny said with a small smile. "Great! I have a lot more stuff to do." My dad said as he lead Johnny into the kitchen. "I bet you would have liked it if he stayed to carve pumpkins with us." Onyx whispered. "I would have, but I know my dad needs help with the food and stuff." I said as I finished carving my first pumpkin. "What is he making anyway?" He asked me curiously. I told him that my dad was making a couple homemade pizzas, buffalo chicken dip, and a bunch of other stuff. He even ordered a vegetable tray. He really went all out because Onyx and Johnny was coming over. When we finished making our jack o lanterns we started cleaning up everything. "Let's put them along the entry path leading up to the front porch." Onyx said after we threw all the trash away. I agreed with him. Once we placed the jack o lanterns where we wanted them I went inside to get the tea lights we bought earlier today. When I got back outside Onyx and I put the tea light candles in the jack o lanterns. The two of us were going to light them once the sun goes down. When we were finished my dad and Johnny walked outside to check out the work we've done. They complemented us on the designs we made. Most of them looked like normal and classic pumpkin faces. "I really think all the trick or treaters will really like seeing these when they come up to the door to get candy." My dad said, and Johnny agreed. After a while we went back inside. Onyx and I washed our hands before we pitched in to help prepare the food for tonight. There was an excitement in the air that I couldn't ignore. Halloween night is ways the best, even though it's also kinda sad. But after October is over I always go ahead and start planning for next year. As we finished cooking it was time for the trick or treaters to start showing up. My dad turned on the porch light, which we replaced with an orange colored bulb. He plugged in the other lights we've hung up as well. Johnny and Onyx helped me light the candles that were in the jack o lanterns. "I'm really glad you invited me over, Ember. The night has barely started but I'm already having fun. It just feels good being around all of you." Johnny said sweetly in a hushed tone. "I'm glad I invited you too. It was actually my dad's idea." I said as we all stood up. "Well, I guess he wanted me here tonight more than you did." He joked with a cute smile on his face. "Hey, you know I love you. I just didn't know if he was okay with you coming over to spend time with all of us." I said with a small smile. "I know that sweetheart. Come here." He said as he opened his arms to me. We pulled each other into a snuggly hug that made my insides melt. I breathed in his heavenly scent and wished I could stay in his arms forever. "I love you so much." He said as he gently tightened his arms around me. "I love you too, Johnny." I replied. After breaking the hug we went inside. We found my dad setting the food on the kitchen table. Onyx was lighting orange and black tamper candles in the living room. "The food is read. Grab a plate and fill it up." My dad said as Johnny and I washed our hands. We filled our plates before we gathered in the living room. I seen that Onyx had already put in a movie for us to watch. He picked out The Little Vampire, which is one of my favorite Halloween movies. As we ate a few trick or treaters showed up and we all took turns handing out treats. When nine thirty rolled around we had at least fifty kids show up all together. Last year we only got thirty, so it seemed as if we broke a record. The rest of the night consisted of eating food and candy as we watched various Halloween and horror films. It sort of gave Johnny an excuse to be close to me, just to be the protective friend. But I knew why he wanted to he so close to me. We were use to cuddling any time we watched tv or a movie together, but we couldn't cuddle in front of my day. That would have given everything away. "Well, I'm calling it a night. You there can stay up as long as you like." My dad said around eleven thirty. We told him goodnight and Johnny decided he should head home too. I desperately wanted him to spend the night, but I knew he couldn't. Onyx was already sleeping on the couch, and if Johnny slept in my bed then my dad would ask questions. Johnny and I walked outside to say our goodbyes. I closed the door behind me as we stepped out on the porch. "I'm so glad you came over, Johnny. I really liked spending time with you." I said with a smile. "I'm glad I came over too. Your dad is nice and so is Onyx. I... I hope I'll get to spend more time with you guys, especially you." He said as he placed his large hands on my waist to pull me close. "I'm sure we'll get to spend a lot of time together." I replied as we wrapped our arms around each other. I snuggled into his chest and breathed in his wonderful cologne. "Too bad we didn't get to cuddle tonight." He said as he tightened his arms around me, and I agreed. We broke the hug slightly before we captured each other's lips in a tender kiss. His lips felt so much softer than they usually are, and it made my insides melt. I snaked my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers in his smooth, curly hair. He smiled into the kiss as he gently nibbled my bottom lip slightly. I broke the kiss as I giggled, which mad him chuckle lightly. We both smiled as we nuzzled our noses against each other's. "I love you." He said softly before kissing my lips once more. "I love you too, Johnny." I replied after we broke the kiss. After we said our goodbyes I stood on the porch and watched him leave until his tail lights disappeared in the distance. When I walked back inside I helped Onyx clean up and put stuff away. "You look happy." Onyx said, breaking the silence with a slight smirk on his face. I knew he figured Johnny and I kissed, which is why our goodbye lasted so long. As soon as we got everything put away we said goodnight to each other. He was fixing up the pull out bed when I walked upstairs to get to my room. I changed into my pajamas and climbed into bed. All I could think about was Johnny as I fell into deep sleep.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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